theperson7 — Foundation profile: V-Rex

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Published: 2023-07-15 02:17:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 10226; Favourites: 80; Downloads: 2
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Name meaning in Latin: RAVAGER LIZARD KING 

Domain: Eukaryota 
Kingdom: animalia 
Phylum: Chordata 
Subphylum: Vertebrata 
Class: Reptilia 
Order: Saurischia 
Family: Tyrannosauridae 
Genus: Vastatosauridae 

Length: on average 40 to 50 feet (12.1 to 15.2 meters) in length 
Height: on average 20 to 30 feet tall (6 to 9.1 meters) in height 
Weight: 15 to 20 tons ( 18000+ kilograms ) in weight 
Ecological Niche: APEX large predator 
Danger level: Low so long as one poses no threat or is nearby on when they are hunting
Life Expentacy: 50 to 60 years old 
Sexual Maturity: 20 for both sexes and capable of reproducing every couple of years until they die of old age or perish by the many other hazards on the island 

“ to think at one moment in time millions of years ago our planet was once inhabited by giant animals that from our perspective would appear like monsters out of a fantasy novel is in of itself nothing short of astounding….even more so in that no matter what discoveries are made the tyrannosaurs from their apex in the Mesozoic to their continued dominance upon skull island proves just how small we as a species are compared to life itself “ - SCP foundation paleontologist Jessica spencer upon the nature of humanity to the dinosaurs of skull island 

“ It looks like the T-Rex’s older and meaner brother with a prison record!?!?!? “ - mtf teufort nine member scout 

Throughout the history of life on our planet no matter what kind of environment exists there will always be a predator….some small and non very influential…to others that can leave lasting influences upon the very culture of our species both living and extinct. And while the dinosaurs may be gone they are still very much alive in the imaginations of both awe inspired Star eyed children to the active and digging men and women in the field of paleontology alike. For every new discovery we see just how derived each of the predatory dinosaurs were from the swift raptors to the giant clawed megaraptorans to the massive semi aquatic spinosaurus ALL ultimately and from a paleontological perspective pale in comparison to what is THE most iconic dinosaur to ever exist….TYRANNOSAURUS REX. 

Ever since it was unearthed in the badlands of the western United States in the early 1900’s the mighty form of the tyrannosaurus has captured the imagination of every dinosaur enthusiast and expert at some point in their lives with it really needing no introduction ever since the Jurassic park movies super rose its title as the mightiest predator to Ever walk the earth. And unlike other prehistoric animals it’s fame and power is based in grounded reality due in part to having one of THE strongest bite forces of any animal living or extinct rivaled only by a few specific creatures…..but in terms of raw penetrating bite it is SECOND to none.

but despite the animal coming from a family called the tyrant lizards it’s origins are evolutionarily humble before it became what it was. Around 166 million years ago in the middle Jurassic period the ancestors who would one day evolve into the mighty tyrant lizard dwelled in the areas of land that would one day become Asia and North America living as small tiny generalist carnivores in the shadow of larger carnivorous dinosaurs called carnosaurs but despite existing for around 100 million years or so the tyrannosaur species only developed large sizes near the end of the Mesozoic around 90 to 85 million years or so. 

The key to the success of the tyrannosaurs lied in their main way in which they brought down their prey…their BITE. Now while all theropod carnivorous dinosaurs use their biting mouths to kill during the Mesozoic most typically used it in conjunction with their other body parts thus their teeth typically were incredibly sharp…but thin almost like a shark more for cutting and slashing flesh…the tyrannosaurs were NOT like that. For them their teeth evolved to be able to crush and penetrate through BONE meaning that unlike the other tactics of carnivorous dinosaurs where they either ran down and exhausted their prey or bit off and let blood loss do the job….all it took was ONE bite from a tyrnannosaur and them holding on and it was it. 

Thus with their bite they were able to bring down animals that were easily their size if not bigger by a single well placed bite to the neck or other vulnerable area allowing them to spread all across the northern hemisphere in North America and Asia with only Europe excluded due to the isolated island chain it was during the age of the dinosaurs while the southern hemisphere was dominated by the abelisaurs, megaraptorans and dwindling carnosaurs that were gone by the time of the K-pg extinction event. While they didn’t exist for long only coming to rule for around 20 million years or so it was still enough to show how remarkable adaptable these animals could be had they been allowed to evolved for longer. 

