Vagrant-Verse — KAS Sernak

Published: 2010-09-21 06:13:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 5749; Favourites: 120; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Sernak

Factions: Sernak's Army

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Rank: 5

Height: 70 meters

Length: 110 meters

Weight: 30000 tons


-Muuian Technology: Sernak is a Muuian weapon, a cyboric kaiju created with the most advanced technology known to ever exist on earth. As such, he possesses weaponry unlike any other. His armor is organic in nature, replicating and growing itself into finer, more durable material. It makes him age very slowly, hence how he survived hypersleep since time immemorial.

His staff, known as the Death Ankh, is one of the greatest Muuian energy weapons, able to store a kinetic force akin to lightning, which can be released in multitudinous ways, such as projectile energy arrows, quarterstaff blades, and energy chain whips.

Trained Fighter: Much like all of Muu's advanced weapons, Sernak is trained in a long extinct martial art making use of their unique body shapes and sizes. Sernak is among the best of them, able to combat most kaiju without fear.

-Human level intelligence: Though it is unknown if this is a trait of the cyborric enhancement or just a natural ability, Sernak is able to walk and talk like a man. Though not brainy, he is surprisingly capable of intuitive thought.


-War Wounds: Sernak is truly blind in one eye after battling in the containment of a pesky creature in Africa. Though it was replaced with a magnetic eye allowing a sense of the magnetic fields around him, it still is not a complete substitute. As such, the crocodile will try to keep enemies on his right side.

Also, as a commonality with all of Muu's weapon monsters, the attachment of the prosthetics was preceded by the application of a unique radiation that could negate regeneration properties to the extent of extinction.

-Wanderlust: While the tendency to not settle down is in his nature, the croc often will not stay in one place too long, even when he is needed to aid the people of the world.

Personality: The first word to leave the mouth's of the monsters under Sernak's command for how to describe him is 'raucous.' He is a laughing being, and he loves a rough edge on his life. Thus, he tends to seek opponents, and he tends to wind up defeating them and then moving on to the next one. Does he kill? No, not unless the opponent nearly kills him or succeeds in making him pissed.

Sernak is always looking for company, and is genuinely friendly to people or otherwise he lets in. He has zero trust of the Muu power that held his mind under their sway. In fact, it is that subject and that subject alone that can take the smile off of his face involuntarily.


Time Immemorial

In the most ancient of days, before the four great nations were settled, when man was first beginning to step into the path of giants, a great battle was waged. A great red dragon, crawling out from the darkest planes of what science would later call the Enigma Zone, emerged to cut a swathe of death and destruction. Those who could resist the beast, few and far between as they were, found themselves driven to madness and cast unto eternal fires, and for those who knew of things such as grand schemes saw little option short of true ahnihilation. But one being, engineered for extinctions much like the one rearing its ugly head, saw its time to fight had come.

Phenoraixa, the firebird, a powerful yet secretive creature, stood up to the great tyrant wyrm in the skies over the lands of darkness below. The wyrm was over three times its size, and laughed aloud at the seeming futility of the avian's endeavor. It was this very overconfidence that led to the wyrm plummeting to the ground from a mighty surge of righteous purging flame that rivaled the twisted ones of his own. The wyrm cried out in rage and engaged the opponent he had not seen coming, the smaller size and maneuverability of the immortal phoenix gradually out performing the brash serpent.

As the sun went down, though, the battle began to shift yet again. The wyrm, in a brilliant feint, grabbed the bird by the tail feathers and cast it down to the earth, creating a great tear in the ancient african landscape. The wyrm roared in seemingly complete victory, its mighty feathered foe resting amongst the stones.

The numerous bedouins and herders gathered around the battlefield, despairing over the great bird's loss and their own as well. Most cultures had beheld its majesty and righteous spirit, earning it the title of godhood in most, which made the present sight all the more crushing.

But a glimmer of hope for humanity rang out as they heard a great breath in the birds lungs. Phoenoraixa lived still, and righted itself to its feet to do battle again. As the people fled to safety, the great bird's entire form began to flicker and shimmer. The bird was weakened, bones broken and energy spent, but it knew the wyrm would have to be stopped at all costs, and prepared its mightiest attack.

