Under-13 — A Little Kindness [NSFW]
#gentle #gt #macro #micro #naga #vore #softvore
Published: 2018-04-16 06:13:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 10657; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description                                      A Little Kindness

The forest was especially humid at this time of day; it was at that hour when the sun seemed to purposefully shine its rays directly into the eyes of anyone that dared to look up. These rays also brought much warmth to the wooded glens and furtive foliage which grew bright and strong as they reveled in the warm glow of the ever shining orb, but not all creatures found  such warmth to be as comforting as the plants. One such creature was a young boy named Liam. Liam was an adventurous child by nature, and loved to go exploring anything new he could set his sights on, and today he sighted the large and imposing trees that the island proudly displayed as a king wears his crown. Such things brought a sense of wonder to Liam marveling at their immense size and coverage in his ten years of life he found trees to be a great source of wonder and adventure. Having come here from the mainland with his parents that were setting up equipment to study the wonders of the island Liam's curiosity got the better of him and could not resist running off into the ever cascading coverage of jungle.
Having come a fair distance from his parent's campsite Liam was starting to feel the effects of the day's heat and sought out a place to rest. One tree in particular caught his eye as it had a large swath of ground underneath it that almost completely blocked the unforgiving rays of the sun. “ That looks like a good place to rest for a minute”, he mused to himself thinking of how good it would feel to get off his feet for a few minutes before heading back to the campsite. It did not take long for Liam to get his wish; once inside the shade that promised relief from the heat of the day Liam felt his foot partially give way accompanied by a snap of a twig, a whoosh of air, and the gut wrenching feeling of finding yourself no longer on the ground, but instead forty feet from where he had been previously standing. It took Liam a minute to acquaint himself with his new surroundings, once he had discerned which way was indeed up versus down he came to realize that he was in a large net. “Well that was unexpected”, he gasped while awkwardly trying to find purchase for his feet to get a hold of in the net. Liam had read about traps like these before in some of the books that his parents had and new that they must have been set by some kind of hunter. But the question young Liam had in his mind was what kind of hunter needed so large a trap? Hours had passed and Liam still had no success in attracting anyone's attention, he had tried to open the net at its top for a fair amount of time until the ropes started to burn his fingers and decided it was best to stay put. After all even if he did open the net how was he going to get himself down?
Liam was no stranger to taking a tumble while exploring a cave or in a field, but this particular tumble looked to be a bit much even for someone as adventurous as himself. During his struggles to free himself Liam had not taken the time to notice that the once vibrant and alive forest had suddenly gone deathly quiet. A loud crack suddenly jogged Liam's senses to attention, as he tried to swivel his cross-sectioned prison around to see what had made the sound he was suddenly enveloped in total darkness. The darkness he found himself in was oddly warm, yielding, and somehow was firm at the same time.  Liam's heart raced as he felt himself move upwards at a fast pace similar to how he felt when his father took a bump on a road too quickly and his stomach would jump up to his throat. The darkness that once enveloped Liam now departed and allowed him to see that he was still very far off the ground, but suspended on something that if he did not know any better looked like a giant hand. “Well hello there very tiny one”, a soft, but loud voice said from behind him. Wheeling around while still in the net Liam found that he was now face to face with red eyes and toothy grin of the biggest person he had ever seen in the entirety of his life.
Along with the person's immense size Liam was also awe struck to discover that his current captor had the lower half of a snake and not legs like other humans. The grinning man stared at his captive chuckling inwardly at how astonished the small child was at the mere sight of him. “Holy cow you're enormous!”, Liam exclaimed falling back into the palm of the large snake man. The snake man chuckled at the child's statement and leaned in a little closer to him saying, “Why yes I am enormous, that's why I called you very tiny one since you're so small”. In a more conversational tone Liam responded, “Well I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Liam and I seem to be tangled in this very large net”. “Well Liam my name is Rowan and you do seem to be rather stuck in one my best nets, glad to see that it at least did its job properly”, Rowan smiled seeing the child attempt to remove his confining burden. “Oh so this is your net? Well it is a very fine net to be sure, but it is also very uncomfortable after having it pressing into your body for several hours. I would appreciate some help removing it if you'd be so kind.”, Liam said struggling to to get his legs out of a one net hole only to see them get caught in another.
