TOOLaree — DMT Dreams

Published: 2008-09-10 19:20:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 4250; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 479
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Description Taken from Wikipedia:
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine, is a naturally occurring tryptamine and potent psychedelic drug, found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body wherein its natural function is undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin and other psychedelic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-DMT and 4-HO-DMT. DMT is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism[1] by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase. Many cultures, indigenous and modern, ingest DMT as a psychedelic in extracted or synthesized forms. Pure DMT at room temperature is a clear or white to yellowish-red crystalline solid. DMT was first chemically synthesized in 1931
Several speculative and as yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. As DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brains and other tissues of humans, and other mammals,[11] some believe it plays a role in promoting the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences and other mystical states. A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT levels are periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind.[12]

Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases.

Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments[6] where the subjects were 'carried', 'robed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings'. Those could be the same beings that some of the ancient cultures that consumed DMT rich beverages, like ayahuasca, considered their gods. Also, this leads to the idea that the alien abduction phenomenon could be produced by high levels of endogenous DMT in the human body, and that it might be a physiological condition that could pass genetically to the descendants of such people. (see Abduction phenomenon). Strassman noted, though, that the experience might be highly influenced by the actual user's life, showing what the person needs, given their personal story of the moment, more than what is wanted, and also that the setting could play a partial role, too (ex: in a waking dream state).

In the 1950s, the endogenous production of psychoactive agents was considered to be a potential explanation for the hallucinatory symptoms of some psychiatric diseases as the transmethylation hypothesis.[13] (see also adrenochrome). Unfortunately, this hypothesis does not account for the natural presence of endogenous DMT in otherwise normal humans, rats and other laboratory animals. The proposal by Dr. Callaway was, however, the first to suggest a useful function for the endogenous production of DMT: to facilitate the visual phenomenon of normal dreaming.

Ethical concerns do not allow for the testing of this hypothesis in humans, as the biological samples must come from the living human brain.

Writers on DMT include Terence McKenna, Jeremy Narby and Graham Hancock (in passages of Supernatural) though most scientists who study psychedelic drugs treat their writings with skepticism. McKenna writes of his DMT experiences with a decidedly less skeptical slant, often presuming that the drug's "intoxication" is indicative of realms of consciousness equally as valid as waking-life if not more so. In his writings and speeches, he recounts encounters with entities he sometimes describes as "Self-Transforming Machine Elves" among equally colorful phrases. McKenna believed DMT to be a tool that could be used to enhance communication and allow for communication with other-worldly entities. Other users report visitation from external intelligences attempting to impart information. These Machine Elf experiences are said to be shared by many DMT users. From a researcher's perspective, perhaps best known is Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule (ISBN 0-89281-927-8);[14] Strassman speculated that DMT is made in the pineal gland, largely because the necessary constituents (see methyltransferases) needed to make DMT are found in the pineal gland.

This is a piece ive had in my mind for a while, but was waiting or trying to think of the right background! when i saw 's piece "Flowers" [link] , I instantly knew that this was what I was waiting for.

The woman in the image is a friend of mine's sister, she is beautiful and I knew I would make her into a piece of my art sooner or later!

About 2 hours in Illustrator, vectoring the girl (yes, it is vectored!!) and about 1 in Photoshop CS2 manipulating!!

View the original vector here: [link]

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Comments: 19

Saphiroko [2008-09-17 01:35:07 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I thought "HOLY CRAP this is vectored???!" but then I read "Photoshop" and I didn't pass out. But this is still amazing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

TOOLaree In reply to Saphiroko [2008-09-17 02:05:32 +0000 UTC]

There ya go! [link]

yea, i did that and felt it was plain.. not like my usual art, but i wanted to use it since i put that much time into it!!

now you cant even tell it was vectored in the piece i used it for.. lol

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TOOLaree In reply to Saphiroko [2008-09-17 01:54:37 +0000 UTC]

haha no, just the girls image is photoshopped.. maybe ill upload the vector just to show ya!

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Saphiroko In reply to TOOLaree [2008-09-17 02:06:22 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh okay!

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ShadowKat-2010 [2008-09-11 16:53:15 +0000 UTC]

That's simply beautiful
I'm guessing those are your friend's pictures? I can't access myspace via school, or facebook or anything remotely close to being interesting, actually.

I really like this though, it's almost poetic

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TOOLaree In reply to ShadowKat-2010 [2008-09-11 18:06:32 +0000 UTC]

Yes, its Kolya's sister actually.. she is just gorgeous..

thanks though!

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ShadowKat-2010 [2008-09-11 16:53:15 +0000 UTC]

That's simply beautiful
I'm guessing those are your friend's pictures? I can't access myspace via school, or facebook or anything remotely close to being interesting, actually.

I really like this though, it's almost poetic

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Surround [2008-09-11 05:13:02 +0000 UTC]

i want XD

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TOOLaree In reply to Surround [2008-09-11 05:35:09 +0000 UTC]

me too..

