TransformationHub — Cookies
#canines #cookies #dogs #females #girls #into #women #changes #transformation
Published: 2017-08-18 14:28:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 21512; Favourites: 135; Downloads: 0
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Description (Women into dogs)

A new day was beginning as an old week turned into a new one and for nineteen-year-old Chloe Ruston is was the beginning of the summer holidays,
“No more college, no more assignments, just pure fun,” she told herself as she slipped her slender legs into a pair of black leather trousers that accentuated her legs.

She bounced as she headed downstairs hoping to have caught her mom before she had rushed out to work,
“Hey mom, is it ok to grab some money off you for the.....” she broke off as she found that her mom had gone leaving Chloe all alone with just the German Shephard that she had rescued a few years ago, his name was Dingo,
“Just you down here” she sighed as she bent down and petted Dingo who barked excitedly.

Suddenly Dingo shot into the kitchen and began barking repeatedly until Chloe walked in to find her dog looking up at a large shopping bag on the counter, his tail wagged as Chloe checked what was inside,
“Cool fresh cookies, most likely from the bakery in town” she smiled as she pulled them out and popped them next to the bag,
“Ah I see what you want!” she called to the mutt as she pulled out a new “Tug of War” toy and threw it to him,
“That should keep you entertained while I'm out"
The dog excited ran away as Chloe picked up the cookie bag and took to her handbag hanging up by the door.

She had only just reached her handbag when the doorbell rang, quickly she grabbed her jacket and her bag and rushed out of the door. Outside she was greeted by her long time friend, Sandra Worthing who was a girl who was proud of her skinny hourglass shape and tight fitting clothes that showed off her frame.
“So we all set for the show?” asked Sandra as they headed out of the driveway,
“Hell year a whole year’s worth of waiting finally over” Chloe cheered.
The show, in question, was a fashion and beauty exhibition that had arrived in the main town centre for one day only for those lucky enough to buy the tickets but it wasn’t luck for the girls as Sandra’s dad was the mayor of the town and had personally gotten his daughter and her friend VIP tickets.

“Half an Hour later”

The girls felt excited as they entered the large hall that had been rented out for the exhibition and began to take pictures on their smartphones as they went slowly around each small section filled with colours and designs from all of the world.
“Man all this browsing is giving me an appetite” commented Sandra,
Chloe smiled as she rummaged around her bag until she pulled out the bag of cookies,
“One of these should help with that”
Sandra bit her lip as she looked at the cookies,
“Listen I normally stay away from junk food and...”
“One of these won’t hurt your precious figure” promised Chloe as she opened the bag up and took one out,
“Ok but if anything happens, I’ll sue you!” joked Sandra as she plucked a cookie out of the bag and began to munch on it.
Before long both girls had finished their own cookie and began to eat the rest and Sandra’s doubts seemed to just fade away as her second cookie turned into a third and fourth.
“Those were nice anymore?” Sandra asked,
“What about your figure?” retorted Chloe as she scrunched up the bag and threw into her bag.
“Yeah, yeah” laughed Sandra.

“Anyone attending the main event please proceed to the main arena at the north end of the hall” came the announcer's voice.
“That’s us” Sandra said as she and Chloe began to walk towards the north end,
“You carry on, I’m just going to the ladies” Chloe called as she broke away from her friend and headed towards the bathroom.

“A couple of minutes later”

Chloe stepped out of the toilet cubicle into a quiet bathroom, she had begun to wash her hands when she spotted something that didn’t seem right, pulling her hands away from the running water she could now see clearly that her fingernails were completely jet black.
“Weird, I don’t recall using any nail polish” she muttered when all of a sudden she was overcome by a strange fever like feeling, her body felt warm and kind of itchy.
She winced as a heavy tugging sensation emitted from her ears but as the mirror clearly showed her no-one was behind her, she reached up to touch her ears but quickly pulled them away as she felt an unexpected hot feel to her skin.
“Silly me!” she uttered as she released a third and easier option that she should have gone for in the first place.
Gently and slowly she pulled her hair back away from her ears revealing them in the mirrors reflective surface but as this occurred she couldn’t help but bit her lip to prevent her from screaming as she discovered her ears were widening with the smoothed curve tips shaping into points.

“What’s going on?” she thought as her ears continued to widen as they began to slide up her head, confusion spread across her eyes as her ears disappeared for few seconds until the pointed tips of her ears poking through her brown hair signalled their return.

Tears leaked out her eyes as an air of familiarity washed over her as she uttered,
“Dog ears”
Her new ears twitched as dark brown hairs with a little bit of black, sprouted out of the skin.

