TokalaSoul — BTS | Adder Hidden Among the Leaves

Published: 2013-06-22 09:17:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 1368; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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For the Group:

// E D I T - FINNALLY updated her ref c: I love how she looks now~ The original ref bothered me XD


Sorry It's like 2:02 AM over her...AND I wanted to finish this so PLEASE BEAR WITH ME :'D

Also my first time drawing a snake or anything like a snake! XD FFFT. Can't do designs like that! I ALSO HOPE THE ADDER IS ALRIGHT AS A PET.

General Information

Name || Adder Hidden Among the Leaves
' Nickname ' || Adder
Age || 2.5 Years
Gender || Female ( She-cat )
Breed || Sand Tabby Mix
Orientation || Straight
Position || Trooper
Tribe || Tribe of Lost Skies
Apprentice || None At The Moment
Injuries / Conditions || None Currently

Items / Accessories ||

Chalk Among The Ash - Chalk was rescued by Adder when the small animal was attacked by a hawk. Adder was able to chase it away and was also kind enough to heal the adder back to a healthy state. { More Info In History }

Feather Earring - Adder wears these as a respect for her old Mate, Shade. Feathers from a 2 birds Shade had caught. { More Info In History }


Pebbles Earned So far || 0


Character Information



Darkness That Surrounds The Stars ( Star ) ( Unknown ) X Beetle Under The Rock ' Beetle ' ( Deceased )


- Frost Upon A Frozen Dagger ' Dagger ' ( Deceased )

- Holly Growing Under The Sun 'Holly' ( Deceased )

Other Relations

- Bee that Flocks The Flower ' Flower ' ( Deceased ) - Aunt

- Shade Under The Oak 'Shade ' ( Deceased ) - Past Mate


{ Serious | Short-Tempered | Competitive | EXTREMELY STUBBORN | Wise | Considerate | Proud | Organized | Sarcastic }

- Serious -
She hates to admit it but Adder can be quite serious. She usually will joke at certain times but she likes to keep a more 'formal' tone to everything. Her ways of thinking are very strict, this is mostly caused by her mates death. She is almost to a point where she acts more like a very concerned mother rather than a regular trooper. Her duties are often taken very seriously and if one tries and 'fool around' with them she get's very annoyed. She can be at times TOO serious which annoys many cats to a extent, sometimes a gentle touch of a friend can put her mind at more softer paths.

- Short-Tempered / Grudge Holder -
Like the animal she is named after, Adder is not one to get one all 'fired up'. She can get pretty annoyed by ones whom don't seem to know not to tease her. Her short fuse is often lite but not 'set off' because she cools down pretty easily. However if something major happens or she is tampered with pretty bad, it can take her ages to get over it. She can hold grudges for a while. And can be very 'vengeful' when that certain grudge resurfaces in her face to cause more harm.

- Competitive / Proud -
Even though she has quite a serious persona at first glance, Adder can be quite playful and competitive when she gets used to you. She loves to set up little competitions with her friends and doesn't like it much if she loses. Her pride knows no bounds and sometimes can be hurt if she loses a bet. She takes some competitions to heart and can be quite hurt pride wise when she is unable to finish first. Her 'Proud spirit' is also a good factor in her persona however because she is not often hurt by petty insults or teases. Even though she is proud Adder's pride is quite solid, almost as much to rock.

- Stubbornness / Loyalty -
Like many of the cats she believes are truly apart of the tribe, she is extremely loyal. She will never leave your side if you are in need and will even give her life for another she loves if it is needed. Her loyalty also comes along with her stubbornness. She is a extremely stubborn she-cat and is not hard to convince, when she's in the wrong. When she has a point to prove she likes to stand by her decision and stay there no matter what. This can often lead her into trouble with the more higher ranks but when she knows something is wrong she likes to be straight about it.

- Wise -
To a certain point, Adder can be quite wise on her own part. She hasn't much to tell except her misfortunes in the past but she knows quite a lot for her age. She has all kinds of advice for ones whom search for it. And loves to share her more 'motherly' side when she speaks about wisdom and her past. She learns a lot from her experiences and shares them quite well when she speaks to others. She also loves to gain more 'wisdom' through her life so she is a fast learner when it comes down to it.

