Valiuum — [GS] Sabrina

#arachnid #oc #rp #sabrina #rpgroup #tsuchigumo #biggay #valiuum #gravesendcity #gravesend_city #gravesendcityapp
Published: 2019-03-23 14:26:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 3745; Favourites: 85; Downloads: 2
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Description [ N A M E ]: Sabrina 

[ S U R  N A M E ]: Arani

[ A G E ]: Believed to be 100+ but appears middle to late 20's 

[ G E N D E R / S E X ]: Cis Female (she endlessly gets mistaken for a man all the time. Annoying but kinda used to it)

[ O R I E N T A T I O N ]: Homosexual/Homoromantic (Poly) 

[ W E I G H T ]: 280 lbs / 127kg

[ H E I G H T ]: 6'7" / 200cm

[ O C C U P A T I O N ]: Hitman 

[ S P E C I E S ]: Tsuchigumo (arachnid being)

[ A B I L I T I E S ]:

Abilities natural to her species - 
  • Arachnid Appendages: Her spider limbs can grow to a larger size and length than what is depicted in the visual reference. She prefers to keep them retracted unless she's engaging in combat. 

  • Mandibles/Jaw dislocation: Her jaw can divide to reveal additional sets of mandibles that are used for breaking/severing the necks of prey before consuming them.

  • Poisonous: Sabrina's blood contains a deadly neurotoxin that is typically fatal if ingested. This is a natural self defense native to her species to protect against enemies that may try to bite. DO NOT EAT HER.

  • Heightened Senses: Self explanitory 

Abilities GAINED - [NOTE]: With the exception of Babalel's sword, these abilities cannot be used outside of Hell's demonic plane.

  • Zuriel - The Stone Master: Gift of Density [can increase thickness of skin to deflect certain physical attacks]
  • Zepar - Deforms The Unborn: Gift of Sight [can "see" possessed individuals true forms through their human (or other) disguises. She can see the "deformed monster" inside the shell.] 
  • Adnachiel - The Hunter Demon: Gift of Scent [Strong sense of smell that can track down almost any target.] 
  • Babalel - Demon of War: Received Babalel's Sword [Sword once wielded by the notorious Babalel, the second demon of war behind Befafes. This was the first she received, the sigial grants her the ability to wield the sword itself.] 
  • Abyss - Lord of Chaos: Immunity to Hypnotism [barrier against mental chaos] 
  • Aciel - The God Burner: Gift of Disarm ["Burns" off any binding spells or curses placed upon by a godly figure. This can be either on herself or others but its dependent on how powerful the god that placed the binding spell is/was. Certain spells may exceed her ability to disarm.]

[P E R S O N A L I T Y ]:

+ Dedicated + Protective + Ambitious + Diligent + 

- Impulsive - Aggressive - Brutal - Aloof - 

Sabrina is a character that most people try their best to stay away from and ignore. She is not usually friendly and initially greets people with a fist fight. She is prone to act on impulse before truly thinking things through and has the tendency to turn others away by her abrasive demeanor, however Sabrina harnesses some softer sides to her being as well, such as her protectiveness and love for her younger sister. She is capable of feeling but due to her lifestyle, she keeps it suppressed for her own defense. Its possible to get her to warm up over time, but initially, she is on high guard. 

Origins: ARC ONE
WARNING: Contains themes of physical violence, sexual assault, and homophobia that may be triggering to some. 

-  C H I L D H O O D  -

Throughout my life, it wasn't unusual to be ridiculed and discriminated against because of what I was. In fact, it was expected to say the least. I'm not saying that there aren't others who have had worse lives than me, but the dream of a normal everyday average life was one that I had most nights during my sleep. Now I dream of a normal everyday average life for my sister, Ophelia. A life where she's married to a wonderful man of whom they will bless our parents with grandchildren like they always wanted. The same expectations they had for me but clearly I was, and still am, the greatest disappointment to their name. 

Even at a young age, I never quite fit in with the other cryptid children. It was rare for my species to have romantic connections with their own kind, most children born simply were to carry on the species as a basic instinct of life. Some weren't even given that chance, considering filial cannibalism was prevalent as well. Procreation was a physical act and nothing more, arachnid families were almost nearly unheard of. My parents were one of very few that didn't end up killing each other in the process and went on to have children that they could love unlike many others. However, it didn't start off that way as both my mother and father were themselves guilty of pursuing killing sprees of murdering their own kind and cannibalizing them. They didn't stop until they met and engaged in a fight to the death, only to be evenly matched with each other. I don't recall much of what happened from there on, but supposedly it brought about some form of romantic bond between them both and I was born years later. 