Rowan's eyes widened slightly at the boldness of the young human that he held in his hand as one does a fallen leaf; with a chuckle he grabs one of the longer ends of the net and gives it a small pull causing it to unfurl around the boy who after freeing his feet grabbed it and bundled it together wrapping the longer part of the rope around the center to keep it from unraveling. Rowan was not used to humans behaving in this manner when they were around him, usually the second they recognized what he was they would start screaming their lungs out for help or hurl threats and awful names at him. But yet here was this small and fragile human child that so far had not even looked at him with an ounce of despair, but instead seemed relieved that someone had come along to get him out of the net he had laid only earlier in the week for the purpose of catching someone just like Liam. For what Liam did not know at the time was that Rowan was a naga whose favorite thing on the island to eat was humans.
“There that should keep your net nice and taut so that it won't unfurl and get all tangled up until you decide to place it up again”, Liam said hoisting the large bundle up as high as he could for Rowan to see and take with his other hand. Reaching for the bundle Rowan asked the boy, Aren't you curious as to what I am trying to catch with this net?” Liam had to admit that during his time in the net he had pondered what such a large net would be used to catch, but upon seeing Rowan he had surmised a guess. “I suppose it was to help you catch something for your supper; my father and mother showed me how to use these types of nets to catch animals when we were out on our excursions.” Intrigued Rowan leaned in a little closer towards his tiny guest and softly smiled at him. “So you are here with your parents do you know where they are?”, he asked his tone calm and soothing. Liam looked down sheepishly and related how he gotten curious about the new island they were visiting and decided to go off and explore a little on his own before getting himself lost. “Oh dear, that doesn't sound too safe for someone as small as yourself wandering through these woods all on your own”, he chuckled showing his pearly white fangs as he laughed. “Well I suppose it wasn't the best idea I have since I don't know this place like some of the other places I have been with them, but luckily my folks have shown me ways to survive if I am ever caught out in the woods all by myself.” Liam's train of thought shifts when he hears a sound emanating from the large grinning humanoid in front of him; this sound was one that while it was not upsetting by itself was also one that conveyed danger when coming from another. It was the sound of Rowan's cavernous stomach growling, it whined a pleading gurgle as Rowan looked down at it and then back at Liam.
“You never did say what you were trying to catch in your nets Mr. Rowan”, Liam asked his voice somewhat caught in his throat as a tingling sensation crept up his spine as he heard the guttural sound echo once more from the colossal frame of his captor. Rowan again chuckled this time showing more of the voluminous mouth that housed his razor sharp fangs and glistening tongue. “Well I catch a variety of things in these nets young one. Sometimes a large pig, a wandering deer, and on certain occasions delicious humans such as yourself.” Liam's heart skipped a beat or two as he processed the information the giant naga had told him eyeing the slightly open mouth of his captor. “I see, so does that mean that I am on tonight's menu Mr. Rowan”, Liam asked summoning courage to get his words out without showing his fear as best he could. “Well”, Rowan pondered for a moment, “Maybe if you were a bit larger and had more meat on your bones, but I'm afraid as you are right now you would hardly even whet my appetite”, he said giving his lips a lick to emphasize his intent.
Liam's sharp mind raced with possibilities of what he could possibly do to get away from his current situation; on the one had he could try to run away, but it was a considerable drop to the ground below and he did not like the idea of how the landing would feel. On the other hand he could try and reason with the carnivorous giant whose fingers he suddenly noticed forming a small cage like structure around his body. “If I remember correctly, you said something about being here with your parents, but you were unsure as to their exact location. Maybe if you pointed in their general direction I could help you find them.”, he said his mouth now back into the shape of a gentle smile. Despite his age Liam was not a fool by any stretch of the imagination as his parents had from an early age taught him ways to help keep himself safe should they ever get separated, and now he was going to use those skills in an attempt to keep them safe. “I'm sorry Mr. Rowan, but being up in your net for so long and being hoisted off the ground as I was I'm afraid I cannot remember which direction I may have come from.” Rowan throws back his head and indulges in some hearty laughter seeing the young boy's defiance in the face of such adversity. Feeling his blood surge through him Liam addresses Rowan in what he considers to be his most official sounding voice, similar to how his mother sounds when she is scolding him or his father after doing something they shouldn't. “Excuse me Mr. Rowan I do not see what is so funny about someone being lost in a forest that they have never been to before. And if you are going to eat me then please just get it over with and stop making fun of me!”
