Comments: 41
uniccin In reply to Ankelwar [2017-07-10 20:58:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you<3
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Shotechi [2016-10-15 21:29:50 +0000 UTC]
Ayyy! Das Licht ist mega nice ♥
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uniccin In reply to Shotechi [2016-10-18 17:15:03 +0000 UTC]
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-15 16:52:47 +0000 UTC]
Aw, es freu tmich wenn es dir gefällt<33
Kein Problem. Hätte ich mir keine MÜhe machen wollen, hätte ich nicht teilgenommen xD Wettbewerbe sind immer ein guter Weg, um so viel wie möglich aus sich rauszuholen :3
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bigbubbleHL In reply to uniccin [2016-07-17 08:41:16 +0000 UTC]
ja gell?`ich liebe wettbewerbe *___*
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-18 02:24:36 +0000 UTC]
Ebenso :3 Mich hats grad wieder voll gepackt bei einigen mitzumachen xD
und dankedankedanke für den watch ;_;<33
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bigbubbleHL In reply to uniccin [2016-07-22 08:32:45 +0000 UTC]
ui cool! worum geht es denn da ? C:
bitte bitte bitte!! <3
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-22 13:57:43 +0000 UTC]
Meistens nur OCs zeichnen. Einen hatte ich kurz nach deinem noch gefunden, aber der ist jetzt auch wieder zu Ende und grad find ich keine mehr ):
Gibt mir aber etwas Zeit eventuell mal wieder was für mich zu zeichnen xD
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bigbubbleHL In reply to uniccin [2016-07-22 13:58:54 +0000 UTC]
aah cool C: mach ich auch gerne ^-^
jup ^^
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-22 14:10:19 +0000 UTC]
Irgendwie inspirieren mich die OCs von anderen fast mehr als meine eigenen, haha xD
Weißt du schon wann du so ungefähr zur Auswertung kommst? Im Moment stalke ich irgendwie täglich deine Seite xD
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bigbubbleHL In reply to uniccin [2016-07-22 17:06:02 +0000 UTC]
oh was hast du denn für OCs? C:
die vorbereitungen laufen auf höchsten touren! kann nicht mehr lange dauern ;D
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-24 14:05:51 +0000 UTC]
Aaach, ich und meine OCs ... das ist so eine Sache xD
Ich habe an die 80, die mehr oder weniger auf Eis gelegt sind und die ich überarbeiten muss und das geht echt nicht schnell voran xD
Habs geseeeehn, eeeehp<333
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bigbubbleHL In reply to uniccin [2016-07-24 14:36:21 +0000 UTC]
haha xD das kenne ich
aber ich hab so eine charakterüberarbeitung schon auf meiner to Do liste und ich werde auch bald so ein Bild machen mit allen meinen OCs und so und ich habe vor (mal sehen was daraus wird xD) richtig viele bilder von ihnen zu malen <3
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-24 15:30:34 +0000 UTC]
Wow, mit allen? Wie viele hast du ungefähr?
