VegaSailor — Shichinintai-Let the Rain Fall

Published: 2006-08-02 18:52:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 4866; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 65
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Description As they lay in wait for their time to be beheaded, one can only wonder what the Shichinintai were thinking in their final moments.


I have really gotten to like the Shichinintai after writing chapter 14 of my fic "Project IY14". Plus I'm traking a course about opera, which is making me want to infuse my stories with it. Personally I think the Shichinintai would be a great plot for an opera, it's so larger than life and dramatic like opera. All of the lyrics I have put in the story are from operas, except one.

I hope you like it.

~* Let the Rain Fall *~

“When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast.
When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create
No trouble, no trouble in thy breast.
Remember me, remember me, but ah!
Forget my fate.
Remember me, but ah!
Forget my fate...”

~ ”Dido’s Lament” (From the opera “Dido and Aeneas” by Purcell)

It was raining.

How ironic. Most of the best things in his life occurred on rainy days. He had learned his ultimate attack in the rain, he had met Jakotsu on a particularly rainy day, and he was even born on a rainy night. How ironic that the day he was going to have his head severed from his body, it was pouring.

They dragged Bankotsu to two heavy wooden poles and bound his body between them. He glanced over at the beheaded bodies of Ginkotsu and Kyukotsu as the soldiers made sure the bonds were tight enough

“Bankotsu!” The lord of the region where they had been trapped and captured, addressed him in tones of anger dripping with pride. “You and your band of seven have been sentenced to death for the atrocities you have committed in this region.”

“Funny, you didn’t execute us for the same atrocities we committed in the eastern lands under your payment and direction,” Bankotsu drawled, now that he knew he was going to lose, there was nothing else of importance he had to worry about losing. Of course he did not want to die, but he sure as hell wasn’t going let his captors see even the slightest gulp of fear slide down his throat.

For his comment he received a sharp blow to the face from one of the guards. He could feel the blood begin to pool in his mouth and begin to drip out the sides.

“So what are you waiting for?” Bankotsu spat, letting the blood drip from his mouth as if it were nothing. “Cut off my head and let’s be done with it before we all get water logged.”

“This death is more than you deserve for all the pain and suffering you and your despicable band have wreaked,” shouted the lord of the region.

“Oh are you going to stretch me upon these poles?” Bankotsu drawled in a bored tone of voice.

“No.” The lord turned to one of his men. “Bring the first one out!”

Bankotsu’s eyes widened a little as he realized what they were going to do.


“When the damned are cast away,
and consigned to the searing flames,
call me to be with the blessed.

Bowed down in supplication I beg you,
my heart as though ground to ashes,
help me in my last hour.

~ “Confutatis” ( from Requiem, by Mozart)

Renkotsu automatically looked up when he heard the screams of Mukotsu before the “shink” of a blade cutting through his flesh before hitting the ground. Not that he could see much through the grate in the ceiling of his cell.

He quickly figured out that these underground cells had been built specifically for them, for as they were brought into the fortress he counted exactly seven of them ready and waiting to swallow their prisoners.

A rather large drop of rain dripped down through the grate and landed in his eye. He growled as he blinked several times to remove the foreign liquid from his eyes. As his hands were bound behind his back he could not rub the water out and it irritated him.

Gods in heaven, he hated rain! Baths, hot springs, lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, even snow he could tolerate, but not the falling wetness of rain. It seemed fitting that he should die in the weather he loathed.

He had thought about smashing his skull against the stone to not give his captors the pleasure of keeping his head as a prize. But then he had heard Bankotsu being brought up to the surface to witness the execution of each one of them, and decided against it. He had a few final words to say to his captors and his one time leader.


Bankotsu was clenching his fists so hard his nails began to pierce the skin of his palm, as they dragged Mukotsu’s now headless body away.

So this was their plan…

He was to watch as they murdered each of his remaining “brothers” in front of him. He had to give credit to the lord of the region, the man a pretty good mean streak.

Bankotsu raised his head when he heard Renkotsu’s voice shouting expletives and curses at the guards as they brought him out.

As to be expected the second in command was putting up a defiant struggle against his captors. Not so much that he had any hope of escape, but to make a point that he was not one to be so easily killed.

The daimyo read out Renkotsu’s crimes as he was presented before Bankotsu.

“Do you have any last words?” the daimyo spat.

“Yes.” Renkotsu’s eyes flitted over the daimyo then back to Bankotsu. “Why couldn’t you have just listened to me?! I told you we shouldn’t have come back here! Now we’re DEAD! Dead, Bankotsu!”