While his boisterous laughter may have subsided his gentle smile had remained as he eyed Liam with his soft eyed stare. “You're right young Liam I am sorry for laughing at you, but I could not resist it seeing one so small as yourself openly defy me despite knowing that I will possibly eat you.” “Well please just get on with it Mr. Rowan! I don't like the idea of  having to wait any longer than is absolutely necessary.”, with that Liam tightly shuts his eyes and waits for the embrace of Rowan's maw to engulf him. Instead of hot breath, and a slick tongue Liam instead feels the gentle nudge of one of Rowan's fingers as it carefully pushes his chin upwards to meet the gaze of his soft, auburn colored eyes. His eyes did not convey malice or hunger, but rather one of compassion and tenderness. “Easy little one I am not going to eat you; as I said you are far too small to fill my belly, and I bet your parents would be worried sick at not knowing what had become of you in this forest they know nothing about”. Liam's legs finally gave way to the pressure his whole body felt and slumped down into the gentle hand of the peculiar predator before him.
“But I thought you said you ate humans?”, he said both relieved and confused at his captor's actions. “I do on occasion”, Rowan replied again showing a bit of fang for Liam's benefit. “But I don't always eat those I catch in my traps, and like I said I bet your parents are worried about where you are right now”, he said fixing Liam with his sincere gaze. “I suppose they are worried about me since I have been away for some time  now. But I genuinely do not know which direction I came from, especially since it has gotten much darker since I left and I am unfamiliar with these woods. But even if I did know which way they were I certainly would not tell you just so you could eat them as well as me”, Liam replied still not entirely trusting of Rowan's new attitude. Rowan gave his head a little rub with his index finger and smiled seeing the courage that this tiny human showed even when men three times his size had screamed to the heavens or sold out their fellow comrades at the thought of their own survival.
“I can see you're still not too keen on telling me where your parents are little Liam, but it may interest you to know that I already found where they were long before I found you”. Liam jumped to his feet his body tense with fury, “If you have laid a hand on them I'll..”, Rowan cuts him off before he can continue with his threat which he secretly found to be adorable. “Easy my little warrior if I had eaten them then why would I be here right now asking you where you thought they were located?”. Taken aback by that statement Liam tried to think of a response, but to no avail. Rowan gave Liam's head another gentle rub and then placed him on his shoulder instructing him to hold on to his hair so he did not accidentally fall off. “Where are we going?” Liam asked looking at the much larger ocular orb that seemed to peer into his very soul at this distance. “We're going to find your parents silly, can't have them running around my forest at all hours of the night shouting their lungs out while I'm trying to get some sleep.”, Rowan smiled setting off towards where the beach ended and the forest began where he had initially spotted Liam's parents.
