VanillatheNeko — Mary-Alice App

Published: 2013-10-06 20:45:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 5319; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description Updated on 7/1/2014
Updated on 2/19/2015 (NOTE! the app picture is flipped, see below for scar info)

Name: Mary-Alice “Caterpillar” Lucille

Age: Twenty-Eight (DOB is March 21st)

Gender: Female (falsified as male due to Voice, see Wish/Backfire)

Pokémon: Scolipede (Previously Dustox, see History)

Ability: Swarm: Powers up Bug-Type moves in a pinch

Hometown: Hearthome City, Sinnoh

Job: Freak Show:  "The Genderless Singing Caterpillar"
Because of Mary-Alice's looks and singing both genders, she is considered a freak show and will sing any kind of opera or song she, or the crowd, desires. 


Wish: ”You know what I’d wish for!? I wish I was a beautiful creature who could sing both genders!”

That was Mary-Alice’s wish, and what happened next, she was not expecting. When she joined and followed Mr. Dark, she was told to ride the carousel. Once getting on, the fourteen year old Dustox closed her eyes and just enjoyed the ride and the feel of her hair bobbing slowly as it flowed in the air. When the carousel stopped, she got off and noticed her clothing was a bit tighter and looked at herself. She was older, more mature looking. 

However, suddenly feeling nothing but complete agony inside her entire body, she screamed and fell onto her knees as she slowly transformed from a once beautiful looking Dustox into a monstrous, yet still elegant looking, Scolipede.  Her skin was pulled and twisted as she had gained new limbs and was turning into a four-armed, centaur-like armored covered creature that still had a slight feminine touch.  Aside from the transformation, Mary-Alice’s normal speaking voice went from a young woman to a masculine tone so now Pokemon cannot tell if she’s female or male.  Along with tone, Mary-Alice now has a mixture of both gender like personalities, Charming Gneltemen and Graceful Woman

 :New: Should she leave the circus, not only will she be forever in the form she has, the remembering of the uncontrollable pain form the transformation will make her feel nothing but uncontrollable pain on the parts she grew.

Personality: Calm| Mature|Gentlemen attitude(?)|Curious|Good-Listener|

While performing, Mary-Alice makes people feel like they’re at an opera when singing on the stage she has to lure the customers in. She also has a gentle charm to swoon the ladies with that masculine and mysterious voice. Quite useful for an attraction outside of the tent to show what else is located at the Dark Circus, but mostly it’s to entertain the people who walk by.

Off stage, Mary-Alice is a mix of gentle and mentally gentlemen like with the way she speaks (all due to masculine voice). The gentle side is the major part in Mary-Alice’s personality, she listens to people complain if they want to or just want to talk. She actually even comforts those that are crying, or could tell their mood depending on eyes or even protect people (Mostly children). The vicious side is her being truthful about what people do that is close to what they actually do (and by people, I mean non Circus members if there’s havoc going about).

After the events of Cirque de la Luz, Mary-Alice is now trying to be more feminine by wearing a bit more fancy attire.  Although most stuff doesn’t fit her that well, she does learned a bit more sewing from a Lilligant named Gardenia.  She now and again will give girls tips on how to talk to men that they have crushes on, but that’s a rarity.



When Mary-Alice was first born, she was a Wurmple in an all Beautifly family. Her mother and father were professional opera singers in the town of Hearthome City in the Sinnoh region. She also had two older twin Beautifly brothers, both at the age of twelve, were being trained by their father and mother to become opera singers as well so all of them could travel the world together. 

By the age of three, Mary-Alice was being taught how to be graceful and elegant, drinking tea, known the utensils for dinner parties, wearing frilly gowns, how to curtsey and so much more to add with the singing lessons she was put through. But she usually went right outside and play out in the backyard and ended up making herself and the dress muddy, which her parents didn’t like not one bit. So the made sure she was inside the house at all times and was forced to learn the elegance and grace of a ‘proper lady’. This lasted for about three more years for her.