I always felt that high expectations were set for me and I couldn't let my family down. We already had a horrible reputation and suffered discrimination because of what we are, so to try and fit in to be hospitable, well mannered and kind were stressed by my parents. When I was young, I have memories of my mother teaching me proper etiquette, what was permissible and what was inappropriate. How to be polite in a group and with all the "excuse me"s and "thank you"s, it grew exhausting after a while.

However when relentless and cruel behavior smothered me on a daily basis among the other children, I fought back. It didn't matter to me what they looked like or how big or small. Boy or girl, I punched them in the face or found some other way to get back at them. Often I would come home later in the evening with rips and tears in my school clothes, even some of the hand made dresses my mother made for me were beyond repair. I began to acquire a bad record at school and was often blamed for things that I had taken no part in, because I was a problem child and it was easy to believe. I got into fights more often than not, the other kids went as far as to push me down a ravine after school as I was walking home alone through the forest, which caused me to break my arm. I told my parents I tripped and fell, but that lie would only suffice once or twice of the many black eyes and bruises that I came home with. Over time, I had to get more and more creative on how to excuse the cuts, scrapes, and gashes I received from the endless fights I was wrapped up in during school. For a long time, my parents truly believed I was just simply a tomboy who liked to roughhouse with the other children on the playground, however that was far from the truth. I couldn't tell my parents what kind of notoriety I had brought upon myself and how much the other kids hated and picked on me because of what I was. I just couldn't bear the disappointment that would bring them, after all, it was all on my shoulders to try and preserve their good name. 

- A D O L E S C E N C E - 

When I was 12 years old, I slowly came to the realization that I was gay. It was terrifying and I lived in fearful secrecy of it, avoiding looking at other girls as much as possible to make it seem as if nothing more could possible separate me the norm. As much as I tried to find boys appealing, I couldn't but it wasn't much of an issue as none of them found me appealing either, mostly because I wasn't pretty or effeminate enough for their tastes. The only time I got any attention was mostly through dares they received to talk to the "creepy spider girl" and ask me out on a date because they found it humorous. I knew their scheme and I usually raised my fists to scare them off in a flurry of laughter but that never truly stopped them from picking at me. There was one particular group that would blow kisses childishly at me in between classes because they knew I hated it and I was already on a short leash due to the constant trouble I was in with the staff from my aggressive behavior and violence, so the boys would constantly try to push my buttons in order to get myself suspended from school or even expelled. At that point in time, I could say that I was more afraid of anyone finding out I was a lesbian than having a moment to even be concerned with getting in trouble. I was still clinging to that last strand of pride and dedication to make my parents proud of me but that too would soon be ripped from me within the next year when I was sexually assaulted and raped at the age of 13 years old. 

I will not go into detail about it. Its long since passed and I've been through the after effects of it all time and time again. I never told my parents nor anyone about it out of embarrassment and mental trauma; I didn't think anyone would believe me regardless. I underwent a series of mental breakdowns during that timeframe, usually when I was alone awake at night. I would climb out of my bedroom window on the second floor to the rooftop and cry, carefully enough so that I wasn't heard by anyone and out of audible distance. I asked myself:

Was I just a bet? 

Another dare? 

Thats all these teenage boys ever thought of me as, just another outcasted ugly girl that they could amuse themselves with and take out their sexual frustrations on. I wasn't popular and nobody would believe me even if tried to reach out for help. I was the most isolated and picked on kid at the entire school, I was always the lab rat that got experimented on. What can we get away with now? Lets try it out on Sabrina, she's just a nobody anyways. It wasn't long after that I cut all my hair off and began wearing men's clothes, hoping to drive others away. 

I no longer walked through the forest alone on my way home from school. 

It was time to move on.  

I got stronger overtime, training my body, and learning to fight. 
The bullying and the threats dwindled significantly as I became more and more intimidating physically.  
I did everything I could to make myself appear and behave in a threatening way. 