However that thought was answered when the SCP foundation in the 1930s uncovered the legendary skull island and saw that dinosaurs still ruled the earth…and on skull island the tyrant lizards still existed in the form of skull islands most dominant apex large carnivore

to understand this animal we need to understand how it came to be by examining its origins. Thanks to both geologic mapping using cutting edge technology as well as fossils found in bone beds on skull island and actual genetic analysis from dna samples of the animal itself the VASTATOSAURUS red or V. Rex for short is the direct evolutionary descendant of Tyrannosaurus rex which we theorize arrived on skull island along with various other creatures when the anomalous movements of skull island brought it to North America some 66 million years ago allowing them to arrive on the island along with various other animals it hunted and would forever call the island home where it would rise to become its top hunter

Despite the superficial similarities the V Rex bears a number of adaptions it has acquired distinct from its Cretaceous ancestor in order to survive the ecologically super competitive nature of skull island. The first is in their skulls which have over the course of 65 million years become more tighter and robust with the bone dense and incredibly strong with it having multiple anchor points for muscle to give it a strong bite of around 10 to 12 tons which is actually TWICE that of its ancestor trex which had a 6 ton bite force capable of crushing a car. At first one would believe it to be excessive but when it comes to tyrannosaurs it’s ALL about the bite and it is no different especially due in part to the number of large and dangerous prey it has to deal with on a daily basis to survive 

the next adaptation would be their feet. Because of how big they are the walking gait and strides that tyrannosaurs would normally do when they were not chasing prey would be enough to casually walk and catch up to a sprinting human. This is thanks to the foot bones of the carnivores bearing unique ligaments that helped to better cushion and keep the bones from suffering extreme stress allowing them to extend and take bigger strides forward than other animals of its day of similar sizes. This is still true for the vrex but unlike it’s Cretaceous predecessor it’s feet have had to face the challenges of the skull island terrain. Unlike the trex which inhabited a range in North America comprising of for the most part open and even and stable ground with forests, rivers and fern plains the terrain of skull island is MUCH more unpredictably varied with the ground due to the tectonic forces responsible for shaping the island being very unstable in certain areas as well as various other ecosystems that would cause the animal to be unable to move through it 

Thus the V Rex has on its feet specialized pads that help to cushion and better support the animal allowing it to maintain its footing on sand, normal earth, rocky ground, angled cliff sides and other treacherous terrain without issue thanks to the next adaptation it’s skeleton. Unlike its ancestors ( as well as near all theropod dinosaurs not of skull island in general) it has a gap between the ribs and pelvis forming a actual waist for the animal which while it does mean it’s technically slower than it’s predecessor it means it is much more flexible and can make more sharper and quicker turns to allow it to maneuver through the denser jungles and other habitats of the landmass. 

Making our way back up to the front of the animal the next odd feature would be it’s arms. Now in the paleontological community especially when it comes to the trex there exists a running joke about the tiny size of the carnivores arms and how they were practically useless… that is a GRAVE Miscalculation as a whole. Physically the arms of the vrex are actual as long as a human leg from hip to toe longer than the human arm sized length of its ancestor with the main difference the existence of 3 clawed fingers on its arms which is surprising since tyrannosaurs normally have two with those who have been assigned to skull island debating that the number of fingers either to be the result of the unique energies that influence the evolutionary processes that occur to the animals of the island, inbreeding due to the island restraints of genetic flow between animal populations being much less detrimental or a combo thereof we may never know. But what we DO know is that the strength of the arms is strong capable of lifting up to 800 pounds in each arm and able to move and rotate them at a 90 degree motion allowing them to be used for display and communication between individual animals, mating displays by growing feathers on them during certain times of the year and in certain areas of the island or helping to lift up and move freshly killed animals to feast on. 

Moving up back to the mouth the teeth have become similar in growth to that of a shark where those lost on combat will continually regrow throughout the life of a vrex which culminates in that while technically FEWER than the trex are large around the size of a human fore arm being very thick and blunt perfect for stabbing and breaking bone with the teeth arranged in a asymmetrical pattern thus anything that is bitten by the dinosaur will be unable to pull itself out without further tearing its flesh a genius means of allowing it to be able to ensure NOTHING can escape its clutches. 