But fate had other ideas that day. The glimmering flames coursing throughout all of Pheno's body began to smoke and sizzle as drops of rain began to slowly cover the endless desert. The two beasts, both so alike and yet so different in polarity itself, had scattered great surges of enigma into the sky from the sheer force of their respective presences clashing. The enigma had tampered with the weather above, and a great storm of enigma laced rain, which would rain non-stop for forty days across many regions, began to alter the landscape, not the least of which was a powerful third party that entered the scene.

A nearby water hole, the only one for miles and miles, was ruled by an aged crocodile who harbored visitors only if they wished to stay for his dinner. Considered Sobek a deity by the tribes, it sat serenely on the banks to frighten away humans, jackals, and whatever else wished to rob him of his home. This rainstorm, which filled the great tear that would later be called the Nile Delta, flooded the watering hole completely, inundating the great crocodile by surprise and baptizing him in extremely high amounts of enigma.

The people of the plains heard it after a massive bolt of lightning, a booming roar louder than the thunder itself, and they fled yet again at a new contender in the battlefield, a great bipedal crocodilian titan that seemed to control the rain itself. The bird and wyrm were both wary, each fuming in preparation, but only one would need it.

The wyrm felt nothing for a moment but raw indignation as a powerful blast of lightning coursed through its body, sending the proud beast careening to the earth. Finding himself outnumbered and uncomfortable with the odds, the wyrm fled into the dark planes it called home. The great bird seemed to thank the reptilian newcomer, and realizing that its energy was too spent to do any more battle in that life, faded away, the burning life energy convalescing into a small silver egg, which the great crocodile caught in its clawed hand. The people approached the mighty beast, claiming that Sobek cared about the people and came to their aid when Re was spent. And a new age upon the plains of what came to be called Egypt began.

The enigma rain had departed to the east, but many of the people felt the effects, becoming greater than the normal man and using their newfound strength and natural wisdom to begin a kingdom that would rival the great four nations for a time, the land of ancient Egypt.

The crocodile was something of a guardian in the eyes of the people, though in truth he was only interested in the mighty river it claimed as its own. The people posed little threat, so he would allow them to fish in the wetter seasons so long as they didn't get close. When the river grew too dry he would call rain to the area, bringing Egypt new life and energy they could seemingly forever use. When invading armies and rival kingdoms would attack, more often than not they never got too close due to obvious reasons. The Egyptians saw nothing but true paradise in their future, but fate, as it often has in this creature's tale, has a way of twisting things.

Years after the kingdom emerged, the first of their kings, Pharoah Scorpion, was approached by a mysterious group. They wore long black robe-like clothing that covered most of their bodies, their heads were shaved, something quite unusual in a desert (it would become a long lived fad in the kingdom for many a year), and their skin was pale as a newborn child. They came to Scorpion, approaching with little warning and showing no fealty. The leader, a tall woman calling herself Thetis, was remarkably frank.

"You are the leader here, correct? I am Thetis, and my colleagues and I come from a land farther away than you would be able to imagine." The sneer on Scorpion's face and the massive muscles that gave him kingship over the other seekers told Thetis plenty, and she bowed slightly. Proud as she was, she saw little merit in angering an Enigma-laced human. She continued, a little more pleasant in tone.

"Of course, I am sure you would like to know. It is a distant land of light called Muu. We have dedicated our lives to unraveling the. . . mysteries of this world." Scorpion stood, still not appeased. "Mystery?" He spoke out, surprisingly eloquent. "You will find little mystery here, pale ones, for what less mystery will you find. . ." he paced to a nearby terrace, where he beheld his kingdom and the great river beyond, "in a land built by strength and work alone? I find your reasons lacking, and I am not fond of such a scenario, and should you not explain your presence more clearly I shall instruct you personally as to what I mean."

Thetis tensed for a moment, her companion's composure wavering. She spoke. "There is truth in your claim, and there is no mystery in your efforts worth, but that is not why we are here." Scorpion faced the trio, his tension easing. Thetis cracked a slight smile beneath her cowl. "Have you ever wondered why you are so much stronger than the others in your kingdom?" The king took no time to think. "Because I am king. There is no other reason I need."

