TimidCute — Timidpaw's Application

Published: 2013-07-11 05:28:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 1369; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 5
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Description EDIT: Updated her relationships~



Name: Timidkit | Timidpaw | Timidsky
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Apprentice
Age: 6 moons
DOB: May 4th, 2013
Mentor: Barleyleap
Apprentice: N/A
Clan: Moonclan



{shy} {caring} {skittish} {worrisome} {submissive} {anti-social} {polite}

Shy: Timidpaw's name gives this one away, as she is quite shy around those whom she doesn't know. Though she can still be shy and nervous around those she DOES know, making trust a big issue. Many find her silence rude, for she sometimes doesn't respond when spoken to. She doesn't wish to be seen this way, but she's just to afraid to stand up for herself.

Caring: To those who have gained this little she-kits trust, she is kind, and caring. Her heart will always have room for one more, as she's quite eager to feel loved. She's always trying to let her loved ones know that she's there for them, no matter what. And since she's so quiet, she's easy to talk to.

Skittish: Did that leaf just move? Whether it did or not, if Timidpaw even thinks it moved, she most likely jumped, her fur bristling out on end. She's quite twitchy, and is quite paranoid that everything's out to get her- like that leaf.

Worrisome: Timidpaw has made it a habit to worry: about everything. She worries about what the others think about her. She worries about losing her mother. She worries about losing her only real friend. She even worries about why she is the way she is. Its not something she can help- it just comes naturally to her.

Submissive: Timidpaw prefers to watch the other kits play, rather than interact with them herself. She sees play fighting as a show of dominance- which she is not. Whenever another kit chooses to approach her, she immediately shrinks down to the ground, often adverting her eyes, showing that she does not wish to fight. She actually worries that her submissiveness may get her killed...

Anti-Social: Rather than make friends, Timidpaw prefers to be by herself. She doesn't mind the thought of having someone to care about, or talk to; its just not easy when you're too afraid to even open your mouth to speak. She often finds herself alone, hiding in her nest.

Polite: Never speaking unless spoken to, Timidpaw always remembers her manners. She often times remains quiets, believing that if she is a good listener, the other cats of the clan may feel as if they have someone to talk to. She also never ends a conversation without saying 'good day,' or 'thank you.'



Timidkit is VERY small for her age, being about the size of a 4 moon kit rather than a 6 moon kit. She is all black, with a white face, and white markings on her front toes, and back legs. She has a pink noes, as well as pink ears. Her pads are speckled pink and black, which she inherited from her real father. Her eyes are a pretty light green color, which often have large pupils. She has medium length fur, with a small fluffy tail. She is quite petite, and very light in weight.



When she was first born, Timidkit's real mother gave her the name of Sunflower- to match the naturalistic names of her siblings. At only a few days old, however, the little tuxedo's mother died of cold, as well as her 5 siblings. She was about to parish herself, only to be saved by Morningshine, a she-cat who happened to be wandering by. She gave the tuxedo a new name, and brought her to Moonclan, where she nursed her back to health.
As Timidkit grew older, it was discovered that her name matched her quite well- for she was almost always alone, and hiding. She developed a habit of watching the other cats in camp, and listening in on their conversations. She grew to know almost everyone this way, though they didn't all know her.
It wasn't long before her mother adopted another kit, who had been abandoned inside of Moonclan's border. At first, she hated Fuzzykit, believing that she would take Timid's only true friend and family away. But after some time, she warmed up to the idea of having a sister, and grew to love Fuzzykit very much (even going as far as to clean up the messes she got herself into).
During this time, she had accidentally become friends with Fallenkit, though she didn't mind having his company. She grew closer to him by the day, and even began to come out of her shell a little, making more friends among her denmates.
Unfortunately, when Timidkit was only 4 moons old, she lost her mother to a horrible fox accident in the nursery. Unbeknownst to her, Fallenkit and Wishkit were the cause of this disaster, even killing her future mentor. Timidkit felt rather lost and confused, wondering if Starclan was punishing her for surviving when her birth mother and siblings did not. She became friends with Skykit during this time, the calico helping her to realize that she had to move on, and continue to be there for her younger sister, Fuzzykit.
Only a few days before her age of 6 moons, the once Loner of Moonclan, now a warrior, Bravenight, approached her. He revealed to her that he was, in fact, her real father, and wished to be together as family. She accepted his offer, finally feeling as though the pieces were falling back into place for her life. Barleyleap had become a sort of "big sister" figure at this point as well, giving Timidkit a real family to love, and be loved by.

