TurkFish — TBT | Palesight | Shadowclan

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[Edit 1/31/16] Edited relationships, history and MATE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[Edit 1/4/16] Edited relationships and history!
[Edit 12/4/15] Put Palesight onto the new app + NEW ART!!!

Name: Creamkit | Creampaw | Creamfur | Palesight

Name Meanings:
Pale- Her vision is poor, and her eyes have become milky compared the bright color they once were.
sight- Describing her sight.

Age: 53 Moons (as of 1/04/16)
Gender: She-cat
Breed: 35% Ragdoll / 40% Colorpoint Shorthair / 25% Other
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Permanent Queen

Book Description: Cream colored she-cat with blind, milky blue eyes.

[ Personality ]

Confident | Respectful | Flirty | Stingy | Impulsive | Observant | Defensive | Honest | Motherly | Depressed

"My claws are just as sharp as they used to be!" -- Confident
Though Palesight no longer has the element of sight on her side, she is very confident. She may not be the best fighter in the clan, but if she's fighting to defend the honor of her clan, she'll do whatever it takes, with the utmost certainty that she'll win.

"Yes, Fogstar sir, I understand." -- Respectful
No matter how much she dislikes a cat, if the cat is of higher rank than her, Palesight will treat them with respect, and obey their words to the fullest extent. Or at least until they stop looking at her!

"I hope we'd look cute together." -- Flirty
Just because she can't see, doesn't mean she doesn't feel attraction to other cats. What drags her in more than anything is the tone of voice, and how a tom treats a lady. Palesight still loves her mate, Ashtail, but is confident he wouldn't want her to be alone forever. She takes after her mother in the sense that she flirts, a LOT. After her kits left, Palesight lost her sparky, firty personality and found herself hardening up. She still compliments cats, but she doesn't purposefully flirt like she once did.

"What a mousebrain." -- Stingy
Palesight isn't afraid to insult a cat if they do something dumb. She often makes snide remarks, and tries to offend other cats. Especially cats who brag, and other she-cats.

"I'll fight you!" -- Impulsive
Like a mother protecting a kit, Palesight acts on impulse. She'll challenge or attack a cat over the smallest remark.

"What do you look like?" -- Observant
Since Palesight can't see, she tries to get information on things around here by scent and feel. She'll often ask others what they, or other cats look like, in order to get a sense in her mind of what they may look like past the blob of color she usually sees.

"I wasn't always blind, you insensitive foxheart!" -- Defensive
Some cats tease Palesight. Especially when it comes to her sight. Few cats younger than her and in other clans know that Palesight wasn't always blind. They often make remarks when she talks about seeing things. Palesight will immediately defend herself against these cats in a hostile manner. She is very insecure about her sight when it's bad-talked on.

"I'll never be a warrior again." -- Honest
Palesight is a very honest cat, and always makes a big deal of telling the truth to every cat, even if it hurts.
While Palesight is honest to and with herself, and fairly honest with others, she's begun to lie in the face of her...blooming romance with Badgerfur. She also has begun to lie a lot by omission.

"Oh dear, are you alright?" -- Motherly
Being a queen, and accustomed to being around kits, Palesight has grown to be instinctively motherly to any cat. Even if that cat is older, a crush, or a cat from another clan. She always tries to help a cat in need like a mother would a helpless kit, so long as they're nice to her in return.

"Everything's...being taken..." -- Depressed
Palesight, though she doesn't show it as much, suffers from a horrible depression. She was never a sad cat, but after her daughter, Milkypaw's, death, it seemed it set off a stream of events. Palesight lost every last kit she gave birth to, on top of her mate, mother, and sister. Now, mostly blind, and more lonely than she's ever been in her life, Palesight suffers from depression.

[ Sexual Preferences ]

Single | Taken
Males | Females | Neither


Once a picky she-cat, Palesight can't see very well anymore. Though she does prefer to associate with cats with tamer pelts. ie. Blacks and greys give her a more relaxing feel. But she could fall for anyone.


Cats with similar personalities to her (ie. snarky, wiley) tend to clash. She likes the idea of a cat she can just relax with. Her interests tend to sway a lot, though. If they like kits, that's a BIG plus.