The trio eyed each other, knowing full well how delicate the next few moments could be. It was rather obvious that there were many a guard that would come kill them at a moments notice. Thetis began to spread a little more bait.

"I am sure that has much to do with it, your eminence, but if I recall you were present at the great dragon's demise, correct? We are pursuing all leads pertaining to this event, and you are one of the few remaining alive."

"Because I was but a child on that day." Scorpion had considerably relaxed. "But yes, you speak truth, pale one."What others were present had grown too old to keep the mortal coils from crushing them. Though if you need information," he smiled in the most cocky fashion the Muuians had seen outside of their own kingdom. ". . .You might try to ask the river lord, for he was the one who drove the wyrm away. Unfortunately he is not a talker."

At these words, Thetis' icy blue eyes greedily darted in the direction of the Nile. She stood, "I would like to see this river lord very much, but first, I would like to inquire if anything unusual for these lands occured." Scorpion thought for a moment, "It is not so uncommon now, but there was a great storm that raged across the sky as the dragon did battle with the sun god." Thetis' companions stood, whispering amongst each other excitedly. Thetis bowed again in a more exaggerated manner. "Thank you, my lord. . . you have told us all we need to know, and all we wished to know all the same." Scorpion seemed satisfied enough, and ordered them away. Thetis refused. "I did not say our discussions were complete." Scorpions anger began to return as the Muuian palefaces began to step towards him. He reached for his sword, but before a thing could be done a Muuian retrieved a small tube from the folds of her robe and blew in one swift motion. Scorpion collapsed, a small dart protruding from his neck. The Muuian trio converged on his unconscious body like carrion birds, Thetis cackling in a deceivingly deranged voice.

"Proud to the breaking point, hm? King ass would be more appropriate." Scorpion began to stir, much to Thetis' surprise. "Enigma, how you live up to your name. . . Nerei, he's already starting to come to, he must have drowned in the stuff to be this tough. That toxin's brought creatures that couldn't fit in this chamber down and kept them longer! Bind him as best you can." The Muuian, Nerei, nodded and procured a set of unassuming cords. The other Muuian simply said, "This river lord sounds like just what we've searched for." Thetis pulled her cowl down, exposing her dark hair and white smile to the sun. "This whole REGION is what we've searched for. Its so thick here you can taste it." Nerei spoke up again, Scorpion freshly restrained. "How do you wish to proceed?" Thetis stood. "Nerei, you will take Scorpion home. He will make a splendid fight for our smaller specimens. Tezca," gesturing to her third companion, "You and I are going to set a little trap. If this beast is truly what they say it is then we may finally be able to break down that final door." The three nodded, Nerei showing surprising strength as she lifted scorpion over her shoulder and jumped off the side of the terrace to the streets awaiting her. The remaining two stood for a moment, eyeing the general architecture of the throne room. Tezca spoke up, "Interesting, if not crude. Not at all like anything I've seen in any of the kingdoms. Zeus would care for some I'm sure." Thetis nodded, "Another time, though. We must go."

The two Muuians made their way to the shores of the Nile. The river lord swam on the other side, content to let them stare at him. Thetis pulled out a small black flask. "If he has any sort of memory then this will be perfect. Tezca, call for the caravan, we're going home soon." Her companion nodded, and he was off in a flash.

Thetis waded into the river up to her knees, and opened the small flask, dropping a small black liquid into the water, staining it red like blood. The river lord felt the perversion of order immediately, and reared up to his full gigantic height, eyes near smiting Thetis with his glance. She only smiled, and took off as fast as she could run, the immense river lore taking off in pursuit of the one who would taint his home.

Thetis attempted to lose his trail in the slum streets nearby, but the overestimated his standing with humans as he tore the streets to shreds with his footfalls and terrifying roars. Thetis began to fear her miscalculation would cost her, and attempted to get out as best she could, but the lord would have none of it and used his innate powers to bring the surging Nile crashing into the city. Thetis was underwater in moments, shedding her dark robe and swimming like a fish to the edge, where her colleagues were waiting for her. In a flash, she was snatched out of the water by a strong pale hand, and a great droning sound spelled the end of the river lord's reign.

