UlisaBarbic — Ulisa's Top 50 Favorite Characters

Published: 2014-06-11 05:29:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 9134; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Man, this was hard. The first half of the meme is easy but the second half, I wanted to include so many more. I would one day love to do a huge one, like some of the 100 or 200 character memes I have seen, but given that my computer is being a pain in the butt regarding files that large, we shall start with this one. If you are interested in doing one yourself, here is the blank version: 50 Character Meme

Buddi Barbic: My all time favorite character, even after all these years. Fell in love with him when I first saw "Return to Ursalia" back when I was a wee lass of 10 years. I loved how he was the only child of a warrior like clan and yet was more sensitive than most boys his age. Likewise, I loved how despite this, he had a pride about him and a desire to prove himself, despite having a deep rooted confidence issue. His friendship with the Glen's Sunni Gummi bordered on Romeo-Juliet territory but it had such a strong hope embedded in it that you could not help but root for it. Plus, becoming friends first...HUGE advantage and not seen very much. Plus, his relationship with his mother figure, Ursa was a lot more complex than a lot of people make it out to be. They love one another but their personalities are so different that they seem to clash. Make no mistake though, there is nothing this Mama's boy would not do for her.

Ursa Barbic: My second favorite character ever. Ursa Barbic is a gummi of a hard past. The leader of her clan, she had survived the destruction of her old home, having to move her clan to ensure their survival but she is also a mother of their only child, Buddi. She has learned to be wary with her trust but she is not above admitting when she has wronged someone, though it takes a thing of great power to penetrate that tough outer shell. Her love for her child is just as strong as any mother's perhaps even stronger, given that he is their last hope for their future. She may not understand the way he thinks at times but that doesn't mean she won't fight to the death for him.

Son Gohan: My favorite anime character, period. I love how this boy is a mixture of two race and shows the strengths of both. He has such raw talent and isn't afraid to use it to protect those that he cares about. He has the human desire to protect, as well as the interest in martial arts of his saiyan race (I know, some people would disagree with me here but I saw more interest in Martial Arts, if not the battles themselves, than in studying). But he had a self-doubt about him that gave him room to have to lean on his father and friends more than most. I also adore his relationship with his father. He practically worships his father and despite being separated for 7 years, that respect and honor follows him well into adulthood.

Son Goku: It's Goku! I love this guy, be it English or Japanese. He is a lovable goof ball who loves a good challenge, prides himself on surpassing his own limits and takes it upon himself to protect his friends and family. I adore his relationship with his children. For the majority of the time, Goku is a fun-loving carefree guy who wants to have fun and enjoy life, a trait he has passed onto his sons. However, heaven itself help you if you dare threaten any of his friends or family. Case in point, he seems to be particularly sensitive to ANY threats to his children...and he is NOT a wise guy to piss off.

Cubbi Gummi: This kid is crazy, plain and simple. But, to quote "Alice in Wonderland": "All the best people are." He is full of energy, loves to explore, has an imagination that never fails to surprise but is also extremely loyal. His friends are things he takes extremely seriously and is willing to surrender his own happiness to protect. His desire to help those in need is really astounding, despite his young age and size but that determination will carry him far into his dream of knighthood.

Tomoe Hotaru/Sailor Saturn/Princess Saturn: Looking so young and yet so old in spirit. Carrying with her the burden of the powers of death and rebirth, this young soldier is a reincarnation of the Princess of Saturn, the planet of silence. Given that all the senshi seem to be based on old goddesses, I am betting Saturn was a form of the Fates. Despite being a feared presence, she has proven that she is more than just a soldier of death but rather a lonely and caring girl who simply desires companionship. As a result, if you have made a friend of her, you have a friend for life. Plus, having the BEST introduction of ANY of  the soldiers. Her original manga introduction "I am an emissary from the abyss of death. The protector of Saturn, the planet of ruin, Guardian of Silence, Sailor Saturn"

Sir Plucki: Okay, so he was a one-shot character but I don't care. This Captain of Gummadoon is the definition of the knight in shining armor. He is wise, a brave soldier, a great leader, a good teacher for children but also subject to the fears and prejudices of his race. What sets him aside though is that he is willing to admit his faults, make corrections for his errors and realizes that he can learn just as much from the children as he can teach them. REALLY wish we had seen more of him...