The ride was surprisingly smooth as Rowan's upper body hardly moved with the gentle undulations of his tail sliding and propelling him forward all at once. Liam still felt uneasy about Rowan's intentions as he had openly admitted that he did consume humans, but in his words he sensed no malice or trickery and felt compelled to trust him. Their journey was a fairly quick one with Rowan occasionally stopping to show Liam the wonders of the local flora including some odd fruits that were tart like citrus, but sweet like melons at the same time. The night air brought with it the heavy burden of sleepiness that overcomes even the most determined of bodies, especially when one of those bodies is a thirteen year old boy that had experienced quite the journey. Arriving some distance away from their campsite Liam's parents were seen huddling around a pitiful campfire, his mother crying into her husband's shoulder and he with his head held in hands slouched over like a man defeated chastising himself about how stupid he was to have let Liam out of his sight. Rowan gently lowers Liam down off  his shoulder and onto the soft earth path leading back to where he and his parents had set up camp, looking up Liam stared in wonder at the full sight of Rowan and took a minute to let it sink in on just how truly massive the snake-man whose palm he barely fit into was. “Wow”, he thought to himself as Rowan leaned in so that his face was level with Liam's body. “Now my little Liam you be sure not to wander off from your parents anymore. You never know what big scary things you might meet out in jungles like this one.”, he smirked seeing Liam still staring at him. Liam nodded his head eyes still transfixed to strange being before him. “Alright my little friend it's getting late now and you're parents will be very relieved to see you walk back into camp. Oh and be sure that you and your folks also return to wherever you came from, don't want to find one of you in my traps again ok?”, he laughed giving Liam's back a gentle nudge. As Liam walked down the path he turned back around to see Rowan waving goodbye with his tender smile again making sure he actually made it back to camp. Upon returning to camp Liam was greeted with the most powerful hugs his parents could muster, followed by a quick scolding about him wandering off in a strange forest all by himself. That did not last long as they were just glad to have their boy back. From a safe distance away Rowan watched the touching display take place as the humans started preparing to break down their campsite. Liam's father and mother had agreed to leave the island after finding some large tracks in the ground that they could not explain. Even while he was kept busy helping to pack their belongings up so they could leave first thing in the morning he could not help but think about the mysterious snake-man whom despite admitting that he would eat humans did not sense any bad intentions from him even knowing that if he wanted to he could have eaten both him and his parents and no one would have known. These thoughts stuck with Liam through the rest of the night as he tried to get to sleep wondering if he would ever see his odd acquaintance Mr. Rowan again. Part of him secretly liked that idea.
Night had settled in and Rowan took his time slithering through the forest back to his home when in a slightly grumpy tone he called out to the seemingly empty forest surrounding him, “Are you going to continue stalking me till I make it back or are you going to show yourself?” A cloaked figure materializes from behind one of the trees and steps towards Rowan. “I was wondering when you were going to show yourself Almond.” The cloaked figure removes his hood to reveal a young man with orange hair held up in a ponytail smiling at the large naga. “Well I guess my stalking skills will never match your senses eh Rowan? When did you sense me?”. Reaching down Rowan scooped up the little man into his palm to bring him closer to his face, “About the time I found those humans by the beach and then again with the little human in one of my nets”, he said leaning back against a tree. “Oh wow I had no chance of being undetected it sounds like.”,  Almond said his face making a gentle grin. “Well you have improved about the noise you make, but I could still smell where you were even when you tried to hide among the flowers.”, Almond rubs his head from embarrassment on hearing Rowan point out a flaw about where he thought would have been a good place to hide.
“So tell me Almond, why where you following me?”, Rowan asked his face seeming more stern. Almond drops his gaze from Rowan's and begins fidgeting with his cloak. “You thought I was going to eat them didn't you?”, Almond's head sank to his chest on hearing the naga's voice slightly raise in volume and deepen in tone. Sheepishly Almond looks back up into the eyes of his friend that had taken on not a look of anger like he had thought by his tone, but had instead taken on a sad and hurt expression. “I won't lie to you Rowan I kind of thought that you were at first.” Rowan lets out a deep sigh as he places his companion onto his tail, “And then I saw you find the child and... well I just assumed that's what your plan was.”. “Would you have thought less of me if I had?”, Rowan replied his voice almost a whisper. Almond again fidgeted with his cloak unsure of what to say; on the one hand he cared deeply for his large friend, but he also knew of his more visceral appetites some of which he enjoyed being a part of himself. “Honestly Rowan, I don't think I would have. I admit I would feel some sorrow about them going through all of what they had gone through and then ended up as lunch, but at the same time I know that it's part of your nature as a naga and can't be helped. I mean look at how we met.”.