The other various outcasted students would no longer speak to me, the drifting "friends" eventually cut ties, the association to me was becoming too risky for them to handle. I never truly had any friends regardless, those who even bothered to talk to me never lasted more than a year or so. I was mainly just another outcast for them to pass the time with making idle conversation with, but I must be grateful for them in some gesture that had they not bothered to talk to me, I never would have developed socially at all in the long run.  

It was around this time that I met Samiya. I had always known and seen her around, whether it be in the hallways or elsewhere in school. I always admired her and found myself extremely attracted to her but then again, who didn't? She was very popular, many of the male students chased after her on a daily basis to talk to her and flirt. Admittedly, there had been times that I went as far as to write her notes on paper but all of them ended up in the garbage, too nervous and anxious to actually go through with it and slip them in her backpack when she wasn't looking. She was the only one who would smile at me when I passed her in the hallway, her eyes bright and clear like a pearl from the ocean. The only amount of conversation we had was small talk but I enjoyed every moment of it because I knew it was a hundred percentage genuine, not some falseness or pity because I was the school reject. Embarrassing as it was for me, I confess that I did feel inspired to try and impress her, to try and become a better person. Perhaps in doing that, she would be more perceptive to me. Its stupid to think such a insignificant crush would prove to be so influential to get me to pick up the pieces of my life later on in my future but it did just that. I tried to schedule classes with her, just to be in the same room but despite constantly trying to get closer and closer, it was that fear of being rejected because I was also female that always kept me a few steps away. 

Graduation came and went. It was a miracle that I hadn't dropped out even though the thought of it was always very tempting. I had just barely made it with my poor academic scores and truthfully, I let Samiya slip through my fingers. The fear of being turned away and any sort of possible friendship tossed in the garbage was what ultimately overcame me. Why would someone as beautiful and as kind as her choose me over a handful of men anyways? They would say homosexuality spreads like a disease and for a long time, I truly considered myself burdened with its infection. I was everything that society deemed as unattractive and undesirable. In those days if you were gay, your life was over because no one would want you. Who would want me? Who would love me? No one. After I came out to my parents, I told my baby sister goodbye and left. There was only one place that beckoned for the life I had chosen, and it was a life of a traveling bounty hunter and hitman for hire. It was a decision that I had made for my own wellbeing. 

I would kill the world to fill the hole inside of myself.


A new life on my shoulders to venture beyond that what I was used to, I took to the human world as a hunting ground. They were easy targets to start out with. 

However, being able to blend in with a human crowd meant that it was imperative that I change my own appearance to fit the description. Humans were always so suseptible to attacking anything outside the ordinary of their species, being as superstitious as they come. I needed the aid of a witchdoctor to craft me a spell to conceal my arachnid characteristics and I had heard talk of one such as that that could do the job perfectly. Unfortunately it required a long arduous journey to the Philippines in order to do so. I had collected the cash I managed to save from pickpocketing on the streets, but not without having my fair share of failures which resulted in being beaten in an alley from unsuccessful pickpocketing. I was no good at it at first, I even suffered a few broken ribs from angry targets. I still dont consider myself the best at the art, but enough to get by in a pinch. 

I sailed to the islands as steerage aboard a ship, living off the rats and bugs that I found in the cargo area. It wasn't a time to be picky, but it certainly was disgusting.

Roaches were never my first choice for any meal. 

Arriving at the witchdoctor's location, her residence high in the mountains, I came to realize that she was quite the hermit. Her name was Lailani, being an age that spanned a few thousand years, I did respect the extensive knowledge that she had accumulated during her timeframe. I trusted that she could create a glamour spell to give me the appearance of a human so that I could blend in with human society, making my hunting easier and not limited to certain times of the day. After agreeing to the job, she wouldn't accept the little cash I had on me, explaining that something that required such a high amount of spellcasting would cost much more. Needless to say, I didn't leave her residence for a few days after she explained her terms. Nevertheless, I got what I needed in the end and was on my way. 

The spell was imprinted into my flesh, undetectable by humans and could be activated by a simple squeeze at a pressure point at the webbing between my index finger and thumb. It concealed all of my visible arachnid features, as well as bestowing me with sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. However, I still retained my normal senses as well as my heighted strength and agility, though I would have to keep such things quietly concealed when in a crowd as to not draw too much attention or suspicion to myself. 