Michelangelo: This was my first crush, seriously. I loved his personality in the Fred Wolf cartoon and it still remains my all time favorite version of the character. He was humble, caring, sensitive and had a connection to children and animals. He could fight if he had to and was not dependent on his older brothers for protection or guidance. Heck, he saved THEM a lot of times. The future versions of this character really need to go back to this kind of version: laid back, friendly, sociable but just as readily capable of handing your tail to you.

Inuyasha: I feel for Inuyasha, I really do. He comes across as this brash and hard individual, as someone who judges too quickly, is selfish, and even a little paranoid. But, honestly, when you learn about his past, can you really blame him? This is a child who was hated from birth, just for existing and his only remaining family member makes it pretty apparent he would as soon kill him as look at him (though that seems to change over time) Can you really blame him for not feeling he could trust anyone? Seeing him grow and learn to love, trust and in the process gain respect for himself is awesome!

Cavin: One of my favorite characters in Gummi Bears. I love both the human allies but Cavin just had such an awesome personality to him: brave and yet capable of fear, self doubting but still subject to overconfidence, but above all a loyalty that would transcend all trials! His friendship with Cubbi Gummi is amazing to watch. They are truly brothers in everything but blood. 

Uncle Scrooge: I think his character development is what made me fall in love with this character. He starts off as a cranky, cheap and rather cold-hearted greedy man whose only interest is increasing his wealth, though he does have the morals of "making it square." However, as the series progressed, we see his love for his grand-nephews grow and grow until they become the most important thing in his life. That kind of character growth is a truly rare thing to see and to witness an old man risk life and limb for three children he initially wanted nothing to do with...I give mad props.

Chip and Dale: Still one of my favorite old school Disney characters. I personally think these two are brothers, with Chip being the older. The way they interact is always humorous but my favorite interactions are in Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers because it gives them more room to grow. They didn't just have to humorous, they could be serious, laid-back, frightened, etc. While I find Dale more fun I really like them both the same, hence the reason I grouped them together. I think they balanced one another out perfectly and on the rare occasions that you could see the situation turn dangerous, you could really see how much they meant to one another.

Higurashi  Kagome: I think this girl is probably one of the braver of the anime characters. She really develops as a character, from a frightened junior high student to a determined and courageous priestess. She can be mean and moody, but she gets better as the series goes on, which really is pretty realistic for a maturing teenage girl. I think her love for Inuyasha is what really wows me. She denies it at first, comes to the realization with fear and goes through the trials of helping Inuyasha through his first love, but all of it is done selflessly with the realization that she just wants him happy, and happy AS HE IS. I cannot say how happy I was when Kagome, in The Final Act, turned to her mother as the well opened that final time and her mother just smiled knowingly and said "go on." There is nothing to describe her happy face when she found Inuyasha had waited for her. She gave up her entire world for him because he had BECOME her world. And that is awesome.

Krillin:After the main character of Goku and his son, Gohan, Krillin is my next favorite character. I think he gets great character development, going from Goku's martial arts' rival, to his friend, to his best and dearest friend that would endure all the way through to the end of GT. I love how Krillin can slip from being a goofball, to a friend, to a serious fighter and even into "uncle" mode with Gohan and Goten. He fills a ton of roles and despite being completely outgunned by the end of series, he was still completely willing to fight and throw away his life if he thinks that it may give his loved one even a bit of a chance. That to me is a lot braver than most people give him credit for. Plus, being the fact that he was the ONLY ONE to try and comfort Gohan after Goku's death in the Cell Games wins him some MAJOR points from me.