Rowan smirks a little remembering how Almond too had fallen into one of his traps and then found himself sliding down Rowan's gullet. “Yeah that was an interesting day for the both of us”, he said smiling down at his tiny friend his eyes softening a little in the moonlight. “I had always wondered why you didn't eat me that night; I mean, yes I did um, let us say get a little too excited when your tongue was tasting me at the time”, he said his cheeks turning red at the memory of it, “But despite that you could have sent me down into your main stomach to let me digest like any other piece of food and no one would have known about it.” Rowan gazes into the blue eyes of his tiny friend remembering that time as well when he had decided that this human could be interesting since no other human had responded to being in his mouth in such a manner before. He also remembered how pitiful his tiny friend sounded when he was in his storage sack hearing the faintest whimpers of fear echoing from within along with the sound of his new friend gently crying himself to sleep.
Many a tiny before Almond had faced a similar fate, but he was different. “I guess it was because you weren't afraid of me even after I let you out.” he said giving Almond's shoulder a rub. Almond looked at him perplexed by what his friend had said. “What do you mean by that?”, he replied. “I mean that yes you were afraid of being eaten and dying, but you weren't afraid of me as a person.”, Rowan pauses catching his breath fighting back a half sob. “Remember how I said being a naga is a lonely life?” Almond nods in response. “Well it's not just because of our appetites; naga like me aren't like you tinies. We are very large and don't look exactly like you, and we don't always get along with other naga. Even when I would let some of the humans go from my traps they would shout and call me a monster or hurl other insults at me. But even when I was going to consume you you didn't call me an awful name, threaten me, or even attempt to bribe me with other humans you were traveling with. I know it sounds weird since I do eat humans like you, but I do have some guidelines as to who I will consume versus who I will not.”
Almond looked from his friend to the moon as he processed this information finally asking, “Is that why you didn't eat the boy or his family?” Rowan nodded, “Yes, one reason was that he was a young one that was still looking towards all the adventures of life, and I could not in good conscience devour someone that young whose family were searching  so frantically for him. I may be cold-blooded, but I'm not cold-hearted after all. Plus he also impressed me.” “How so?”, Almond replied. “Despite me telling him of what I was and what I insinuated by asking where his parents were he didn't tell me a thing and even said to just eat him and be done with it. I didn't think someone so small would be so courageous when faced with something like me. I never was going to eat him or his family, but I thought that if I scared him enough he would at least remember it was a bad idea to wander away from his parents.” Almond stood up and walked towards his friend's chest and gave it as best a hug as his tiny arms could muster around Rowan's immense frame.
“Hehe I always knew you were a big softie at heart. You act tough and scary, but underneath you're a big cinnamon roll. And while I know you'll continue to eat humans I just want you to know that I'll never think any less of you. After all even that day that we met you weren't being evil about what you were planning to do with me, though I'm glad you decided to let me out.” “I'm glad too, since you're also the only human that has stayed around even after I let them go.” Well, it wouldn't be very nice to leave you all alone out here by yourself now would it?” Rowan's stomach growled and made Almond blush a little bit as he looked up at his friend. “Are you sure it has nothing to do with the fact that despite your initial fear of being eaten, you get off on that idea”, he smirked seeing Almond trying to conceal his embarrassment underneath his cloak.
Reaching down Rowan scoops up his blushing friend and begins to remove his large amount of coverings, “Hey be careful with those do you know how long it took me to mend those pants after you ripped them last time?”. Placing him back on his tail Rowan eyed his friend longingly as he carefully disrobed himself. While their sizes were of considerable difference in proportion Rowan could not help but find himself getting excited at seeing the slim yet muscular frame of his friend as more of it came into view. Once all of his garments had been removed Almond hopped off of Rowan's tail to go place his clothes somewhere that they wouldn't get damaged. Had he turned around at the time he would have seen the full extent of just how much Rowan was enjoying his friend's company. “There they should be fine by this tree for.”, Almond says bending over to place his bundle among the roots. Suddenly Almond felt hot air rush across his body accompanied by the sensation of something warm and slimy run from his legs up to his shoulders.