Focusing off of that in terms of senses those of the V.Rex are without doubt some of the finest of ANY of skull islands large predatory dinosaurs. For starters the whole myth postulated by Jurassic park of the T. rex being unable to see someone unless they move is a myth. In the past the trex thanks to recent skull examinations and analysis has now been revealed to be able to see with a level of detail and accuracy comparable to that of eagles and hawks due to their eyes being arranged in a stereoscopic vision allowing them to see everything both in front of and to the direct sides of it as well. On skull island it has been recorded to be able to see up to 6 miles away or 12 kilometers with them also having an incredible sense of smell as well that the only real way to hide yourself from one nearby is to disguise your scent to where the vrex will be unable to pick up you up such as in dung but even then you would need to wait as it also possess hyper sensitive hearing allowing it to pick up low frequency sounds so the best real way to avoid being spotted by one is to mask your scent, stay out of sight and not to make any noise whatsoever .

Now we come to the outside of the animal. Now the notion of which dinosaurs had feathers and ro what extant they did has been a topic hotly debated amongst dinosaur experts since the evidence of feathers on them first came to be known. And despite so the trex has been debated in it as well with it ranging from a full body covering of feathers to a mane of quill like feathers around its neck on skull island the outcome is pretty surprising. At a glance the skin of a v Rex overall bares many resemblances to the traditional images of what dinosaurs were thought to be like from the mind of Charles R knight being large and scaly and like that of lizards and crocodiles but as more fossils were uncovered including actual fossilized skin we moved on from that notion altogether, but for the vrex it actually possesses the appearance of what is thought to be a outdated perception until closer examination revealed a surprising truth. The osteoderms along the back and body of the v Rex are not actually true osteoderms but Rather hardened bumps formed by the quills that used to be feathers along the Body of a vrex having evolved to harden to be able to better protect the animal from the more deadlier elements and creatures of skull island. 

All of these features come together to create one of the most deadliest predators the world has ever seen with its final weapon being its brain which while not as complex as a human or the more smarter animals like the venatosaurs or kongs allow it to be able to perform surprisingly intelligent moves and feats for an animal of its size. Namely since it is not very fast it uses the main way of hunting used by all tyrannosaurs waiting behind cover before bursting out and sprinting to the nearest animal and biting down to kill it but it is more than capable of also stealing the kills of other animals using its larger strength and size as well as bullying other animals off a carcass to scavenge from it. Thus thanks to the constant environments of skull island, plentiful supplies of food and overall perfect climate the VASTATOSAURUS essentially dominated the ecosystem of skull island becoming the number one apex predator with any other previous apex predators having to be forced into more niche portioned roles to avoid going extinct through competing with the more larger and stronger tyrants. 

In terms of prey items the VASTATOSAURUS is practically spoiled for choice as one on one without any other factors it can kill and eat just about ANY animal it can come across smaller than It but large like it or larger than it it CAN still do it but not unless it is certain it can do so without risking a serious injury as they are very patient and practical animals and won’t risk attacking something that could legitimately end its life. But those factors aside the main bulk of its diet will be hadrosaurs like ligocristus due to the sheer abundance of the herbivore but can feed on foetodon, ferrucutus and infant brontosaurus but will be more hesitant for the latter unless it’s certain the herd is not nearby

as for the life style the way a v Rex will be raised will depend entirely on how productive a habitat is for a parent v red. If a ecosystem is more deadly to the point caring parenting would be impossible the vrex mother will typically lay a clutch and then use urine and dung to mask the nest to disguise it before they hatch and live their lives all alone and grow up first as small pursuit hunters in the jungles and forests before eventually growing bigger and taking to the plains and watching the adults and learning their behavior until they are learned enough to start making their own kills. For a more stable habitat such as one without any large and dangerous predators a vrex mother and a father will take up residence and mate and have a clutch of eggs and raise them with a surpassingly gentle level of parental care with them first bringing food to feed them before eventually bringing them along in their hunts to teach them how to hunt prey with observations of them forming groups that can include a large family with grand parents, cousins, nieces and other family members that can help teach the youngsters should one of the adults perish and die. This means that VASTATOSAURUS can depending on the circumstances fall into both the old and modern view of how dinosaurs raise their young thus they can be both abandoning in some situations while also being surprisingly good parents amongst the dinosaurs from the islands as all but a tiny few know NOT to approach a v Rex nest unless they are specifically adapted to disguise their scent or use their nest to hide their eggs in to ensure they survive by being protected unknowingly by the most dangerous carnivores on the planet 

But back to their history the V Rex would rule the island for another 55 million years that is until 10 million years ago when they would have their top role replaced by a mammal….the species known as megaprimatus kong….the species that the legendary King Kong is apart of.  Now unlike the other animals the tyrants faced the massive apes overall were totally different in how they fought in that they utilized their body in conjunction with incredible intelligence and mobility to outmaneuver and outsmart the tyrants. With the two when they first encountered one another actually having a war between their species with fossil beds showing skeletons of the two species dated back to around 9 million years ago showing evidence of MASSIVE fights between the two groups which most likely would have resulted in both sides going extinct were it not for the arrival….of the SKULLCRAWLERS. 