“You’re right, for what it’s worth now, and I was wrong. I’m sorry.” Bankotsu said firmly, looking his second in command straight in the eye.

Surprisingly Renkotsu smirked. “I just wanted to hear you admit it before I died. See you in hell, Ban.”

As they forced Renkotsu to his knees, he let out the tirade he had been saving for especially for them.

“Hell’s revenge burns in my heart! Destroyed may you be forever!” Renkotsu snarled to the daimyo.

Then the blade came down and silenced him.


“Let me weep over my cruel fate
And that I long for freedom!
And that I long, and that I long for freedom!
Let me weep over my cruel fate
And that I long for freedom!”
~ “Lascia ch'io pianga” (from Rinaldo by Handel)

“You are not only a monster but a coward as well! And you leave me to suffer the punishment for them.”

So you do have strength after all. How unfortunate that you did not discover it until now, you might even have been able to stand a chance against me, and reclaiming our body.

“Very well you monster. But be sure I will not give you the satisfaction of going out in a defiant blaze of glory which I am sure you would love.”

What?! You are simply going to lie down and let them cut your head off?

“Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do. I deserve to die after I failed so miserably to stop you from hurting all of those people! Now get out of my mind!”

You can’t…

“Get out!”



Suikotsu’s eyes snapped open. Despite having his hands bound tightly behind his back he was able to raise himself, from lying on his side on the floor, to his knees.

He looked up at the cloudy sky through the iron grate in the ceiling. It was raining. He liked the rain. The pure waters from the heavens seemed to be the only thing that could cleanse his hands, body and soul from the blood stains that soiled them.

The rain drops touched his face like so many comforting hands and for the first time in a long time his mind felt clear and open.

For the first time in a long time he felt free…


Again Bankotsu was glad it was raining. The water was mingling with Renkotsu’s blood on his face, slowly washing it away.

Who was next?

Only two left…Suikotsu…and…

Bankotsu was snapped out of his thoughts when they brought out the blue clad doctor. His eyes widen a little as he noticed the changes on this brethren. Bankotsu had expected Suikotsu to be defiant and fight the guards like Renkotsu had, but the claw-bearer did not. His hair no longer stood up on end but now hung loosely around his shoulders, and his face was completely devoid of emotion.

Bankotsu lowered his head as Suikotsu was presented to him, and said lowly. “I’m sorry Suikotsu…”

Surprisingly Suikotsu answered him in a monotone expression, “I am not the ‘Suikotsu’ you should apologize to. He is gone, and I am left. I saw nothing, I know nothing. All I long for is freedom.”

Bankotsu swallowed hard as they forced the innocent man to his knees.

The executioner raised the sword. At that moment, emotionless mask on Suikotsu’s face broke and left the ultimate expression of anger, fear and most of all sorrow…

“Heavens forgive me for my madness!” Suikotsu cried out, and the blade came down.


“It was dark, and my blushing couldn’t be seen-
‘What a frozen little hand…let me warm it for you…’
It was dark, and you held my hand…”
~ “Sono andati? Fingevo di dormire” (from La Boheme by Puccini)

“Bankotsu…” Jakotsu whispered out into the darkness through trembling lips. “Where are you…?”

Jakotsu closed his eyes and reached out his hand into the darkness. He felt someone take it.

“There you are.” Jakotsu smiled and looked at Bankotsu. “I heard Renkotsu yelling at you. I thought you wouldn’t come.”

Bankotsu did not say anything, but just smiled and nodded.

“You know I’m really afraid. I wonder what it’s going to be like, to be killed.” Jakotsu sighed sadly and rested against the wall. “ I’ve killed so many people, but I never really thought about what it would be like to be killed. I’m sorry, I should not be afraid. I should be fearless in the face a of death, like a member of the Shichinintai should be. I’m just glad you are here with me.”

Jakotsu paused then leaned forward to kiss his beloved leader.

“Heavens forgive me for my madness!”

Jakotsu opened his eyes. Bankotsu was gone. Suikotsu was dead, and now they were coming for him…

“Bankotsu?” Jakotsu looked around, but his leader was nowhere to be seen. “Bankotsu! BANKOTSU!!”

But all he could hear was the sprinkle of the tears from the sky upon his shivering form.


Bankotsu’s eyes snapped open. For a moment he thought he heard Jakotsu calling his name. He was still a bit shaken by Suikotsu’s words.

One left…Jakotsu…

No sooner had he thought this, then guards came out dragging Jakotsu by his hair, all the while he was struggling to get free from their grip. They practically threw him to the ground at Bankotsu.

