todd18 — CAROLINE, pt.4 - Harmony Disrupted

Published: 2012-01-05 02:17:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 45737; Favourites: 466; Downloads: 182
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Description EDIT: Ashleigh Ball (voice of Applejack and Rainbow Dash) signed my artwork at BroNYCon. She said it was ridiculous and she told me to keep drawing in her "Applejack" voice. Of course ridiculous is another term for awesome. Of course she asked about Caroline and I explained who she was. I was more than happy to shed some light on my character. Goddamn...that was amazing. Thank you Ashleigh Ball, for all that you gave.

Life…the great miracle and…the great mystery. Since the beginning, human, ponies and even Pokemon alike have searched for its meaning. Many strange and wondrous legends evolved from the pursuit of life’s mysteries. But none is stranger, than this tale…of a little teenage girl with inhuman powers. And so…our story continues…

"Comin' to the Rescue!" (A moment of shuddering...)

“Fluttershy! How far is it?”

“Ummm…well, it’s not that far, Carol. We should be in Esquestria in the next five minutes or. But it all depends on how fast you fly.” The saiyan decided to increase her speed and in an exhilarating burst of aura. Fluttershy pointed it out. Below was a small village. Fluttershy was home. The saiyan touched down below. As they descended, not too far from their location was a little orange pony with a “cowboyish” resting under a tree. She had a blond mane and a tattoo with 3 red apples on her thigh. Laying under a tree resting from a hard day’s work, a purple pony approached her. “Applejack, have you seen Fluttershy? She’s been gone for almost a week. This is abnormal behavior for someone like her.” Applejack tipped her hat up glaring at her. “Twilight, can’t yallz see I’m tryin’ to catch some Zs? I reckon if yallz ask Rarity, she’d know.” Twilight Sparkle, the purple unicorn signed in disbelief at her companion’s attitude. Back in the woods Fluttershy and Caroline we approaching town. She felt awkward to be in a land inhabited by magical talking ponies. The two were originally going to Shy’s house but she spotted Applejack nearby and made a detour. “Oh there you are Applejack! There’s hardly any out here!” Applejack didn’t bother to look up. But the secondary voice she didn’t recognize got her attention. She tipped her at up staring in the face of a human teenage girl. She never saw a human before. Until, today! AJ was flabbergasted by the fact her dwellings had a visitor in its midst’s. Not just any visitor! But the 3rd strongest human on the planet. As AJ tried to unravel the mystery of why Caroline was here, a pink pony was approaching with puffy hair with a smile on her face. She stopped trotting when she saw Caroline.

“HEY, I KNOW YOU!!!” she shrieked with joy in her voice! “You’re a super saiyan!” AJ quickly glanced at the pink playful pony. “Uhh….Pinke Pie, wha’ in tarnation is uh’ saiyan? Sounds like some sort of creature if you ask me.” Pinkie Pie couldn’t provide an explanation. It was knowledge she just possessed. Caroline snarled at AJ, “I’M NOT A CREATURE! I’m a girl. I’m a human girl with inhumane powers!” She pulled her hair, “I possess powers that could blow this entire planet to bits and pieces!”

“Don’t worry, Suga’Cube. I never said you’re a freak. I never seen a human before but calling yourself…a ‘Saiyan’? That sounds a bit perplexin’ donchu think? Why shoot! What else would yallz expect me to think?” Fluttershy interjected, “…well Applejack, you don’t understand. Carol here is a very special person. She saved my life when we got invaded by that pink horrible monster. She stood by my side, and protected me. I owe her my life…” Caroline was getting the welcome wagon: an orange pony calling her a freak, a pink Earth pony already possessing knowledge of her kind. This only left three more ponies

Fluttershy and Caroline finally got to the house. The door creaked open; Caroline entered a utopia filled with precious little animals. It was a precious site. She was like her grandfather; she couldn’t stand to see other living creatures suffer. A humming bird flew on her shoulder humming a peaceful tune. “Wow, Shy…” She hesitated, “I didn’t know you cared so much about animals, dude.” The little Pegasus giggled. “I love animals and I’ll always do my best to take care of them. I’m going to see a friend, how about you make yourself feel right at home. Just relax, I’ll be back in about 10 minutes…or more.”

Back in the Sahara Greenlands, Daisy was alone in her kitchen holding a frame of herself and her two daughters. She was feeling somewhat depressed at the circumstances she experienced the past week.