A mighty experimental weapon longer than 10 Muuians laying head to toe, loosed a powerful blast of blue energy directly into the crocodile's mouth, causing him to rear and fall, quite defeated. Thetis exhaled loudly, her other companions laughing. One of them, a tall man, spoke out, "I doubted you would make it there. How much of the stuff did you use?" Thetis bit her lip in frustration, "All of it." she said. "Shame, but the beast was too much a sight. I failed to pay attention to how much I was loosing. It seems your theory was correct, Anu." The man smiled, "dark enigma like that must have reminded it of the dragon." The man faced her. "Any leads on that end? We only have so much energy left." Thetis scowled, "None I'm afraid. We are right that the battle took place here, though. A little north I believe. But no egg and no rips to the dark planes leaves me wandering just how good these giant monsters are at covering their tracks." She eyed the unconscious croc, ". . .especially the smart ones. . ." she turned to the small group, her exposed skin making her feel out of place. "Find my robe, one of you! We need to make tracks."


The crocodile was transported to the furthest reaches of the world, to the floating island of Muu. Thetis worked on him personally, experimenting with his sturdy, enigma fueled body every way she knew. She learned from him how to seal off enigma-given abilities, removing the beast of its regeneration and ability to control the water around it. She learned ways to instill translation ability, making the beast sentient in a human sense. She even learned the full extents Enigma could be grafted into the metal they placed on its skin, forever altering the anatomy of the river lord. At long last, when she believed herself finshed and more importantly out of ideas, she summoned Nerei, who was her assisstant. "I think he's done. At least, I am." Nerei nodded, "field test, then?"

Thetis presented her magnum opus to the other high researchers, and was met with immense applause for her groundbreaking work. IF the subject would cooperate, she would be their new head for giving Muu a way to truly rise to the top of the world, with an army of controlled monsters at its side. When asked for the beasts name, she tried to recall what the field date said, but she had paid little attention then and simply improvised. "He answers to Sernak, and you will find him quite cooperative. So much I am willing to place my previous project in his hands. Nerei, the Death Ankh!" The circle was impressed at her confidence, but par per course not a one showed it.

Sernak proved a mighty weapon in the Muuian roster, his first missions being to go out and defeat, retrieve (hopefully alive) and collect the fee for any monster in need of removal. Many creatures were in fact born of the same storm as he, but he silently made his way, a living weapon, until one day when fate seemed to remember him again. . .


Modern Day
Paul Gregory, a national hero and a man all claimed was destined for bigger things, had been through many adventures since he had decided the battle against Giganuuk.

He had been all over the world, encountering a few crazy monsters and a few crazier people. He was on a leisure flight over Australia when Sheymir was pursuing Shimaku, and the plane had crashed from the giants telekinetic powers. Paul had survived the crash, met a man in the bush as crazy and as intelligent as they came, and had taken a wild ride with said man through an Australian Earth Hollow and through that was taken captive by a group of obscure undersea people and forced to be live bait in an ancient arena for smaller kaiju. Intervention from a member of said kaiju allowed him to escape, but during his stay he had come to notice that though the people were about as intelligent as perhaps a Roman mob, and that the architecture was surprisingly high-grade, practically futuristic. That, and in the distance a spherical monolith, miles around and high, stood out on the seafloor.

So, when Paul was rescued by Japanese sailors alongside his new friend Frank Seltzer, he decided he had another adventure ahead of him.

He had studied abroad in Japan at his nerdy father's request in high school, and through that acquired a lasting contact. Noelle Mashima, the child of Todai and Oxford Professors, was a growing face in archaeology, especially with the recent surge in newly available locations to obtain data. So, when she received the call from Paul about a potential goldmine, she of course began organizing an expedition. When she met Paul and the rather eclectic 'field kaijuologist' Frank, she asked them for the coordinates of where they made landfall. Frank pointed it out without looking, much to their surprise. Even more surprising was the fact that he already had a name for where they were going.

"Muu." he said flatly.