“Bankotsu.” Jakotsu looked up at his idol with fear and sorrow in his eyes, then suddenly he smiled.

Jakotsu quickly struggled to his feet and ran to Bankotsu, capturing his lips with his own. They shared a final kiss with all the passion and fever the both of them had been keeping pent up for all of those years they refused to acknowledge in their minds, what their hearts already knew. Bankotsu desperately tried to free his bound arms so he could wrap them around his beloved and hold him forever.

But as quickly as they had come together and acknowledged their deepest yearning, they were ripped apart.

The guards pulled Jakotsu back and forced him to his knees.

“No! Leave him alone!” Bankotsu screamed with every breath his lungs would give. “It’s not his fault! I manipulated him into this! Let him go!”

His desperate pleas fell on deaf ears. They took Jakotsu’s long silken hair and sliced it from his head so it would not interfere with the executioner’s blade.

“It’s okay.” Jakotsu whispered, as his head was bent forward, exposing his neck. “It was dark, and you held my hand. I am not afraid.”

And the sword fell.


“You are dead, my life, and I am still breathing?
You have departed from me,
Never to return, and I remain…?”

Suddenly Bankotsu became aware that it was no longer raining, the chill in the air had turned it to snow. He watched the pieces of purity fall to the ground coating Jakotsu’s body in a blanket of innocence.

He felt numb, not from the cold, even that would be feeling something. He felt nothing at all. His mind couldn’t take the shock of seeing the one person he cared about most in the world suddenly dismembered in front of his eyes, and he helpless to do anything.

He closed his eyes, unable to bear seeing Jakotsu’s headless form a second longer. Suddenly he was aware the warmth of his face from Jakotsu’s blood, and the tingling on his lips where Jakotsu had kissed him. He imagined Jakotsu’s warm hands on his face.


His heart beat quickened, he felt rage begin to boil his blood. How dare they take Jakotsu from him! How dare they slaughter his brethren before his eyes!

” No! No! If my verses have any power
I shall go down surely to the deepest abyss of Hell,
and, having softened the heart of the King of Shadows,
I will return with you…”

Bankotsu roared at them with curses as they approached at last to take his own head.

“I will be the fire which never dies burning you forever!” He screamed as they grabbed his braid and sliced it from his head.

…Your hair is so pretty Oo-aniki…

The executioner raised the blade.

“We will come back and have your heads!”

And the blade was brought down.


”…Or if pitiless fate denies me this
I will remain with you in the company of death
Farewell Earth
Farewell Sky
Farewell Sun


~ “Tu Se Morta” (from L’Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi)
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Comments: 71

Lekitzul [2011-06-26 13:33:24 +0000 UTC]

I dont know whats better, the picture or the story. Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Runningstream [2009-04-23 11:00:00 +0000 UTC]

Awesome story!^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mare-Of-The-Sea [2009-01-05 04:46:35 +0000 UTC]

I remember reading this a long time ago, back when I didn't like the Shichinintai that much and before I even thought of having a DA account. This fanfiction was the sole reason I became fond of the Shichinintai and inspired me to work on a fanfiction I'm currently working on and revising.

My version of the Shichinintai's death is a bit different then this one, but your's is nice to read.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EmeraldAlyce [2008-07-26 20:55:23 +0000 UTC]

I love it and I been searching forever to find something like what you wrote!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Hitekotsu [2008-03-22 20:47:31 +0000 UTC]

nooooooo! renkotsu is my favoraaaaaateeee!!!!!!!......oh well, at least he comes back....nooooooooo! he dies again!!!!!!!!!!

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DarianeHitwari [2007-10-25 02:08:35 +0000 UTC]

That seems accrurate enough to what they may have been thinking. Which did give me an idea for my story. ^^ In my own, it won't happen like this but possibly a little bit similar.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Harmony21210 [2007-09-30 17:33:26 +0000 UTC]

I LOVE the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so sad!!!!!!!That should have been in the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ensatsu-Kokuryu [2007-06-28 14:20:50 +0000 UTC]

Both the story and the image are beautiful and complement each other well. The picture in particular really captures the emotion of the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SepherothsXLover [2006-12-23 04:57:03 +0000 UTC]

Wow. How do you know what to write for the picture? Awesome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to SepherothsXLover [2006-12-23 19:57:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Well the story and the picture sort of inspired each other. :Aww:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Metal-Assassin [2006-08-30 03:39:01 +0000 UTC]

i love the whole idea of this pic! there r simply no words to discribe this beautiful pic! u captured it perfectly! i love it! great job!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to Metal-Assassin [2006-08-30 17:01:34 +0000 UTC]

Awww! Thank you so much! I worked very hard on capturing the emotion in the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Urd-chan [2006-08-16 20:25:24 +0000 UTC]

Love the art and the story with it. Of course, this is the ONE yaoi pairing from Inuyasha I am totally addicted to.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to Urd-chan [2006-08-17 05:08:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!