- Considerate -
At heart, Adder is quite considerate towards others. She will not try intentionally to hurt a cats feelings unless she really needs to. She thinks out her decisions and choices quite well and likes to make a good first impression.

- Organized -
Her mind likes to figure out and calculate such minor things to such a point that some cat's find it quite annoying. Adder likes to keep a neat mindset and when put off her 'routine' she can become quite 'cranky' and confused. Her train of thoughts are usually not often lost easily, and a cat can easily tell when something is off about her. She likes to keep track and organize the little belongings she has. Sometimes even organizing other cat's things because of her impulse to do so. She will sometimes complain about how unkempt another cat is, and can be quite comfortable if she does see something 'unorganized'

- Sarcastic -
When she gets to know someone, She does like to be very sarcastic and 'teasing' with them. She usually doesn't mean it to heart though and can only tease about minor things. She can be very amusing to some and mean to others. Adder isn't one to mew something harsh and regret it so if one can does take it to heart she will try and remedy the situation by telling them to calm down. When she is extremely annoyed, she doesn't intentionally show it in her tone but she does. The sarcastic side of her can be negative and positive determined mainly by her mood.


|| Parental History
Adder was born from a ( quite tragic ) relationship with 2 cats in 2 different worlds. These two cats were her mother Darkness That Surrounds The Stars or Star and her father Beetle Under The Rock or Beetle. Beetle was a very loyal and faithful Hunter in his tribe, and his loyalty was never questioned. However on a hunt, he met a She-cat outside of the any of the tribes, This was Star. When they first met, Beetle was hunting and she somehow crossed the border and ran straight into him. They got into an argument and fought, however for the much larger Beetle, Star won and easily pinned the tom. Beetle soon respected the she-cat and after much discussion Star convinced him to see her again sometime that next moon. Star was very much a enigma to the hard working tom and she was like an 'escape' for him.

Beetle and Star became good friends and afterwards, Beetle began to see her every night. And not soon after this started, Beetle and Star became mates. They had their First litter, containing Adder and her siblings. Beetle went missing in the tribe for the couple of days before her kitting and right after the litter was born he tried talking Star into becoming apart of the tribe. She simply said ' I'll think about it' and on that night she disappeared....

Beetle was devastated because she left without warning and had abandoned her kits just a few days after they were born. So later that day, with a jumbled mind and broken heart Beetle came back to the tribe with the kits alone...

|| Kithood

Adder was born in a litter of three. She was a the strongest and most hyper, her sister was Holly growing Under the Sun ( Holly ) and brother Frost Upon A Frozen Dagger ( Dagger ) Even without knowing their mother, they were quite a happy bunch. Adder usually the ring leader of all their stunts and mischief. At the time, all three were taken care of by another Queen, this she-cat was Beetle's sister Bee That Flocks The Flower ( Flower ). She was a kind and quite gentle 'adopted' mother and they learned from and respected the she-cat.

Her litter had died from illness the same moon they were born so they were like a 'cushion' to the sadness of losing her original kits. She loved each and every one of them and acted more as a mother rather than a 'aunt' to them. Beetle worked hard and always liked to prove the kits were worthy of staying in Lost Skies even for their non-tribe ties. He never told Adder and her siblings much about their mother. Nor did he ever tell them she had abandoned them, he did however tell them about the love and friendship he and their mother shared. And only talked about the positives of their mother. Never talking down about her or talking of the cruelty.

|| Trainee

When the time was right and with the 6 moons of age in tow, the Three siblings became trainees. Adder earned a very strict yet wise mentor named Bat or Flight Of A Bat. He was very serious and organized, 'rubbing off' on Adder greatly. Adder was very much a great and well rounded student with a positive attitude and a will to continue to learn more. She was very eager and was pretty much as cocky as any other of the Trainnees.

