TurkFish — TBT | Mushroom | Skyclan

Published: 2013-06-04 20:33:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 2134; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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//edit// Finished it! Can't wait til he's allowed to be submitted <3
//edit2// he was accepted! Mushroom is now up for roleplays!


Name: Little Mushroom

Name Meanings:

Little … forgotten
Originally part of the name Mushroom's mother called him. As a kit it was to hard to pronounce along with his long name, and he dismissed the name completely until it was forgotten.

Mushroom was named after the plants, toadstools, that surrounded him at birth, which his mother mistook for mushrooms. His red-and-white spotted pelt also resembled a toadstool (or a mushroom according to his mother).

Nickname: Mush

Age: 64 Moons ( 5+ Cycles ) [Updated:9/3/14]
Gender: Male
Breed: 40% Abyssinian, 40% Somali, 20% Other/Mutt
Clan: Skyclan
Rank: Warrior
Orientation: Straight / Bicurious

Book Description:
> A skinny-but-muscley dark brown, red-tinted tom with darker patches and white speckles all along his back and tail. Has dark green eyes. <


Loyal | Respectful | Trustworthy | Seductive | Hopeless Romantic | Soft | Shy | Lonely

LOYAL ... "I would do anything for my clan!"
Once Mushroom is attached to something, or someone, he will defend it with his life, and never let go. Especially when it comes to Skyclan, Mushroom is extremely protective and loyal. He would never betray his clan under any circumstances.

RESPECTFUL ... "No, no, go right ahead, m'dear."
Mushroom would never dare try to offend a cat. He is always as kind as he can possibly be, often showing as many manners as he knows. He always bows accordingly to the higher ranked cats, and just as well treats the younger and less experienced cats with respect that they deserve. No matter what his situation, Mushroom will always try to understand another cat and respect their ways.

TRUSTWORTHY ... "I swear by Starclan, I'll never tell a soul…"
Mushroom will keep a secret for a friend until the very end. He'll never spill the beans about another cat's thoughts, and won't even pass on rumors. He's like one of those gay friends who you can share all your deep desires with and he'll hide them forever until he dies.

SEDUCTIVE ... "Oh sweetie, but wouldn't you like a slice of this?"
Making sure he stays inside his respective boundaries, Mushroom loves to flirt with the ladies, and flaunt his body about. He tries to hold himself back, as he's older than most the she-cats he knows, and he feels it's wrong, but in Newleaf, it's hard for him to not at least give flirting a shot.
Mushroom likes toms, too, but would never initiate anything to lure one in unless they made the first move.

HOPELESS ROMANTIC ... "W-well I tried to find you a rose but…"
He's always been a dreamer. Though Mushroom is very good at flirting and showing himself off, if things begin to get serious, he gets all jittery. This often tends to frighten the girls away. He really tries, but usually it just turns out completely hopeless, and the tom is left alone once more.

SOFT ... "But- this isn't right! Oh…but you're so cute."
Mushroom is a HUGE softie. Especially for cute little kittens, or elders. Sometimes he'll end up keeping secrets for others, and he gets in trouble for it. Mushroom often lets cats step all over him if it means they'll be his friend. But if they abuse their power, he won't always be loyal to them.

SHY ... "Well, uhm…you see…"
Mushroom is way to shy for his own good. Sure, he flaunts his stuff, but that doesn't require talking. Neither does showing respect, or being loyal. Mushroom can often stutter when taken off guard. It's quite cute, but can be a problem in several cases, too. Like when he talks to his leader, or is trying to shoo another cat off his territory.

LONELY … "I guess it's just me again…"
Mushroom has always felt that the only cat he can TRULY rely on is himself. No cat but the elders and his mother have ever seemed to give a hoot about his existence, so it's not uncommon to see Mushroom sitting by himself, depressed and alone, watching the other cats who have friends.



This section includes suggestive and potentially sensitive material.
- you may not like this if you are offended by the thought of forced sex.

Redfur was a beautiful she-cat. Her fur was a flawless shade of red-orange. It glowed like fire in the sunlight, and every tom in the clan had their eyes set on her. Redfur was never interested in relationships, or toms even. And the beautiful she-cat reached her 6th moon, still beautiful all the same, before she even began to give any notice to tomcats. She was more interested in her large family of 3 sisters and 2 brothers, and even more so, with her mother, whom she was closest to. Her siblings were all off having kits while Redfur spent her time with her aging mother.

