TimidCute — Bravenight's Application

Published: 2014-01-03 23:26:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1983; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 2
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"Only the bravest will venture the night."


Name: Knight | Bravenight
Nicknames: Knight, Night
Gender: Tom
Rank: Warrior
Age: 36 moons + (3 years)
DOB: December 15th
Mentor- N/A (James)
Apprentice- Creampaw
Clan: Moonclan



{Charming} {Gentleman} {Playful} {Loyal} {Friendly} {Devious} {Paternally}

Charming: Since he was a kit, Bravenight has always had a way with words. He made friends easily, and tended to get away with everything, no matter what it was. Bravenight is quite the smooth talker, especially with the she-cats~ He is, as you say, a "knight in shining armor."

Gentleman: Bravenight is a true gentleman, through and through. Even though he is quite a flirt, he knows when he's about to cross the line, and he NEVER crosses the line. And he believe's in the "gentleman's code," with everything he has- meaning every queen, kit, and elder is fed, and taken care of first. He has been a loner for the majority of his life, but as a kit, he heard some of the other loner's in his little "family" speak of the warrior code. Ever since then, he vowed to uphold that code: even if he wasn't a warrior at the time.

Playful: A trait he's kept since he was a kit, Bravenight is somewhat "immature," and playful. He loves to rough house and play fight, often times looking for younger apprentice's and kits to show off to. He sometimes forgets to be serious, since he would rather goof off, or lighten the mood. His tendencies to be this way causes some of the more serious warriors to think of him as childish. But he doesn't seem to mind.

Loyal: Even as a loner, Bravenight was quite loyal to his family and friends. He would do anything for the cats he cares about, even die for them. Now that he is a clan cat, that same trait carries over. He doesn't know everyone by name yet, but he recognizes them as family, and will fight to the death to protect them.

Friendly: Bravenight is quite a social butterfly, and loves to show off. He's friendly to everyone who crosses his path, even those who seem to hate or judge him. He believes that the best revenge is to smile and not let anything negative affect you. He often times just gets on the nerves of other, jealous, toms.

Devious: Though Bravenight is a gentleman and often kind to everyone, he is also a prankster. When he's in a playful mood, and around a bunch of young kits, he often wants to show off his awesomeness with a prank or trick. He has quite an imagination, and is just so innocent, he often gets away with these devious pranks.

Paternally: Bravenight wouldn't describe himself as "motherly," though he very much is so. He loves kits, and happens to be very good with them. Many she-cats admire him for being a good father, and many queens appreciate him for being the go-to babysitter when they need a break. If a kit is in trouble, or hurting, Bravenight will be there to make them better.



Breed: Tuxedo

Pelt: Bravenight has a typical Tuxedo pelt; black with white markings on his face, feet, chest, and tail tip. He had long length fur.

Body: Bravenight is larger than an average male cat, with a thick built body, and quite a bit of muscle. He's quite strong, which helps him
with pouncing and fighting. His tail is a bit longer than normal, however, which can get in the way sometimes.

Face: Bravenight's muzzle is of average length for a male cat, as are his ears. He deep green eyes, often described to him as "emerald" green. His nose is a slight off-pink color.

Pawpads: The tuxedo's pads are the same off-pink color as his nose, with a few darker spots here and there.

Scars: Bravenight has an old scar under his fur on his chest, from a run-in with a dog in the past. It doesn't bother him, so he doesn't draw attention to it. 



Out of 5 *****

Power: ***** Bravenight is quite powerful with both his Offensive, and Defensive. His muscular body helps him to overcome those he's fighting, and his powerful legs help him to be a rather strong jumper. Hunting and pouncing come easily to him, because of this.

Speed: ** Even though Bravenight has longer than average legs, he isn't that fast. His weight and build keep him from going any faster than a few MPH. He make's up for it with his leaping and pouncing, however.

Grace: ** Again, because of Bravenight's size and weight, grace isn't a word to describe him. He's rather ungraceful, actually, and has a hard time with climbing trees, or sneaking around rocks and brush because of this. 

Endurance: **** Bravenight's larger size doesn't affect his endurance any, for he's got lungs and muscles of steel. He can go hours in a fight, or in a hunt, without tiring.