At the age of six, Mary-Alice was allowed to go outside with her brothers to go see the town. She was still a Wurmple at that time. Something caught her eye as she heard a beautiful tune across the street. She paused, but her brothers continued to walk, not even seeing Mary-Alice stopping to watch. She looked across the street and saw a young Larvesta boy playing a child size violin on the streets with a top hat on the ground and a few walking villagers dropped some small change into his hat. “Thank you,” the young boy said as he continued to play the violin. That got Mary-Alice’s curiosity rising high. So she looked both ways then walked across the road and stood in front of the boy. 

”What are you doing?” Mary Alice asked softly, her hands behind her back as she rocked on her flat heeled shoes forward and back. The Larvesta boy stopped playing and looked at Mary-Alice. He gently smiled, ”Well you see I’m a poor kid raised in a section of this city you see. So I play my violin to try and get some spare change anyone can give me to help my family.” “What’s a violin?” Mary-Alice replied to the boy as she tilted her head to one side, curiosity rising more and more. “It’s this instrument I’m holding here,” the boy said pointing to the instrument with a soft smile, “Would you like to learn how to play it?” But before Mary-Alice could respond, she was grabbed by her brothers and was taken home. 

Few days later, Mary-Alice saw the Larvesta boy again, but this time she was alone. “You’ve returned again,” the Larvesta boy said with a smile and Mary-Alice nods yes. They talked more and the boy taught Mary-Alice how to play the violin a bit. “If you practice enough, maybe your mom and dad will allow you to make music and opera’s yourself,” the boy said and Mary-Alice giggled. “Well I hope so… What’s your name? I’m Mary-Alice Lucille.” “It’s James, James Garnet.” As soon as Mary-Alice heard his name, she knew he and her would be the best a friends. 

At the age of seven, Mary-Alice had evolved, but not as how she expected. She evolved into a Cascoon instead of a Silcoon. Her parents saw Mary-Alice and just ignored the idea and life continued on as usual. At the age eight however, her parents were disgusted to know the truth that Mary-Alice was a Dustox when she evolved once more. Mary-Alice didn’t understand what was going on, but just ignored it and continued the usual duties; singing, being polite and elegant, and practice the violin while with James. 

Time went by, and when Mary-Alice walked up to her parents, she was a bit nervous. She had some hand written music sheets. “Uhm… Mother? Father? Can I ask you omething?” “Did you hear something Henry?” Mary-Alice’s mother said like she didn’t hear anything. Mary-Alice sighed and walked out of the house, sheets in hand and went to talk with James instead. When James saw Mary-Alice, she was crying a bit. “What’s wrong Mary-Alice?” “Mother and Father won’t even talk to me for one minute James,” Mary-Alice replied as she set the music sheets down and sat next to him, “And wore of all, I can hardly see anything. It’s all just blurry vision.” James frowned upon this and took Mary-Alice to the eye doctor and got her glasses with the spare money he was getting off of the streets. Mary-Alice knew James well enough, he’d do anything for Mary-Alice, even protect her. 

At the age of Fourteen, Mary-Alice couldn’t take the ignoring anymore. Every time, she was ignored. So she would take long walks alone. James wasn’t around much since he was offered to play in the orchestra’s for opera’s. She wanted to see him more than anything, but her parents wouldn’t even let her go NEAR the opera house since her singing wasn’t as ‘fabulous’ as her parents wanted.“I hate this! Why won’t let my parents see James? Why won’t they let me go inside the opera? Why are they ignoring me!? I just can’t take this any longer,” she exclaimed and kicked a rock.

“What can’t you take any longer?” a mysterious voice said. Mary-Alice turned around and saw a man standing tall and wearing mostly dark clothing and only having red and teal for color on him. “I just can’t take any more of my family ignoring me just because I’m not as beautiful as a Beautifly like them! Instead I had to be a Dustox! I hate that they made me sing so much, but it wasn’t up to par with their expectations! Now they took my best friend and I’m alone…” Mary-Alice Sniffled and took off her glasses to wipe away the tears. The mysterious man pondered then smiled, “What if I told you that I could grant any wish that you desire?” Mary-Slice looked up at him then lowered her head. “Wishes… they’re not real…” 

“But what if they were? What would you wish for?” the man replied. Mary-Alice looked over to the opera house then up at the man. ”You know what I’d wish for!? I wish I was a beautiful creature who could sing both genders!” “A beautiful creature… that can sing both genders?” The man gave a gentle smile and reached a hand out to Mary-Alice, “Well then I, Mr. Dark, can grant that wish for you. But you must come with me to make your wish come true.” She pondered about this for a bit then slowly reached out and set her hand into Mr. Dark’s hand. She followed him all the way back to his circus. 