Redfur had a problem. Her mother, Fawnshade, had been part of the great journey to the new lakes. Fawnshade had insistently taught her daughter NOT to believe in Starclan's power. The she-cat's own belief had faded when they'd been forced to leave the old lakes, and she grew to despise the ghostly cats that ran through the skys.

Fawnshade passed her beliefs to her daughter. Redfur, too, took a dislike to the spirits of Starclan. Redfur never acted out though, until finally, she'd had the last straw of the "almighty Starclan". Redfur called a meeting, against her leader and deputy's orders, and spoke to the cats of how wrong and weak the cats of Starclan were. She told them how Skyclan could live just fine on their own, without the stupid Starclan ancestors watching over them. Enraged by Redfur's disbelief, her clanmates drove her away into the life of a rouge.

Redfur stripped herself of her warrior name, calling herself Red. The she-cat set off in search of a new home, somewhere safe, and hidden from the starry skies. She refused the life of a kittypet, or to live in some old barn. The ex-warrior traveled for 2 seasons, until she found a strange creature, slumped over in the dirt. It resembled a great monster, but it was dead, and covered with toadstools and mushrooms. It smelled of fresh rotting scents, but it would serve as a good home.

Red lived in the monster's belly for many moons by herself, until a strange rouge arrived. He asked Red if she could spare a nest for him, and she agreed. He was kind at first, and told Red that what they lived in was an old twoleg train. He'd lived along the tracks his whole life, and told her all about them. As Red became comfortable with the tom, and his stay stretched out longer, the tom began to grow aggressive. He threatened the pretty she-cat into the unimaginable, and forced her to have sex with him multiple times.

Red confessed she expecting his kits, and within the day, the rouge had disappeared forever.


Red gave birth to a single tom, of whom she named Little Mushroom. As soon as Mushroom could talk, he tried saying his name, but it ended up to much of a mouthful, and Red finally let him call himself simply "Mushroom".

Mushroom was a rambunctious little tomkit, and often tired his aging mother out fairly easily. Red was already 8 Cycles old by now. As Mushroom grew into his older kit years, he finally understood that his mother was tired and old, and would try his best to just sit by her side and relax. Whenever he would settle down, Red would reward him with stories of her childhood.

Red told Mushroom all about the clans, particularly her old one, Skyclan. The she-cat never told her kit why she had left, because even she, herself, regretted her decisions now. She even managed to tell her kit of Starclan in the kindest way she could, not wanting to ever ruin her kit's life the way she'd ruined her own.

Little did the mother know, her kit took the stories to heart.

The little red and white speckled tomkit curled into his mother's warm belly, letting a purr rise in his throat as she stroked his side. "Oh, my Little Mushroom, would you like me to tell you another story of the clans?"

All the kitten did was nod, and his mother launched into an exciting story about a patrol. One he'd heard before, but he enjoyed the story of the fox who'd been taken down by his mother and her siblings.

As she finished her story, Mushroom raised his head and looked at his mother with glowing sparkling with mischievous wonder. "Mama, I promise some day I'm gonna go find Skyclan, and I'll be a warrior just like you were!"

Mushroom and his mother lived together for several moons, with no cats to disturb them. It was a simple existence. Until one day, Red fell ill to some odd sickness. Mushroom tried his best to cure his old mother, but the clock was ticking, and soon after Mushroom reached his 7th moon, Red passed away.


Mushroom stayed in the train alone for 2 moons, focused only on surviving after his mother's burial. He stayed away from Reds grave, as the sight of the disturbed mound of dirt made his heart heavy.
But finally, Mushroom couldn't hold himself back, and found himself one morning sitting on the mound of dirt she lay under.

"Mama, remember when I promised you that I'd…that I'd find Skyclan?" He asked, hoping somehow she could hear him. "Well, I meant it. I'm going to find them, and I'll be the best warrior you ever seen." He vowed, choking back a cry. The red-furred kitten, now nearly a full grown cat, sat with his head bowed until nightfall. Finally, he sat up, fierce determination burning in his green gaze.

Without a word, the cat set off, blindly across the empty fields, to find what he hoped would be the clans.

Mushroom traveled for 3 seasons. Longer than his mother's journey, for his legs were short, and he was inexperienced. In his long travels, the young cat became a strong adult. He fought off many threats, and kept himself well fed for the most part. Though he remained bone skinny for all the walking he did.

