Tounushi — Republic Destoyer by-nc-nd

Published: 2010-02-05 12:32:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 3489; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 66
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Description The Republic Provincial Class Destroyer



Height (Hull):


2x 1500mm/L020c mass drivers, 95.3 gigatons (4.8x10^25 W/shot), 10rpm

10x3 in various configurations, including (figures for each gun in turret):
-304mm/L005c mass drivers, 94.0 megatons (1.6x10^23 W/shot), 13rpm
-Heavy Blaster cannons, 10.8 megatons (2.3x10^22 W/shot), 30rpm
-Light particle beam cannons, 41.8x10^15 W, 4s bursts in 7rpm
-Short-range (1 000 km) missile launchers

96 VLS cells capable of mounting various load-outs:
-96x Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles
-288x Anti-Ship Missiles
-576x Long-Range anti-craft missiles

Power Source:
Matter-Antimatter reaction chamber

6x Gravitically enhanced fusion reactors

2x gravitically enhanced fusion torches, max. a: 1760g, 6.5x10^17W output
max v: 0.77 c

2x fusion torches, max. a: 600g, 3.9x10^14W output
max v: 0.45 c

Reaction Control:
7x Gravopulse thrusters, max. a: 100g, 6.5x10^14 W output

Hyper-Space Interface Jump Drive (10000 x sub-light velocity)

5500c Alcubierre Drive, max. 200ly jump range

10m max. - 7m min. ablative-refractive armor

Primary Shield:
2.6x10^17 W Gravo-Kinetic Screen (against matter)

Secondary Shield:
3.0x10^17 W Magneto-Kinetic Shell (against charged particles and matter)

Tertiary Shield:
1.4x10^17 W general shield (against all threats)

80x triple 20mm mass drivers (1000rpm)
40x short range light blaster guns
12x rolling-frame missile launchers

Carrier Air Group:
Typical complement:
16 fighters
16 strike craft
14 ground attack craft
4 bombers
3 ELINT craft
3 dropships
5 recce craft
4 repair craft
2 cargo shuttles
3 crew shuttles

Max. complement:
100 combat craft
80 support craft

Crew complement:
Ship Crew:
800 officers and crew

CAG pilots and support:

CAG complement, max:

Marine/Commando detachment:
1 company

Troop, Deployable:
1 battalion

Troop, Transport:

Max. Evac. Limit:

Endurance, fuel:
6 months

Endurance, consumables:
12 months


The Provincial is the primary patrol/combat action vessel in service of the Republic Stellar Navy.
Although the destroyer is primarily designed for space-borne combat as part of hunter-killer wolfpacks or in fleet action, it can support orbital and space raids by itself.

Passive defense consists of modular layered hull armor, which has been enhanced against energy weapons, refracting up to 75% of their energy. The hull is 4m thick in the most sensitive locations, and 2m thick in the least sensitive places. The armor is modular in nature, so it can be upgraded when need be. Further defense comes from a short-range EM shield, which disperses and spreads charged particles and objects, lessening their effect on the armor.

Active shield is three-layered.
The closest layer is a general barrier, which deflects particles and waves with equal efficiency, though this is the weakest of all layers, and thus an "emergency" layer.
The second layer is a magneto-kinetic shell, which acts like a physical barrier against solid matter and charged particles.
The outermost layer is the gravokinetic screen, which pinches c. 2m of realspace into a 1mm layer. Any matter entering this layer is squashed and shredded, but the added mass is kept inside the pinched space until it has traveled the bent space as shrapnel, or until the shield is discharged. Beams of all nature are bent and refracted, messing with targeting. However, the GKS is a fortress shield, meaning the effect acts upon both parties. The GKS can be used as a bubble shield or as quick "plates." These plates pinch a linear portion of space at any sector of the ship, giving protection. At peak capacity, the Provincial can project thirty such plates for 5s each at a time. Thus in battle captains must both defend against an aggressor and make sure he has an open firing ark.

Supplies can last for a max evacuation complement of 4000 for one year. The ships cargo facilities carry most of the consumables, but there is also a small synthmeat plant (where real meat is artificially grown in non-sentient blobs). AutAl (auto-alchemist) technology can reproduce most needed products, as long as raw materials are available (though some do not fully trust this technology, as even tiny errors can have drastic consequences). The autals can also produce munitions at a staggering pace.

Used stock material from ~DJBriedis 's site
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