“Man, this week was nothing but pure bullshit! I died on my birthday. I’m resurrected from death, my daughter is gone, and I’m pregnant…AGAIN! How can I tell him?” She was panicking because she wasn’t expecting another baby. “Oh, my…it’s a wonderful thing…but…but how can I tell him? Lemme see…” And so she practiced different ways and approaches she’d tell Gohan about her pregnancy. Without warning, he came in unaware of her sudden outburst! “THAAAAAT’s RIGHT! I’m PREGNANT!” She yelled.

“…you’re pregnant, again?” he asked with a dumbfounded expression. She immediately turned around with a blue face. “WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOYOW!” she shrieked. The saiyan palmed his face in disappointment, …every time…every time it’s love instead of lust, she gets pregnant…

This day if full of nothing but surprises! Daisy and Gohan are multiplyin’ like rabbits and our hero is all the way on the other side of the planet.

Back in Esquestria…
“So you’re saying there is a human here? Where you dwell at? This is very interesting news, Fluttershy. I’m glad you told me. I never saw a human before either. It would be nice to meet her. Here’s my idea: why don’t we throw a party in her honor? Makes sense does it not? After all, she did avenge everyone by ridding the land of that mysterious invader. I saw it’s a go. Let’s do it, tonight as a matter of fact!”

“Oh thank you, Princess Celestia! She’s still at home. My little Angel can be a handful at times…” Celestia, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and the Mayor decided to throw a party in her honor. Shy and her five friends went back to the treehouse. When they got there, the six ponies were in awe: walking in on a super saiyan training her body. She was in a handstand formation performing push-ups.

“504, 505, 506…” The ponies gathered around. Fluttershy watched in amazement at the concentration the girl kept. “Oh my, your hair is golden again." Shy pointed out, "how long have you been like this?”

“…couple uh’ hours…”

“You aren’t tired?”


“Well, I brought my friends over…” Shy introduced Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. The saiyan stopped and bellowed to the floor. Rainbow Dash was impressed by what she saw.

Rarity observed her outfit and began to nit-pick on the girl’s clothes.

“My, my, darling! Just look…you’re a mess!!! You can’t come to Canterlot looking like this.”

“What’s a Canterlot??? Is this someone I’m meeting? I never made plans on meeting anyone or going out tonight to begin with.” She snarled a bit. She was starting to get suspicious.
“Tsk, tsk, you are the guest of honor.” She told her.

“Explain yourself!” Caroline demanded. Rainbow Dash was snickering in the corner, at Caroline’s constant barking.“Hey, I like her: fierce and straight to the point!”

Rarity explained the essence and the wondrous magic that Canterlot possessed. Rarity described it as a glamorous and sophisticated city and said fantasized of living there. The city holds the royal castle and it is the site of important cultural events, like the Grand Galloping Gala (which didn’t go to well during their Best Night "EVER!"). The afternoon passed and the evening skies took wing. Rarity left and came back with her outfit. The saiyan was in the shower preparing herself for the party the ponies were secretly throwing for her. Rarity went in the bathroom and left the clothes in a special box. “Here is the outfit I made EXCLUSIVELY for you; I think you’ll find it simply…fabulous!!!”

She emerged from the bathroom in the clothes Rarity designed. The Unicorn's mouth dropped at how beautiful the girl looked. The saiyan had on a leather jacket, a blue denim skirt, heels (made from the hardest diamonds in Esquesia) and a white fluffy scarf.

“Hmm...this jacket is kind of tight, but I think I can move around. I like it a lot. I feel a bit “prissy” but it’s stylish! I'm not use to wearing clothes like this. My sister swears to God, I'm a tomboy, but hey...that's what happens when Daisy's your mother and your father's a saiyan!” She threw a couple of jabs and a few quick kicks to get use to the flexibility. Everyone was ready to depart but thanks to the technique she learned from her grandfather, she got the little ponies to Canterlot Castle with the greatest of ease. Can you say "Instant Transmission x2"?