Looking for;

✓ Long Lasting Relationship
✓ One Night Stand
✓ / X Other?

Palesights Hot List;


[ Brief Backstory ]

.::.-BEFORE BIRTH-.::.
This chapter contains suggestive content!

Flameshade was named after her mother's deceased brother, Flametail. She had her mother's beauty, and her father's quick wits. This made her very popular with the toms. As she began her warrior training, she took advantage of her power over the male division. She'd play with their hearts; break them down to begging her, and then completely ditch them for some other cat.

One tom in particular had finally figured out her little game. It was surprising really that no cat had yet. This tom already had a mate, a beautiful, loving she-cat, of whom he would never betray…seemingly, anyways. But he lusted for Flameshade deeply, and lured her in, teasing and flirting with her in the privacy of the forest. And at this, Flameshade started her game again.

The tom acted as if he were interested, pretended to go gaga over her. Pretended he actually cared for more than what he wanted. He knew Flameshade would "brake his heart" soon. She walked out with him into the forest.

Flameshade led the tom out to the forest, her tail high. She'd done this before, but the way she acted made it seem like the first time. "I brought you out here for a reason. Do you…do you know what that is?"
The pale tom nodded. Shock was evident on Flameshade's face, but she quickly got it under control as the tom spoke. "Indeed, Flameshade. Don't be naïve, I know the game you're playing at." He purred in a deep, seductive voice.
"I haven't an idea what you're talking about. I wouldn't play a game at a time like this!" Flameshade snapped, twitching her tail in annoyance. "If you think you're so smart, tell me what it is I've brought you here for!" She ordered, glaring at the tom as a sneer grew on his muzzle.
"Why, my dear Flameshade. You've come to break my heart!" He almost laughed as he began pacing around the she-cat. "But my dear sweetest, it is I who shall break you. Don't you ever tell a soul what has happened tonight." His words ended in a bittersweet menacing hiss as he jumped at the she-cat, evident lust and need for Flameshade clouding his eyes.

Flameshade was forced into mating with the tom. She was abused continually for hours, until the tom was ultimately satisfied, and left the poor she-cat alone and broken on the pine-forest floor.
Within a moon, she found she was expecting kits. She never told a soul who the kits belonged to.

//end mature content


Flameshade gave birth to two beautiful kits, Whitekit and Creamkit. She never told her kits of their abusive father, and chose to never tell the clan either.

Flameshade was lucky, the only thing either kit had inherited from their father were Creamkit's pretty blue eyes. No cat ever guessed right, or if they had, Flameshade never told them if they were right. As the kits grew to fit in more with the clan, the questioning of their father died down, and soon enough, the two kits were accepted among the majority of the clan.

Creamkit was incredibly popular. She had very sharp eyes, and could spot even the faintest movement. She even once caught a fish when her mother brought her out to a river! Her sight was even better than some of the warriors, and they often praised her for her assistance.

Creamkit sat at the entrance to the camp. Her sister, Whitekit, sat further away, playing with their mother's tail. Creamkit was surveying the undergrowth, watching for the signs of prey that dared prowl in the snow-covered stalks of grass.
She switched her gaze away from the grass as a russet-colored tom stalked out of the bushes, his shoulders hunched in frustration.

"Not a flim-flabbin peace of prey out there !" The tom hissed bitterly.

Creamkit piped up, startling the cat out of his angry trance. "No! Wait, there's a squirrel right over there!" She squeaked up to the warrior, pointing towards a pine tree with her stiff little tail.

The tom skeptically followed her gaze, and after a moment, turned back to the young kit, his eyes full of surprise. "Well done, Creamkit. I would have missed that!" He praised, before stalking off after the scrawny food.

Creamkit enjoyed helping her clanmates. Since she was born in the beginning struggles of leaf-fall, she believed it was her duty to do her best to help her clan, even at such a young age.
Creamkit and Whitekit grew quickly. Their mother was never much part of their life after their 3rd moon, and ended up leaving the nursery before the kits were even apprenticed.