Turning on his heels Almond came face to face with the gaping maw of his naga lover and friend watching saliva glisten off of the tongue that had just sampled one of its favorite flavors. Licking his lips Rowan grabbed hold of his little companion and lifted him high off the ground and brought him to a stop mere inches from his face. Looking down Almond could see the extent to which his lover was aroused as two monolithic columns of flesh inched their way up from a slit just below Rowan's abdomen. “Oh wow!”, he gasped feeling the hot breath of Rowan permeate over his body. Almond could no longer contain his desire either as he felt his own appendage come fully erect a sight that only made Rowan grow even more anxious to play with his friend. “Well look at that dinner and a show”, he said his mouth forming a wolfish grin as he set Almond against his own throbbing phalli. The skin was hot as he felt blood pulsate throb between the two massive structures that now flanked him on either side of his body; this was not the first time Almond had attempted to pleasure his lover, but it still amazed him at how large his body truly was even the more sensitive regions such as that before him. And it was with this knowledge of their sensitivity that Almond gained new confidence in what he should do.
Rowan's hands clutched at earth, bare roots, and grass as he felt the aggressive approach his tiny lover had taken towards his show of excitement as he watched the sinewy form of Almond's body grappling with both of his penises creating a very odd but enjoyable sensation for his body. While his effort was admirable and his will was strong the overall girth and density of that which his naga companion expressed his excitement with was too much for him to handle. Covered in his own sweat that glistened like oil on a sunbather's back Almond found it difficult to remain standing on his current perch and the added heat of his own body along with that of Rowan was not helping his recovery at all. Suddenly Almond found himself airborne again as a gentle pressure grasped at his left leg.
Looking down Almond could see those deep red eyes piercing through his body and eyeing him as a  wolf would to a lamb that had wandered away from its herd. “And now it's my turn.”, Rowan said as he slowly lowered Almond closer to his face. The pearl white grin gave way and revealed a pink fleshy maw that quivered in anticipation of what was coming towards it. Almond felt a rush of adrenaline course through his body, for while he trusted Rowan not to hurt him during their times of play like this he still could not shake the primeval concern that runs through all creatures minds when they are faced with the salivating maw of a creature that sees them as a source of nourishment. It was also that primeval feeling that aided Almond's own excitement between his legs as his penis stiffened to its full size once again. Rowan's tongue snaked out to meet its prize as it firmly grasped Almond's body that wiggled with excitement at the sensation of the slick, warm muscle fondling every inch of his body coating him in thick, hot saliva.
Darkness then enshrouded Almond's vision as he found his upper body resting in his lover's mouth with his lower body dangling outside. Rowan's lips were soft, but supple as they suckled Almond's body like a piece of candy taking care not to accidentally hurt him with his teeth. Rowan enjoyed the sight of Almond's legs kicking around in excitement as his mouth and tongue showed Almond just how proficient they were in taking care of tiny visitors such as him. And the intense moaning that echoed around his cheeks whenever Almond tried to struggle against his probing tongue only intensified his desire to further taste his tiny companion. Bracing one hand against a tree Rowan took over where Almond had left off.
His tail whipped around and leveled some nearby bushes as he too writhed in the ecstasy of being with the one he loved. One who was not only unafraid, but was also willing to go into his body whenever the mood struck him and did not run away after being let out again. These thoughts and the feeling of his lover's legs being sucked into his mouth drove the naga wild with passion. Now fully enveloped by Rowan's mouth Almond remembered the first time he was ever in this position; how despite the fact that he was afraid of where he was it also enticed him to the point where his sense of survival was overthrown by the urge he felt to realize his fantasy. But this time was different; no longer was he afraid of the fleshy muscle that caressed his  most sensitive regions and coat his body in thick saliva, no now he felt nothing but a lustful urge to enjoy the tender embrace of his giant naga lover, for while it was not the love he expected it was one he welcomed.