The group finally arrived and they were greeted by with great honor by Celestia. Every pony bowed before her except Caroline. Caroline’s a princess as well, so her royal stature is just as excellent as Celestia’s. She was joyful to meet the ambitious girl who guarded the life of her loyal subject. As the group made way the inside of the Gala Hall, Celestia went on ahead leaping to the center stage. The Gala Hall filled itself with ponies from all across the land. Different establishments from Ponyville: Sweet Apple Acres, Sugarcube Corner, Town Square Central, you name it! Fillies, Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies were here to celebrate on this very special night. The princess calmed the room and welcomed everyone.

“This is your Princess speaking. Before we begin, I want to say…”

“AAAAAAAHH! CELESTIA! WHAT IS THAT BLUE SMOG?!” An Earth pony yelled directing attention to the top balcony. From out of nowhere a giant blue cloud of smoke bringing strong winds arouse from the balcony. Could this be some freak act of nature? I don’t think so! Forget the forecast! Even I can predict trouble when I see it! There was no denying the danger, the ponies in the Gala could feel it coming. The smog took shape and marked the return of an unwanted visitor. Standing on the balcony was a dark pony with an unusual sharp horn. Look out everyone! Nightmare Moon is CRASHING the party! Cheers quickly turned into gasps of fright!

“Well, well, well…my dearest sister. Princess Celestia. It’s been awhile. Ten years to be accurate.”

“WHY ARE YOU HERE?!” Celestia angrily demanded. “LEAVE NOW! I thought I locked you away forever? How did you break free?”

“I DON’T THINK SO, SISTER!!! NO QUESTIONS TONIGHT!” The rage and anguish was detectable in her voice. Her anger was so intense, that not even Celestia could stop her this time. “My beloved subjects...you all must be thrilled to see me. You ALL must be VERY thrilled to see me again!” She then directed her attention to Celestia. And then the unthinkable happened...from out of nowhere, Nightmare Moon summoned enormous amounts energy from her unicorn. She shot her target and within seconds, Celestia was immobilized. Caroline couldn’t believe the hate and bitterness one could do to another. Everyone gasped at the circumstances: unable to help their protector in her time of need. Nightmare Moon bickered and insulted her sister’s pride. “Little ponies, you have all served your purpose, so I am sparing your lives…for the moment.” The evil pony glared at the audience below. This party took a turn for the worst! “...but you cannot escape your fate.” she continued. “The hour of my vengeance draws near. When I kill each and one of you little shits, I swear I’ll plunge this pathetic world in eternal darkness!”

“I wouldn’t count on it…because I won’t let you…” yelled a voice from the back. It was Caroline! And now that she’s heard enough, it was time for the heroine to step fourth.

“You know Midnight Moon…or whatever the hell your name is; I can’t let you do that. You’re chastising was some trash! Is that the best you got?! Plunging the world into eternal darkness? I swear it’s like I’m watching a kid’s cartoon. I’m sure you can think of something BETTER and more DANGEROUS than that! You villains are all the same. Shouting into the heavens your plans for world domination! Unaware someone will accept your challenge and destroy everything you stand for.” the saiyan protested. She walked majestically to the stage emitting sparks of energy as her power slowly started to overflow. She was indeed a true princess. The entire Gala spectated, never before have they seen anyone stand up against this wicked incarnation of evil.

“HOW DARE YOU insult me?! I am The Mare in the Moon, child!”

“You are a joke!” Caroline interrupted.

“Oh, really? You seem to be the joke my dear; in fact you aren’t even a pony. What’s with the tail, are you some sort of disfigured hybrid? You’re like a little monkey girl. ” Caroline blushed in embarrassment. Nightmare Moon belittled her pride as a saiyan in front of thousands of ponies. In response, she pointed her index finger and shot a death beam at the dark pony, purposely missing her to deliver a warning. The other ponies gasped at the display. “Bang! That is who I am!” she asserted with a smug on her face. Nightmare had enough of the idle chit-chat and took a giant leaped from the balcony landing right in front of the saiyan girl. Nightmare Moon was ENORMOUS! Much bigger and more powerful than her last counter in Equestria. The evil Alicorn stood before her, focusing all of her anger toward the girl. As big as Nightmare Moon was, Caroline stood there with the confidence of a true saiyan warrior. Silence overtook the Gala Hall. The other ponies watched in suspense wondering who would draw first.

“I should kill you where you stand." Caroline began, "I don't care if you're a thousand times bigger than me. Sizes DOES NOT matter, Alicorn. Do you have any idea what a saiyan's capable of?!” Caroline asked in a vicious tone.