Creampaw's apprenticeship for the most part was that of any normal cat's. She impressed her mentor many times over with her sharp eyesight, able to catch prey far more often than the normal apprentice. She was fast on her feet, too. It wasn't uncommon for the young cat to bring back to camp a stray rabbit or some lizards. She was also very interested in water, and in he free time, loved to go to the river and catch fish like a Riverclanner.

She also had made a new friend, Ashpaw. The tom was fairly handsome, and quite a bit older than Creampaw. The two quickly became friends. Ashpaw was made Ashtail long before Creampaw would be named a warrior, but they kept a strong bond between them.
Despite her Riverclan-like love for water, Creampaw was a typical Shadowclan apprentice.

It wasn't until late in her training, little less than a moon before her warrior ceremony, that tragedy struck her life.
Creampaw's sister, Whitepaw, had suddenly gone missing. The cats searched for days, but the pretty young sister of Creampaw was gone. It was assumed she'd gotten tired of her sister's popularity, and left to find some place else she could be acknowledged. This thought gave Creampaw comfort, and she tried her best to get back into the groove of training, before it ended.

Flameshade began trickling back into Creampaw's life, frightened by the disappearance of her 2nd kit. Creampaw felt it awkward to be with her mother again, but it was also comforting, and she enjoyed it while it lasted.
But Creampaw's fall was not over.

This is it! Thought Creampaw as she padded through her territory. My final assessment! I'm going to be a warrior! The pretty cream she-cat held her tail high as she padded through the pine forest.

Within the first couple minutes, she'd already caught 3 lizards, 2 mice, and a frog. After burying her prey to retrieve later, she continued through the forest, confident that she could make several more catches before time was up.

Suddenly, a strong, odd smelling scent caught her nose. It wafted from the outskirts of the forest. Against her better judgment, Creampaw decided to follow it.
She stalked through the outskirting grass of the forest, in time to catch another whiff of the fowl-smelling stuff. A glint of light caught her eyes, and she stared through the grass.

From the trees, a twoleg appeared, carrying a small yellow monster in it's front paws. The monster spat out puffs of stinking gas from a glinting silver stick.
Creampaw froze to the spot as the twoleg turned towards her. They dropped the can at the sight of her, and it landed funny, upside down.
She let out a great yowl, and stumbled backwards as she was sprayed by the stinging gas in the eyes. She turned tail and fled blindly, screeching rage to the heavens.
Her eyes burned terribly, and once her mentor found her, she was quickly escorted to the medicine cat's den.

Neither medicine cat was there, and Creampaw was left in the den alone, until Flameshade came to calm her until someone had found their medicine cat. Creampaw's mother quietly soothed her kit, licking and cleaning the stinging gunk from her face. It took several long, agonizing moments before the medicine cat rushed in.

"I'm here! What happened, Creampaw?"

"I-I was hunting, and I smelled some weird scent, and I tracked it. Then a twoleg…it sprayed me in the face with-with this stinging sticky gas!" Creampaw wailed, looking at the medicine cat through half-blind, red-and-blue eyes.

The medicine cat stiffened, and jumped towards Flameshade, knocking her away from her daughter. "To the river at once! Wash your mouth out, now!" She screeched, her eyes wide with horror. Flameshade quickly rushed away, as the medicine cat murmured "may Starclan lend you their speed…"

Creampaw was treated as best the medicine cat could do. Her pain had slightly numbed, and she tried to ignore it by thinking of her warrior ceremony. Her mentor had already visited and told the young she-cat that her ceremony would be held at sunset.


"I, Monarchstar, leader of Shadowclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.
Creampaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Creampaw, despite the stinging pain in her eyes, stood tall and met her leader's glowing gaze.

"I do."

Monarchstar continued, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Creampaw, from this moment you will be known as Creamfur. StarClan honors your loyalty and honesty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Shadowclan."

Creamfur moved to lick her leader's shoulder respectively. Her gaze, though clouded with pain, shown proudly.

Despite what her medicine cat had said, Creamfur sat vigil all night, with Ashtail, who had offered to help.

As Creamfur was sent to the medicine cat's den for relief she found, to her horror, Flameshade. Her mother lay in a nest, the medicine cat crouched over her with a hanging head, dead. The chemicals from the spray had burned up her insides

With her mother and sister gone, Creamfur had but one cat to turn to. Ashtail. The two cats grew closer than ever. as eventually, the cats of the clans considered them mates. It wasn't long before Creamfur and Ashtail were expecting kits.