Bei mir sind so viele Menschliche dabei von allen RPs und ich kann Menschen einfach noch nicht gut genug zeichnen, haha xD
Muss mehr üben O.O
Viel Erfolg mit dem Vorsatz, hihi<3
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bigbubbleHL In reply to uniccin [2016-07-24 16:45:33 +0000 UTC]
also ich zähle zu Ocs alle Charaktere die ich besitze, also auch Adoptables aus denen ich Charaktere gemacht habe oder Designs die ich geschenkt bekommen habe C: das sind alle zusammen einschl. Bubble ca. 15 aber ich glaube mir fallen bloß gerade nicht alle ein :,)
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-25 00:13:10 +0000 UTC]
Hui, das sind ja schon so einige :3
Ich hab bisher noch nie nen adopt gekauft, hah xD Gab noch nie so wirklich welche, die mir zugesagt haben vor allem preislich *hust*
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bigbubbleHL In reply to uniccin [2016-07-25 17:13:57 +0000 UTC]
ich habe auch erst zwei gekauft, und ich kaufe NIE NIE NIE welche, nur bei denen ich weiß, dass sie vom Schicksal vorherbestimmt sind zu mir zu gehören xD
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uniccin In reply to bigbubbleHL [2016-07-26 13:12:15 +0000 UTC]
AHhaha, jep, das stimmt. Bisher ist mir noch kein solches Design untergekommen. Mal sehn, ob das noch was wird xD
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Comet-117 [2016-07-14 03:59:21 +0000 UTC]
I really like the pose and the lighting here! Cat anatomy is tough indeed XD
I hope that you'll regain your desire to draw soon ;m; though, I've also been having issues with my motivation. Though for me, it comes and goes. I don't know what it is, but I hope it stops soon. I miss being able to draw so easily ;n;
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-07-14 13:57:08 +0000 UTC]
Aw, thank you so much. I struggled with that pose. Seriously, what's wrong with cats, they so aren't real xD
N'awwn, me too ;_; And I hope you'll get motivation back as well<33
I feel like I could be on the way to get back to it but could be that feeling is gone again tomorrow already. It's like a rollercoaster
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-07-14 17:22:02 +0000 UTC]
Of course! ^v^
And I know right XD They're really just living balls of fuzz
That's how I feel! Sometimes I'm like "WOO ART DAY", and then those are the days I get dragged out to do stuff, and on my free days I'm like "Meeeeh"
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-07-15 16:56:29 +0000 UTC]
Holy damn, they are...
Oh yes. When I sit somewhere and wait for someone and it turnes out they are gonna be late, I think "well, you could've brought a sketchbook and draw now to wait instead of staring at that wall" xD tho I'm quite insecure about drawing in public
And then I'm at home and my tablet begs me to do stuff and I just don't want to, even if I have an idea.
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-07-15 19:51:35 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes they're kind of vicious balls of fur (like my cat) but still XD
That always happens in between my college classes XD It's thanks to those times that I'm no longer nervous drawing in public... especially cause half the time, I was actually finishing art homework xAx
I've been slowly taking my time on art that I don't owe. Like recently, I've slowly been lining an adopt. I'm hoping it'll help me a bit. It's helped in the past at least
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-07-16 16:04:53 +0000 UTC]
Ahaha, yes. Mine are either sleepy or hungry xD and with hunger comes the bitchiness
Aw, that's a good thing. I never reall yhad problems sketching and doodling in school, but with the art block I got really nervous drawing in public because I was super insecure about my art, especially sketches because they are without refs and suck balls xD
I really do hope so. I wish you all the best <33 And I'm looking forward to it :3
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-07-16 16:20:32 +0000 UTC]
My cat got so addicted to cat treats that we've named them Cat Crack XD and it doesn't even have catnip in it
Ahh yeah, I feel you there. When I have art block, I just sit there, staring angrily at the paper, trying to will something to come to mind XD
Thank you Unic! And I wish the same for you <3
I am too, trust me. I have no clue what the design will be yet XD
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-07-22 14:07:46 +0000 UTC]
Oh my god xD
We don't really have many treats because we gotta get our both fatties on diet. Never rally had catnip tho. I once bought a little toy as present for a friends cat with catnip but they both didnt seem too interested.
one of them is totally into human food tho. Especially any kind of meat and yoghurt. And the other doesn't care at all xD
Oh god yes. And then I sit in bus listening to music and all of a sudden my head is full of ideas that instantly vanish when I have the chance to draw. It's frustrating >(
Nawn, thanks a lot<3
Ahaha, i believe in you, you can do eeet!
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-07-22 17:10:12 +0000 UTC]
He usually keeps his weight pretty steady, but we've started mixing it in with his food so he'll actually eat his food too XD
I used to have a cat who loved catnip, but that was years ago.
My cat loves cheesecake XD
SAME. Except it's when I'm in my car XD
Of course! And WOO. YEAH. I GOT THIS!
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-07-27 13:48:13 +0000 UTC]
Aw, that's good. our problem is that few neighbours fed the cats until we forbid them. Lately we found out that some other neighbours we aren't in contact with also feed cats that come to their place. It#s so shitty. you can't just feed cats that randomly cross your lawn. LIke, ours were collars and all and they don't look like they'd die, so no fucking need to feed them.