“I DON’T CARE!!" the Alicorn lashed back, "I WAS going to be merciful but I had a change of heart. You over stayed your welcome, human. It's time for you to go back from whence you came!” demanded Nightmare.

"You’re evil…so…you should already know fate brought me here for a reason: to stop you from causing pain. I'm the hero and you're the villain.” Caroline explained to the wicked Mare. The evil pony began to grow impatient with the child’s arrogant ego. Fluttershy could watch no more from the sides. She galloped by Caroline’s side. A look of courage and dissapointment in her eyes shaking her head in disbelief at Nightmare Moon. Pinkie Pie soon followed and Rainbow Dash hovered next to the saiyan, but poor little Scootaloo was consumed with intense fear, she couldn’t move. Caroline and the rest of her pony clan stood their ground. “LISTEN!” she yelled to the wicked Mare. “I know who you are and I didn’t come all this way to Canterlot just for you to fuck up my night! I know who you really are…Princess Luna.”

Nightmare Moon snarled at the saiyan girl. “You see, when you take life...you live in fear. Deep down you know that someday your life will be taken as well. We all have to reap what we sow, Alicorn. There's no way of avoiding that. When you harm others, you're really only harming yourself. It's simple, if you want good things to happen in your life, you have to be good.” Caroline preached. The other ponies nodded in agreement.

“Pffffft, please! You're kidding...right?" That pathetic sister of mine deserves to die, She locked me away for thousands of years. I needed a host and my goody half was the only way to shatter my prison. She may have extracted our halves in two, but Luna will never come back! What do you say to that, fool?” The saiyan didn’t say a word. She wiped the saliva from her cheek and prepared to launch her assault on the dark Mare. She took her hands, opened her palms, and scrunched her fingers pulling her elbows back 90 degrees. Uh-oh…was she really going to do what I think she's going to do? YES!

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkamena can you three hear me? They looked around for the voice and realized it was Caroline. She was communicating with them telepathically. She demanded that they get the little frightened filly out of the way, before she launched her final attack. She explained the situation of Luna and informed them that one final wish remains if they manage to find the dragonballs.

“WHAT IS ALL THIS STALLING?!” The dark pony barked. "I am loosing my patience, human. DO SOMETHING!.”

“Alright Ms. Moon, you asked for it.” Caroline happily answered. “Kaaa-Meeee-Haaaa-Meeeeeeeeeeeh…” And with without any hesitations, Rainbow Dash grabbed Scootaloo and Fluttershy grabbed Pinkie Pie.

“What the…why are you four running away?! What is that light shining from behind you?” Nightmare Moon asked with surprise in her voice.

“You asked me how I’d retaliate. So…I decided I’m going to kill you. I’m hungry, there’s food on the side for everyone to feast on. Oh yeah, that’s right: this is my party, and YOU WEREN’T INVITED!”
“You’re bluffing child! If you do Luna dies too!”

“Yeah I know, but she’ll come back to life and you WON’T. So instead of imprisonment once more, I’ll put you in an eternal sleep. And these ponies will finally live in peace for the remainder of their lives.” explained Caroline. Nightmare Moon shook her head and backed away but it was too late.

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!” and with the exhilaration of power she unleashed, the saiyan ended the pony’s life. It was harsh blow. The entire Gala lit up with light as the blast pierced the back of the building. Nightmare Moon was no more. She was erased from existence. The almost forgot about Celestia. She reached in her pocket opening a bag a senzus and rushed to her attention. Putting a bean in the winged Unicorn’s mouth, within seconds the pain she felt vanished and she was back to her normal self. The entire Gala filled with cheers when everyone saw their princess emerge from the floor.
“Celestia I’m sorry for what I did, I didn’t mean to-”

“Don’t worry my dearest Caroline.” Celestia interrupted, “I know you did what you had to do in order to protect these little ones. We are in your debt and you have our utmost gratitude. I also heard everything you spoke of. I can read minds too.”

“So you aren’t mad? But I dented the Gala Hall and left an enormous hole in the wall.”
“I’m sure I’ll get ‘someone’ to repair the damages.” winking her eye at Caroline. “…by the way, if you time tonight, look on the right side of your thigh. I’m sure you’ll find what you’ll see very interesting. You’re not a pony but you’ve demonstrated that saving lives is one of your talents...” Celestia turned her attention to the audience. “This is your princess speaking! It’s time to PARTY HARD!” It was a night for all to experience. Panic and fear quickly turned into cheers of happiness. Fluttershy came from behind and jumped on the girl’s back rubbing her head on top of Caroline’s. Cheers took the night sky and the ponies did the only they were best at: partying all hours of the night.