Creamfur's eyesight began to falter more and more each day. What was once great and sharp, was now slowly becoming nothing but shadows and blobs of color. As her eyesight failed, Creamfur became more and more dependent on her mate for support. She didn't let any cat but Ashtail and her medicine cat know of her problems.

Ashtail insisted it was just a side effect of pregnancy.


Creamfur gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens. Milkykit, Spiderkit, and Sootkit. The day wasn't as happy a day as it could have been, though.

I can't wait to see my kits! Creamfur thought. The birth had already been going for hours, and she'd only just pushed out her second kit. The young queen felt a ripple down her spine as her final kit made it's way into the world.

Creamfur pushed hard, biting down and splintering the stick she held between her jaws. Finally, her medicine cat gave her soft fur a lick, murmuring a congratulations.
"Two she-cats and a tom." Ashtail purred, settling himself next to his mate as the kits were finally allowed to be seen by their mother and feed.

Creamfur let out an excited meow, and turned wide-eyed to look at her kits. Her eyes slitted, and her smile faded slowly. Her kits were not beautiful to her. All she could see were 3 small blobs, 2 black, and one white. "Ashtail…"

She turned her head to look at the blob of gray she had learned by scent as her mate. "Ashtail…what-" Creamfur let out a slow sigh, sensing Ashtail turn a curious gaze on her solemn expression. "What do they look like?" She finally asked, turning her gaze back to the small, mewling blobs of shades infront of her belly.

Ashtail was quiet for several moments, then finally murmured, "I promise you Creamfur, my dear, they are absolutely beautiful…"

After that moment, Ashtail accepted that his mate's vision was undoubtedly failing.

The kits grew fast. Creamfur worked hard to do her best, but often ended up needing another cat's help for things as she first started out, blind and new as a mother. Despite the challenges, the kits were raised very well. Creamfur and Ashtail were very fond of their little children, and taught them as many lessons as they could.

When all seemed to finally begin to look up, another bump in the road slammed into Creamfur. Ashtail had been killed in a border skirmish. Creamfur and her kits mourned for days, but as the kits were still young, they soon were back to playing.

Knowing her kits were growing, and still held traces of their father and his memory, Creamfur managed to get back on her feet and move on too.


Milkypaw went on to be a medicine cat apprentice, while Spiderpaw and Sootpaw were made warrior apprentices. Instead of returning to her regular duties as a warrior, Creamfur had different plans.

"Monarchstar, sir?" Creamfur called through the darkness of her leader's den, which to her was simply a blob of black. Her leader was in his last moons, and she could tell as he called her in with a scratchy, sickly voice.

"Yes, come in." Echoed a younger, smoother voice, Fogheart, she assumed by the white blob of fur that sat next to the sickly Monarchstar.

Creamfur sat down getting comfortable. "Well, what is it, Creamfur, dear? We haven't gotten all day." Fogheart teased. Creamfur could feel his eyes boring into her fur.

"It's not your kits, is it?" Monarchstar fretted. That was like him, worried for his clan, even over himself.

"No…" Creamfur murmured. She held what she hoped was Monarchstar's gaze as she continued. "Sir, I can not go back to being a warrior. My eyes are unfit. I am still suffering from the effects of that twoleg poison, and our medicine cat says it will never get better." She sighed. "I can still claw some cat, but…I'm afraid I can never go back to being a warrior like-"

"Are you asking to be named an elder, pale - sight?" Fogheart sneered, his voice and icy calm.

Creamfur flinched at the name, and forced her bristling fur to lay flat. "No, Fogheart." She growled brusquely. "Monarchstar, I am wondering if it is possible for me to remain a queen. I can help new mothers, and if I must, deliver new kits. I don't want to be completely useless, I wish to help!"

Monarchstar stood. "Very well, Creamfur. I understand your want to help. I will make you a permanent queen…" He paused. "Fogheart, call together the clan, we will preform the ceremony right away." Fogheart slipped away from the den.

Creamfur nodded at Monarchstar thankfully, and followed the clan leader out to where the clan had already began to gather.