Chloe continued to watch as her eyebrows thickened and turned a shade of tan mixed with light brown, she suddenly let out an exhausted sigh as the heat on her arms and back increased to the point, where her leather jacket and her top were getting uncomfortable.
She picked up her bag and hurried into the disabled cubicle and locked the door, with very little effort she pulled off her jacket and stared at her arms.
What she found was the top halves of her arms coated in thick tan hairs with it slowly sprouting on the lower halves but she still felt hot and even her fingers were starting to ache as she pulled off her black crop top, little did she know this would be the last thing her fingers would ever help her with.

Chloe dropped her top onto her jacket and let out a sad cry of distress as she caught sight of her fingers shortening and thickening into little stubs while her thumbs shortened and slid up to her wrists and would have been hard to spot if it wasn’t for the dark nails growing longer.
“Paws!” she whimpered as she tried in vain to flex her stubby digits as the tan hairs consumed her paws.

Her tongue lengthened and rolled out of her mouth as her heat grew even more as her breasts sunk back into her chest while six new dark teats sprouted on her stomach region.
“OW!” she cried as her mouth and nose began to pull outwards from her face, her eyes widened as her sense of smell increased while her nose darkened and grew smaller,
“Well at least my tongue fits now!” she joked finding it weird and creepy that she was talking with a muzzle. Her teeth within her muzzle changed into pointed teeth with her canines growing slightly longer.

Chloe looked down at her chest as tanned hairs sprouted all over it while black hairs sprouted on her back,
“A Shephard” she gasped recognising her fur pattern as the lower half of her muzzle started to grow tan hairs as black hairs sprouted on the top half and up between her eyes.
Suddenly Chloe yelped as sunk to her paws and knees desperately fighting to stand up on her legs but found her spine was no longer rigged for two legs but four legs.

Heels rose up out of her high heels as her feet grew longer, her toes grew larger as her big toes shrunk back into her feet. Her nails darkened and lengthened outwards, as she removed her feet from her heels she heard the dull click of claws on tiled flooring.
She craned her neck backwards and whine as her once tight leather trousers dropped off of her waist and piled up around her rear paws,
“Guess tight thongs do stay on dogs,” she thought as she looked at her pink thong hanging loosely around her rear but not for long, as her spine grew longer forcing its way out of her tailbone and into open, growing tan and black hairs as it lengthened into a full tail.
“ARF!” she barked as her changes began slowing to halt with tanned hairs growing on her legs as her body shrunk down to the proper size for a German Shepherd making her arms half the original length.

Chloe could feel her muscles and organ shifting and changing as her vision turned to simple black and white when a nice smell drifted up her nose. With the power of her new and improved senses, Chloe sniffed out the source of the smell, finding it was coming from her bag.
Gripping the source with her teeth she pulled out the empty cookie bag. Chloe whined in shock as she couldn’t read the small label on the side and knew she would just have to wait until someone found her.

The show had just finished and a fuming Sandra exited the main hall and headed towards the toilets,
“Chloe how dare you?” Sandra snapped as she entered the toilets,
Chloe jumped up and began barking as loud as she dared,
“Chloe, If that’s you messing around I’ll.....” Sandra began when suddenly the barking stopped. Sandra reached into her bag and pulled out an old fifty pence coin,
“Knew my lucky coin would come in use one day,” she told herself as she began to slowly unlock the door mechanism, with a click she removed her coin and pushed the door open to find a happy looking German Shephard sitting on Chloe’s leather jacket.
“What the hell?” Sandra quizzed as she stared at the discarded clothes on the floor,
Chloe reached down with her muzzle and picked up the bag, Sandra knelt down and took the bag from the dog, she looked confused as the dog whined at her until Sandra noticed the small label,
“Not for Human consumption as Canines Cookies have special qualities that will affect human consumers” Sandra read aloud, a smile crossed her face as she began to chuckle slightly,
“So let me get this straight, you bought cookies that we ate and now my dear Chloe you're a German Shephard”
Chloe just barked as if saying yes,
“Right we need to get you home and figure out how to change you back,” Sandra said as she began to put Chloe’s clothes into her handbag,”But i can’t take you without a leash and collar” she stated as she pulled one of her bag.
Chloe’s head titled as she saw this,
“Don’t ask!” smiled Sandra as she fitted the collar around her friend’s neck, quickly she picked up Chloe’s small bag and lead her friend out of the toilets and out of the hall without no-one seeing her.
The journey home long for Sandra as Chloe kept on stopping to try out her new body and her new senses but little did the two know that by the time they got back to Chloe’s house, Chloe’s own mind was starting to alter.

