Tsunny-Spade — GMG-Mira Liana

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Published: 2018-01-31 02:36:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 1229; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Name: Mira Liana Andromeda

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: February 29th (celebrated mostly on March 1st when not a leap year)

Height: 4’ 10’’/ 147 cm

Weight: 93 lbs / 42 kg

Species: Flaaffy (Shiny)

Type: Electric

Ability: Static


Rain Dance (TM Move)


Electro Ball

Cotton Spore

Flatter (Egg Move)

Team: N/A, but desperately needs one

Nature / Characteristic: Sassy / Highly Curious


Mira is as adventurous as a child, being able to see the world for once in her life in person, not through a small window in her room. She's a rather frank and honest person about her opinions on other people and things not including herself. She's hard working, wanting to do something for herself instead of getting handed information or getting the money she needed when she asked for it. Mira doesn't want to come off as a burden due to being sheltered her entire life. She's as energetic as one can get, she has chidlike whimsy which shines through more than anything about her. She finds life so mystical at points its charmingly pure

While being “intelligent” isn’t necessarily something she interested in being, Mira has a fascination with learning new things while out and about, she wants to know how things actually work while not being an outsider by being inside all the time.She’s slightly rebellious, as she was often told what to do and how to act despite being capable of thinking for herself. Mira is often unwavering and stubborn when it comes to her decisions and beliefs, even if she is in the wrong. Even if she's brave, Mira knows her limits. She's brave, but not bravely stupid.

She has an excess amount of sass that it ends up being kind of annoying. Mira can come off as mean due to this.

Mira has an unquenchable curiosity causing her to either be put in harm's way accidentally or be seen as “pushy” or “sticking her nose where it doesn't belong”, but, seeking the truth is something she needs to do, not just stay sitting and wait for someone else to. She also has the problem of not being able to look away from gruesome stuff despite saying that she hates looking at it. Mira’s comes off rather cynical most of the time because she can’t help being skeptical of everything people say and what she sees. But she's not cynical in the least bit. Why yes, she doesn't trust people easily, but she doesn't like assuming without evidence about how people are. She has a more pessimistic idealist outlook than a cynical realist one.

Mira has very little faith in people as a consequence of how she was raised, don’t trust anyone lest they abandon you when the times get bad. Mira has her fair share of abandonment issues to boot. She comes off as clingy occasionally due to being irrationally scared of being alone, fearful of what it feels to be totally isolated despite being alone for not very long. Along with her trust issues, those make for one hell of a combo.  

Mira is also the kind of person to hide her weaknesses. She wants to come off as strong and capable, despite being emotionally weak. She doesn't like crying, and refuses to cry in front of anyone, including herself. Her emotions can easily explode due to being shoved into a jar and hidden away. Mira is the kind who runs away from her emotions and situations she's afraid of confronting, either literally or figuratively depending on the situation. This behavior is self destructive for her and ultimately might end up hurting Mira and others around her.

Home Island: Emerald Island

Hometown: Strident City


Triggerwarning: Child Abuse, Kidnapping, and Death are involved in the following.

 *When Liana is referred to as Mira starts

Liana Andromeda was raised on the idea of “Trust No One” as well as “Emotions Make You Seem Weak” by her own mother from a young age. Her mother often repeated those words to her along with “I’m not willing to be abandoned again”.

Long before she was born, or her mother was even married, (her mother)Mira and her twin Charlotte were as close as you could imagine, they went out on adventures in the city, mesmerized by the life of strangers. She was as curious as a cat while she dragged Charlotte around with her. Naive, but never got into trouble. Until the day Charlotte ended up disappearing while in town and was never seen again. Mira blamed herself and her curiosity. Curiosity only hurt people, right? She lived that way until she found her husband, a rich and kind man, who was curious did she think curiosity was not dangerous. She became Mira Andromeda and enjoyed every minute that she was married. Her first born Raine was as curious as the both of them. When she went out, Raine enjoyed it. Until the day she was almost kidnapped when she lost Mira and her father. Raine was saved by her father in time but Mira was paranoid something else bad would happen to her so she was to always be under surveillance.

From when she was born, Liana’s curiosity had been thriving. Her father wanted to nurture it while her mother didn't want anything bad to happen to her daughter.

Exploring gardens alone, getting dirt on her rather expensive dresses, bringing home bugs; all things her mother forbid her from doing after Liana ruined her new dress and almost getting bitten by a feral.

From that point on she was to stay inside till she started school, well, unless her father and sister snuck her out of the house to go on mini adventures. They usually paid the servants that saw to keep quiet on the whole ordeal and got passed her mother fairly easily as Mira kept in her study all day at this point in time. And if that didn’t work, just said they were going out for ice cream instead, which was mostly not a lie as often they did end up getting ice cream.

And when school finally began? Liana was asking questions nonstop. She adored history. The discoveries, the wars, the “heros”. Everything was so new and interesting to her, and she still went on adventures with her father and Raine. Liana was in heaven.