"Cats of Shadowclan. We have a noble cat before us who has lost her eyesight, but still wishes to serve her clan." He began. "Creamfur has decided to claim our nursery as her permanent den. She will aid our queens, new and experienced, in caring for their kits." Monarchstar turned to Creamfur. "I, Monarchstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to take away the name of this cat. For it now longer stands for who she is."

The now nameless she-cat stood before her leader, speechless. She was being renamed! She hadn't expected this. She closed her eyes, and listened to her leader's words as he continued.

"Creamfur, from now on, you shall be known as Palesight."

Palesight has now been a queen for almost 2 moons. This bio will be updated as more events happen in her life.

Palesight's losses were not over after Ashtail. Milkypaw, her daughter, died suddenly of unknown causes. Palesight had never felt so numb after losing her closest daughter. Very soon after this, the Scale plague befell her son, Sootpaw. Sootpaw suffered for many moons, and during this time, Palesight's remaining daughter and eldest kit, Spiderpaw, went missing. She'd presumably gone looking for a cure for her brother. Palesight clung to her last kit relentlessly, almost wishing his sickness would befall her. Alas, it did not. Instead, it took his life from him, and took away her final kit from her. Palesight succumbed then to depression, and almost attempted to end her life. The only cats keeping her from this were the kits, still young in the nursery, that she wanted to help raise. And her only friend, Batshade. The she-cat instead spends her days wallowing in self-pity, but also somehow managing to hide her despair from cats that don't know her so well.

Palesight has gone mostly blind, and can only barely see color. Most everything is just shadows before her eyes. She can't make a cat from a bush anymore without using her nose.

A few moons since the clans moved, Palesight has begun to find herself smiling again. She's not the happiest of Shadowclan by any standards, but she doesn't wish to end herself. She has begun to come to terms with her loss of sight, and is almost completely blind at this point. While she may not talk about it, every cat knows. All because of a stunt she pulled - heading out on her own for a tour of the territory. She'd ended up in Riverclan territory, cold and wet with mud. It was Badgerfur who saved her, though she refused to share the information with any of her clanmates. It would hurt her pride if he got into trouble. She still misses her kits, but the new life in Shadowclan continues to bring her joy, even through her loss. She rarely leaves camp, fearing she'll get lost outside. But whenever she does...she almost always runs into the Riverclan tom from before.

As the nursery got busier and busier, Palesight found herself trying to escape whenever she had the chance. Even a queen who'd brought up half the clan needed a break once in a while. She helped her clan as often as she could, even once bringing back prey. As leafbare set in, Palesight could tell Batshade was beginning to struggle. She assumed that the herb store had been lacking. It took a while to build it up. And so, even against his word, Palesight wandered from camp to help find herbs often. She wanted to help.

And she wanted to erase the guilt she felt for meeting with...Badgerfur.

She knew she'd made a mistake when she agreed to meet up with the tom at three-oaks. And her guilt to her clan...and her mate, grew. As she confessed growing feelings to the tom. They embraced. And while they did not officially become mates just yet - they left with warmth in their hearts and the knowledge that a forbidden romance was budding between them. But as Palesight returned to camp, she knew she would have to tell some cat...she decided that when she had the nerves, she would tell Batshade. And in the mean time, she wallowed in his den, her thoughts rushing; replaying ancient-feeling memories of Ashtail, their kits, replaced with...

With Badgerfur.

And the dread in her belly stung, but the warmth in her heart tried to mend it. When Batshade returned from halfmoon, he was surprised, but happy for his friend. And Palesight's hidden romance was blessed by her best friend and medicine cat.

When Palesight met at new moon with Badgerfur she told him of this. And after a quiet, happy chat, Badgerfur asked Palesight to be his mate. She was torn briefly, but Badgerfur expressed something no other ever had. He told her he would never replace Ashtail. And it was enough to have the queen romanced. She left that evening with a feeling of loneliness, but a warm smile on her face because she was so much happier than before.

But Palesight was torn when she was refused to go to the gathering. It was her own fault, really. She had faked sickness not so long before to get out to see Badgerfur. And so she went a long while without seeing her mate. As a majority of kits left the nursery however, Palesight allowed a hefty sigh of relief. Perhaps her romantic rondevus with Badgerfur would be...ever so slightly easier to get away with, now.