After many moons, Mushroom was beginning to give up. He'd grown tired and bitter from his journey, and began to doubt his mother, that maybe she'd been some loony old coot. But as the tom finally began to give up on his mother, he stumbled over a rise in the ground, and tumbled downhill, into a narrow stream of water.

Mushroom managed to pull himself out of the fast flowing water, and as he made it onto land, he passed out and fell asleep.

The red tom was brought to consciousness by the sound of strange voices all around him. He opened his eyes to bright, sunhigh light, and immediately shut them again. Finally he opened his eyes again, to find himself surrounded by a small group of cats. They spoke in strange accents, different from the ones he and his mother had adopted after many seasons alone.

"Who are you?" One cat asked, gruffly butting Mushroom away from the river. "We found you over here half drowned, what in Starclan's name were you doing?"

Mushroom's eyes widened, and, not answering the cat's question, he gasped out. "You believe in Starclan?!" He asked.

Another cat, a she-cat, flicked her tail irritatedly, and padded forward. "Well of course! But you're a rouge, how would you know about Starclan? I've never seen you around before." She hissed, squinting her eyes.

Mushroom held himself back from cowering, and bravely faced the cats as they stepped forwards. "Of course I believe in Starclan. I'm a loner, actually, and I've traveled seasons to find these territories. Is this Skyclan?"

The cats stared silently at Mushroom, then exchanged glances. "We'll take you to our leader." They mewed, before surrounding the loner and leading Mushroom to the camp.

Mushroom introduced himself politely to Skyclan's leader, and after many hours of talking, the cats emerged from the leader's den. It was announced that Mushroom would become a Skyclan warrior.


Mushroom was not immediately made a warrior, and was put on a sort of training program under a senior warrior named Rabbitscar. Mushroom proved himself already trained in the hunters crouch, as well as basic battle techniques, but was poor at many other things. Under Rabbitscar's training, Mushroom learned the warrior code, how to climb, and how to be a true Skyclan warrior.

After 2 moons of training, Rabbitscar gave the okay that Mushroom could be completely accepted into the clan.

It was a warm day, and already the clan was awake with nervous activity. The clan cats were nervous about accepting a loner into their ranks, especially one who had already seemed to know so much about the clans.

But their leader seemed to thing that Mushroom was a trustworthy cat. It had been exactly 20 moons to the day since the cat's birth, and he was finally going to be made a Skyclan warrior.

A yowl silenced the nervously chattering clan, and their leader bounded up to the front of the cats, calling the slightly familiar summons. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the High rock-pile for a clan meeting!"

The leader summoned Mushroom to the front of the group, before they started again.

"I, ___star, leader of Skyclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this former loner. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I comment him to you as a warrior in his turn. Mushroom, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?" The leader asked, lowering their gaze to the red warrior.

Mushroom paused for a moment, trying to remember what to say. "I do." he finally meowed, relieved that he'd remembered his line.

The Skyclan leader nodded. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Mushroom, from this moment on-" The leader stopped as Mushroom interrupted him with a cough. He returned his gaze once more to the former loner, and, with an annoyed tone asked. "Yes, Mushroom? What is it?"

Mushroom cleared his throat and nodded to his leader respectfully. "___star. I truly do respect your warrior code, and I really do promise to be a great warrior. But sir, I wish to keep my name as Mushroom. It's all I have left of my mother, and I'd like to always remember her for sending me here." He mewed, his voice confident.

The Skyclan leader sat quietly for a moment, but eventually gave a nod. "Alright, Mushroom. I understand, and will grant you this wish." Then the cat turned back to the clan and continued. "Mushroom will choose to keep his loner name, as a reminder of his dear mother, who lead him to serve our fair clan. We will honor and respect his decision, so long as he honors the warrior code!" He chanted. "Mushroom, you shall keep your name, but you will be known as a warrior from this day on! StarClan honors your drive to learn and your loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan!"

The clan broke into chants, some grudgingly, but others impressed. Mushroom's eyes gleamed as he respectfully gave his leader's shoulder a lick, and took in all of his new clanmate's approval.

Mushroom kept his word to his leader, even after he passed, and a new cat was made leader, Cloverstar. Cats seemed to forget about his roots slowly, and soon, few cats even knew that the young tom had ever been anything but a Skyclan warrior.