Princess Calla: My favorite Disney Princess and one who is seriously overlooked. She struck that delicate balance between feminine and tough-girl that so many other characters have tried to capture and have failed miserably at. Calla is the only Princess and heir to Dunwyn. She is well aware of her role and her responsibilities and embraces them but she also likes to have her freedom and seeks out adventure. She can be a dainty, formal and dancing princess one minute and a strong, commanding archer the next. She achieved a balance that makes for a well rounded character. Her gradual love for Cavin as he made his way into her life, with only an interest in who she was and not her status, is also the great start to a lasting relationship.

Prince Legolas: I actually didn't realize Legolas was a prince until the Hobbit movies *slaps forehead* It was actually Legolas that actually got me intrigued enough in archery to actually go and try it. (It is awesome) I have always liked the elves of Tolkien's world much more than the ugly elves of other folk stories. I like the idea of a race that is wise and revered but still quite capable of arrogance and greed. Legolas was a great character and I like his development in the Hobbit movies because it lets you see a character evolution from a Prince who was raised to be quite hateful of dwarves to the compassionate warrior who forms an everlasting friendship with one. I actually am super intrigued by Legolas' relationship with his father. Tolkien gives us no info on it but given the Elven King's past, I would imagine he would care deeply for his son and I want to see more interactions between them...especially since Legolas was in a difficult situation when the last movie ended and the King had given orders that no one was to leave the kingdom...

Wily Kit and Wily Kat: My favorite characters from Thundercats, both old and new though I do prefer the older ones. I love how they are child-characters and yet are still capable of adding a hand in the battle and in some cases, even managing to save the day. It's this aspect, of them being able to take care of themselves that I really miss in the new series. They were fiercely loyal to their lord but even more so to one another, which I love. The fact that WilyKat is completely willing to go against his Lord and thereby his King's command, to save his sister is brilliant charaterizations. If you want to include the comics, his decision about what he is willing to do to save his sister is pretty damn touching.

Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon/Princess Serenity/Neo-Queen Serenity: I love this girl. I really do. She is clumsy, a crybaby and not the bravest at times but her heart more than makes up for it and when the chips are down, there is no one else you would rather have at your side. When there is a true, legitimate threat to her friends and family, she will charge in, head long, without a single thought to her own safety. She will risk everything to prevent a sacrifice of another from having to be made. Perhaps the best example of this is at the end of S Series, when she risks her life to save the Warrior of Ruin from having to give hers. The scene where she calls out her own pure heart to transform to save Sailor Saturn and her heart broken empty eyes when she had to reincarnate her to save her is really the most heart wrenching scene I think I have ever seen. This girl deserves a lot more respect than she gets.

Leonardo: My second favorite turtle, regardless of what series. I tend to prefer his 80s Cartoon or Movie versions though, although I do respect the awesome character development of the 2003 series. I like Leonardo when he is more than the devoted martial arts student however. I like when he can slip into a playful mode, when he can enjoy having fun with his brothers, when he can be just as likely to get into trouble as his brothers. I also like when he puts aside his own needs for the needs of his family, without losing sight of WHY that is important.

Bulma: I like Bulma probably best out of all the DBZ females, though I do like Videl. I like the fact that Bulma is so intelligent and thus, is able to develop a way to contribute without being a fighter herself. She is a spunky individual, spoiled and yes, very selfish when we first meet her, totoally willing to utilize Goku for her own means. However, as the adventures continue, you see her evolve from a selfish and self-centered girl to an adult, who while still maintaining a strong belief in herself (and not necessarily becoming un-arrogant) is capable of feeling compassion for others. Her ability to maintain a belief in Goku, despite how dangerous the situations get, is something really inspiring to me. To be perfectly frank, I always thought she would have been better suited as Goku's mate than ChiChi is. Not that I dislike her with Vegeta but I always saw her more equally paired with Goku...

Nosedive Flashblade: My favorite character from The Mighty Ducks Animated Series. A goof-off who acts like an actual teenager, despite being a warrior and is actually still subject to fear. He puts up a hard face butyou can see his fears raise their ugly heads every so often. His relationship with his older brother is one of my favorites: he obviously thinks the world of him and will not hesitate to risk everything to protect him, despite the fact he is the little brother. I would have liked to see where they would have taken their relationship in a second season, given their permanent exile on Earth but their newfound "kinship" with the people of earth. A lot of people didn't like this series but I personally liked how it was done and would have liked to see more of it.