No idea how our former cats reacted to it. I don't think we ever bought any for them xD
Ah hell yeah. My mom once made cupcakes and thoght the cat was outside, when he jumped on the table and licked the decorating cream pile of a few away xD
Aah, I don't drive myself too often and then I'm mostly concentrated or whenI'm alone I sing along the music all loud xD
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-07-27 17:11:30 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, some people just don't get that even when an animal is asking for food, they don't always need it. It's like when little kids ask for a snack half an hour after they've eaten lunch or something. I hope they stop feeing your cats then.
We had a cat bed where you could line the inside with catnip, and both cats at the time loved that thing XD
We were all just sitting around eating cheesecake, and the cat was on my brother's lap, and he starts sniffing the cheesecake, then he started licking it XD It was so cute.
I drive myself a lot, cause I get sent to do grocery store trips a lot XD Either that, or I'm going to class, or to my friend's house. I'll listen to my music all loud when I'm alone, then when a family member gets in the car, I play the radio XD
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-08-05 20:38:33 +0000 UTC]
Yep, that's excactly how it is. God, I just want to smash a chair in those people's faces, really xD
Hahaha, that sounds pretty cool xD
Aww, I just was at my sisters place and baysitted her kitty while she was on holiday and when I got me a yoghurt from fridge and sat down on the sofa next to her, it wouldn#t take long until she'd come closer to try and get some xD Our former cat was even worse tho. You just had to open the yoghurt and he would sit right next to you and wait for you to give him some of it xD
Aw, I luckily don't xD Tho tomorrow I gotta pick up my parents from some birthday party and before that I drive to meet a few friends because the busses drive realy shitty on saturdays :/
Oh yes, I listen to music and sing along really wrongly too when I'm alone, especially on longer drives xD
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-08-05 21:06:23 +0000 UTC]
I would too XD
My cat isn't usually interested in human food, so seeing him obsess over it was pretty funny XD
I've grown to like driving, really. I get to listen to whatever I want, and I can come and go whenever I want, and I don't get dragged on extra unplanned errands all the time anymore XD
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-08-16 15:57:13 +0000 UTC]
Aw xD Yeah, one of ours doesnt care at all, even if you hold it right under his nose, he will sniff and turn away all disgusted xD And from the other you have to hide really anything. He even once ate the salad dressing from the empty bowl and my mom usually puts lots of vinegar in hers.
Ah yeah. Well here my mom usually needs the car and i don't dare to drive with mydads (which he usually needs too), so I'm basically take bus and train or walk anywhere or just stay home xD
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-08-16 20:14:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh my god XD
We bought my car off one of my mom's friends XD I love that thing so much *v* My city has kinda sucky public transport, so before I had my license, my parents or friends would have to take me places ;v;
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-08-17 23:05:59 +0000 UTC]
He's a glutton. We also had to stop using those cat food bags and switch back to cans because he shredded the bags when you didn't look...
Oouh, you got an own car? That's awesome! *_*
Yeah, same, but now that I'm at university I pay a certain amount every 6 months and can drive as uch as I want without getting tickets for train or bus with certain limits which is super practical actually, so public transport it is xD
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-08-17 23:27:12 +0000 UTC]
Dear lord x-x
A lot of people here have their own cars XD Cause of the crappy public transport, and you can get a used car for a good price ovo
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-08-18 15:24:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh okay, I don't think so many people do here. At least none of my friends owns a cat but in the city i'M studying it's really shitty to find a parking spot and the traffic is horror, so you are way faster when you walk or take the public transport, haha. Always a matter of where you live I guess xD
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Comet-117 In reply to uniccin [2016-08-18 19:27:44 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh yeah, our city has many more independent drivers instead of people who take public transportation. Even people who don't have much usually have a car. My city is kind of spread out, so walking is hard XD
And exactly ovo
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uniccin In reply to Comet-117 [2016-08-20 17:43:51 +0000 UTC]
Ah okay, that's understandable xD
Always intersteing how stuff like this differs :3
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