However their 'happiness' didn't last very long, and on the next couple of moons a sudden epidemic washed over the tribe. It started with severe coughing and then complete fatigue, throat soreness, and then the inability to breath correctly. To Adder's misfortune, Flower, and both of her siblings contracted the disease. Only a select few were able to survive and the ones unable to 'heal' died this including her three siblings and aunt. With only her Father left of her family, Adder grew slightly more serious and wanted to finish her trooper training in honor of her siblings.

|| Trooper

After much hardships and challenges passed, Adder became apart of Lost Skies's Hunters. Her father was very proud of her and by the time she earned her rank, he had retired to be an elder. Beetle was no longer the hardened and fast hunter he once was and so when his sight began to slowly blur he decided to join the ranks of the elders. He was very much proud of his only surviving kit and Adder hoped that her deceased siblings and 'adopted' mother were also. And as Beetle died from age, Adder seemed to become more intent on the future, even with the many death's she had encountered through her life, she had become quite a happy cat.

A few moons after her new rank was announced, Adder encountered a tom that wandered into camp. He was an outsider and wanted to join their ranks. At first sight, both cats had a type of connection with each other and upon acceptance into the tribe they became the best of friends. His original name was Shade but after he joined he then was renamed to ' Shade Under The Oak'. He became a hunter for his agility and skill, and was quite a gentleman in his own part.

Shade and Adder grew very close, and soon became mates. Shade often hunted for Adder. His 2 catches were of a Robin and Jay, After everyone was fed, he gave Adder the feathers as a present. She loved them, fashioning them into earrings so she could wear them always.

However yet again Adder's 'happiness' did not last long. Adder was on a patrol to protect the Hunters whilst they seek out prey ( this was because of a fox that was seen near the borders ) A couple of hunters and 2 troopers occupied the patrol, this including Adder and Shade. Whilst separated from the group, Adder and Shade encountered the fox. Adder tried the best she could to protect the both of them being the trooper. However as she fought the fox, it was able to buck her into a tree giving her a serious concussion and a wound in the back of her head. The wounds started to set in very quickly and as she began to black out, Shade was left to fight off the fox alone. Adder's last moments of her mate were of him trying to protect her whilst she was fading into blackness.

When Adder awoke, recovering from the blow, She found that her mate was killed by the fox. He was able to chase it out of the border but died of blood loss. Adder was devastated, and stayed by his body for Virgil all night, not leaving his side even after the Healer urged her to go back into a den to rest. ( This Battle is where she earned the nick in her ear. )

|| Gaining Chalk

After her Mates death, Adder became quite rigid and serious with everything she did. She reminded most of her serious mentor, Bat. And most believed she became a exact copy of him. Many knew after the traumatic even with the fox, she had drastically changed for the worse. She ketp her distance from most and didn't give much effort to socialize with anyone.

This changed when a hawk was spotted near the camp, fearing for the kits, she and a couple of other Troopers were sent off to scare it off. But when they made their way to where the Hawk was, they found that it was wrestling with some kind of snake. Adder soon found it was an true Adder. They watched as the eagle claws and sprung at the snake trying desperately to kill it. Adder was the only one whom thought it was cruel to simply watch, she jumped in slashing at the hawk. She was able to scare it away. Adder then saw the reptile, he was white with black stripes, clearly a odd colored animal. She guessed he was a animal let lose by the humans years ago, their species breeding so quickly in the wild that they became another animal species a part of the environment. The adder however was rare and seemed to be an easy target for Hawks and other birds of prey to see, so seeing the severely injured and exposed creature. Adder decided to take it under her care. She named the reptile ' Chalk among the Ash ' ( or Chalk ) for his smudged black and white scaly skin.

The small reptile, even for being dangerous and quite poisonous Chalk was nursed back to health, even by the discomfort of many by Adder. He was kept in a old set as he was taken care of outside of camp.

The creature somehow gained respect for her and soon became quite loyal to the cat that saved his life. Chalk had lost his right eye to the hawk so he didn't hunt, Adder often was the one feeding him and soon the two were best buds. Chalk was very protective of Adder and is often seen wrapped around her neck as she walked around, kind of like a body guard.