What felt like an eternity passed as Almond was swished to and fro and the moist, fleshy cavern, his ears booming as he heard moans of pleasure emanating from deep within the body of his lover a sound that also intensified the feelings of pleasure he too was feeling. Finally Almond could no longer fight back his senses as he gave in to the intense waves of pleasure that crashed over his mind. His body tensed violently as he climaxed on the tongue that massaged his body. Feeling his delicious little bundle squirm with such intensity along with the extra flavor that now tickled his palette, Rowan too felt that his time was close. Collapsing from exhaustion onto the fleshy pillow that gently caressed his frame Almond attempted to catch his breath, but he did not have time to do that as the slick muscle underneath him gently pushed against his well toned butt sliding him towards the back of Rowan's throat.
This was the part that always excited Almond the most, the hot air rushing against his face as the lungs pushed air out, the low grumbling sounds of his lover's stomach gently groaning in anticipation of what was about to be sent towards it. And while he could not see it he could sense the quivering tunnel of flesh that eagerly wished to grasp his small frame and caress him as it sent him on his journey downward. It was a feeling that got him excited once as he felt his head being encompassed by the grasping tunnel, and his loins being gently pushed forward by Rowan's dexterous tongue. Rowan could no longer contain his urge to swallow his little companion and finally gave in to the predatory urge to swallow your meal. Tilting his head back Rowan gulped down the body of Almond that bulged and wriggled as it was forced into his esophagus. At that point Rowan too was rewarded with the sweet release of ejaculation feeling Almond slide further down inside of him.
The trip for Almond was tight, but he had grown to enjoy the sensations of the pulsating muscles helping him slide down into the body of the one that he loved. Almond's hand found itself forced through a puckering orifice and then into another cavernous space that allowed for more movement. With a squelching sound Almond's body was deposited into the storage sac of Rowan where he would keep food for later consumption, but Almond did not fear this anymore as he completely trusted his giant lover and nestled in to the warm, squishy confines of Rowan's body as the exhaustion once again overcame him and aided him to sleep. Rowan laid down on the ground catching his own breath after the intensity of the climax he had just experienced. Never in the years that he had been alive did he think that he would be in a relationship with someone like Almond; someone small, fragile, understanding, and loving of him despite knowing of what he could do to him if he wanted to with no ability to stop him. Someone that trusted him so much that they would allow themselves to be willingly consumed by him with only the thought that they'd be let out later on with no other guarantee than his word.
Rowan smiled at the thought; he was a lucky naga to have discovered someone like Almond on this weird island of his, and he secretly vowed that he would do everything in his power to keep his tiny lover safe from those that might seek to do him harm and keep him with him always. “Good night Almond. You have fun in there, I'll see you in the morning if I don't get hungry in the night.”, he teased giving his belly a gentle pat. A small sequence of bumps let him know that Almond had heard him and was settling in for the night. Reclining against the large tree Rowan looked up at the star-filled sky thinking about how happy he was feeling. A happiness he had not known for a long time, but looked forward to experiencing with Almond for as long as he could.
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Comments: 6

Lively-Indulgence [2018-04-18 04:23:43 +0000 UTC]

I also tried to put it into Oral Vore instead of Other Vore in Voracious Endeavores but I'm not sure if it worked

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Under-13 In reply to Lively-Indulgence [2018-04-19 00:27:31 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes, I tried that originally and I then saw other stories in other vore section. Ye olde brain was on the fritz.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lively-Indulgence [2018-04-18 04:21:22 +0000 UTC]

Ha, this was a really cute story, I liked your Liam character~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Under-13 In reply to Lively-Indulgence [2018-04-19 00:26:12 +0000 UTC]

S-S-S-Senpai noticed me! Thank you for the compliment! I wasn't sure how this was going to be received honestly since I wrote it in five hours. I wanted to make Liam a more interesting character other than, oh no giant thing run away, type character. Hope you didn't mind the lewd bits later on, but I could not resist it after I went the tender display route.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lively-Indulgence In reply to Under-13 [2018-04-19 00:56:18 +0000 UTC]

Oh thats totally something Almond and Rowan would do together so its fiiine

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Under-13 [2018-04-16 06:15:43 +0000 UTC]

Ugh, I see that my writing software does not agree with DeviantArt's so the text looks very clustered. I apologize for that and hope it does not interfere with y'all enjoying it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0