Trunks: I actually prefer Kid Trunks though I, by no means, dislike Future Trunks. Future Trunks is very noble and carries a certain sadness to his character that just makes you root for him, despite his overwhelming circumstances. That said though, he does have a "typical" hero type of personality: polite and stout-hearted. Not that such characteristics are bad but I see it a lot. Kid Trunks on the other hand REALLY resembles his father, especially when he is younger and I think that makes for a more interesting character. He states that he inherited his mother's smarts, has a strong and firm pride about him regarding being strong and a fierce loyalty to those he cares about. The fact that he still has very apparent fears, ones that can move him to tears, is another level of development that I love. I personally love seeing any interaction between him and Vegeta: Vegeta obviously cares about him but he doesn't know/doesn't want to admit how to express it.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie: I actually DO love these three. I prefer them in Ducktales/Quack Pack as opposed to the cartoon shorts though because there is more to their characters than simply "mischievous brats." You can really tell that they love their uncles (be it Scrooge or Donald) and would readily risk pretty much anything for them. Some of my favorite episodes are the ones where they step up to save the day. I like how they are animated in Quack Pack and I love that they were trying to give them distinct personalities (Huey--leader/girl crazy/CEO material, Dewey--awkward brain/prankster, and Louie--comic/movie nut/sports fan and potential musician) and I personally would love if they kept in this direction: making them individuals who could stand on their own just as readily as a trio.

Gosalyn Waddlemeyer/Mallard: This girl is a piece of work. I've always loved how spunky she is. She makes the perfect daughter for our hero, being just as heroic, full of herself and confident as he is, yet taking her own way about it. She certainly keeps him on his toes and she is quick to point out his flaws. However, by that same measure, only she is allowed to point those out. It's just bad judgment to try and tell her anything negative about her father. She is more than capable of taking care of herself and has demonstrated that several times. No doubt she'll follow in her father's footsteps on day.

King Thranduil: I was introduced to the King of Mirkwood through the Hobbit movies and I love him. He is a dignified elf, but very different from Elrond and the others we have been exposed to. He has his people's best interests at heart and sometimes that means he comes across as cold-hearted to the rest of the world. His relationship with his son Legolas is also a neat angle. While he has been primarily king thus far, I would like to think he actually cares greatly for his son. Given that the last Hobbit movie ended with Legolas being bested in a battle, I long to see Thranduil's reaction to it; he gave direct orders but this is his child...

Kit Cloudkicker: I wish so much more was done with this character. He had so much potential. His relationship with Baloo is a beautiful thing to watch, especially how it gradually develops from a 'buddy-buddy' to an almost paternal stance. Kit had a lot of potential regarding his past, since he started off on the wrong side, being an air pirate. I wish Disney could have delved into what he endured while he was with the pirates. Some of the ideas generated about in the fanfiction are awesome.

Baby Ribbon: My favorite character in the original My Little Pony. She was a baby pony, which was a group I liked anyway and she was also a unicorn and the daughter of Ribbon, one of my other favroties. What made her stand out to me though was that she was not as in control of her magic as the others. Every other magical creature in the show seemed to have a natural talent for controlling it but Baby Ribbon was never very good at it, needing her mother a lot of the time to help her with it. I think this made her more interesting and she also seemed to have her mother's gentle heart. It makes me think that because she struggled with it so, when she finally gets ahold of it, she'll be great with it.

Wally West/Kid Flash/The Flash: Much prefer the comic version of this character though I did enjoy his portrayal in Season One of Young Justice. I feel they really dropped the ball on him during the second season though. I love Wally because he really showed the complete evolution of a character. He goes from a nervous Kid Flash sidekick to embracing the role his uncle held for years and eventually making it his own role, surpassing his mentor in power and skill. I really wish more animated media gave credit to this but especially with the new 52, it seems poor Wally has been forgotten. And yes, I am livid how Young Justice treated his character in Season Two. They were leading up to so much potential in Season One, it really is sad...