Mushroom has trained 2 apprentices in his lifetime, and looks forward to being assigned another. Mushroom has settled into clan life well, but at times still feels distant and detached from his clanmates as he's much older than the majority of them.


Attack- Fairly average. When it comes to the strength of his biting or ability to attack, he's not the best, but he's good.

Tactics- Above average. Mushroom is a smart cat, for the most part. He's very good at figuring out battle strategies, or hunting strategies.

Speed- Average. Despite his extremely skinny figure, Mushroom is not very aerodynamic. His muscles are thick and heavy, and though he can run fairly fast, he's not as fast as a cat as skinny as him should be.

Endurance- Very high. Mushroom's best ability is his endurance. He could go on for hours doing anything before even beginning to get worn out. Sometimes he'll even stay up for two days straight.

Strength- High. Mushroom has a lot of muscles, and therefore a lot of strength. He may not have the sharpest claws for a fight, but a blow from his sheathed paw could nearly knock a cat unconscious.


Voice Actor: Tyler Hoechlin
Scent: Rain and wet wood, fresh mushrooms
Build: Scrawny but very muscular and handsome
Size: Average

I'm Coming Home Pt.2 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=88fh-g…
Here We Go Again - youtu.be/J6wFHKRNVcw

Quiet relaxation
Some toms
Toadstools and mushrooms
Stars / Nighttime
Wet or damp places
Elders (and their stories)
Kittypets & Loners

Annoying cats
Being lonely


The fact that his mother died from a sudden sickness scared Mushroom to death as a kit. The memory still haunts him to this day. He fears all sicknesses, and is somewhat of a germaphobe.

On Mushroom's journey to find the clans, he was nearly struck down in a lightning storm. As he ran for cover, lightning struck a tree in front of him, and it fell, taking a couple of his whiskers with it. To this day, Mushroom still cowards and hides in the warriors' den during lightning storms. The sound of thunder also hurts his sensitive ears, and he dislikes it when it's close.

Mushroom has always feared Starclan. He is afraid of how powerful the spirits are, and the thought of them being able to kill him is all to frightening for him to even try and defy them.

- Mushroom suffers from minor depression due to his lonely life and the loss of his mother.
- He has nearly courted with at least 3 she-cats before, but each one suddenly turns him down because of his awkwardness. This is why he has decided to question turning to the toms.
- It is not uncommon for Mushroom to head out on his own and "play" with catnip, to relieve stress.
- Mushroom finds twolegs and their lifestyles fascinating. He often explores twolegplace to observe their inventions.
- Has a slight southern accent.



Mother | Red | Loner ( Dead )
Father | ??? | Rouge ( Unknown )

Grandmother | Fawnshade | Skyclan Elder ( Dark Forest )
Grandfather | Robincrest | Skyclan Warrior ( Starclan )
3 Aunts | ??? | Skyclan Elders/Starclan
2 Uncles | ??? | Skyclan Elders/Starclan
Lots of other relations, unlisted.

Mentor | Rabbitscar | Skyclan Elder

Apprentice | ??? | Skyclan Warrior
Apprentice | Vinepaw | Starclan
Apprentice | Icepaw | Skyclan Apprentice If you would like your cat to have been Mushroom's apprentice before these two, let me know!)

If you would like your cat to be related to Mushroom, please let me know! If you read his backstory, you would know that he does in fact have plenty of family throughout Skyclan (or the others), so they could be related if you like!

Relationship Status


Males | Females
Mushroom is willing to experiment with toms, but he prefers she-cats!

Looks - Anything. Mushroom doesn't judge on looks.

Personality - Anything really. Though he does have a huge soft spot for sweet she-cats, or extremely attractive males.