Then that all came crashing to the ground. Liana’s father one day vanish from her life along with her sister. They thought they needed to see the world when they could, and if that meant having to leave the two behind, they were fine with taking it. The note they left was short and sweet, but hurt the now 6 year old Liana oh so much. Abandoned by the two people she loved the most, left with her mother while they wandered without her. Though the reason they left wasn't obvious to her, through the years she figured out her mother's story was a lie. They got a divorce and her sister just ran away after that. Her father left because her mother was... manipulative at best, and her sister ran because of likely the same reasons, but Liana was still to young to understand her mother's true nature.

Things got worse when a year later her father’s corpse was sent home to be buried. Mira mourned hard, why did life treat her that way. His death was due to a fall of a cliff, or that's at least what she was told and knew at this point*. His adventures left him dead, curiosity was the reason he was dead. She drank her way out of problems from that point. And at that point, she was going to keep her last loved one with her safe and in reach, even if that meant manipulating her a bit more forcefully, Mira just wanted someone to stay with her.

A few years of being strung up and prepped to play her mother’s game was tolerable when she still had her escape, School, despite the fact it was more bleak due to her teacher’s answering her questions less and less while she grew up. The fact that Liana outcasted due to not meeting the standards of being a lady like the rest of the stuck up rich kids. Her school was fancy and had rather high behavior expectations which she didn’t necessarily meet. Now, Liana didn’t necessarily start the fight, but she got into a fight with a girl older than her who made fun of how she always seemed to stick her nose into business that she “had no reason to be worried about”. I don’t think I need to explain why she got expelled before she even turned 13. Liana got off with barely a scratch while the other girl got a bloody nose and had got paralyzed for a bit.

Liana’s mother decided to lock her up in her room to learn. No questions were supposed to be answered by her private tutor. Her mother stomped out her curiosity before she ended up like her father, older sister, and aunt. Leaving her instead of staying with her and getting hurt or taken. She spent her days studying and not understanding anything, and when the time came around to go outside and socialize, Mira stuck by her mother and acted content with her situation.

Liana obeyed everything her mother told her to do, she was her mother's puppet after all. For the years up until the disaster, she stayed in line. Never doing anything to “hurt” her mother. Hiding her discontent with her situation with false smiles, she played the game her mother forced her to. Not trusting anyone, but fearing being alone, the only one she had was her mother. Well, she also had her feral Houndour named Enfer which Liana ended up keeping secretly so she wasn’t alone. Enfer was her life that came into her life not long after her 18th birthday. She got a parasol from her mother which she adore, but the day happened to be too windy for a parasol to be opened. Liana’s grip slipped causing it to be blown away. Yet it came back to her.

A stray houndour grabbed it and brought it back like it was a game of fetch. Liana couldn't get it to stop following her when she had to go back inside, so she decided to keep it in secret so she wouldn't be so alone. Kept in a storage room out back while busy, in her room when not. And if her mother demanded in her room, her wardrobe. Selfish maybe, but when you’re that lonely and need something to keep you company, you can’t help but be selfish.

Liana agreed to go to parties when her mother asked her to. She agreed to make “friends” with the daughter of someone important when her mother asked her to. Liana had her life controlled by her mother so she wouldn't end up being thrown away and left alone while trying to live her own life. Enfer was the only one she talked to like a friend, he was her only light in the world that wasn't controlling her.

Fake smiles, shake hands, learn to sew, never sew again because you're mother is rich enough to just buy you stuff. Trivial matters that drove her insane every single day. Don't show, don't tell, don't trust. Just act strong and you will be strong. If you trust people, you'll end up alone, if you show and tell you'll be abandoned and end up a failure. Repeat the same tasks everyday to seem content with your situation. JUST WEAR A MASK AND YOU'LL BE FINE, YOU DON'T WANT TO GET HURT NOW DO YOU!!!

“I don't want to stay like this forever, but I don't want to be alone!”

Learn to play classical music, don't bother with that history nonsense, and don't listen to that horrid ragtime music. Learn to waltz, not how to ride a ponyta. Just be a good girl so you make your mother happy. Be a good girl and stay alive. Don't want to end up like your Father and Sister do you. Dead and gone, hurt and alone. Just stay here with mother and you'll be just fine. Just give up on the truth, no such thing exists.

Her thoughts were all on repeat, utterly maddening with no way to escape. A life that never changed was something Liana did not want, but what choice did she have? Fearful of the life outside, but longing to be a part of it? Maybe Liana was actually going mad to think like her missing sister and dead father.

Enfer was found by her mother on September 11th, 1915. A new maid found Enfer in the storage and asked the head maid, who then told her mistress of it. Tears ran down her face while her mother tossed Enfer outside and told her to “stop crying over a dirty animal”. Enfer stayed outside the gates of hell till getting yelled at by a maidservant and ran off to who knows where.

Then the disaster hit the next day. Saving her and destroying her at the same time.