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ttbloodlusttt [2008-09-11 00:26:01 +0000 UTC]

i can believe in the ability to communicate with other persons or entities by using DMT since it still isn't completely understood why we dream of things, and days, years later they happen, how could be possibly dream things that haven;t happened yet, is it possible to be psychic with out knowing.. who knows. its interesting that we only use a small percent of our brain, the rest is a mystery and they have a vague understanding of what the different areas do and control.


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TOOLaree In reply to ttbloodlusttt [2008-09-11 02:53:34 +0000 UTC]

Its so very true.. 2 instances: when I first moved away from colorado, on the way to kentucky I had a dream about driving down a road, passing a certain barn near a mobile home park, and readin the sign "Cedar Grove".. about 3 days later we went down that road, and since I was 9, the only way i could describe it was "ive been here before"!!

and about a month before 911, a friend in class had written me some notes about how all her clocks kept getting stuck on 911, or she'd wake up, or look at the clock and catch "911" and she kept having these terrible dreams about bombs going off.. I still have the letters, and the girl was affected so horribly by the idea that she couldve stopped it, that it changed her forever.. definitely something that stuck with me forever..

I hope that DMT and other natural substances that guide shamans and tribal leaders will help humanity in ways that have helped their small tribes!

i read a story once that a shaman took Ayuhasca, in an attempt to help cure a disease of one of his tribesmen. During the hallucination he was lead around the surrounding forest, and gathered certain herbs and barks, and when he awoke from the hallucination, unbeknownst to him, he had the ingredients to a Brew that cured him..

Simply incredible!

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ttbloodlusttt In reply to TOOLaree [2008-09-11 17:48:26 +0000 UTC]

i found an awesome website [link] and i've read a lot of the stories, and you can definitely tell when someone is telling the truth or when it might just be someone thats a little off..

in my case the déjà rêvé happens to me WAY too often for me to remember specific times or instances, i know one happened the other day, my problem is that they stap instantly as soon as i remember that I dreamed it, which i find the theory 'it is just your brain accidently sending signals to the wrong part of the brain where your sub conscious sees it even a millisecond before your brain actually processes the event' that is a load of BS when it comes to specifically remembering that you dreamed something, or knowing a place before you've already been there, they can explain it however they want to, but just like people believe in many forms of spirits, Gods, and higher powers, people will always be mystics and skeptics, and I believe in psychics etc, not because I believe people can just 'know' by thinking it, i believe they have to come in contact with a very 'focused' energy in order to see it's memories, like if i went to a psychic and tried with all my might to block her out, she might not tell me anything that was true, but if the medium was real and i opened myself letting her into my thoughts, i believe in my energy she would feel my moods, my memories, and my life.

how could someone explain such a bond, it would have to be the other approximate 90% of the brain that science knows absolutely nothing about other than the 'ideas' they have. To me, no one will ever be able to convince me that out of body experience doesn't exist, that déjà rêvé doesn't exist... I just know in my heart and mind that it makes sense from first hand experience.

First hand in my family, my grandmother and great grandmother used to sit and use the Quija Board and ask spirits questions, they accurately predicted for each of my grandmothers daughters all the husbands they would have and the names of these men, and how many children they would have with them and the names of their children.
Second, my mother dreamed of me before having me, she knew she would have a red headed girl and that she would name her Angela. I am red haired.
Third, I dreamed of my son, I knew I would have a chubby little red haired boy, and since we had already picked out the name Attis Keegan (handsome - ball of fire) I told my fiance we chose the perfect name. I did have a red haired boy, and he looks just like in my dream.
Fourth, back in middle school my best friend Jake and I used to talk about energy and out of body exp, and we were so connected in friendship and spirit that I believe we had a 'dream' on the same beach. Mine was very... strange, like I was on a giant rock on the beach it was sunny out and I was with people, it was like I was in the movie 'Tremors 2' with all theose little freaky off spring, but I remember thinking, 'I don't want to die on this rock' and how beautiful the beach looked, the water was clearish blue, the sky clear and sunny, white sand met an abruptly thick tropic forest. Jake told me he had a dream of a beach at night, the sand was white and shining in the moonlight, the waster clear blue with a rainforest behind him, with rocks to his left. He told me about his dream and I remembered mine, which I thought was just a dream, when I told him, we both just said.. WOW. He used to be able to guess what I was thinking and I stold his energy without meaning to. It was a weird bond. I will never forget it.
Fifth, my fiance has deja vu ALL THE TIME. He will say OMG Deja vu, omg omg when will it stop, it continues for minutes sometimes, not just a few seconds, he gets very weirded out by it because he feels something bad will happen. Usually nothing bad happens, but I always tell him, that maybe it's a sign that something soon will happen that will change our lives, which over the last 2 years we've gone through big and small changes in our lives very often. It's so strange.

There are a thousand things that have happened in my life that I could go on and on about that are strange coincidences that I just don't think were just 'things that happened' for no reason. We live in a mysterious world, I think, if I am going to believe in something, I choose to believe in the more spiritual easy explained part of it.

