VanillatheNeko — CD NPC: Luke

Published: 2015-07-15 22:20:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 582; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Lucas Roberts.  Prefers to be called Luke.

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Pokémon: Milotic*

Ability: Competitive

Job: Circus Tent Repair Helper 
Basically Luke helps repair tears in the fabric for Tents and even help replace the ropes and old wood  that keep the tent up.

Wish: "I don't mind remembering the shit that happened. I do still regret the life choices I've made. I just wonder if my life was different if I had a different face."

Back then, Luke was Lucas 'Crock Iron' Roberts, a Famgilia Allegria member.  After going hrough hell and back from the fight between him and several circus members, he heard the deal made by Mr. Dark and Copper Sprocket and knew he did want a fresh start.  However, he never wanted this to happen.

Backfire: Lucas was still Lucas (personality and everything) he just changed into something he despises a ton, a Milotic (he does have a tail again).  If he left the Circus, the  wounds from his 'old form' would rapidly come onto him in his new form tenfold and would kill him from blood loss (if it weren't for the mafia nerds that were still alive found him from the chopping of the tail he'd probably died quicker).  

Likes: Booze (Mostly Whisky or Rum)|Women|Money|Smooth type of music|Taking Long hot Baths|Famgilia Allegria Members|

Dislikes: |Calanthe*|His own Memories|Smokers|Benjamin Tousignaut**|Mr. Dark (To an extent)|His tail being pulled

Fear of: 
 |Gilbert Halifax|Tomas Seeley|Decimus 'Decay' Farwell| (See Here for reasons)

Personality: Before the Circus Darkrai and Famgilia Allegria battle commenced, Luke was known just as a complete and total swindler.  He'd twist his words, swoon woman for them to do anything he desired.  Alas, he slowly changed as the fight went on.  Hiding that fact after making his wish and changing his identity, Luke changed his entire self.  Now he consider's himself just a common worker of the circus, giving a smirk to members, working hard with the job he was given.  Even so, the memories he kept of the fight and damage on his old body, Luke has became slightly paranoid to most of the members of Circus Darkai, except for a few that joined the circus as well.

Lucas Roberts, or was better known as 'Crock Iron' in the Famgilia Allegria, was a typical money adoring, woman loving, smart ass.  In his early twenties, Lucas was on top of the world.  He had money, rich clothes, anything he wanted.  Alas, he wasn't born or raised like that.  No, he was a con artist, pick-pocketing Pokemon for anything he could steal off of them.  He would flirt with married women to later steal everything in the house, even if it meant wounding his targets.  Shortly after his highest steal yet, Lucas was caught by one gang that later became his 'family'; the Famgilia Allegria.  After talking to them, he joined their group.  However, his life went from riches and pure bliss, into a living hellish nightmare.  What he sighed up for, with the Famgilia Allegria, was nothing he expect it to be.  He never thought that they would lose.  Alas, he lost a great amount of things, including his dignity when his tail was chopped off.  After the fight had ended, Lucas was just slumped against one of the crates in he circus.  He just felt tired, wanting to wish for something.  He heard the deal Copper and Mr. Dark made and took the chance.  forcing himself up with his pipe as a cane for the time being, Lucas walked over.

"You.... can grant wishes," Lucas said to Mr. Dark.  The Darkrai looked over, eyes narrowed and filled with not emotion but anger.  Lucas just blinked once before the Darkrai spoke.  "I assume you want to forget everything that happened don't you?"  Lucas just gave one forced chuckle, "No... nothing like that.  I don't mind remembering the shit that happened. I do still regret the life choices I've made. I just wonder if my life was different if I had a different face..."

With the snap of Mr. Dark's fingers, slowly, Lucas felt.... better.  Like he never had any damage on his body, anywhere.  Looking down he saw the light blue hair and blinked.  Not even thinking, Lucas walked away and off the circus grounds before feeling pain and fell onto his hands and knees.  He coughed up blood and looked down to see a small faint of blood on his shirt.  He quickly pulled it off to see wounds appearing on his body.  Quickly as he could, Lucas ran back in and panted heavily.  "What the hell!?" he said before seeing Mr. Dark in front of him.  Glaring, Lucas just looked down and sighed.  "No escape I guess," he murmured before being lead to his new 'room.'

 As he looked around, Lucas noticed a Mirror.  "Hm..."  he looked at himself in the mirror and his eyes went wide.  He was a shiny Milotic.  "Wh... wha..."  stunned, he stumbled backwards and sat on the bed, only to feel something underneath him.  He stood up quickly before pulling the sheets off.  There was something, or someone, already in the bed.  A Jellicent woman was laying there, motionless.  "What the heck?" he said with a raised eyebrow.  He shook the maiden's shoulder.  "She feels light," he said as he pulled the Jellicent up a bit and looked around before noticing something.  There was a gap on her back.  Blinking, Lucas touched it and looked around before seeing some kind of key on the dresser.  Without thinking, he ut it into the hole, a click was heard, he then began to wind it until he noticed the Jellicent's head move and looked towards him as soon as he pulled the key out of the girl's back.

 "You," she said with no expression on her face.  "Uhh.... me?" Lucas replied.  

"You shall be my winder.  You must wind me up once a day or else I will no longer move," the Jellicen said.

"Wait what?  why do I have to do it?" Lucas said before standing up off of the bed.

She just stared before she touched the Milotic's head and he yelped and he fell to the floor.  "Do as I command you ugly stupid thing.  If I do not move, I will try anything to make your life a living hell."  As Lucas looked up at the girl, he noticed she had no expression and just stared with cold glass eyes.  Sighing, he laid on the floor.  "Great... this was not what I wanted at all..." 

Move set: 
Iron Tail (The only move he kept after changing into a Milotic.  Back then he remembered learning it from his 'sensei')
Scald (TM move, recieved from Calanthe in exchange he has to wind her up every day)
Icy Wind
Blizzard (TM move, recieved from  Calanthe in exchange he has to wind her up every day)

The attire he's wearing was from the suit he wore before. It had been dirtied up from the fights and attacks.
His eyes are still red from being a Gyrados, otherwise everything else had changed on him physically.if you know what I mean~*slapped*
*He is considered a 'Winder' for the Etoile Faction Leader Calanthe .
**Benji was the main manipulator and actually caused the most damage to Luke's life.

Original apperance:  
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