The following mourning, Caroline packed her things. She left the Dragon Radar behind in hopes the little ponies would miraculously find all seven balls and bring Luna back to life with the remaining wish. It was time for this princess to head home. Fluttershy’s friends came by. Before she left Shy jumped on her delivering her final embracement.“Carol…” she began in a soft whisper. “Will…will I ever see you again?” The saiyan girl placed her hand on Shy’s head. “Of course you will. I’ll always live on. I’ll always be in your heart no matter how far I am. I may be miles away, but our friendship bond will remain strong. Now…if you or your friends every need me. Promise me…you’ll come to the Sarasaland and fine me.” The grip she had on the saiyan tightened. A tear fell from Shy’s eyes sadden at the realization her friend had to depart. “I…I promise, I will find you.”

Caroline ascended to the sky. While Fluttershy watched our hero fade into the clouds, she couldn't take the loss of losing a good friend. Her emotions clearly got the best of her and thus, she ran into her treehouse sadden by her friend’s departure. The rest of the ponies were upset for her. Losing a friend can be one of the hardest things to do. However, as Caroline flies home, one thing will always be certain: no matter where this majestic princess ventures to, she will always protect those who are in danger and maintain harmony amongst the land.



Final part of CAROLINE


I swear! If I could give this girl of mine's a theme it would be Comin' to the Rescue from Pikachu's Rescue Adventure from Pokemon 2000: The Power of One! Just listen to the song and think about what Caroline does.

And there for, our little hero ventures back home for a job well done. Well now! That was some tale wasn't it. Caroline defeat two enemies: Majin Lamp and Nightmare moon. Let's think about it dudes and dudettes. NMM is a dark pony with magical powers and Caroline is a saiyan with inhuman powers. So who was going to win this battle? I think we all pretty much knew from the start. I will say that rendering Nightmare Moon was pretty fun. I enjoyed that and Rainbow Dash...was kinda tricky. I had to use different ranges of pencils to catch the equivalency of her multi-colored hairstyle.

I really hope you all enjoyed reading this tale. We've watched Caroline develop from an arrogant female and blossom into a young adult through her battles. What adventures await our young hero net? Suggestions are always welcomed!
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Comments: 59

Mikkillerib In reply to ??? [2012-08-15 05:54:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

awesomestarz [2012-06-23 16:22:45 +0000 UTC]

That's nice that Ashleigh ball sgned your work!
I ove your shading technique! You're realy good.
Ah hope that 'yall keep on drawin' too!

But who exactly Is that human girl of yours?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

amandaam [2012-06-06 02:36:26 +0000 UTC]


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todd18 In reply to amandaam [2012-06-06 04:37:14 +0000 UTC]

is that a good or bad? hard to tell since you decided to fav the image.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

amandaam In reply to todd18 [2012-06-07 17:23:19 +0000 UTC]

awesome i love the detail

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

freelancerraiko [2012-04-07 17:13:14 +0000 UTC]

So let me get this straight. Saiyans....AND ponies.

Sure. You know what? Why the hell not.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mollygb15 In reply to freelancerraiko [2012-04-22 20:20:49 +0000 UTC]

I agree.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xXKomoriXx [2012-03-25 23:03:10 +0000 UTC]

this is too damn awesome

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to xXKomoriXx [2012-03-25 23:54:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xXKomoriXx In reply to todd18 [2012-03-26 01:26:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jaylightning19 [2012-02-10 01:30:23 +0000 UTC]

If suggestions are welcomed how about Carol meets someone with just as much power as her and they become friendly rivals?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to Jaylightning19 [2012-02-13 03:23:02 +0000 UTC]

She did meet someone with just as much power as her and killed her. The saiyan came across a female Majin and struggled. But in the end, she erased her from existence. As far as rivalry goes...that's too cliche, which is why I avoided that. My character is a loner. But I do appreciate you're interest.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jaylightning19 In reply to todd18 [2012-02-13 04:47:15 +0000 UTC]

I can see where your coming from. I don't want to annoy you with ideas but what about the world's martial arts tournament interrupted by..i dunno the shadow dragons maybe?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to Jaylightning19 [2012-02-13 05:18:26 +0000 UTC]

Well to be blunt, when I was asking for suggestions, I actually meant attitude changes and character designs. That was what I truly meant. But not everyone grasped that idea.