Dingo watched as Sandra led Chloe upstairs and into her room,
“Right now what are we going to, we can’t take you to a vet or the hospital,” Sandra said,
“ARF!” barked Chloe,
“Hell we can’t even tell you parent’s” Sandra sighed, “At least it wasn’t me as well or we’d be in big trouble”
Sandra unclipped had only just unclipped the lead from her friend when suddenly Dingo entered the room and greeted the new comer warmly,
“Get away from her you stupid mutt!” snapped Sandra as Dingo started to circle Chloe,
“Shoo, Chloe do something bark, growl or move to me!”
But that never happened as Dingo and Chloe began to rub their muzzles together,
“Fine if you want to stay like a dog than I'll leave you to figure out how to explain your disappearance “ Sandra snapped as she emptied Chloe’s clothes on her bed, “Oh now that’s a nice leather jacket and would go nicely with this outfit” she said as she slipped on her friend’s jacket and left the two mutts alone.

“Stupid bitch” Sandra muttered as she left the house.

When Sandra got back to her parent’s place she began to wonder whether or not it was a good idea to leave her best friend alone with a dog but deep down knew that she couldn't do anything now.
She dropped her handbag up in her room along with her new jacket then headed out into the backyard to have smoke knowing that smoking in the house was one of her parent’s pet peeves.

As Sandra lit up her cigarette she began to develop minor changes such as her eyebrows and hair turning that perfect shade of blonde along side a small nub growing out of the base of her spine stopping at about three inches long.
“Man poor Chloe though, mated by that mutt and i thought i was the bitch,” she thought as her ears began to grow wider and longer, slowly flopping over as they reached a certain point.
Sandra started to head back towards the back door as she brought her cigarette up to finish it when it suddenly dropped out of hand, her jaw dropped as her fingers lost a lot of length but gained more thickness becoming stubby digits while her thumbs slid up to her wrists. Blunt black claws grew out of her fingers forcing her fingernails off.

The young girl whimpered as she tried to flex her stiff digits but could do nothing with them. Sighing she headed inside the house and went up to her room feeling sorry for Chloe now knowing what Chloe must have gone through when her hands became paws.

She had just reached her room when she felt and heard something tearing away from her body, she looked behind her her to find the origin of the tear only to see her black lacy underwear lying on the floor while a long fluffy blonde tail peek out from under her short leather skirt,
“Why did I have to those cookies?” she moaned as she sat down on her bed, her tail raising up slightly, “Yeah Chloe may like being a dog but I won’t”
She whined as her high heels began to tighten around her feet, looking down she forced her heels off using her aching feet. She felt a wave of relief washing over her that quickly became a wave of terror as she watched her big toes disappearing into her feet. Her small digits thickened much like fingers even gaining matching black claws that replaced her discarded toenails.

“How I'm supposed to try out all the new shoes that are to come” she cried as watched soft black pads puffing up on her soles and palms.
Both her front paws and rear paws began to sprout thick blonde hairs. The hairs began to sprout up her feet as they grew thicker and longer while her calves and thighs began to shorten,
“No you can’t take away my lovely long legs” she pleaded to whoever was listening.

Her new blonde human hair began to shorten as she slid off to bed and onto all fours. Her slender arms thickened and shortened down to nearly twice their original size.
She let out sad canine whimpers as she found her clothes and the room getting bigger as she shrunk, small teats developed on her stomach region as her D cup breasts sunk into her chest.

Sandra’s nose darkened and turned upwards revealing her black nostrils then with a small surge her mouth and nose pulled outwards into a small doggy muzzle.
The newly formed labrador stepped out of the useless human clothes and looked at them whining until Sandra’s human mind was altered into a full canine one this was accompanied by Sandra’s green eyes turned pitch black.

By the time her parent’s came home Sandra’s blonde fur coat was fully grown and Sandra was nowhere to be found. Her parent’s puzzled over the new dog for a while until it was decided to give her up for adoption.
Sandra was given to a nice loving family that had always wanted a family dog as her parents were slightly thankfully for Sandra’s disappearance not even bothering to phone the police.

For Chloe it was completely different, her parents kept the dog and named her Chloe in memory of their missing daughter and were shocked to find her producing a large litter of puppies a few months later.

Both girls were not the only ones affected by the cookies they had consumed but that’s a story for another day.
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clankboy02 [2024-05-28 20:58:07 +0000 UTC]

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