With the new companion, Adder became less anti-social and became more closer to others. Eventually Chalk was able to be trusted by the tribe and now sleeps with Adder in her den. Everyone knows he will now cause harm to any of the tribe .



|| Current Mate

|| Past Mate

- Shade Under The Oak 'Shade ' ( Deceased )

|| Crushes

|| Preferences

Likes Toms that:
Compete with her
Able to get her to relax

TOO Cocky


Acquaintance / Neutral
Best friend
Love / Mate
Enemy / Rival
Hate / Loathe

Name | Status | Rped By: | " Thoughts of Character "


|| Tribe of Lost Skies

|| Tribe of Lasting Water

|| Tribe of Loud Echoes

|| Outside Tribes / Unknown

Roleplay Sample

Adder's face seemed to grow ever more scarred as she lashed and hissed at the large animal. It's fiery orange pelt seemed to flash back and forth as it tried it's best to snap it's teeth around her neck. She had to protect Shade, he had no battle training besides the few moves she showed him a couple moons after her joined the tribe. Light speckles of sunlight filtered onto her pelt as she bounced around the creature, slipping between it's paws and trying to slash it's underbelly. She had to go to the weak spots first. Before she could weaken it and take it down.

Shade stayed back as by her instructions, even though she needed the help dearly Adder didn't want to risk her mate's life. However even so, after a few moments of the two of them struggling, Adder able to weave around the Fox's attacks. Shade was just unable to stay where he was at and just....watch...

The sleek tom streaked forward, his eyes blazing with fire as he lunged at the creature's muzzle. Adder instantly lunged back as the fox yelped in surprise. His head tossing back and forth as it tried throwing Shade off. She wanted to tell him to stay back....stay away. But she knew his stubbornness wouldn't allow her words to get past his ears. Adder decided it was alright for him to distract the fox as she went for it's weak points. The trooper slipped behind the fox as Shade hissed and clawed at it's eyes. Adder set herself in a perfect spot before lunging forward, her paws extended and her claws unsheathed.

Sharp dagger claws dragged their way into it's pelt as a yowl screeched into her ears. Adder hung fast as Shadow leaped off of it's face leaving quite a lot of gashes in his wake. Adder snarled with determination, she had to get to the neck and finish this. She was able to claw him in the head or the neck with a deep gash it would be over...

However as she reached forward with a set of claws to do so, the Fox bucked suddenly. Barking and yowling with anger and irritation. Adder gasped as her claws unhooked themselves from the large fox's fur and flung her towards a nearby rock. She felt and heard as her head came in contact with the stone. A gasp of pain escaped her maw as she slid to the sandy floor. It felt as if all of Lost Skies became suddenly noisy, her senses seeming to become 'over empathized' The young trooper slowly fell to her side as her breathing seemed to quicken, her eye sight beginning to blur extremely. " Adder!" She heard Shade say, she couldn't move, she was too weak. The sudden rush of pain rushed through her spine, all the way to the tip of her tail. "No! Add ADDER!

The she-cat's hearing and vision fuzzed and blurred as she saw what she believed to be Shade's form rush over to her. She watched as his blurred shape seemed to stand between her and the great orange snarling shape, making it's way towards the pair. Adder felt helpless, she could feel the sudden edging alluring escape into darkness start to crawl into vision. Her eye lids felt so heavy....

She couldn't sleep...

not now...

" Adder!! No! Wake up!"