Noble Heart Horse and True Heart Bear: Still some of my favorite animated parents and they are my second favorite Care Bears after Cheer Bear. I remember loving Movie 2 when I was a little girl and it was primarily because of these characters. I love how they started the Care Bear family like any family--by loving and caring for family members and trying to raise them the best way they could. My favorite episodes in the Nelvana series are where these characters show up. I love how they keep the paternal role even though their charges are all grown.

Wildwing Flashblade: The elder brother of Nosedive and it's his relationship with his brother that I adore. Even in the throws of slavery on a planet with nearly no hope, when presented with an opportunity at freedom, he is fully willing to forgo it if it means to stay with his brother. That's a strong bond that I usually don't see among siblings in the animated universe. The loyalty between the two brothers really does tug at the heart strings. Wildwing will risk anything for his brother but instead of it just beign an elder brother protecting a younger, Nosedive returns that same loyalty in spades.

Kino Makoto/Sailor Jupiter/Princess Jupiter: Probably my favorite inner Senshi, this girl has earned her title of 'Senshi of Protection' for a reason. The strongest of the inner Senshi, she has a strong loyalty to both her friends and her princess. SHe has lost a lot in her life, including her parents, and has been isolated for her height, her impulsive and strong personality but she ultimately is probably the most loyal and dearest friend you will ever find. Plus, her powers, over lightning and storm, are awesome.

Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson: I love these two in pretty much every single incarnation. I actually purposely included the 60s version here because that's how I was introduced to them via my parents. I think their relationship is an interesting but loving one. Dick, in my opinion, is what helps to keep Batman human and keeps him from slipping off that narrow slope he always walks. Likewise, while Bruce and Batman make it a task to maintain their moral code, a threat to Dick Grayson seems to be one of the few things that can make him consider breaking it. I know a lot of people don't like  that but I personally love it because it makes him more human. A threat to one's child tends to make any parent forget themselves.

Cheer Bear: My favorite of the Care Bears, always has been since I was a little girl. I prefer her Nelvana version, in particular, the ponytailed teenaged version. It gives more faults to her as a character and as a result, makes her much more interesting. She is spunky, bright, always full of energy and smiles but oh boy is she scary if you make her mad, rare as it is. Her relationship with Champ Bear in particular I find to be very sweet and true.

Lord Lion-o: My second favorite Thundercats character, after the twins. I like his 80s version better but his new version I like just as well also. He is a child trapped in a man's body so you literally see him grow mentally which is an interesting scenario. Especially in the earlier episodes, his personality is much more child like but gradually becomes more and more adult. I liked seeing his role with the twins in particular change from peer to 'older brother' and eventually to an almost 'uncle' or parental role. He has a good heart but can make mistakes and be prideful and I am always a fan of a character who despite having a lot of power is NOT perfect.  

Brian: From Rainbow Brite, another character that I don't see used a lot but I loved him. As the only human character  that can see the inhabitants of Rainbowland, Brian is just beginning to get out of the "girls are gross" stage. As a result, there is a faint bit of puppy love between him and Rainbow and personally, I love it. I can easily see it grow stronger as they grow older. He has a fierce loyalty to her, throwing himself in harm's way many times to protect her. It's an interesting scenario because compared to all the other characters, Brian is the weakest, with no powers whatsoever and yet is one of the first willing to risk it all to save her.

Bilbo Baggins: I love his story in the new "Hobbit" movies. As much as I like Frodo, I do like Bilbo better. He seems stronger, braver and more willing to throw himself into danger if it's necessary. While they don't mention his mixed heritage in the movie, it's nice to see the Took side of him get some light. His ability to think quickly and adapt is to be admired and his entire conversation with Smaug is awesome. That kind of situation would have frozen most fully grown men but this young Hobbit takes it in stride and does the best he can with it. I am beginning to see why Gandalf admires the Hobbits....and he killed humongous spiders...wins 10 bonus points for that. HATE spiders.