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TOOLaree In reply to ttbloodlusttt [2008-09-11 18:16:40 +0000 UTC]

Agreed, I think that life is too mysterious to think that we know everything.. a lot of people say 'science will one day take the mystery out of life" but for some reason, I dont think that will happen.. I think that there are some things that cannot be measured, grabbed, analyzed.. they are simply fleeting experiences (which is really what life is made up of, in my opinion.)

Ive had a lot of similar experiences, especially triple numbers. Me and my husband, since we met in high school, have been plagued by them (im guessing in a good way!!! ) we see them everywhere, especially 333, 111 and 999 is the one that is really prominent. We even decided to get married on September 9th, 2007 (9-9-9) We finish each others thoughts.. Ill get him something before he asks for it, and pull words out of his mouth constantly, and him me. We've both had similar dreams of being small children in a white victorian house, with blood all over it, and a very sad vibe to the whole event, something to do with our family dying, I experienced it during a past-life reading, and he experienced it in his dreams, we believe that maybe in a past life we were brother and sister, which may explain our vibe. we are more like best friends, close family, than the usual husband and wife..

I hope that more people can become aware of these deja vu's and dreams, and coincidences especially.. If you follow them, and make decisions based on them, instead of fear or reluctance to trust it, things seem to turn out for the best! The whole "secret" thing is a little cheesy, but it holds some place of truth in my heart. but i dont think you have to spend 40 bucks on their book, or thousands on their classes, its just about trusting your dreams, instincts.. your gut feelings and truly believing them. I really think that is the 'magic' of life..

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ttbloodlusttt In reply to TOOLaree [2008-09-11 18:59:16 +0000 UTC]

i am all too entirely aware of science trying to ruin the mystery of life. Why we exist etc etc. I believe many things in science to be amazing and incredible, then I find science to lie and deduce results by simply wanting to answer a question. These scientists think one day they will figure it all out, that the answer will just drop into their laps. WrongO. I think science will try to answer the question but no one will believe it, because we all know in our hearts, that we aren't just a pulsating piece of meat, that there is something far more mysterious to our existence.

My fiance gets SO mad at me because I know him SO well. Sometimes I say things and hes like 'GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!' lol It's just something I think I have a bond with him, and he doesn't really embrace his urges to say things, he's stand offish sometimes, but I dream of him more than I've ever dreamed of anyone else, not even my family. I know what he's thinking most of the time, and I find it really easy to peg him. With our son, I just usually know what he wants, I had an uncanny way of knowing what my sister wanted when she was a baby and i was nearly 5, I just knew, my mom had me interpret many times what my sister was gibbering. I don't know what it is, but I bond well with people I love. I am too forgiving, because I know, there is more to people than just their mistakes. Its amazing when you embrace a connection... I was just telling him, 'have you ever walked through the mall, lets say, and start to feel totally different than when you walked in?' It's like all the emotions brushing off on you from the people walking by. I believe shallow and inconsiderate people are very unattuned to their spirit and live bitter lives, because to be completely naive to the phenom of deja vu and dreaming seems to me almost impossible to ignore. I feel bad for people who don't know their aura color. People wonder why first impressions are a big deal, well maybe it's your aura telling me exactly how you are feeling at the moment, sincere, rude, honest, angry, dishonest, or that something is just wrong. I wish more people believed these things.

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TOOLaree In reply to ttbloodlusttt [2008-09-11 19:29:05 +0000 UTC]

I completely agree! and my husband is the same way, his eyes even change colors to his moods, and Im always pushing the truth out of him when he gets shy

seems we have a bit in common!!!

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ttbloodlusttt In reply to TOOLaree [2008-09-11 23:23:17 +0000 UTC]

lol my fiance is a talented liar, but he can't lie very convincingly to me anymore lol i just know him too well, i dont like when he gets angry though, his eyes lose color and shine, become dark and moody, weird lol

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happynessisoverrated In reply to ttbloodlusttt [2009-06-20 12:33:28 +0000 UTC]

Space, the final frontier, these are the voyages between your ears.

I was talking to my brother once and suddenly his face looked like it was transforming, then he stopped talking and I just stood there wondering wtf. His face phased back (it was kind of like the human in the transformer) but the strangest part is that he told me he had stopped talking because he saw my face changing.

I think Science will only prove the 'super' natural, right now we're like the (another transformers analogy) scientists scraping culture off megatron's pinky toe to fervor our technological development except we're using the technology in nature to forward science. Eventually, we'll see the whole robot.

I don't know why It took so long for me to realize, I'm an art type, this is where I belong.

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mirhiel [2008-09-10 19:58:09 +0000 UTC]

Wooooooow........ I am really very flattered and honored that you've chosen my "Flowers" as background (also thought it was not very good) but simply wonderful in your hands ... my little English can not express what surprised I m!

thxxxx so much!!! i really appreciate!

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TOOLaree In reply to mirhiel [2008-09-10 20:14:42 +0000 UTC]

Im just so pleased that you would allow me to use your work!! I cant wait to see more work from you!!

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