/c/ Art/Charater TokalaSoul ( Moi~ )
/c/ Group Application Beyond-The-Skyline
Related content
Comments: 35

Rookie--Cookie [2014-04-13 01:00:48 +0000 UTC]

Want to RP?~
My character Lilac is in the same tribe~

Here is more info about her:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Rookie--Cookie [2014-04-23 04:24:20 +0000 UTC]

Sounds cool with me ~ c: What would you like to rp?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rookie--Cookie In reply to TokalaSoul [2014-04-24 21:31:31 +0000 UTC]

Sorry I left the group~  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Rookie--Cookie [2014-04-26 05:55:03 +0000 UTC]

lol it's fine XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Storm-Kitt [2014-01-17 00:26:07 +0000 UTC]

Want to roleplay with Falling? ;u; They could go on a walk or something ;u;'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Storm-Kitt [2014-01-17 00:42:28 +0000 UTC]

Ohh~ Sounds good with me uwu

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Storm-Kitt In reply to TokalaSoul [2014-01-17 00:52:53 +0000 UTC]

Ok! >u< Notes or comment/you or me start?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Storm-Kitt [2014-01-19 04:37:29 +0000 UTC]

Notes~ And can you start? I'm on such a writers block right now XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Storm-Kitt In reply to TokalaSoul [2014-01-19 19:14:31 +0000 UTC]

Okay ;u; I'll send one right away ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Storm-Kitt [2014-01-27 06:09:07 +0000 UTC]

Awesome thanks~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Coalfire17 [2013-06-30 17:43:01 +0000 UTC]

Woah, she is beautiful! If you're up for it, I'd love to have my Wolf meet her c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Coalfire17 [2013-07-01 04:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Sounds awesome~ What exactly do you plan for a plot?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Coalfire17 In reply to TokalaSoul [2013-07-01 12:10:01 +0000 UTC]

Er, normally I don't do plots //shot
So I didn't really have anything in mind ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Coalfire17 [2013-07-02 04:17:02 +0000 UTC]

Wanna just have them meet and maybe have a walk together?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Coalfire17 In reply to TokalaSoul [2013-07-02 04:54:50 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, sure c:
Would you start, or do you want me to?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Coalfire17 [2013-07-02 05:21:19 +0000 UTC]

Okay sure~

Can you start? c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Coalfire17 In reply to TokalaSoul [2013-07-02 05:25:24 +0000 UTC]

Okay c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Coalfire17 [2013-07-03 06:58:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks~ ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ilzani [2013-06-24 22:35:23 +0000 UTC]

What a beauty!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Ilzani [2013-06-25 03:03:54 +0000 UTC]

Why Thank you~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lithestep [2013-06-24 00:37:05 +0000 UTC]

alright, a fellow female trooper! look forward to rping with you c: my chara: [link]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Lithestep [2013-06-25 03:07:01 +0000 UTC]

Oh~! Hope we can rp then~! c: Just send a note/comment my way~! ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shiverice [2013-06-23 15:47:31 +0000 UTC]

Wow, she's beautiful <3 Maybe her and Light can be friends c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Shiverice [2013-06-25 03:07:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh sure~! And thank SO much~! We can always rp anytime ~! Just tell me c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TurkFish [2013-06-23 15:43:12 +0000 UTC]

Wow, she's beautiful <3 I love Chalk wow what a cutie Cx
We'll have to roleplay sometime :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-25 03:08:04 +0000 UTC]

aw thank you dear~!! <3

Of course~! Just send me a note or something ;w;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Solis-Starweaver [2013-06-23 14:23:50 +0000 UTC]

Ermagerd so adorable! Great personality ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to Solis-Starweaver [2013-06-25 03:08:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Solis-Starweaver In reply to TokalaSoul [2013-06-25 03:11:57 +0000 UTC]

Np ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AzzurraCielo [2013-06-23 12:47:23 +0000 UTC]

Wow, she's really interesting! I wish I could rp with you sometime!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to AzzurraCielo [2013-06-25 03:09:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~! <3

And yea~! You can roleplay with me anytime you want~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

catbae [2013-06-23 12:32:55 +0000 UTC]

omg she is soo pretty <3
Im sure Berry would love to meet her :'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to catbae [2013-06-25 03:09:54 +0000 UTC]

Oh Gosh~! If course~! We can roleplay them meeting anytime your up to it~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

catbae In reply to TokalaSoul [2013-06-25 11:37:19 +0000 UTC]

Awesome :'D
Well you can send me a note anytime c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TokalaSoul In reply to catbae [2013-06-26 01:29:09 +0000 UTC]


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