Despite the shock, he simply explained that Hyperborea, Atlantis, and Lemuria had been explored. "All that really leaves is Shangri-la and Muu. Shangri-la is in the middle of the Himalayas, so Muu is the only option." It made sense, so the two friends decided to take the bushman's word for it.

A week after that, a small team made their way to the location, a small atoll in the Pacific, where they dove into an undersea cave that held, surprisingly, metallic pottery that hadn't rusted in the slightest. They made their way back to their boat, and examined the pots, which appeared to be providing coordinates. That, and they were several thousand years old.

The next day, they dove into a deeper part of the sea, and as they neared the seafloor they discovered something downright eerie. A tunnel of air, like a cylindrical bubble, snaking a few feet above the seafloor into the horizons, was something they did not expect. Paul, Frank, Noelle, and about eight grad. students eager for the project cred. made their way into the bubble, finding the air pressure to be surprisingly similar to that of sea level on land. Paul and Frank immediately indicated to head to the left, as the air was coming from there which meant it was more likely to show inhabitation.

Muu revealed itself after about thirty minutes of walking. The city looked something akin to paintings of ancient egypt cast in only black and white, only they were on a floating island construct in a bubble almost 2 miles wide.

The city, upon arrival, appeared deserted and lifeless, even though the lights in the streets were all on. There was no sound save their own steps and breath, but they were too busy taking photos and video to notice.

Eventually, Frank pointed out a large building, bigger than the others, which apparently was a building for scientific study of some kind. They stumbled into a room with larger than life doors, with smaller doors carved into the larger. "It's like we're in Oz or something. . ." Frank stated with a look of childish awe. The others simply didn't understand his excitement, but then they stumbled into a group of giant pillars, dusty and close together. Paul rested his arm against one, but was surprised to see glass under the layer of dust. And even more surprising was that there was a giant creature in suspended animation inside it.

They discovered ancient notes in a collection of tongues and formats, from Phoenician to native american. Apparently, the people here were in contact with the entire ancient world, and charged king's ransoms to people in need of 'extraction' as Noelle could best interpret.

Suddenly, the entire room came to life as lights coursed throughout the complex and the sound of something they did not want to hear rocked throughout the room, the sound of rumbling. They turned to the sight of Frank, who had pushed a big button on a console because he 'couldn't resist.'

Suddenly, the glass in one of the tubes broke, and a massive arm, coated in a golden gauntlet, stretched out, the rest of the glass appearing to shatter as fluid flooded the entire complex up to the group's ankles. A giant form almost 200 feet tall stepped out in a dominating manner, a glowing blue eye surging to light, and focusing on the frightened people. Paralyzed with fear, the people tensed helplessly as the form appeared to loom towards them, dropping down onto one knee. What happened next would change the history of the world forever.

"Hola! Habla espanol?"

Stunned silence filled the room again. The giant, a humanoid crocodile, smirked in mild irritation and turned a small dial on the side of his head, and proceeded to repeat greetings in three more languages, eventually arriving at English, which the entirety of the group understood.

"Ah, so this works best! This was a pretty obscure language when I was awake last. . . anyway, name's Sernak. And I assume you AREN'T the people of Muu. You're not pale enough. Those people never went outside. . ."

The croc rambled for another ten minutes about the Muuians without stopping, eventually apologizing for it and then calling out to the other tubes. Moments later, the tubes broke and five subsequent forms stepped out, each with a drastically different, but still cyboric form. One was a giant humanoid ape, another a great bird, another a floating squid, another a great crab with bladed claws, and lastly an armored Pangolin, all came out and peered at the croc like he was the undisputed leader.

A lot happened after that, the people communicating with the group of monster, which, with the exception of two of them, could all speak sentiently. They revealed Muu to be a sort of primitive arms manufacturer, collecting monsters the world over and enhancing them with ancient promethian science. They had kept out of an ancient war between Atlantis and Hyperborea by sending their creations as weapons, paid for by both sides. The society kept the best, (Sernak and crew) for themselves, but they proved unable to stop one of their kind from attacking them from the inside, and the society came to an end, a small group of survivors eeking out a living in a more primitive colony. They then proceeded to the top of the city, which was hidden underneath a false atoll. The monsters made their way out with the small group, Sernak hoping to see them all again and making their way into the sea. Paul called out "I get around, bug guy! You'll be seeing me for sure!"