Activity - Virgin ( he is embarrassed by this and has never told a soul )

✓ Long Lasting Relationship
✓ Quick Fling
✓/X Multiple Relationships



() Unsure , Wary
() Fear
( ) Dislike / () Hate, Despise, Wish Death Upon
() Acquaintance
() Friend
() Good Friend / () Best Friend
() Attraction / () Lust
() Crush / () Love
() Admire, Respect

Name & App Link | Roleplayer








Tyler | Miss-Smutty





Dark Forest



The-Blue-Tides | Mushroom & Tyler
Mushroom let out a sigh as the she-cat moved. "Thank you. It's not that you weigh a lot, m'lady, I just don't have any meat on my bones to protect my ribs." He mewed, his voice filled with slight humor. He still felt uncomfortable with a strange cat simply resting on top of him, but he liked her soft touch. It wasn't bad, as far as he knew.
At the she-cat's name, his ears perked up. "I thought I was the only cat without a clan name!" He purred, dark eyes gleaming. That quickly disappeared as his across-the-border motives were questioned, and an embarrassed blush turned his muzzle even more red under his pelt. "Well, err, you see..." He stumbled, searching for a good explanation, but came up with nothing. "Alright, okay. I was curious about all the fish, so I uh...decided to investigate." He confessed, casting his gaze away. "I really wasn't trying to trespass with hostility on my mind..."

Mushroom, Concept Designs & Headshot Art (c) Me TurkFish
Character Design and Art © Clockhound
The-Blue-Tides (c) Not totally sure who to credit here ;x;
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Comments: 50

Flamestar00 [2014-08-23 07:43:25 +0000 UTC]

Would you like to role play with Sandbreeze?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to Flamestar00 [2014-08-23 23:39:46 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to! Just shoot me a starter note c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flamestar00 In reply to TurkFish [2014-08-24 00:32:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Attic-Salt-Storms [2014-05-21 00:11:05 +0000 UTC]

I'm in the progress of making an application for TBT and I was wondering if my character could be one of his former apprentices?

her application is here (Note that her history is a WIP and I kind of need an answer sooner rather than later if possible so I can include it in my application)
xx-nightstorm-xx.deviantart.co… ?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to Attic-Salt-Storms [2014-05-21 00:48:20 +0000 UTC]

I'd be totally fine with that! I can add it to Mushroom's bio as well as soon as you've been excepted!
PS; she's absolutely adorable, love her design! I hope you can get in soon!

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Attic-Salt-Storms In reply to TurkFish [2014-05-21 00:48:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much

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Foxbunni [2014-05-17 04:16:02 +0000 UTC]

such cute cat and such cute name ;w;
ahh Icepaw was assigned as his apprentice, do you want to start a mentor-apprentice rp?

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TurkFish In reply to Foxbunni [2014-05-17 14:52:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh! Really? I'd absolutely love to! <3
Through notes or skype?

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Foxbunni In reply to TurkFish [2014-05-17 14:54:03 +0000 UTC]

i prefer skype ^^ it's swifty.samai

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to Foxbunni [2014-05-17 15:07:28 +0000 UTC]


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Toxic-Innocence [2014-04-23 16:36:13 +0000 UTC]

we need to rp

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hanspaw [2014-04-22 02:40:26 +0000 UTC]

such a cute character! (: i'd love to rp with you sometime

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TurkFish In reply to hanspaw [2014-04-22 03:26:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'd love to roleplay any time! Just let me know Cx

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hazelthekitty [2013-07-10 04:33:35 +0000 UTC]

Hey~ You up for an RP?

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TurkFish In reply to hazelthekitty [2013-07-10 05:16:37 +0000 UTC]

Sure~ Shoot me a note whenever C:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

hazelthekitty In reply to TurkFish [2013-08-11 22:18:33 +0000 UTC]

Meep, you are now Vinepaw's mentor 

We need to finish our RP

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TurkFish In reply to hazelthekitty [2013-08-11 22:55:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh cool! Yes, we gotta roleplay <3 Ahh, can we start a new one? I think I lost our old one in my messages

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hazelthekitty In reply to TurkFish [2013-08-12 00:44:35 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Mentor and Apprentice bonding time!

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TurkFish In reply to hazelthekitty [2013-08-18 04:11:00 +0000 UTC]

Hey I just wanted to let you know, so you don't think I'm ignoring your note, that I got it. But I'm unable to respond to anything simply for time purposes. You can read my journal for information on why. I'm sorry for the inconveniences and whatnot ;x;

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hazelthekitty In reply to TurkFish [2013-08-18 04:16:42 +0000 UTC]

It's alright, oh! I put Mushroom in a crossover picture

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xXXRainstormXXx [2013-07-02 14:11:25 +0000 UTC]


Nightsky and Mush could role-play some time 

//rolls into the darkness

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TurkFish In reply to xXXRainstormXXx [2013-07-02 20:20:16 +0000 UTC]