Timidpaw has really come out of her shell since her becoming of an apprentice. She is very glad that Barleyleap is her mentor, for that means she gets to spend more time with her than ever before. One her first day, she was introduced to snow- the most magical, and mystical of all of everything that Timidpaw has ever seen. Because of this, Timidpaw now wants to see the world as magical, and beautiful. She has even decided that any kit, or 'paw who doesn't have a family, is now apart of her family. She has adopted Endlesskit as a sister.
But it wasn't long since her first outing that Barleyleap went into labor- early. Because of this, one of her 3 kit's was born dead, and there was nothing anycat could do about it. Watching the sadness that took hold of Barleyleap's heart crushed Timidpaw, making her vow to never let her mentor, and big sister, feel that way again. From that moment on, she's been extremely protective of Barleyleap's kits, Mosskit, and Kestrelkit. In her eyes, they are her little sisters/nieces, and she will always be there for them.
Unfortunately, it looks like Timidpaw will be spending some time in the medicine cat den, rather than in the nursery. She was recently attacked by an owl in the area, and had her stomach cut open. Thankfully it's not something that will cause death, or cripple her for life, but she's in a lot of pain. She is now terrified to ever leave the Moonclan camp again.




Mate: N/A
Crush: Fallenkit
Kits: N/A
Family:||Birth Mother- Rosie||Birth Father- Bravenight||Birth Siblings- Lilly, Tulip, Oak, Willow, Aspen||
Adoptive Family: ||Mother- Morningshine, Softclaw||Siblings- Fuzzypaw, Endlesskit, Barleyleap||Nieces- Mosskit, Kestrelkit||Nephews- Harekit, Saplingkit||


- Moonclan cat
- Family
- Friend
- Rival/Feared
- Stranger/Unknown

- Other Clan Cat
Strikeout - Deceased


.: Clan Cats :.

Patchstar: Timidpaw doesn't know Patchstar, other than the knowledge of her being the leader of Moonclan. She remembers when her mother spoke to Patchstar, asking for shelter and food, and she remember's Patchstar being kind and letting them stay, but other than that, she know's nothing of the leader.

Joltflash: Being a good listener has it's perks, for it helps Timidpaw to identify who is important in her clan, though she hasn't met any of them personally. She knows that Joltflash is the clans deputy, and she is supposedly very nice. She hopes to meet Joltflash one day, though it may not be anytime soon.

Breezepaw: He is the current medicine cat, Timidpaw has learned, even though he is still very young. She secretly admires him for that, believing he must be very brave to know that he holds the health, as well as the lives, of all the clan in his paws. She has put thought towards becoming a medicine cat herself, though she gets nauseous when she sees blood.. Either way, she hopes to meet Breezepaw when she's older, so she can learn from him.

Quietbrook: Quietbrook seems to be a very nice warrior, and Timidpaw is very glad for her comfort in these hard times. She also really appreciates this she-cat's knowledge of healing- even if it isn't as good as a medicine cats.

Eagletalon: This scary tomcat has always seemed frightening to Timidpaw- though she's beginning to recognize some softness to him. Her ideal concept of him was that he was the creepy tom, who hid in the dark corners of camp, staring at others. But now, she thinks he can be, well, a little less creepy than that. Maybe.