The initial chaos of the situation was something Liana and her mother ignored. It's just another storm, right?!  But after some time Liana had a realization that this was something extraordinarily bad. But her mother ignored her warnings to go somewhere safer than her top floor bedroom, her mother was hungover and it’s not like the house was going to go down without her getting out first. She gave up on her so she could search for Enfer so he wouldn’t be hurt. She snuck past the clearly distressed servants with her parasol in hand. Liana found him in the once beautiful garden of her childhood that was now destroyed by the disaster. The ground shook, trees fell, and when she headed to her house, it was already in ruins. The house collapsed with her mother inside, her mother didn’t make it out alive even though she desperately tried. Your puppet master is gone, and now there’s no one there to pull the strings.

“But she was my mother.” Then mourn her and carry on as a puppet in someone else's hands, after all you can't escape the strings you were made to have. And if you have no one, you can't move.

“At least I still have Enfer to be my light”

Like a curse that went off on cue, it became far, far worse than having to deal with a destroyed house and a dead mother, Enfer’s once kind and calm demeanor was now gone, he bit Liana before running off to a place unknown. The scar left by the bite still haunting her.

And Liana was all alone.

She panicked, she cried, she was fearful of the world she thought of as empty. No one to pull her strings nor anyone to help cut them off she was left alone in the dark while the entire earth around her goes into ruin. You're not the only one hurt by this, don't be such a wimp. Jar up your feelings like you always do and carry on. Liana jarred them up, tossed them aside and carried on being a miserable puppet, just this time, she couldn’t move.

“I don’t have to live like this anymore do I?! I’ve already lost everything”

Something clicked in her head. Liana felt a surge of morbid curiosity inside of her. A spark of hope to keep her going. She cut off her imaginary strings by regaining the spark she once had as a child.

And she moved by her own will. Liana ran after digging herself a grave so no one asked questions. She got herself out of a fake life by faking her death. As long as no one tried digging her up and saw the truth, Liana could search the truth.

“Here lies Liana Andromeda

She lived a life of a Puppet”

She used her mother’s body as her own. She used her mother’s burial spot as her own.

She gave herself a name when she started her new life away from her strings.

She gave herself her mother’s first name.

Mira Andromeda and Liana Andromeda are dead and gone for everyone else but her, Mira Liana Andromeda*. A move to help her cope with the fact that she had her own life to control. It’s only fitting to take the name of your puppet master. She gave herself a new name while keeping her old because that’s still who she is.

Mira felt in control of her life for once. She escaped from the city by running when the aftermath distracted everyone else.  She traveled out of Strident City for once in her life and she enjoyed every moment of it. Mira gained knowledge she wouldn’t have gotten without exploring the ruins of the world. But she was still alone. Alone in a cruel but wonderful world, and she was still scared of being alone. Her curiosity could only carry her so far by herself. But she carried on, seeing new places while reading as much as possible to try chasing away her fear. The nights were the worst. Her and her fear were the only things she had. She wanted to run from herself and her own emotions. Its as if Mira was suffering from her mother’s vengeful ghost every night.  

But she still had to carry on.

Another day alone while on her travels, Mira has her sights set on the city of Everstone, she went there once as a kid and found it beautiful. She originally went there to see if they had any books she could get, but she ended up with something much more. Mira saw something that piqued her interest more than any history book would. A guild. A guild like the ones from the past. She knew she was going to find somewhere to stay and work eventually, and she just knew that was her calling in life. Exploring while not alone, it would take a bit of warming up to to actually trust someone there. But, Mira couldn’t just ignore something so perfect, the truth was hiding in those dungeons the guilds were exploring.

The day she joined, she felt reborn. Her curiosity untameable, fear of being alone slowly disappearing, Mira opened the doors of her new life.


Her parasol:

-Is a gift from her mother

-Is always with Mira

-Has a minor electric charge due to her static

 -It feels like getting shocked by static electricity if anyone else picks it up.

Dislikes her neck fluff and constantly cuts it down so it's not visible and in the way.

Constantly struggles with her hair

Hides Enfer’s bite scars under her gloves

Desperately needs a team before she dies in a dungeon for being the classiest glass cannon

Her Aunt and Sister are still alive and "well", they've just been missing for years. Her aunt was kidnapped and her sister is still somewhere out in the world. Her father is confirmed dead, the real way he died was from being mugged and then murdered for not complying. The reason Liana was told that he died from falling off a cliff was a bit of manipulation so she didn't want to do that stuff.

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Comments: 3

ArkticBoi [2018-01-31 02:51:31 +0000 UTC]



1. Your art has improved so much from when I first met you, and is really amazing!!!

2. your writing and story skills are absolutely mindblowing!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tsunny-Spade In reply to ArkticBoi [2018-01-31 03:19:25 +0000 UTC]


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You've improved so much as well!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ArkticBoi In reply to Tsunny-Spade [2018-01-31 03:23:11 +0000 UTC]

Np!! Thank youu ::3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0