I had found myself joining the military for an army that served the nation of Hartshire, that paid highly for recruits. Having my information forged to be accepted also cost me a pretty penny but was necessary in the end, I had acquired the cash for it from picking off a few bounties on my return from the Philippines. Here, my combat skills increased with training. Admittedly I was only accustomed to street brawling before then so I welcomed the new knowledge by my peers to train my skills. My two peers, Kara and Dimitri were among two of the greatest friends I had ever met. I didn't have any connections in my life where I felt trustworthy enough to let my guard down once in a while. Kara Sheinheldt and her husband, Dimitri Sheinheldt, I will never forget you or your kindness towards me. Thank you both for everything. 

Another face that I will never forget was Quinton "Erebus" Messicks, but not for the same reason. For the five years that I served for Hartshire, he was believed to be a man that we all could trust, but later proved to be the biggest mistake we all could have ever made. Erebus spent those five long years serving in our ranks alongside us, fighting with us and sharing bits of his personal history to gain our trust and loyalty within a friendship. He seemed just like any other without any suspicious or noteworthy behavior that could have led us to any sort of inkling of what he intended to do. Erebus was hired to be an insider by our opposing enemy, the nation of Kalin'n. He was considered a friend to us, someone we always could rely on until he sold us out to our enemy by delivering our strategy of attack. While I did trust him, there were things about him that seemed a bit strange to me, like his seemingly extensive interest in the paranormal as well as his fondness for poisonous insects and spiders. 

It soon became apparent that I wasn't the only one who was equipped with a glamour spell to blend in. 

Erebus revealed himself to be a vampire disguised as a human and recognized that my scent did not match. I question to this day where he acquired his glamour spell and how he knew where mine was to dispell it. How did he know? I was very certain that I never once jeopardized my true identity to my comrades...

I knew I was forced to flee at that time. I knew it was beyond cowardly of me. I resent myself for what I was cornered into doing without any other option. I had to abandon everyone in their most desperate time, they were all apprehended and taken in as POWs, later executed by burning and hanging before the public as a demonstration of what happens to anyone who wars with Kalin'n. My friends, Kara and Dimitri, both killed along with thousands of others and Erebus gone without a trace. I fled the land without looking back and to this day, I should have been the one executed, not them. 

It had been a great deal of time since I've ever resented a person so much as I did with the traitor known as Erebus. I was so foolish to allow something like that to transpire. Once again, when I tried to succeed with a normal life, I was met with failure and disappointment. I began to feel as if these two things would follow me until my dying days. I was only capable of disappointing others. I am a disappointment and I failed the only two friends I had ever managed to acquire.

My vengefulness towards Erebus only grew however. 

I would kill the man who slipped so easily past me and left me with nothing. 


[Unlockable via rp interaction]


♡ Human flesh
♡ Her sister 
♡ Recreational drug use lol
♡ Black or dark clothing. She was never a big fan of colors on herself.
♡ Leather clothing
♡ Coffee 
♡ Butterflies

[Do not's]:

✘ People asking her how many fingers they're holding up  
✘ Being asked stupid questions about her appearance 
✘ Her boobs (too big for her tastes) 
✘ Her ass (also too big for her tastes) 
✘ Being incarcerated lmao
✘ Being called "four eyes" 

Full reference: 

[ ROLEPLAY PREFERENCES ] (bold your preferences)
Discord | Google Documents
HC | Script | LIT 

Sabrina © Valiuum

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Comments: 5

Silent-Koi [2019-07-24 05:46:50 +0000 UTC]

Still my favorite pic of her ever

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Valiuum In reply to Silent-Koi [2019-07-24 11:26:02 +0000 UTC]

You just like her boobs 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sn0wMutt [2019-03-28 15:41:03 +0000 UTC]

I feel like I'm looking at a trading card xD its kinda nifty

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeftHand-Black [2019-03-26 20:31:16 +0000 UTC]

oh ho this is so fukkin next level

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

castielthehybridange [2019-03-24 07:29:10 +0000 UTC]

At first I didn't know this was animated so it took my by surprise when the picture changed. But honestly I love Sabrina so freaking much. She's absolutely stunning in this. I have the big gay for her:-P

👍: 0 ⏩: 0