Runningbreeze: Timidpaw hasn't actually spoken to Runningbreeze before, though she's seen and heard enough to know that the dark she-cat, is one to avoid. She hopes to keep as far away as possible from the female grump of Moonclan. Though she secretly thanks her for saving her life.

.: Friends :.

Fallenkit: It seems as though the other kits in the nursery don't like Fallenkit. Why is that? Timidpaw hasn't really noticed how others think of him until recently, when she overheard some other kits talking about him. She never really saw him as the scary type.. He's very sweet, and strong. She knows him as being sensitive, and sometimes scared. Not really knowing where the other kits gather their fear from, she decided that they aren't scared of Fallenkit, but rather beginning to respect him. Which, is good. It's very good. Especially since she knows that Starclan has plans for him to be the Moonclan leader someday. And she knows with all her heart, that he'll be a great leader. She trusts him.

Skykit: Timidpaw thinks that Skykit is crazy- in a good way. She's sweet and adventurous, kind and somewhat dingy. But, every cat is different, and Skykit is no exception. Timidpaw hopes to get even closer to her one day as a friend, and perhaps, save her from doing something REALLY stupid.

Marigoldkit: Timidpaw actually likes Marigoldkit, a lot. She thinks that she is a brave she-kit, who is very pretty like her sister, Skykit. She hopes to talk to her more, often enjoying the conversations that she has had with her in the past.

Creamkit: This kit is kind of pushy, but that's okay. Timidpaw thinks that Creamkit has the right to be pushy- she IS the leaders daughter after all. And she's smart. And she's pretty. And she has the ambition to go anywhere, and do anything she wants. But Timidpaw knows that no matter what Creamkit says, she won't become the next leader. That destiny has been taken.

Wishkit: Timidpaw is actually quite afraid of Wishkit, though she admires his courage, and his willingness to stand up for his brother. She hopes to get to know him better, and possibly become friends with him.. though she doubts that. She does however, believe strongly that there's a softer interior to his dark (and almost demonic) exterior. She secretly hopes to gain his trust enough, so she can get a peek at that softer core.

.: Family :.

Bravenight: Timidpaw is so happy that Bravenight is her father! Now she knows that she will always be safe, and has a real permanent family to depend on for anything. She doesn't know him all too well yet, but plans on making time to know him. He IS her father, after all.

Fuzzypaw: Timidpaw is glad to have Fuzzypaw as her sister, relying on her to be there for comfort and guidance. She loves her sister, and hopes that they will plan on staying sister's forever- even though they aren't related through blood. She really hopes that Fuzzypaw will accept Bravenight as her own father as well- because then they really WILL be sister's forever!

Barleyleap: Timidpaw looks up to Barleyleap. She thinks that she's beautiful and brave and strong, and and and.. well, everything that Timidpaw isn't. She has recently taken it upon herself to be Barleyleap's personal helper; babysitting her kits when she needs time to herself, or helping her out in general. She not only admires her, but holds her dear to her heart as her big sister, and mentor! Who knew life could be so sweet?

Endlesskit: Timidpaw likes Endlesskit a lot. She was one of Timidpaw's first, and true friends- so she invited her to be her sister. She felt really bad for her when her only sister died, so she decided to make Endlesskit feel better by bringing her into her growing family! That's how you fix a broken heart.. right?

Softclaw: Timidpaw has always liked Softclaw, and is really happy that she is her father's mate! She hopes that they are happy together, and is glad that this technically makes Softclaw her new mother.

Mosskit, Saplingkit, & Kestrelkit: These kit's belong to Barleyleap, and they hold every inch of Timidpaw's heart and attention. Since their birth, she has devoted every waking moment to making sure that they're safe, warm, fed, and kept out of trouble. Seeing the way the death of Harekit affected their mother, she plans on making sure nothing like that happens again. If this means being run ragged, chasing Kestrelkit around, calming Mosskit down, and keeping Saplingkit out of trouble,  then she'll do it.

.: Deceased :.

