So lately I've been *kinda* obsessed with watching a youtuber by the name of Jon Solo and he does a series called "The Messed Up Origins" of Disney movies and even currently Roman Myths!
Which I ended up binge watching for the last two days. So I have his theme song in my head non stop and watching all of that greco roman art of those myths, and all the other art, I thought...
PERFECT FOR MY PROJECT. Somehow my brain clicked and was like "HEY, YOU, you studied this stuff in college before! You said you liked it! Make a cover in the same style for your book!"
and I did.
You saw the other upload I had of my characters where Abigail was on top of her fountain, Caranthir was next to the fountain, there's mountains yaddy yatta.
Although I love doing my chibi style things (and I had done it on my phone, so chibi was easier for a moment), I wanted to draw in the potential of what a full manga could be.
This took way too damn long to draw though I'll admit. I couldn't figure out how to do the background for the life of me.
I finally settled on this because I had sat down waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long trying to work through it and I need to get out more stuff if I'm gonna get more views. So.
Love, ugliehchibi