Yes! Ban and Jak are a fun pairing to play with. Though one pairing that has resulted in some very funny ideas is Renkotsu/Suikotsu. Now don't get me wrong I still love Suikotsu/Kikyou. Ren and Sui are two lonely people they just sort of drifted together, because they understand where the other is coming from. One's a pyromaniac and the other has multiple personality disorder.

Sui: I have so many mental isssues

Ren: ZOMG! Me too!!

Sui&Ren: *HUG*

and yeah....

I'm so glad you like the story, I got several more Shichinintai things planned.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CannibalNarcissistic [2006-08-12 20:39:55 +0000 UTC]

THAT WAS SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!! But I LOVE IT!!!! LOVE the PIC TO!!! Great job!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to CannibalNarcissistic [2006-08-13 14:43:38 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww! Thank you so Much!! You are very kind!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

inuzrule [2006-08-07 14:54:36 +0000 UTC]

...I can't think of anything to say which would express all that I have felt about this piece. I can't even express my words with emoticons. I felt so touched reading this, that any sort of praise I might have to offer would defile my meaning. However, I must agree with all the other commentors, and all they have expressed to you. I feel sad, yet I feel uplifted.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to inuzrule [2006-08-11 08:19:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, you honor by this comment. I am very glad that I was able to convey all of the emotions I wanted. Sad but uplifting is the perfect way to describe this story and describe what I was going for in it.

Again, Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MissMicike [2006-08-05 13:03:08 +0000 UTC]

I'm going to cry...

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VegaSailor In reply to MissMicike [2006-08-06 12:03:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh dear....was it that bad?

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MissMicike In reply to VegaSailor [2006-08-06 15:11:54 +0000 UTC]

I loooved it To the deepest corner of my heart! But I can't help it, after reading about their death, or seeing the anime again... I can't bear seeing them dying again, and again!
*cough* By the way, I'm into normal again, so I'm going to tell you how I liked the imagination (if it was an imagination in fact) Jakotsu had with Bankotsu. And Suikotsu's multiple personality, the arguement. And, and Renkotsu's final words!
When Bankotsu said his final words I was really scared, I felt like he is going to kill me too *shivers*
By the way I've always imagined thjeir death this way, Bankotsu being the last one ^^
Thank you for sharing!
(I printed this and I'm keeping it beside my bed, if you don't mind) (Sorry for being an obsessed freak... )
And sorry for the long ocmment

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to MissMicike [2006-08-06 22:51:15 +0000 UTC]

Please, please, no apologies! I'm very honored you liked my story so much, and I LOVE long comments. It really makes me happy when people point out specific things they liked in my stories!

Yeah, the scene between Ban and Jak in the prison was all in Jak's mind, Ban was watching Suikotsu's execution at the same time.

I saw both Ban and Ren making great revenge curses.

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LynnSilverfist [2006-08-03 19:33:06 +0000 UTC]


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VegaSailor In reply to LynnSilverfist [2006-08-04 01:29:41 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Empatheia [2006-08-03 19:30:43 +0000 UTC]



Did you know that this piece is your best by at least 247%? It's in a league of its own. I almost didn't recognize it as you, but then it clicked. This is your real talent. I knew you had it in you. *love*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to Empatheia [2006-08-04 00:29:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

That means a lot coming from you. My writing seems to be better when I do short scenes, I think these long, multi-chapter epics like IY14 stretch my brain out too much. Also this one-shot was really emotionally charged so I could really just go and pour stuff out on the page, plus I think I was really inpired by all the opera segments I listened to, particularly "Tu Se' Morta" and "Dido's Lament".

I'll do my best to try and produce more high quality stuff like this. *goes to listen to some opera*

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Linkatrix [2006-08-03 16:39:14 +0000 UTC]

luv it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to Linkatrix [2006-08-06 12:07:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linkatrix In reply to VegaSailor [2006-08-06 17:49:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sehwabutterfly [2006-08-03 06:01:28 +0000 UTC]

I'm crying. This has brought tears to my eyes. I absolutely love it. Your unique ideas and awesome illustrations never cease to amaze me. You are so awesome. I'm your fangirl for life.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to sehwabutterfly [2006-08-06 11:52:51 +0000 UTC]

Awww. You do me much honor in saying that.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, I've really enjoyed getting to know the Shichinintai, so I'm sure your will be seeing a lot more stuff about them coming from me.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

InuYashaSesshomaru [2006-08-03 02:22:27 +0000 UTC]


I like the pic... great job with the emotion, but I loved the story more.