Accuracy: ***** With a keen eye, and perfect hearing, Bravenight always lands his mark. He's never missed an attack on prey, or on an enemy cat (except for one time, but that was because he wasn't paying attention).

Tactics: *** Being a leader comes naturally to Bravenight, though he isn't all that great at making plans, or following through with them. He's not the guy to go to for a battle strategy against another clan- but he is the guy to go to when you need help with a hunting lesson. Or if you're okay with "Let's just attack them," as a battle plan. 




Size: Bravenight's large size helps him to "throw his weight around," and land quite heavy blows to those he's attacking. He's also really strong, and "thick," which helps him to stay warm in cold weather, and cool in hot weather.

Fighting: Once again, due to size, he fights rather well. He's also "street smart," when it comes to fighting dirty, so if he needed to kill by a quick cheating move to the throat, he'd know how. But, seeing as he's not of the killing nature, he probably won't need to use any of his loner attacks on anyone.

Hunting: Hunting comes as second nature to Bravenight- right behind breathing. He never misses his mark, and always gets the kill.

Social: Are you new around here? Well you're in luck! Because Bravenight is on his way to make himself your new best friend! He's quite talkative, and loves to be around other cats. This is a strength for him, because it helps him to know everything that's going on, all the time. Who knows when you'll need a little gossip to save your life?

Quick-Witted: He's not the best battle planner, nor is he the best for arranging patrols- but he does have the best come-backs in an argument. Armed with a sharp tongue, Bravenight will tear you down from the seams if you think about messing with those he loves. But, if it's just playful banter, well, he'll still have the upper-hand. He's also quite quick to think of a solution to any problem in the heat of the moment.


Slow: Being large has it's downsides; for Bravenight, that's the fact that it slows him down. He's isn't a very fast cat, therefore he can't hunt for birds, or do any quick attacks on anyone. He depends on his stealth to catch his targets.

Climbing: Is it bad for a cat to be afraid of heights? Yes? Oh, then that must be why he won't tell ANYONE that he has a deadly fear of heights. Another good reason to not hunt for birds, right? And his heaviness doesn't help either, for he's always afraid that he'll break the branch he's perching on.

Self-Conscious: You would never know it, but Bravenight is actually quite self-conscious. This leads to HOURS of grooming himself, and constant worry that the clan hasn't really accepted him. He pretends that everything's cool, that he's the most relaxed, comfortable cat around- but it's just pretend. There are times, of course, that he's really as cool and collected as he acts.

Swimming: Once again, size DOES matter. Being large and heavy makes Bravenight worry that he'll sink if he tries to swim. He's not that bad of a swimmer, he's just afraid of drowning.

"Emotional": When it comes to family reunions, and, well, family in general, Bravenight is quite emotional. He has a huge heart for his family, and close friends, and their passing, or injury's, can cause him to react negatively. Whether he goes off in a rage to kill the thing that caused the death/injury, or he sobs uncontrollably. This doesn't happen often, mind you, just when it does.



Kit Life:
Knight was born to a kittypet mother, with 3 other siblings. He wasn't fond of rules and discipline, so when he was four moons old, he set off on his own. For half a moon, he wandered the "wilds" alone, not really sure on how to be a wild cat. He was found by James: the leader of a band of loners who lived in a barn. James took him under his wing, and taught Knight how to be the best he could be. He became a sort of Mentor to Knight, as well as a father figure. Knight became the "big brother" of all the loner kit's of the barn, often getting into trouble with them, and teaching them to "just have fun."

Young "Apprentice" Life:
When Knight was almost 12 moons old, he met a she-cat named Rosie. They had fallen in love, but due to her being a Kittypet, she refused to move in with him in the barn. She did however, join him on his many adventures, and quests to be a "Warrior cat," like the ones from the stories James would tell. During this time, James' mate, Cleo, had one kit, named Jake. Jake became Knight's very best friend, and true little brother. He taught Jake everything he knew; hunting, pranks, playing, etc. Knight and Jake became the "best of bro's."