Mary-Alice looked around and was surprised to see so many different types of pokemon working at the circus. She couldn’t believe that so many people were happy and talking. A couple even said hello to her as she walked with Mr. Dark. Soon, they were by a strange looking carousel. 

“Now, here’s what I want you to do. Get onto the carousel, enjoy the ride, and then when it stops you must get off,” Mr. Dark said gently. Mary-Alice nodded her head and walked up to the carousel and climbed onto one of the pokemon, holding onto the pole tightly, but not with a tight grip. Once getting on, the fourteen year old Dustox closed her eyes and just enjoyed the ride and the feel of her hair bobbing slowly as it flowed in the air as it started to move. When the carousel stopped, she got off and noticed her clothing was a bit tighter and looked at herself. She was older, more mature looking. 

But that’s when she felt a strange tingle in her whole body. Clenching her body, she fell onto her knees and yelped a bit in pain. Her sides and legs hurt as she felt hard and painful tingling in them. Suddenly a sharp pain struck hard in her sides and felt something pushing onto the skin. She yelled as her skin begun to stretch while something was growing out of her sides and her back. Mary-Alice felt sick and growing weaker as she her back elongating and her skin pulled tighter and tighter on the rest of her body. Her clothing ripped fully off, she screamed in a low like tone in agony, and then she passed out after that. 

A few hours later, she came to and looked at herself in the mirror. She had four arms and her lower part was stretched and she had four legs. She was turned into a Scolipede. “I see you’re awake now,” Mr. Dark said standing by the doorway. ”What have you done to—“ before Mary-Alice could finish her sentence, she held her neck and looked at herself in the mirror, then continued to speak looking over at Mr. Dark, ”W-what have you… what have you done to me?” Mr. Dark smiled softly, ”What you had wished for. You wanted to be a ‘beautiful creature that can sing both genders’ if I’m not mistaken. So I did as what you wanted. Now you must remain with the circus. It’s part of the, how you would say, contract, I just gave you.” Mary-Alice sighed and accepted her fate. She didn’t mind the fact of joining the circus, it was the fact she never, nor would ever have the chance, to say goodbye to James. 

Over the past two years, Mary-Alice had taken the strange habit of smoking from a large pipe filled with different typed of herbal teas or even her own toxin. She sung and sometimes lured more customers to the circus with the different voice and pitches she manipulated and sung. Yet there was one thing she still regrets, saying goodbye to James. At night, she would sometimes look at an old photo of him and her when they first met. “I’ll always miss you… my best friend,” she whispered softly.


Singing opera’s or emotional songs
Smoking from her pipe
different types of herbal teas (Loves Rawst and Peacha berry tea the most.)
reading books (Still needs glasses to read but she doesn’t mind)
Cool weather (Mostly Spring and Fall seasons)
Ice cream (Soothing for the throat, same for tea.)
people who are kind and caring
Young children
playing the Violin (has one inside her chest in her room)

Sore throat from singing too much
Hot weather/Freezing weather
Rude people/jerks.
being in her Hometwon: Hearthome (Bad memories) 
Certain clothing not fitting her well. (Dresses mostly Stupid back armor scales XD)
lack of sleeping for mote that 8 hours (Too many nightmares, but the bags under her eyes aren’t noticeable, just the mood.)