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Rome03 [2012-01-26 18:28:22 +0000 UTC]

This sounds like a good story

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Clone999 [2012-01-23 18:55:00 +0000 UTC]

I type "never go full retard" in deviantart and it comes up with this? don't mean to nick pick but why did you color scootaloo's eyes blue? apart from that brilliantly done.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to Clone999 [2012-01-23 22:41:12 +0000 UTC]

I type "never go full retard" in deviantart and it comes up with this?

Hmm, I cannot distinguish if this statement is rather good or bad.

why did you color scootaloo's eyes blue?

The same reason I colored Fluttershy's eyes gray, unfortunately.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Clone999 In reply to todd18 [2012-01-23 22:51:23 +0000 UTC]

I was expecting it to come up with stuff from a film called Tropic Thunder but instead this came up along with one of your other art works. Which is strange because this is, as I said, brilliantly done not retarded.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to Clone999 [2012-01-23 22:53:57 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YoshiMan1118 [2012-01-13 16:03:46 +0000 UTC]

Ha! I knew the ponies would get to you. :b Last I knew, you didn't feel comfortable about watching/ liking them....

Anyways... as always.... slick works with the super detailed shading. :n

And having Ashleigh Ball sign your work is just the most kick ass thing ever. :m

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to YoshiMan1118 [2012-01-16 08:09:49 +0000 UTC]

Eventually, I'd overcome the extent of avoiding it and I realized that sooner or later...I'm gonna have to at least give this shit a try. The end result? Well...it was pretty surprising. My character is getting recognized a bit more with each post. I realized that characters are all the rage these days so I figured I'd make one and that's why I got here.!

I appreciate the comment. I'm probably going to draw more of these ponies. It's not that bad and it's giving me something new to draw now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gdpr-16812140 [2012-01-12 01:03:29 +0000 UTC]

I just adore how you drew NMM and laid down shades/highlight to gave her volume. Looks so.. consistent and good.

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todd18 In reply to gdpr-16812140 [2012-01-13 07:54:50 +0000 UTC]

Nightmare Moon.

I actually did state in the AC I enjoyed my time rendering her. She was indeed a very tricky character to approach since she's black. Let alone her armor is somewhat lacking in details so I wanted to fix that. But overall, she's a really cool character to draw and render. But another thing I also found tricky was the hair itself. Since the animations lack detail, I have to approach things from my prospective! It doesn't seem to negate the character appearances so I will do this next time for future. My only real concern is Fluttershy's eye color, I think, I'm going to just "red" them shits from now on.

But cheers for the comment!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gdpr-16812140 In reply to todd18 [2012-01-13 07:58:21 +0000 UTC]

> character appearances so I will do this next time for future

Does that mean you plan to draw her fullbody? This would be interesting to see.

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todd18 In reply to gdpr-16812140 [2012-01-13 08:00:10 +0000 UTC]

I do not know. I can do it. But I'd have to force myself to do it. But I'm not going to do it anytime soon yet. I still have other images I need to bang out first!

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Tsitra360 [2012-01-11 02:49:37 +0000 UTC]

What an awesome thing! To get a VA to sign your own work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to Tsitra360 [2012-01-15 23:53:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tsitra360 In reply to todd18 [2012-01-16 05:27:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh your welcome, and it looks like I forgot to comment on the art itself. I really like how you made the eyes and hair stand out on all of the characters, and the way you made the lightning go behind and in front of the characters. Excellent pencil rendering

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X-LadyShadow-X [2012-01-10 14:32:11 +0000 UTC]

Great artwork.
It is so awesome

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L4m3ness [2012-01-09 12:51:46 +0000 UTC]


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todd18 In reply to L4m3ness [2012-01-13 07:47:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, sir. I appreciate it.