In my opinion, I would think that with their murdering ways, the Schinintai would not be capable of love. But, maybe they could love one another. So, maybe you've stumbled on something. Great, GREAT job....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to InuYashaSesshomaru [2006-08-03 05:18:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Oh yes the story is the better media, all I wanted to do was make a picture to capture a tiny bit of the emotion from the story, and to practice rain effects.

Yeah, obviously the Shichinintai were a very effective group of killers. To be an efective group there must be great loyalty, and most likely love among its members.

Thank you so much for the lovely comment!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

InuYashaSesshomaru In reply to VegaSailor [2006-08-03 08:00:56 +0000 UTC]

NO problem! I love your writing, it's so different from other people's writing. One day, perhaps, I'll be able to come up with a more original story a la fan fic. Just keep up the great stories!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to InuYashaSesshomaru [2006-08-06 11:56:07 +0000 UTC]

You are very kind.

I get a lot of my fanfic inspirations from movies and books. "Project IY14" was inspired by the movie Alien: Ressurrection, and "Let the Rain Fall" was inspired by the opera segments I listened to for my class.

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InuYashaSesshomaru In reply to VegaSailor [2006-08-09 00:48:30 +0000 UTC]

Really? That's weird.. I just saw Resurrection the other day... o_O I like some sci-fi, especially if it's horror, like Event Horizon. That movie still scares the bejesus out of me. But I don't really watch stuff like Star Trek. But I did love Star Wars! XD

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Caitriona695 [2006-08-02 23:41:14 +0000 UTC]

I forgot to mention that I absolutely loved the picture you drew. I'll fav it for that alone!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to Caitriona695 [2006-08-03 01:15:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I worked really hard on it!

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Caitriona695 [2006-08-02 23:39:57 +0000 UTC]

WOW! This was a powerful piece and I really liked it a lot. I love how you gave each member's feelings about not only the rain but also about Bankotsu. (but more the rain than ban)
I love Jakotsu and his death, especially after that final kiss made me a little sad. Bank's curse at the end was funny in a way - because I knew that he did come back and destroyed their settlement.

Although it is snow not rain, this deviation [link] immediately came to mind as I was reading this.

Thanks for sharing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to Caitriona695 [2006-08-03 01:09:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! Yeah I think Jak's death is my favorite bit too, it just flowed from my brain effortlessly.

The rain and snow and the opera lyrics bound everything together, a common subject that each of the characters related to in their own way. Ren found it an annoyance, Sui thought it was a blessing, and Jak was more focused on his love/fantasy of Ban that he didn't notice the rain.

I know, remember it started snowing after Jak's death. So it was snowing when Ban was killed. weather can change on a dime. It happens all the time in Seattle in winter. It'll be raining one minute, snowing the next, then go back to rain again. The rain was sort of a metaphoric meaning for each member. Snow is white the color of purity, when Jakotsu finally expressed the depths of his love, that was something pure, and so the snow came.

BTW, that picture you gave me the link to so beautiful, that is just how I pictured Ban's death too, with the snow falling.

Thank you so much for your wonderful review!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wynterstoops [2006-08-02 23:34:00 +0000 UTC]

It makes me sad but I do believe this is one of your best pieces yet. The prose was excellent...

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Wynterstoops In reply to Wynterstoops [2006-08-04 00:54:27 +0000 UTC]

You is welcome!!!!

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VegaSailor In reply to Wynterstoops [2006-08-03 01:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Aww! Thank you very much!

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kirayasha [2006-08-02 23:31:29 +0000 UTC]

Beautifully done! Not only do I love this story, but this is a beautiful pic to go with it! You did a great job on the kiss! (I find them to be hard to draw!)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VegaSailor In reply to kirayasha [2006-08-03 01:12:03 +0000 UTC]

Kisses are very hard to draw, I'm lucky I got this one right....

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kirayasha In reply to VegaSailor [2006-08-03 01:36:33 +0000 UTC]

I know!! And you did awesome here!

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VegaSailor In reply to kirayasha [2006-08-03 05:37:44 +0000 UTC]

Awww! Thanks!

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kirayasha In reply to VegaSailor [2006-08-03 20:56:14 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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Ghanie [2006-08-02 22:22:17 +0000 UTC]

Very dramatique, nicely done

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VegaSailor In reply to Ghanie [2006-08-02 23:09:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

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