Recent Life:
Many moons later, Knight received the news of Rosie being pregnant. He tried to convince her to move into the barn with him, but she refused. It wasn't until a week before her kitting, she came to him with bad news, saying that her twolegs were going to give away their kits. Knight convinced her to move into the barn with him and his family of loners. She agreed- only if she could have a few days to say good bye to her twolegs. She did love them, and would miss them dearly, so he allowed her a few days to stay at home. When the time came for her to join him by the stream, so he could take her to the barn, she didn't show. He panicked and searched for her for days, only to find her body, as well as the bodies of 5 kits, under a tree. They had all frozen to death from the cold snow. Knight was heartbroken.
Three moon's later, he awoke to the sound of another loner by the name of Summer, screaming. He found himself trapped inside the barn, while it began to burn from a lightning fire. He was knocked unconscious by a fallen beam. Fortunately, this kept him alive, for the beam protected him from the fire. He awoke a few hours later, finding himself alone. He was too afraid to search for any bodies, and decided to wait for his friends to return. Only, they didn't. He hopes that they all made it out of the barn safe, and escaped to a new home.
With that, he wandered around aimlessly for a while, heartbroken, and lost. He had no idea where to go, or who to go to. As far as he knew, his whole family had perished in the fire. Jake, James, Summer, Brook.. He felt more and more lost and depressed by the day.
A whole moon passed before he stumbled upon Moonclan territory, hungry and worn.

Warrior Life:
Knight was accepted into the clan by Patchstar, and given the new name: Bravenight. He decided that Starclan had given him another chance at life, and at a "clan family," and decided to live this chance to the fullest. He made friends quickly, becoming his usual self in no time. He was still plagued with nightmares of the fire, of losing his friends, though he never showed his inner sadness. It wasn't long before Softclaw got it out of him, however, gaining his trust rather quickly. He fell in love, head over paws, before he knew it. And with her help, he discovered Timidpaw to be his daughter- the one and only surviving daughter of Rosie's kits. He claimed her, as well as her adoptive sister, Fuzzypaw, and decided to start a new family altogether. He is now planning on starting a family of kits with Softclaw, though their efforts have been at a loss so far.

Recent Warrior Life:

Bravenight and Softclaw had decided that they wanted to start a family of their own- and it didn't take long for her to become pregnant. Seeing as she's in the nursery a lot now, Bravenight's been doing his best to keep her happy, healthy, fed, and safe. He isn't about to let anything happen to her or their unborn kits- especially since nightmares of Rosie's death still haunt him. But to keep his mate healthy and fed, he's gone often, joining every hunting patrol he can.

Recently he went out on one of these patrols by the Dawnclan border, and ended up bring home more than some simple squirrel. As it turns out, one of the cat's from the barn had survived- Jake, Bravenight's "little bug." The reunion was short lived, however, for Bravenight soon learned that Jake had a horrible, and infected, injury on his shoulder. Hazefire and Softclaw happened to come upon them, and helped Bravenight to take Jake to Moonclan camp, for help.

On January 10th, Bravenight and Softclaw have been blessed by Starclan with 4 healthy kits: Sootkit, Speckledkit, Springkit, and Dovekit.

Bravenight is very upset at the moment, for someone had almost KILLED his kit- Timidpaw. He's not only becoming overprotective of her, but he's also becoming a raging mess when he thinks about who could be so heartless as to not only break the code of killing others- but who could be so heartless as to attack a cat who can't fight back? He's currently in a state of unrest, and constant training with Creampaw, to get his mind off of the incident.



    ~Past Mate: Rosie
    ~Current Mate: Softclaw

    ~First Litter: Timidbreeze (Sunflower), Lilly, Tulip, Oak, Willow, and Aspen
    ~Second Litter: Sootkit, Speckledkit, Springkit, Dovekit
    ~Adopted: Fuzzybee

    ~Birth Mother- Queen
    ~Birth Father- King
    ~Adoptive Father- James

    ~Birth Siblings- Princess, Prince, Duke, Duchess
    ~Adoptive Siblings- Goldflame (Jake), Summer

    ~Timidbreeze birth- Vixenkit, Morningkit, Muddykit
    ~Timidbreeze Adopt- Cottenkit, Milkkit, Dandelionkit, Tornkit

Bravenight's Family tree: fav.me/d7dvkeo


- Moonclan cat
- Related
- Immediate Family
- Friend
- Best Friend
- Crush

- Rival/Uncertain/Feared
Greatly Feared/Enemy
- Stranger/Unknown
- Other Clan Cat
Strikeout - Deceased


.: Clan Cats :.