[ Stats ]

Attack- Very low. Once, Palesight was a great fighter, but once she lost her sight, she lost her ability to aim and fight. She can still hold her own in battle, but only if she's backed by a second warrior, or fighting a very weak cat.

Tactics- Palesight is still very smart with tactics, and though she can't fight herself, she still has her territory mapped out in her head. She often will offer ideas to battle-planning clanmates.

Speed- Palesight has always been a fast cat. Now that her sight has weakened, she must be more careful, but she can still run. She needs to know the area before she can run safely.

Endurance- As she works with kits, Palesight has grown accustomed to needing extra boosts of energy. She can endure a lot.

Strength- Low. Palesight was never a very muscular cat to begin with. When her sight faltered, she gave up with training her strength for anything more than kits. The most she could overpower in strength is a young apprentice.

[ Family ]

immediate family
Father-- | Unknown |
Mother-- | Flameshade | --Shadowclan Warrior / Starclan Warrior--
Sister-- | Whitegold | --Whereabouts Unknown--
Mate(former)-- | Ashtail | --Shadowclan Warrior / Starclan Warrior--
Mate(current)-- | Badgerfur | --Riverclan Warrior--
Kits(Ashtail's)--| Milkypaw (dead) , Spiderpaw (missing) & Sootpaw (dead) | --Shadowclan (Starclan?) Apprentices--

Grandfather (Mother's Side)-- | Toadfoot | --Shadowclan Warrior--
Grandmother (Mother's Side)-- | Dawnpelt | --Shadowclan Warrior--
Grandfather (Father's Side)-- | Unknown |
Grandmother (Father's Side)-- | Unknown |

[ Relationships ]


() Unsure , Wary
() Fear
( ) Dislike / () Hate, Despise, Wish Death Upon
() Acquaintance
() Friend
() Good Friend / () Best Friend
() Attraction / () Lust
() Crush / () Love
() Admire, Respect


high ranks

| |
Fogstar  | DoctorCritical
"Honestly, I don't really trust Fogstar. He seems so suspicious... Not saying he's a bad leader, or that I don't like him, I mean, I bet he's the best of all the clans. It's just that...well, he's just so dark, and scary, and...secretive."

Batshade | SapphireSquire
"I really don't know how I feel about Batshade. He's a great cat, I respect him! I think I may just feel some contempt because I dislike the fact that I have to show my weaknesses to him. And no cat like showing weakness, especially me... The fact that he even helped me after I was such a jerk though...that was very kind. I appreciate it, I GUESS."
| "You know what? Batshade's not half bad. He's turned out to be my best friend. Not sure how, but he is a huge sweety under that hard heart. I'm proud of him! I appreciate his help through all my pains so much. Thanks Batshade, really."
| "Batshade is the only cat I truely trust nowadays. I know he finds cats who are closer to him than me, and it doesn't bother me...because, who could ever choose a she-brat like me as their closest friend? But he tolerates me, and helps me... I hope he can be happy, even with me here to bug him."

| | |
Milkypaw  | Ambunny
"My little baby Milkypaw. The only kit that inherited strictly my beautiful fur! Not that anything at all is wrong with gray- nevermind. Anyway, my little Milypaw is a mama's girl. I remember when me and Ashtail named her, the silly little dear spilled milk all over herself! I'm so proud of her! She'll make a fine medicine cat someday, just like her mentor."
"M-my darling kit...she's left me. She and her siblings are gone. I feel like the worst mother. And I know it was never my fault, not with Milkypaw and Sootpaw, anyway. But, Starclan...I wish...I wish I could have done something. I wish she could have grown to be a great medicine cat like her mentor before her..."

normal ranks

Phantomscream | CR00KEDQUEEN
| "She's brave, and she takes charge like a leader. I most definitely respect Phantomscream. She did well taking charge of the dog fight after Fogstar passed out."
" I can't believe Cricketstar found her. We all thought she was dead. But she...she changed her name to Cleopatra. And Cricketstar left us? For a warrior turned kittypet? Phantom- er, Cleopatra must have been a good cat...she had to be perfect. I don't know why a leader like Cricketstar would abandon her clan, otherwise. I watched her kittens grow to be fine warriors, and now I am watching her grandkittens grow, too."