Morningshine: Timidpaw misses her mother dearly, often thinking of her when the weather gets stormy, or rainy. She has dreams about her sometimes, where it seems as though Morningshine is trying to tell her something, but Timidkit can never hear what she has to say. She usually wakes up feeling confused and heartbroken.

Pandamask: Timidpaw was fond of Pandamask in life, and is still fond of her in death. She hopes that Pandamask is happy in Starclan, and is proud of her for becoming a helper too.

Dapplekit: Timidpaw feels terrible for the death of such a young kit.. She wonders how in Starclan this could have happened? Wounds don't just open like that.. and bleed.. She hopes that Dapplekit is happy in Starclan with her mother now.


Mossheart: The ex-Dawnclan deputy has been staying in the nursery for a while now, and Timidpaw has grown used to seeing her around. She hasn't really spoken to the queen much herself, though she thinks she's a really pretty she-cat. She also knows that she is really good friends with Softclaw- so, Timidpaw is pretty sure that means she's nice. 






Although, Timidpaw admit's that she's quite afraid of Fireclan, and would probably shrink in fear if she ever met one of their cats.



* Timidpaw's design is actually based off of my real life cat, James.

* Timidpaw's birth mother passed away when Timidkit was very little. She doesn't remember her.

* Timidpaw's family has grown, even after losing her mother. She has her father, her adoptive mother, and three adoptive sisters.

* Timidpaw's markings are actually perfectly similar to that of her fathers; all but the pink nose and ears, which she got from her mother.

* My idea for Timidpaw's personality came from Fluttershy (a character from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic).

* Timidpaw's fear of other's has faded a little since her apprenticeship. She realized that she was going to have to get over her shyness, in order to become a great nursery helper. She's still a bit shy (not to mention timid), but is opening up a little more by the day.

* Timidpaw's favorite thing to do is observe others. She actually knows a lot about her clan mates, though many don't know her.

* Timidpaw's scent is somewhat similar to that of her birth mother's. A scent of the calm before the storm, or oncoming rain. She also smells a little like the nursery: moss, and kits.

*Timidpaw has devoted herself to be the protector of Barleyleap's kits. She has promised herself that she never wants to see her mentor feel loss again; therefore, she has made it her mission that Mosskit and Kestrelkit will always be safe, and protected.

*Timid's favorite food is dove. Not because of the taste, exactly (though she does really like it), but because of the beauty and elegance of the bird. She knows that it isn't a common prey in the territory, so she savor's every bite when she has the opportunity.


Thank you for reading~
Art and Timidpaw: *TimidCute
Application: #The-Warriors-Guild

**All cat's belong to their rightful owners**


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Comments: 112

TimidCute In reply to ??? [2013-12-05 01:28:00 +0000 UTC]

What about it >w>

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CynderNightingale In reply to TimidCute [2013-12-05 02:16:49 +0000 UTC]

wanna ....do something about that? XD

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TimidCute In reply to CynderNightingale [2013-12-05 03:01:51 +0000 UTC]

Nope :3 Moonclan is where I stay yo~

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CynderNightingale In reply to TimidCute [2013-12-05 03:33:13 +0000 UTC]

NUUUU! *dies*

Has she been to a gathering yet? D:

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TimidCute In reply to CynderNightingale [2013-12-07 16:36:13 +0000 UTC]

Not yet!

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CynderNightingale In reply to TimidCute [2013-12-07 17:58:52 +0000 UTC]


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Willowsong907 [2013-10-21 02:47:23 +0000 UTC]

wanna roleplay?

ps you forgot Dapplekit she's on the dead list haha

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TimidCute In reply to Willowsong907 [2013-10-21 02:50:43 +0000 UTC]

Fixed it yo c:

Sure~ Either note me, or start here ;D

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Willowsong907 In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-21 02:51:38 +0000 UTC]

Start here C: you got honors

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TimidCute In reply to Willowsong907 [2013-10-21 02:56:31 +0000 UTC]

Nooooo ;n; I never start >n<

... fine.