Fallenstar: Timidbreeze is his mate, meaning Fallenstar can't be so bad, right? He's young, but smart, and strong. He will make mistakes, as Bravenight knows, but the young tom needs a chance to prove himself. He does feel it was wrong for Fallenstar to take the role of leader the way he did, but nobody can change the past. The best thing Bravenight can do now is support his new leader, any way he can.

Spiceshadow: Under Fallenstar's command, Spiceshadow is now the new deputy. Bravenight doesn't know him well, though he does remember this other tom being the level head Fallenstar needed when he was still a kit- getting into trouble. He is thankful that Fallenstar chose somecat who is mature, smart, and full of potential.

Deathsong: This guy seems WAY too serious for Bravenight's tastes- meaning he's probably going to fall victim to some of his childish pranks. Bravenight does respect Deathsong though, no doubt about it; he just believes the fellow tom needs to loosen up a little.

Breezemoon: He saved Timidbreeze's life with his medical skills- more than once. What more could Bravenight ask? He trusts Breezemoon with everything he has.

Runningbreeze: This she-cat seems rather stubborn and, well, grumpy. She's the female version of Eagletalon- or so Bravenight believe's. He would like to get under her pelt one of these days, and see what makes her tick.

Deadsoul: This tom is deserving of his name.

.: Friends :.

Hazefire: Bravenight enjoys the company of this fellow warrior, though he has a feeling that Hazefire deems to be of a more serious nature. He finds him interesting, and trusts that they could be good friends. He does wonder how this guy got lucky with the beautiful Quietbrook, but is happy for him and their kits.

Eagletalon: Now this is a serious cat- or so Bravenight has observed. He's very thankful for Eagletalon's bravery in saving his daughter, Timidpaw, and deems him a friend- whether he wants to be or not. Maybe this poor tom will fall victim to a harmless prank..?

Quietbrook: This beautiful she-cat is quite fun to race with, and just talk to. Bravenight appreciates her kindness towards his Timidpaw, and is very fond of her general friendliness. He's rather proud of her kits, and find's them all adorable.

Barleyleap: Bravenight is quite thankful to Barleyleap for her kindness and helpfulness with Timidpaw. He is actually proud of the young queen for doing as much as she can do, and still stand on all four paws with a smile. He's fond of how kind and thoughtful she is towards others. He finds her kits adorable and full of life. 

Endlesspaw: Bravenight finds himself purring when he see's Endlesspaw. She's mature, confident, and a gorgeous little she-kit. He has a good feeling about her, and believes that she'll make a fine warrior one day.

Skypaw: Bravenight can't help but be intrigued by this little she-kit. Not only is she adorable, but she has just the right amount of bouncy energy and innocence that this clan needs. He loves telling her stories, and watching he play.

Creampaw: The leaders daughter- Bravenight find's her ambition to be encouraging. Now that she's his apprentice, he hopes he can actually teach her something that'll stick. He knows they have a long way to go with training, but he's glad that he has such an aspiring student, who wishes to be trained.

Sorrelfox: Maybe he doesn't know it, but Bravenight consider's this orange-red tom to be high on his friend's list. If it weren't for the toms brilliant timing, Timidpaw may not be here today. Not only that, but Sorrelfox reminds Bravenight a little of himself when he was younger in age. He also appreciates how well the red tom gets along with his daughter, and her mentor's kits.

.: Family :.

Softclaw: The moment she comes into his sight, he feels his paws tingle, and his heart jam itself into his throat. Bravenight will stand on the top of the highest tree in the territory, and shout to everycat that he loves her. He will put his life on the line for her. She's beautiful, and kind, and sweet, and thoughtful.. and did he mention beautiful? Oh, he did? Well, he'll mention it again. His feelings for her run deeper than even his feelings for Rosie went. He is so proud of the kit's they have together- though he does tease her for her over-protectiveness of the younger two.