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luigipony [2012-01-09 02:05:29 +0000 UTC]

We dont have Bronycons in the Uk,fanbase is not large enough XP But still its Awesome that she signed your work and the story is pretty awesome too ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to luigipony [2012-01-13 07:48:57 +0000 UTC]

I see. Very interesting thought there. I do know the UK is very big on Sonic though. A lot of sonic fans in that neck of the woods. But the fanbase in terms of ponies is increasing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

luigipony In reply to todd18 [2012-01-13 17:43:06 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm...yes the Sonic Fanbase is quite big here,when Ie been to expos Ie seen quite a few Sonic costumes and big groups round the game demos ^^ Oh yes it is,its getting much bigger ^^ I think the Uk is a fan of Rainbow dash ^^

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JeiHeirumaru [2012-01-09 01:47:58 +0000 UTC]

Awesome update, dude

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xHAZARD78x [2012-01-09 01:46:55 +0000 UTC]

awesome, the fact that you got it autographed makes it about 120% cooler bro

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

todd18 In reply to xHAZARD78x [2012-01-13 07:47:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you my good sir. I hope your art is coming along as well. We have to keep on drawing. This will keep us motivated. And by the way I got your note. My apologies for not responding to it sooner. In fact I did this with everyone, I've been trying to organize my group and I been busier. But I'm replying to things so I'm slowly coming back!


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StaciNadia [2012-01-07 01:27:24 +0000 UTC]

Heh, a kid's cartoon, eh? XD Very cute episode! =3 And I'm VERY curious as to what Princess Celestia says is on Caroline's thigh... A cutie mark, perhaps? =3

Love your artwork as always! Favorite bits are the hair/manes, of course, and Nightmare Moon's eyes--it's a more subtle color than the others!

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todd18 In reply to StaciNadia [2012-01-13 07:45:39 +0000 UTC]

A silly little kid's cartoon that she is apart of. Yes, I understand I failed at breaking the fourth wall there. But...it was worth a shot. I'm glad you enjoy it. Makes me motivated to just keep on drawing ponies. Ponies are amazing. In fact! This is because YOU! I did that Applejack illustration and now look where I'm at!

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megadaisy1 [2012-01-07 01:01:13 +0000 UTC]

This was amazing!! I was so glad you made a new story! I always enjoy reading
your stories! I love to watch Caroline develop and develop in every story!
The most shocking part I read was probably finding out that Daisy was pregnant again!! XD
Beautiful work as always!

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todd18 In reply to megadaisy1 [2012-01-13 07:39:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. This little girl is developing to be quite the hero as well a young adult! In my latest journal, I'm pretty much sandbagging another adventure. I'll probably start on that many many months from now since school is going to be in my way so I might as well confirm it when draft out some sketches and save it for later.

Oh and let me just say: the whole thing about Daisy being pregnant was just another teaser I threw in there. That can result to anything...

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megadaisy1 In reply to todd18 [2012-01-13 22:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Your very welcome! Of course I did, it was fabulous!
I notice in every story she develops, its amazing how quickly
she grows up and how strong she gets in every story!
Yeah, I understand, school's in my way too, I can't make time to practice
my anatomy and characters until the weekend.
Lol, really? Well it got me in a heart attack when I read that!

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JeiHeirumaru [2012-01-06 06:16:42 +0000 UTC]

Chalk up another win, for th' Todd-man.

Two thumbs up. All da way up!

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todd18 In reply to JeiHeirumaru [2012-01-13 07:40:05 +0000 UTC]


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JustAnotherFan4 [2012-01-06 03:18:19 +0000 UTC]

that's great, loving this more and more! the theme is great i think it fits perfectly! X3

im a bit curious to as what the cutie mark she was given is?

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todd18 In reply to JustAnotherFan4 [2012-01-06 03:23:04 +0000 UTC]

She's a saiyan dude. On my next deviation, you will see her cutie mark. Because she does have a cutie mark because of Celestia. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a great run and it was fun. Nightmare Moon was an awesome character to write and work with. Next time we will see what happens with the Caroline/Fluttershy sagas.

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JustAnotherFan4 In reply to todd18 [2012-01-06 03:25:05 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! i cant wait! ~yay!

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Punkin-Oau [2012-01-06 01:04:25 +0000 UTC]

All i know is that you have merged Dragonball Z, MLP FiM, Super Mario Bros., and Pokemon. You are officailly AWESOME!

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todd18 In reply to Punkin-Oau [2012-01-13 07:33:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the comment. I should keep on trollin' this combination then since you claim its awesome.

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Punkin-Oau In reply to todd18 [2012-01-20 01:29:28 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you.

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