Timidpaw laid in a makeshift nest in the medicine cat's den. She was curled up in a ball, her head tucked under her tail. She seemed to be sleeping from afar, but the closer you get, the more obvious it is she was in fact, not sleeping at all. Instead, she was whimpering, and making small noises to herself. The cobwebs and nasty herb paste on her stomach was making it VERY hard for her to get comfortable. She couldn't sleep if she wanted to- which she did. Or, did she? She was pretty tired, but she was also very nervous as to what Patchstar or Barleyleap was going to say when they found out about her little "adventure." She was afraid of getting in trouble...

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Willowsong907 In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-21 02:58:43 +0000 UTC]

Sorry )

Flarepaw limped into the medicine cat den, her left paw hurting from a tiny trip in the forest. Noticing black fur she knew it ws Timidpaw though. "What happened to you?" she asked

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TimidCute In reply to Willowsong907 [2013-10-21 03:06:57 +0000 UTC]

I was kidding luv XD))

Timidpaw flinched a little when she heard someone speak. Were they talking to her? Or someone else? There were other people here, right? She hoped nobody was talking to her. Oh, what should she do if they were? It would be rude to ignore them..

She looked up a little, out from under her paws. Her eyes focused on the brown and orange she-cat standing nearby, recognizing her as.. Flamepaw? No. Flarepaw? That was it. She felt her own cheeks become warm with embarrassment, not sure how to tell her the truth.

"I.. uhm.. I was attacked. I'm okay, though," she glanced down, trying to avoid eye contact. Now that she recalled, she had never spoken to this she-cat before, and was even more embarrassed with this first encounter. "What about.. y-you?"

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Willowsong907 In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-21 03:10:59 +0000 UTC]

"ouch. I just fell. Thats all." Flarepaw muttered as she sat to a next across from the tuxedo she cat

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TimidCute In reply to Willowsong907 [2013-10-21 03:14:33 +0000 UTC]

Timidpaw nodded a little, looking back down. She was trying her best to avoid eye contact with the other apprentice. What a way to meet, yes?

"Uhm.. I'm sorry. I, uh, hope you're okay.." she murmured. 

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Willowsong907 In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-21 03:16:46 +0000 UTC]

"It's fine, just a little spraint." She stated. A bit of sunlight peeking through the nursery roof.

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TimidCute In reply to Willowsong907 [2013-10-21 07:49:05 +0000 UTC]

Timidpaw's eyes stayed staring at the ground. She didn't say anything more, somewhat afraid of sounding stupid or silly. She hoped that Flarepaw would either ignore her, or find someone else to talk to.

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Irish-Gamer [2013-10-06 07:36:29 +0000 UTC]


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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2013-10-21 02:50:59 +0000 UTC]


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Irish-Gamer In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-21 18:40:49 +0000 UTC]


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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2013-10-21 19:23:13 +0000 UTC]


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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2013-10-06 19:09:20 +0000 UTC]

YES YES. I just don't have the patience to update mine |D;;

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Irish-Gamer In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-07 16:37:57 +0000 UTC]

I tried a number of times to draw a new picture of Fuzyball here but it wasn't wORKING

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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2013-10-07 22:06:12 +0000 UTC]

XD Fuzzball? Yes- new nickname for Fuzzypaw. 

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Irish-Gamer In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-08 19:10:56 +0000 UTC]

hehe ;D

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Endlessxrainx [2013-10-05 06:45:25 +0000 UTC]

I keep commenting on this but..
Update tiiiimmmmeeeee!~

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TimidCute In reply to Endlessxrainx [2013-10-21 02:51:13 +0000 UTC]

DONE. c:

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Endlessxrainx [2013-10-05 00:13:09 +0000 UTC]

Happy apprenticeship!