Timidbreeze: Bravenight's eldest daughter, and only surviving kit from his previous relationship with a kitty pet named Rosie. He loves Timidbreeze to bits- which also causes him to worry to bits about her. Her recent mood swings make him uneasy, though he trusts that she's trying to do well for her own two kits. He's there to support her however he can- even if she doesn't think so.

Fuzzybee: Bravenight is so proud of his adopted daughter! Though she may not quite know it. He feel's her warrior name is well suited for her, and hopes that just because she's all grown up now, they can't still be family.

Goldflame: Or "Little Bug," as Bravenight call's him. He's very excited and relieved to know that he survived the barn fire from way back when. Back then, Goldflame was known as Jake- but as a warrior, he has a new name altogether. It'll take Bravenight some time to get used to calling him that, but he doesn't care. He has his little brother back, and that's all that matters. Did he mention that he loves Goldflame as a brother? No? Well he does. He does wonder though, how Little Bug ended up in Dawnclan, and how he was trained- but those questions can wait for later.

Sootkit: Bravenight's oldest son, and the only kit who share's his dark pelt- giving him the name Sootkit. Bravenight love's all his children equally, though he does wonder as to where on earth his eldest son got his bossy, and mature nature from. Most certainly not from his side of the family- that's for sure! He wishes his son would relax every once in a while, and stop feeling as though it's his job to be the grown up. He's a kit- he should act like one.

Speckledkit: Bravenight's second oldest son, and his biggest son! He heard from Breezemoon that Speckledkit caused Softclaw a little bit of trouble when kitting- and he wouldn't doubt it. Speckledkit is much larger than any normal tomkit his age, and it worries Bravenight a little. Not because it mean's something could be wrong with him- but he worries that his son doesn't realize that he's larger than the other kit's in the nursery, which can cause accident's to happen. He loves his son very much, but he's afraid that Speckledkit may end up in a lot of trouble during his life.

Springkit: The youngest of Bravenight's sons, Springkit, is his pride and joy. He appreciates how kind his son is, and loves knowing that Springkit is always curious to learn more. He doesn't think that Softclaw should fret over him as much as she does, though he does understand why she does so. Bravenight's teased her about her creating a momma's boy out of her son- though he doesn't think it's a bad thing. Springkit is rather small for a tom- the opposite of his brothers- so perhaps a little extra protection doesn't hurt.

Dovekit: Bravenight's littlest kit, and only daughter of his second litter. He feel's an extra special connection with Dovekit, for he knows that he was breaths away from losing her. Softclaw is rather protective of her as well, not even letting the small she-kit leave the nest quite yet- but every once in a while, there's a clear night, where Bravenight feel's it's safe enough to show his little daughter the world. He takes her outside, and sits with her on the dry ground, his tail wrapped around her small body. And together, they sit and watch the stars, while he tells her stories. This seems to be the only time Bravenight feel's he can spend quality time with his smallest kit-- just don't tell Softclaw.

Morningkit and Vixenkit: Bravenight hasn't had much time to spend with his two granddaughters, though he already knows that he loves them dearly. From what he's seen of them, they seem to have Timidbreeze's innocence. He silently thanks Starclan, for he isn't too sure if he could handle any Fallenstar clones right now.

Cottenkit, Milkkit, and Dandelionkit: Due to Timidbreeze adopting these three she-kits, after Frecklewish's death, Bravenight assumes that makes them his granddaughters as well. He finds them all to be interesting and adorable, and hopes to get to know them as time goes on. He'll be the best grandtom he can be!

Tornkit: It seem's as though Timidbreeze adopted yet another kit- this time a tom. A hairless tom. Bravenight isn't too sure about little Tornkit, for he seem's to be a real pawful- but he say's he still loves him anyways. If he says it enough.. it should come true.

.: Deceased :.

Patchstar: Bravenight is somewhat sad that Patchstar died, seeing as she was such a kind leader. He was appreciative that she let him join Moonclan, for so many great things have happened to him since. Hopefully she'll rest well in Starclan.  

Joltflash: Joltflash was a great deputy, and Bravenight is a little disappointed that she couldn't prove herself as Moonclan's leader. 