Ferretwhisker | meeshmoose
"She's kind, at first I wasn't sure how to feel. She offered me help, we all know I don't like that, but she didn't force it on me, so she's alright, a kind soul. And we all know I have a soft-spot for younglings. She's really very kind, and he's a great huntress, we'll be good friends."
"It's a shame she passed away. I enjoyed watching her kits grow."

Scatterpaw | corruptpudding
"This little she-cats super curious. I admire her bravery. Most likely because I have a soft spot for apprentices, especially ones I've been able to watch grow up from even the nursery."
"I hate when I see kittens I helped raise...die. Scatterpaw was always a joy to have around. I'll miss her..."



Toadthroat | streakpie
| "Boy! What a piece of work! Toadthroat's such a moody old furball. I was just trying to be kind and all he did was spit and grumble, on MY territory. I guess it's just because he's old and worn out. I feel bad for that poor apprentice of his, though. Yeesh!"

Badgerfur | theredjennies
[Entry 1] | "Well, he did insult me a little. But it's not like we'll ever meet again, surely. And I don't think he meant it..."
[Entry 2] | "I'm not fond of the fact that I needed help, from a Riverclanner, too, of all things. But Badgerfur's not all clumsy insults and fish stink. He helped me out of a sticky situation, and returned me to Shadowclan in one piece. I'm just....I'm just glad that I didn't end up like Cleopatra. So...he's not all that bad, for a Riverclanner."
[Entry 3] | "We tend to run into eachother a lot. It's kind of odd and...well, not good. Loonstar would have my fur if he knew how often we accidentally meet up and chat. But I enjoy his company. He's sweet, if not a bit of a clutz. I don't think I've had a nice friendship like this in a long time, besides the one I have with Batshade. I don't want to loose it..."
[Entry 4] | "Badgerfur, somehow, the silly furball, has wormed his slimey Riverclan soul into my heart. He's clumsy, he's awkward, he's kind...he's uh, attractive...and he's my best friend. I can't believe I managed to find my best friend in a clan that's not my own. Of course I have Batshade, but I see him as a son. Badgerfur...he's...different. And maybe...that's not good."
[Entry 5] | | "I feel like I'm betraying Ashtail and our kits somehow...for falling for another tom. It's not like I'm daft. I've been in love before, and while I'm OBVIOUSLY not in LOVE with Badgerfur, I harbor affections for the tom. And it's not hard to see that he feels the same. So I...stupidly confessed. I wouldn't say we're mates, but we've definitely crossed the line of 'friends'. And I know I should mind this more than I do...but I can't find myself regretting it enough to call this all off. I'm...I'm so sorry, Ashtail. I still love you so much, Ashtail."
[Entry 6] | "Neither of us expected...this. Obviously. I mean, we're both shocked. But...I can't ever see myself regretting it. I don't love him, not yet. And I don't know when I will...if I will. But he understands how I feel about Ashtail and it's so important. He's so important. I can't see my future without him in it. Even if it will be hard, and this whole thing, all this guilt... it'll be a pain in my neck. But this is worth it to me. He's my best friend. He's...he's my mate. Oh...oh, Starclan."




Dark Forest:

Stain | TeachMeToLearn
"Stain! She burned down half the camp! And yet, somehow I feel a sense of companionship with her...She was...I suppose kind to me when I spent my night in the Dark Forest. Something I wouldn't expect from a cat in that forest..."

| |
Venomstar | BaileyTrave
"What a foxheart! I outta kill him for insulting Shadowclan like that! If only he weren't...already dead... But I must say, somehow, I feel a huge amount of respect for this...this dark forest cat!"

Palesight no longer attends the dark forest, and hates the idea of going there. Her only desire to go was sparked by her wish to see again. But she realized sight was not worth the price she would have had to pay had she stayed.

[ Roleplay Sample ]

"Indeed they are." Palesight confirmed, happily. The tom had said something right, at least. And it pleased her. Any cat who was a fan of kittens couldn't be all bad in her book. "I hope Riverclan has the same luck." She meowed, honestly. Not exactly expecting a reply, she fell silent, a happier overall mood taking her, despite still being bitter about her damp fur and general situation.