If she's been accepted, sure! ;u;

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xXXRainstormXXx In reply to TurkFish [2013-07-02 21:22:02 +0000 UTC]

She has. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to xXXRainstormXXx [2013-07-03 04:53:17 +0000 UTC]

Great! Whenever ya want to RP then just shoot me a note <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

xXXRainstormXXx In reply to TurkFish [2013-07-03 16:43:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shewolf321 [2013-06-13 02:08:53 +0000 UTC]

We'll have to RP Glasspaw and Mushroom sometime! She needs to roleplay with more SkyClan cats.
even though she's from SkyClan... ;w;

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TurkFish In reply to shewolf321 [2013-06-13 04:05:54 +0000 UTC]

We totally should, Mushroom needs a friend in Skyclan too xD

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shewolf321 In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-17 20:31:52 +0000 UTC]

OMG looking at this now, they could be related. o-o

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TurkFish In reply to shewolf321 [2013-06-17 20:35:24 +0000 UTC]

If you want, we can make them related xD
Of course, it would sort of be distant relations. But still Cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shewolf321 In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-17 20:37:57 +0000 UTC]

XD They don't have to be~
They kinda look like they could though X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to shewolf321 [2013-06-17 20:44:33 +0000 UTC]

well, I'm totally welcome to any relations with Mushroom. I wanted him to be related to a lot of cats anyways, with how many siblings his mommy had x'D

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shewolf321 In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-17 20:48:20 +0000 UTC]

Oh okay~ ^^

I have like no family background with Glassy. Just her mom, dad, and dead siblings. X3

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TurkFish In reply to shewolf321 [2013-06-17 20:54:09 +0000 UTC]

Maybe her mother could have been one of Mushroom's...mother's...sister's...daughters xD

So they'd be like...I think he'd be her great uncle? maybe? xD

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shewolf321 In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-17 20:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Lol that sounds good! Or I know her father has red fur, so maybe it could be Mushroom's mother's sister's son. XD

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TurkFish In reply to shewolf321 [2013-07-03 19:06:40 +0000 UTC]

That could work too xD //super late
So you wanna make 'em related? o:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shewolf321 In reply to TurkFish [2013-07-03 19:52:37 +0000 UTC]

Sure! XD And late schmate! I don't care! c:

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shewolf321 In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-13 17:33:35 +0000 UTC]

Yes X3

I like have only roleplayed with cats from different clans.

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TurkFish In reply to shewolf321 [2013-06-17 20:35:50 +0000 UTC]

Same. Our poor kitties x'D

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shewolf321 In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-17 20:38:23 +0000 UTC]

Lol poor kittehs! cx

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doggieoh [2013-06-12 23:10:12 +0000 UTC]

Hes awesome!! :U
Are skyclan cats already dead? Like spirits themselves because I was always confused with it X4

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TurkFish In reply to doggieoh [2013-06-12 23:38:10 +0000 UTC]

Hehe thanks! <3
What do you mean? Sorry, I don't understand your question xD;;
If you're talking about the books, the original Skyclan died off, but they had kittens, and Firestar went and found their descendants and brought Skyclan back.

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doggieoh In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-13 05:22:26 +0000 UTC]

Oh I meant that, I always thought Skyclan was in the sky, like a bunch of dead cats who went to 'cat heaven' or something. Like spirits.
So confused too XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to doggieoh [2013-06-13 06:03:55 +0000 UTC]

No, the "cat heaven" thing is called Starclan xD

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doggieoh In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-13 17:15:37 +0000 UTC]

im dumb
Xd omfg so thats what its called
i fail XD

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Nashi-Hime [2013-06-12 22:47:26 +0000 UTC]

He's a cutie.

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TurkFish In reply to Nashi-Hime [2013-06-12 23:36:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <3

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Nashi-Hime In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-12 23:48:47 +0000 UTC]


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finchfluff [2013-06-12 22:14:04 +0000 UTC]

Ohh mosh gosh he's a cool kitty! ;o;
Yusss we should totally roleplay<3

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TurkFish In reply to finchfluff [2013-06-12 23:36:48 +0000 UTC]

Hehe thank you Cx
Who shall start? ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

finchfluff In reply to TurkFish [2013-06-13 00:15:59 +0000 UTC]

No problem ;u;
Could you? I'm horrible at starting xD

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