Muddykit: Timidbreeze is really torn by her only son's death, and it's affecting Bravenight as well. He wonders who his grandson would have been like.. and often wonders if he's hanging out with his aunts and uncles in Starclan- Timidbreeze's birth siblings. If he is, Bravenight knows that Rosie is taking good care of him.






Nettlepaw: One day, Bravenight will have the chance to meet with the Snowclan apprentice who harmed his daughter- and on that day, he will show her how a true warrior fights.




James: Knight saw James as his father, and mentor. He loved him so much, looking up to this older tuxedo for everything. James was the leader of his little family, and the wisest cat Bravenight has ever known. He often told stories of the brave clan cats of the forest, and how they became. If asked on how he knew these stories, he would smile, saying "Trade secret," and leave you to wonder. Bravenight misses him, wondering if he survived the fire in the barn.. He hopes so, for he wishes on every star that he will see him again someday. And if James didn't make the fire, then he hopes he did make it to Starclan- he must. He wasn't a clan cat in life, but he was one in heart.

Summer: Summer the bummer was Bravenight's rival and friend in his old home. From the beginning, they butt heads, often getting in each others way. Knight thought he hated her at first, but came to like her uptight, OCD personality over time. After she had her kits, she seemed to relax more, and even admitted to appreciating him for babysitting for her. After he saved them from the pound, they became even closer as friends- though they still teased each other often. Knight hopes she survived, just as the others, for her kits were still young, even as almost grown cats. He couldn't image them losing her.

Scareye: The oldest member of the family, Scareye was a thin grey tabby with a large scar over his right eye. He was the storyteller of the group, often telling scary stories, or stories of the old days. He was once the scariest, strongest alley cat of all the twoleg's city- or so he claimed. He was known for being a grump, often spending time by the pond to watch the fish. Sadly, he fell victim to many of Knight's tricks. 

.: Deceased :.

Rosie: Knight's deceased mate, Rosie was his first love. He went on many adventures with her, often getting into a lot of trouble. He misses her still, often wondering if she is in Starclan, happy with his decisions.

Lilly, Tulip, Oak, Willow, and Aspen: The dead kit's Knight found with Rosie. He gave them all names before burying them with their mother, hoping they would be accepted into Starclan with those names.



*I wasn't originally going to use this character, but rather pronounce him dead with the rest of Timidbreeze's family. It was actually Tallflower who gave me the idea to create him, seeing as she pointed out there weren't many single toms in Moonclan.

*Bravenight's original name is Knight- which I gave to him based off his personality. It took me 3 days to think of his Warrior name.

*All of Bravenight's children were to be named after something in nature, just as his mate's name was. Therefore Timidbreeze's original name was Sunflower.

*Bravenight is a story teller- whether his stories are true or not is unknown. He'll probably never shut up when he's an elder. 

*Bravenight has a totally reasonable fear of heights, drowning, and fire.

*Bravenight's personality has softened a little since he's officially claimed Timidbreeze and Fuzzybee. He's become much more fatherly since then, even acting this way with other kits.

*Bravenight is extremely protective of his mate and kits- so don't dare threaten them, or say anything against them, unless you want to face his wrath.

*Goldflame and Bravenight weren't originally intended to be related in any way, whatsoever. Misty sent me a note, explaining how her character Goldflame (or Jake) came from a similar background with a barn and whatnot. We talked for a little bit, and decided to connect the two toms with a brotherly bond. The idea was only set in motion so she could move her last character from Dawnclan to Moonclan, while still making sense. The idea kind of grew from there however <3

*Sometime in the future, I may retire Bravenight to being an elder. I don't know when, but it'll probably be before the end of 2014.


Art & TWG: insanityNothing

Bravenight: TimidCute
Application: MistDapple


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Comments: 47

MistDapple [2014-08-10 01:24:38 +0000 UTC]

asdfghjkl; wait did Bravenight retire? ; o ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-08-10 02:31:55 +0000 UTC]

He's going too yes. I needed to get rid of a character in order to adopt my new bby Cloudkit (she's important for reasons). He's still very much my handsome baby and will prolly have more kit's with Softclaw hehe <3 He isn't gone for good ya know

