Wanted to make a sort of reference for the berrylings. (That’s what I’m calling them now.
For the record Gojiberry is a drone. Since I based my changeling headcanon on bees where drones have bigger eyes and no stinger, my changeling drones don’t have horns or fangs and their eyes are huge. They also have lifespan of about 15 years…sorry Goji. Lucky for him they’re also not as intelligent as the Queens or workers, so it doesn’t worry him much. Changeling drones just have a reputation for being big dumb cuddlebugs.
(Keep in mind in this headcanon Drone=/=Worker.
Workers are the bulk of the changeling hive, biologically they’re all female.
Drones are the males of the species, who pretty much only exist to mate with a queen and die soon after.)