The croc did something that surprised them all, he laughed in a very bellowy, roughneck manner, and turned to face the group with his one good eye.

"I have the wanderlust, boy, so you'll have to work for it. Now then, everybody, we're off to see the World!"


EDIT: Glad to say I got this much done. Well, this is Sernak's awaited update, revealing a few more details and other various aspects of his origin, as well as a few more characters that are KAS inbound. Plus, I thought I would introduce Thetis, the sea nymph of greek myth, cast here as a Muuian scientist that begins the end, as the adage goes.

I may edit this again sometime, but for now I'll leave it at this.


You all knew it was coming

Here you are with Sernak, free will guardian turned Muuian bio-weapon. I always imagined Muu as a sort of mechanical place, with the most advanced technology of the ancient world, but they are motivated by money, not conquest.

In the next entries, which will introduce Sernak's followers and explain them more than this nutshell did, you'll learn about the history a lot more and understand how everything got the way it did. For now, though, I'm happy to present my main monster to the KAS crowd, and boy will he be showing up when you least expect him.
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Comments: 13

TheCrocodileLord [2019-08-16 22:02:25 +0000 UTC]

You practically wrote a book. That description is long

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Dynamo-soldierBB [2013-12-06 20:29:36 +0000 UTC]

awesome design

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ProfessorCene [2011-01-03 01:18:58 +0000 UTC]

I like the expanded history. Though I'm a little confused about when this started out. I'd assume Sernak was captured while Muu and the others where developing. That would make the Egyptian kingdom mentioned ancient even by Ancient Egypt's standards.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Vagrant-Verse In reply to ProfessorCene [2011-01-03 03:33:54 +0000 UTC]

It's more the proto-Egypt, before the pyramids emerged and it was more of a simple city state than an empire. You raise a good point, though, I'll go into more detail on that next edit.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SilverZeo [2010-10-11 17:42:37 +0000 UTC]

Neat character.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TyrantisTerror [2010-09-25 23:32:03 +0000 UTC]

Interesting. You definitely managed to build up Mu very well - one of the ancient nations that really hasn't seen much love yet. You've set them up quite well, giving them their own distinct feel. Sernak will be a fun character to work with in the future.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OperaGhost21 [2010-09-25 00:38:58 +0000 UTC]

so, so awesome! look forward to more Muuian lore!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Gilarah93 [2010-09-22 20:58:24 +0000 UTC]

Very impressive KAS rendition, the Muuian armor really fits Sernak's style. His personality brings ROTF Jetfire to mind. LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2010-09-21 23:37:32 +0000 UTC]

Very nice

Hehe, inspired some ideas for Argonaut.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OutcastClankzilla [2010-09-21 23:16:46 +0000 UTC]

Already, I love this guy!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Groudan383 [2010-09-21 17:33:10 +0000 UTC]

AWESOME!!!! I love this version of Sernak! hes so cool! i just love the fact he can talk to people. i also just love his fun and nice personality. hes not stuck up or full of himself like the other one would probably be since hes a god. hes also not mean or vicious like a real wild croc would be either. hes just so laid back and nice. i would LOVE to have an encounter with him. hes a REALLY awesome kaiju and his level of coolness is unmatched i mean what kaiju happily say "Hi! you speak Spanish?" in Spanish lol. also the fact that he has that dial on his head means that hes multi cultural friendly. and im not even including that hes a giant 200ft armored croc lol. I love this version of Sernak so much. hes just so cool. its a shame hes blind though. anyway truly phenomenal job dude

Hmmmmm though this version has small feet lol.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ProfessorCene [2010-09-21 11:25:04 +0000 UTC]

Nice. I don't think anyone has done anything with Muu yet.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RenDragonClaw [2010-09-21 07:22:11 +0000 UTC]

Well, I think you've inheirted Muu in KAS. This pretty much cements it. Sernak is quite the entertaining fellow, he's likely to make any encounter with him more lively. Judging by his tech it would almost seem that Muu was a combination between the Romans, the Vinci merchant families and The Protoss.

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