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MistDapple In reply to TimidCute [2014-08-10 03:46:57 +0000 UTC]

oohhh k k. I was a little confused since I saw him in the "Deceased or Retired" folder ; w ; But I'm just glad that he'll still be in the clan :'D This kinda gives Goldflame a huge opportunity to start teasing him though xD

Goldflame: Forgot your cane, gramps~ *smirks*
Oh and here, I'll get one of the apprentices to help pick the ticks out of your nest

brotherlylove |D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-08-30 01:07:59 +0000 UTC]

Hehe yes. Only retired so I can have my new bby ;w; 

He will not like being picked on by Goldflame |D Not one bit

Bravenight: Hush your tongue young man- you're only a few moons younger than me. Before long, you'll be blind as a bat and needing apprentices to pick your ticks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MistDapple In reply to TimidCute [2014-09-01 16:51:36 +0000 UTC]

aww I can't wait to see them ; v ;

Pfft xD My gourd I love these two though. Even when they're getting old and grumpy~ <3

Goldflame: Hmph. *snorts* That'll happen the day I get a mate.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-09-01 17:38:37 +0000 UTC]

She's so precious ah <3

Bravenight: No she-cat would WANT you the day that happened!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MistDapple In reply to TimidCute [2014-09-01 17:44:08 +0000 UTC]

squeep~ ; v ;

Goldflame: *sighs quietly in relief* Well thank StarClan for that~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-09-02 03:24:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MistDapple In reply to TimidCute [2014-09-02 05:31:38 +0000 UTC]

Goldflame: WHAT?? NO!!!
...I don't think so at least- ACK, STOP CONFUSING ME.

I just like being a free tom is all. *snorts and lifts chin proudly*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-09-03 02:35:27 +0000 UTC]

Bravenight: HA SO YOU ADMIT IT *laughs hysterically* 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MistDapple In reply to TimidCute [2014-09-03 03:26:47 +0000 UTC]

Goldflame: *huffs and puffs up cheeks* Oh my- NO I'M NOT! Besides, if I was I'd probably tell you.
...though I'd most likely regret it regret it.

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TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-09-03 03:31:15 +0000 UTC]

Bravenight: You would regret it. Because then I would find you a handsome tom to cuddle with instead *wiggles eyebrows* I'm sure it wouldn't be hard. Seeing as everyone else is finding mates nowadays like bee's to flowers

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MistDapple In reply to TimidCute [2014-09-03 03:43:31 +0000 UTC]

Goldflame: *snorts* Well, at least you're honest about it. Wise, old, and honest. Comes with the entire package huh?

*places a paw on face* And stop trying to be my matchmaker! I'm fine as I am Night. Besides, I doubt anyone would be able to survive having you as a relative. *raises an eyebrow and smirks*

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TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-09-03 04:11:12 +0000 UTC]

Bravenight: Pfft, don't call me old you runt. I'll have your fur for that *grins*

I won't rest until I've found you "the one." And don't use that tone with me young kit. I have plenty of relatives! All of them love me. Totes tons.

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YuumiGamer01 [2014-07-06 05:29:44 +0000 UTC]

Hello there! ovo Would you like to roleplay with Twilightsong?

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TimidCute In reply to YuumiGamer01 [2014-07-07 03:44:50 +0000 UTC]

Uhm sure~ is she a Moonclan cat?

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YuumiGamer01 In reply to TimidCute [2014-07-07 17:13:57 +0000 UTC]

No she's SnowClan |"D

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TimidCute In reply to YuumiGamer01 [2014-07-08 23:19:36 +0000 UTC]

Haha, okay~ Sure. 

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Irish-Gamer [2014-04-15 19:11:38 +0000 UTC]

time to update Knights relationship with Timid haha

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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2014-04-16 16:55:46 +0000 UTC]

Pfft whut nooo

Yeah yeah okay. I'm going to update all of my characters when I upload Morningkit's application. c:

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Irish-Gamer In reply to TimidCute [2014-04-16 19:32:16 +0000 UTC]

cool beans yo

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Nuria-Fire [2014-04-03 07:09:44 +0000 UTC]

Timid's former name meaning:
Sun cause Timid is brilliant as that gas ball its self
Flower cause she's elegant and fragile as a lovely flower
Thus earning her former name sunflower
Sorry I had to //shot//