She managed to stop before she bumped into Badgerfur as they reached the border. She lifted her muzzle, tasting the air. Sure enough, this was the border. She could make out the scent of Shadowclan and Riverclan mixing, and scrunched up her nose. "Thank you, I'll be more careful this time." The queen sighed. "Maybe you're right, we may meet again, hopefully under circumstances that don't include my trespassing." She attempted to force a laugh, but it came out as more of a pained groan. She stepped around her escort, but paused in front of him and tapped her tail on his nose.

Or at least...she hoped it was his nose. Or at least his face. She wasn't really sure. "You're not so bad, Badgerfur. For a Riverclanner." She'd already thanked him once in the night, and she didn't plan on doing it again. It was a show of her old personality, a ghost of who she had been when her kits were still around. Her playful side, however buried it was, perhaps wasn't completely gone. The she-cat offered a half-smile, before she bounded off across the border, and began making her way home in a slow-moving, careful fashion.


Character Designed/Adopted from KasaraWolf
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Comments: 20

SpunkyRacoon [2015-12-13 19:12:57 +0000 UTC]

I love her design omg<3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to SpunkyRacoon [2015-12-13 19:47:46 +0000 UTC]

!!! Thank you! I'm v fond of her hehe <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

streakpie [2014-05-01 08:02:50 +0000 UTC]

tries to favourite again


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to streakpie [2014-05-01 22:14:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Beetle-Cat [2014-05-01 06:17:04 +0000 UTC]

Ah she's somehow prettier. ;~; -runs to save this for future picture-
You should add what she thinks about Beetle!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to Beetle-Cat [2014-05-01 22:14:32 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you!! I tried to make her look a lot better than my old style did >.<
I will soon! I'm going to be doing a picture of her and Beetle soon, too ;o;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Beetle-Cat In reply to TurkFish [2014-05-02 01:15:25 +0000 UTC]

Ah I can't wait to see it!! Your art style is super cute.

I'll reply to the RP when I get off work :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Eiyre [2014-05-01 04:37:11 +0000 UTC]

Boo voice: "Kitty"

Just Kidding, Love her ya dork.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to Eiyre [2014-05-01 22:14:58 +0000 UTC]

eyyy thank you Cx she's my baby

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Toxic-Innocence [2013-07-03 14:55:11 +0000 UTC]

I love her backstory! It was really well done. c:

Maybe you'd like to RP with Pallid? I need to work on his relationships with fellow Shadowclanners~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to Toxic-Innocence [2013-07-03 19:14:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I try to make all my backstorys sound good <3

Oh, I'd love to! I bet Palesight would like him more than she liked/trusted Fogstar x'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

meeshmoose [2013-05-08 20:33:33 +0000 UTC]

i absolutely loved the backstory
you put a lot of effort into your character's description.
well done!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to meeshmoose [2013-05-09 00:10:59 +0000 UTC]

Ahh I'm glad, I did work hard <3
Thank you so so much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

meeshmoose In reply to TurkFish [2013-05-09 00:21:18 +0000 UTC]

;u; anytime

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

nightswarrior [2013-04-27 12:23:50 +0000 UTC]

She seems like an interesting character

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to nightswarrior [2013-04-27 21:01:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DoctorCritical [2013-04-26 16:00:41 +0000 UTC]

Kyagh she's gorgeous <33 I hope to RP with you sometime! ;u;

And you got Fogstar's personality down perfectly bahaha

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to DoctorCritical [2013-04-26 22:06:27 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you so much! <3 I'd love to roleplay with you! ;u;

Oh thank goodness, I tried hard to mimic it hehe cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mashupsaurus [2013-04-26 03:52:55 +0000 UTC]

She is such a beautiful female queen. <3
The background story was actually quite interesting. I loved it. C:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TurkFish In reply to Mashupsaurus [2013-04-26 04:03:07 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you! <3 I tried to make her look really pretty, but I suck at squinty eyes, I feel like it looks awkward hah.
Thank you! I worked really hard to put it all together cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 0