While the skull crawlers are covered in another file for this one they evolved in a specific part of skull island isolated from the greater land mass and were hyprvores which needed to eat to stay alive constantly or else they would die. Thus in the fossil beds from 8 to 7 million years ago there is a large collection of bones of many animal species that showed that the skull crawlers had begun to literally eat all of the animals into extinction with their mistake being in targeting both the younger kongs and tyrants to both stop and actually cease their conflict due to the danger the skull crawlers posed to the greater ecology of skull island actually managed to cease their conflict to face a greater enemy with further fossil as dated to around 7 to 6 million years ago showing the signs of the struggle of the two species against them until they had managed to beat them back to a more controlled area which is maintained by them to this day. While fights do still occur they are much less common than what was originally thought to have occurred millions of years ago since now the two species rarely interact due to the Kongs living in the more denser higher areas of skull island while the vrex has stuck to the lowlands and lower jungles with the two now having a sort of mutual respect seeing one another as kings of their mutual lands. 

Now we come to the final section…their relationship with us human beings. Now despite all of the things pop culture has portrayed regarding massive carnivorous dinosaurs and humans being nothing but food…the reality is that it’s surprisingly not the case. Since the vrex due to its size needs a MASSIVE amount of calories to sustain itself something that a creature with the weight and mass of a human being can barely sustain itself with alone with some researchers comparing humans beings to the prey it hunts like trying to convince a man who ordered a steak to eat a chicken nugget not only is it unfulfilling to the vrex due to how small it is it would not be worth the effort to catch since it would be more of the prey range for the youngest of its kind or the other smaller carnivores of the island. Thus it means as long as one maintains a safe and respectful distance and doesn’t do anything rash it is possible to be near to a tyrant with v Rex related casualties only occuring mostly becuase the human accidentally provoked it or if it’s starving with the latter being exceedingly rare. 

As for all the cultures and settlements on the island of the skull island the mighty v Rex is a symbol that cna mesn just as much as power, awe, might, and respect as well as death, terror, fear and dread thus it is one of the main animals associated with the sheer deadly nature of the island by its raw power alone especially from the powerful roars it uses both when males and females challenge one another as well as signifying their territories and that they own them but for any unlucky human being who happens to incur the wrath of one Lu better run and find a safe place to hide for their will be nothing to stop them from hunting you down. 

HELLO everyone! Theperson7 here! And I just made another entry this time one of the various profiles I have constructed for all of the various creatures for the skull island that is being used for the roleplay my friend and I are doing at the moment which probably has the longest description so far I have ever done. For our rendition of skull island we decided to primarily base it off the 2005 version since it is the most fleshed out of them all and that unlike the other variations the animals feel actually interconnected with one another like an actual ecosystem thus while it is deadly it is still grounded in realism albeit with skull island having magic energy that is able to evolve the creatures on it in ways even 65+ million years of evolution  for the dinosaurs shouldn’t be able to do. Thus allowing us to create many unique creatures while not being ridiculously unrealistic so while they are large they will not be too large  with sauropods being the most largest at around 150 feet long at the most. But other than that I decided to do this one mainly as a follow up the one of king by showing off his former rival but now ally species since in originally in the Peter Jackson King Kong universe the kongs were wiped out by being aggressively hunted down by the v rexes leading to kong himself being the last of his kind by the time the film takes place. However in our roleplay things are different in that the skull crawlers who while smaller than the ones from the legendary universe still bear their hypercarnivorus nature interrupt the two species very early on forcing them to fight them together and thus preventing any sort of lasting grudge as the two species forced them into a specific areas and decided to not bother one another by simply living in different areas. True some skirmishes occur every so often but overall it’s mostly isolated since I wanted it to be where the kong isn’t actually the last of his kind but merely the greatest if his kind by still having his kind around and in large numbers due to how in real life the apes that inspired kong gorillas take a long time to reproduce making them very vulnerable thus it would be eliminated as fewer things would actively try to hunt them lest they incur the wrath of skull islands guardian of balance. 

But other than that I hope you all have a nice day and a good night and be sure to leave a comment and a fave 

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