Steve Rogers/Captain America: I fell in love with Steve because of the Avengers movie. Granted, his personality is very much of a stereotypical 40s gentleman but when you contrast that with the time period of the present day, it works great. He truly wants to believe the best of who he works for and hates the idea of war but is also readily ready to fight if he has to. I think he would be great with children and any character that possesses that trait wins points with me. I find his devotion to his cause, whatever it may be currently, is admirable.

Morning Glory: I'm not a fan of the new MLP, sadly. I have watched several episodes of Friendship is Magic and I just don't like it. Sorry. But I did grow up with the 80s cartoon and movie and I still love those. Morning Glory, the flutter pony, is still one of my favorites. I thought her personality was great--a sweet but naïve character who genuinely tried to believe in the best of people. I liked how they showed both the good and bad points to their kind of view point. It made her feel that much more rounded to me, someone who learns from what happens to them and realizes both the flaws and strengths of their way of thinking.

Sesshoumaru: This character is so complex. The character development he goes through is really one of my favorite aspects of the Inuyasha anime. We first meet him as this cruel demon who is willing to do anything to get what he wants but is also clever and capable of planning. Then, he meets this little girl. Then, his relationship with his half-brother continues to develop as they obtain a common enemy. Honestly, by the end of the anime, I really believe he cared about Inuyasha but could not dare say it and was probably afraid to admit it even to himself.

Zach: I am probably in the minority here but I loved Zach from the classic TMNT cartoon. He only appeared in a few episodes as a big fan of the turtles, who was refered to as "the fifth turtle." The show and toys advertised him as 14 but I also saw him as closer to 9/10. I think he TOLD them he was 14, just to impress them. Despite the fact that he could be annoying at times, Zach's complete and utter faith in the TMNT won him over for me and I loved the big brother-little brother relationship he developed with them, especially Michelangelo. Gave him a chance to be the big brother for once.

The Great Dog Demon: Inuyasha's father is intriguing to me because he seems to have planned for everything: he took precautions to ensure his children killing each other, took precautions to ensure Inuyasha would remain safe and protected, and even took measures to expand his eldest's heart. I give mad props to someone who can plan that well. His love for Izayoi is also intriguing; I would have loved to learn more about how that relationship developed. It's a shame we didn't get to see him show up, aside from those brief bits in Movie 3. I wish Inuyasha could have met him just once.

Bardock: The father of Son Goku but hardly the same soft-hearted individual. I still love him though. Recently, with the "Episode of Bardock" and the introduction of Goku's mother Gine, I love him even more. In the Bardock special, I love how he doesn't necessarily "reform" but he does go through some character development and get some realization of the type of life he had been living. I prefer the English dub because it gives a little more development than the Japanese but I love both. Likewise, seeing that he did have a caring heart, though not to the extent of his descendants, make him intriguing because he keeps trying to deny that he has developed feelings for either the aliens he is with or for his family. To quote him talking to his non-fighter wife Gine: "Your softness disease has spread to me."

Scooby Doo: I'm a dog lover naturally and Scooby Doo was one of my favorite shows as a kid, even if it was incredibly predictable. I always loved Scooby and Shaggy the most. One, yes, they are funny and I loved to enjoy their antics. More than that though, as I grew older especially, I saw a strong bond between the two of them, a bond of friendship that I so rarely saw. I think any bond that can make Scooby or Shaggy "brave" deserves recognition.

Captain James Tiberius Kirk: I have no good reason why I like this guy, I really don't. I was introduced to him through my father, who used to watch classic Star Trek with me as a kid and I loved him. I love how brash he is, despite having good intentions but I also love how the same attitude that can get his team in trouble can also pull them out of the fire in certain points. He's hardly perfect, like a lot of Captains are portrayed as and I love that. He seems more human yet still capable of being an incredible leader. I like his portrayal in the new movies as well. They say that a truly good leader is one that doesn't need to proclaim his leadership but instead is just turned to, naturally. I think the old Kirk and the new one by the end of the latest movie have both reached this point.