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TimidCute In reply to Endlessxrainx [2013-10-05 00:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Butbutbut I haven't been made an apprentice yet ;o;

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Endlessxrainx In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-05 00:25:37 +0000 UTC]

Butbutbut today's your 6 moon anniversary.. ;n;

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TimidCute In reply to Endlessxrainx [2013-10-05 00:35:22 +0000 UTC]

I knoooow ;u; But she isn't one just yet ;o;

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Endlessxrainx In reply to TimidCute [2013-10-05 03:59:08 +0000 UTC]

She soon will, though! ;u;

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Endlessxrainx [2013-09-29 03:44:25 +0000 UTC]

You put her DOB down twice. ;u;

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Irish-Gamer [2013-09-24 15:31:12 +0000 UTC]




How cute. ;w;

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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2013-09-24 20:17:39 +0000 UTC]

Yus~ Barley and I roleplayed recently, and it just sort of happened XD so yeah~ It's awesome ;w;

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Irish-Gamer In reply to TimidCute [2013-09-25 06:38:14 +0000 UTC]

i seeee.

yey :3

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CatCatArtist [2013-09-20 12:13:21 +0000 UTC]

That bottom picture. 




I just wanna pick her up and hug her ;u; she's so adorable.

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TimidCute In reply to CatCatArtist [2013-09-20 22:26:28 +0000 UTC]

Du et c:

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CatCatArtist In reply to TimidCute [2013-09-20 23:14:14 +0000 UTC]

Ok c: *cuddles Timidkit*

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Irish-Gamer [2013-09-20 06:12:22 +0000 UTC]



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TimidCute In reply to Irish-Gamer [2013-09-20 06:15:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ;u;

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Endlessxrainx [2013-09-20 05:52:23 +0000 UTC]

I love her new application sheet! It looks very unique! <3
Tuxedo kittens are like totally adowable.

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TimidCute In reply to Endlessxrainx [2013-09-20 06:07:20 +0000 UTC]

Aw thank you~ I love it too >w<

They're my favorite ;u;

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Endlessxrainx In reply to TimidCute [2013-09-20 06:14:07 +0000 UTC]

No problem! ;u;
they're my.. I believe 5th favorite designs on cats. My top 5 are calico, tortie, solid, tabby, and tuxedo!

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TimidCute In reply to Endlessxrainx [2013-09-20 06:17:00 +0000 UTC]

My fave is Tuxedo ;w; Followed by the tabby look for Mainecoon's (cuz I love Mainecoon's so much omsc). Then I like calico, and Siamese c:

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Endlessxrainx In reply to TimidCute [2013-09-20 06:21:26 +0000 UTC]

Siamese! Yes! I love them to death! ;u; To be fair, solid colored cats are my favorite for being plain, I mean, everyone always goes for the cats with extreme patterns, leaving all the solids all alone. ;n; I just love solids amfg.

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TimidCute In reply to Endlessxrainx [2013-09-20 22:55:05 +0000 UTC]

I've never had a solid colored cat before :0 I've always had tabbys, siamese, calicos, etc. Oh, and Tuxedo's :3 That's why I made Timidkit one- I based her off of my baby, James <3

flyingfreefantasy.deviantart.c… LOOK AT MY BABY

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Endlessxrainx In reply to TimidCute [2013-09-20 23:08:17 +0000 UTC]

I used to have a white cat with a black tail and half his face was black, so I don't know what kind of colored cat he was. I also used to have a ginger tabby cat, and now I have a Siamese! I'm planning on getting a Maine Coon, but it's so hard finding one where I live. :c


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TimidCute In reply to Endlessxrainx [2013-09-20 23:16:43 +0000 UTC]

mainecoons and Tuxedo's are the best kitties <3 

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Endlessxrainx In reply to TimidCute [2013-09-20 23:45:24 +0000 UTC]

I know right? ;u;

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Endlessxrainx [2013-09-06 03:50:41 +0000 UTC]

*cough* Timidpaw in a month *cough*

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