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TimidCute In reply to Nuria-Fire [2014-04-03 19:43:40 +0000 UTC]

XD I never had any true meaning behind the name- other than the fact that her name had to match those of her siblings. All nature like names~
But I do love this <3 I think I'll keep it

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Irish-Gamer [2014-02-03 08:14:05 +0000 UTC]

whispers hiswhOLE FAMILY

kingqueenknightprincessprincedukeduchess WOW

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Willowsong907 In reply to Irish-Gamer [2014-02-04 11:39:57 +0000 UTC]

haha XD

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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2014-02-04 03:32:21 +0000 UTC]

XD I had to give him a family, so Timid would have a Family Tree- so there~

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Irish-Gamer In reply to TimidCute [2014-02-04 21:00:27 +0000 UTC]


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PatchyFallenstar [2014-01-22 09:13:04 +0000 UTC]

his thoughts on deathsong

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TimidCute In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-01-23 04:52:16 +0000 UTC]

I know right?

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to TimidCute [2014-01-26 11:06:15 +0000 UTC]


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Willowsong907 [2014-01-15 20:26:28 +0000 UTC]

pss just saying Timid you should add the new kits XD

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TimidCute In reply to Willowsong907 [2014-01-16 03:56:56 +0000 UTC]

I knooow~

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Willowsong907 In reply to TimidCute [2014-01-16 04:11:10 +0000 UTC]

X3 also that rp we did is still good to go

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LordMuffinX3 [2014-01-04 00:01:02 +0000 UTC]

A tortoiseshell she-cat lay in the nursery, cleaning her bright and long fur

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MistDapple [2014-01-03 23:39:04 +0000 UTC]

Is it weird that I literally squealed after seeing this? xD

ohmygosh Bravenight is such an awesome tom <3

I hope that he and Goldflame can now bond even more, now that they're reunited c':

And dont think that Skypaw will stop looking dorward to his stories, now that she's an apprentice! ;3

hbububu i need to update Goldeh's ref TwT'' 

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Endlessxrainx In reply to MistDapple [2014-01-04 00:22:13 +0000 UTC]

I squealed when I saw this, as well.

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MistDapple In reply to Endlessxrainx [2014-01-04 01:32:34 +0000 UTC]

*highfives* x'D

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Endlessxrainx In reply to MistDapple [2014-01-04 02:48:10 +0000 UTC]

*Highfives back*

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TimidCute In reply to MistDapple [2014-01-04 00:18:57 +0000 UTC]

Not weird at all XD I did too when i saw the picture Patchy made for me ;w;

He is so awesomesauce yus

And I know! I hope things go so well for them <33

He'll keep telling them XD

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MistDapple In reply to TimidCute [2014-01-04 01:35:35 +0000 UTC]

Patchy is just, so nice gurl aaaaah TwT

he looks so handsome ;3

and bwaaaah we need to continue dies rp gurl!

it looks lilke eagletalon isn't gonna let this slide so easily xD

Sky: *runs all over the place* YAAAAAAAY!!!! <333

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Nixhil In reply to MistDapple [2014-01-04 02:24:12 +0000 UTC]

shhhhh stop you

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MistDapple In reply to Nixhil [2014-01-04 03:07:28 +0000 UTC]

ppffft never

I shall state the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth~ <33

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sparkeythehamster [2014-01-03 23:36:25 +0000 UTC]

Yes~ A new app for Bravenight~

I always love reading through new apps.

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TimidCute In reply to sparkeythehamster [2014-01-03 23:39:12 +0000 UTC]

Me too c:

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CatCatArtist [2014-01-03 23:30:05 +0000 UTC]

maybe if Eagle talks to him he'll like him more

I laughed when I saw that Bravenight considers Eagletalon a friend when Eagletalon is clearly jealous uncomfortable around him c:

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TimidCute In reply to CatCatArtist [2014-01-03 23:32:51 +0000 UTC]

XD Bravenight see's almost everyone he's come into contact with a friend c: Eagletalon will warm up to him~~

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CatCatArtist In reply to TimidCute [2014-01-04 02:06:41 +0000 UTC]

I see X3

If he handles the situation right, Eagletalon will probably learn to like him

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