River Tam: This one is a new favorite for me actually. My husband introduced me to Firefly and Serenity and I love River. She has a very tragic past--beingthe subject of experimentation on behalf of the government and slipping back and forth between reality and fantasy, sometimes not even able to tell friend from foe. It adds a whole other level of sadness to the character when you see who she used to be. Yet, when the chips are down and her brother, the man who has literally given everything to protect her, she is fully capable of showing you why the Alliance is scared of her...

Norville "Shaggy" Rogers: Yes, he's a coward, yes he is a glutton but you know what, I really think Shaggy is the heart of that team, along with Scooby Doo. He is hilarious to watch and his interactions were always my favorite aspect of the show. He is just so blatantly honest. He has no shame in admitting how much of a coward he is and completely embraces his wacky nature. Yet, he probably is the one of the most loyal of that group, especially towards Scooby Doo. I mentioned this before in my  Top Ten Favorite Friendships  and I still stand by it: there were a lot of things wrong with the live-action movie but Shaggy becoming brave for the sake of saving his friend Scooby was not one of them. Totally in character.

Son Goten: Goten grew on me, I did not used to like him very much, as he didn't seem to be anything but a Goku clone. Granted, a lot of fans still think he is that but I like his lovable, carefree and naïve personality but it's for a different reason than his father had. Goten has been given a fairly normal upbringing, at least up until the Buu Saga, and he is naïve and innocent because he is a child and for no other reason. I think that's a great angle to take. His love and adoration for his older brother is also a great aspect, as it really emphasizes the relationship they've developed. His friendship with Trunks is also awesome. Trunks can be just as arrogant as his father at times but Goten sticks by his side, even if it's against an enemy he knows they can't beat. I think Goten's loyalty is one of my favorite parts of his character; I really don't like how they developed him at the end of Z and GT...*sigh*

Queen Serenity: She is still one of my favorite characters in Sailor Moon, be it anime or manga, though I love the emphasis she gets in the manga. She really is the real example of a revered queen: noble, graceful, loyal and brave but she is also subject to the flaws of emotion. I will always prefer the manga version of the end of the Moon Kingdom because you really feel for her: she sees her daughter take her own life out of love and because of her deep grief is unable to fully seal away the enemy that did it (I love how emotion can both strengthen and weaken the Silver Crystal's power, that is an awesome aspect!) Her desire to protect and guide her daughter surpasses even death and that is a really great way to demonstrate the depths of a parent's love. I did not really get the true depth of it when I was younger but when I got older and really got into the manga, I really saw the strength and magnitude of her sacrifice--her daughter would be reborn, with her love, for another chance at happiness but in exchange would completely forget the mother who loved her so...Is it wrong that I think even in her reborn form that Usagi is closer to Queen Serenity than Ikuko?

Genie: I mentioned Genie in my Top Ten Favorite Friendships  so I will probably be repeating myself a lot here. I love his personality and really feel that Robin Williams just breathes life into this character. I fell in love with him with the first movie but I also think it's the animated series that made me truly adore him. Granted, it is not Robin Williams but I love the emphasis they gave to him and Aladdin's friendship. Aladdin is really precious to Genie and it's really rare I see that on a friendship level without romantic intentions. One of my favorite episodes is where Genie is faced with an old master who is immortal, and Aladdin makes it very clear he is willing to die to save Genie, even though he knows death will eventually separate them. I know the TV show was not known for getting very deep but its interesting to see both Aladdin and Genie address and accept this as fact and yet it does not change a thing. I can easily picture Genie making it his goal to watch over Aladdin and Jasmine's children...and grandchildren...and great-grandchildren

Kili: This is a new love for me, after the new Hobbit movies. I think all of the dwarves are interesting and it's nice to see some variation, given our limited exposure to them in LOTR. Kili, I love his personality. He comes across as this strong, passionate soldier, willing to follow his uncle through it all, even if his uncle doesn't necessary let him but there is also just an honesty to his emotions that I really find refreshing. I actually don't mind the little love connection between him and Tauriel: I think it's nice to see little hints that the elves and dwarves don't have to stay enemies like they are. Though, I am getting the feeling that there is only one reason Jackson is letting us get attached to Kili...to make a more emotional blow....

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