Move set:

Toxic- inhales enough smog from her pipe and mixes it with her saliva then spits it at people. (Usually never does this unless if the person is vicious enough to try and attack innocent people, friends, or other circus members.) defensive move only
Rock Climb- useful for her four legs and climbing on walls. Can be useful for those that want to get away from loud crowds/hyper loving fans *shot*
Screech- knows the highest pitch ever and can use that to make people’s ears ring, possibly make them deaf if she crescendo’s high and loud enough. Defensive move
Poison Jab- Using two of her arms to hold the person’s wrists and then dips her other hands in her sphere pipe then jabs multiple times in different locations of the person’s body. Defensive move only (Usually never does this unless if the person is vicious enough to try and attack innocent people, friends, or other circus members.)


Other Info:
She’s six feet tall standing on all four legs, but almost eight feet three inches standing on her back legs.
Honestly, she has to STILL wear those glasses to practice her singing or write in a diary she keeps in the treasure chest. (Doesn’t mind of Mr. Dark reads it, most of the time what’s inside is what she did today or ideas of stories that could be good ways to tell while singing)
She’s got the talent to play the violin too (see history on how)
She does have a photo of James and her when they were still little kids and another photo of her family.
She has a pet named James, who is a Pumpkaboo
The Locket around her neck was given to her by James Garnet when the train stopped in Hearthome.  Inside it has a picture of James and Mary-Alice when they were younger. (it's under her clothing)
After the second warning from Famgilia Allegria, Mary-Alice has gained a scar on both sides of her upper armor around the face, a scar on her left cheek, and has the logo of Famgilia Allegria on her chest.  She also had lost her breasts due to severe cutting on the soft skin from scissors thanks to Jillian 'Snips' Concillo, one of the members of FA.

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Comments: 14

KingQuackin [2015-01-24 22:03:27 +0000 UTC]

Was glancing through your gallery and saw this gem of a character. Love her back story~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VanillatheNeko In reply to KingQuackin [2015-01-24 22:08:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh thanks! and (being a mod) I saw you're watching the group~  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingQuackin In reply to VanillatheNeko [2015-01-24 22:12:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh you're a mod fff //feels embarrassed now// :"D
Yes the group looks amazing and I really want to join it whenever it opens up again

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VanillatheNeko In reply to KingQuackin [2015-01-24 22:18:10 +0000 UTC]

I'm more of the accountant of the group. *so... many.... numbers and spread sheets* :'3

Well we have two ways of people possibly joining: Member Recommendations, and public openings.  You can make your character right now and put it in the favs folders we have so people can critique your app for the future! *gives thumbs up* good luck man!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingQuackin In reply to VanillatheNeko [2015-01-24 22:20:48 +0000 UTC]


Though Im not at 6 months yet on this account sadly :")
I will finish up his app though for future joining~ 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VanillatheNeko In reply to KingQuackin [2015-01-24 22:22:50 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry about that we're not planning another opening for months  

but yeah, if you ever need a critique I'll gladly help as much as I can~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingQuackin In reply to VanillatheNeko [2015-01-24 22:24:11 +0000 UTC]

Well that helps~ I just hope the pokemon Im using doesn't get taken OTL
I think I made him alright but yes critiques will be welcomed. Im going to draw him up right now actually. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ally-Ooops [2013-10-30 22:44:25 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that was a lot of reading. But Mary-Alice is an awesome character :3 I like her. And your design is really cool to >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VanillatheNeko In reply to Ally-Ooops [2013-10-30 22:48:23 +0000 UTC]

I wanred people about that XD

And thanks!  I was thinking Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.  And no one has done multi-limbs yet XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ally-Ooops In reply to VanillatheNeko [2013-10-30 22:57:37 +0000 UTC]

Yea, but a long story shows dedication and effort ^^ And yours was fun to read.

OHH. Clever indeed! One of the most interesting characters >w< 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VanillatheNeko In reply to Ally-Ooops [2013-10-30 22:59:06 +0000 UTC]


and I am a creative ladeh >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ally-Ooops In reply to VanillatheNeko [2013-10-30 23:02:44 +0000 UTC]

No problemo >w<

You seem so!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PlatinaStar [2013-10-10 10:58:00 +0000 UTC]

I hope you get in! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VanillatheNeko In reply to PlatinaStar [2013-10-10 19:31:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0