Verjungte-Vollerei — 1 Hungry Wolf, 3 Tasty Pigs [NSFW]
Published: 2012-05-30 00:31:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 12590; Favourites: 57; Downloads: 12
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Description We begin our story with a mild mannered Wolf walking down the street. He is standing approximately 5 foot 6 inches tall. As he walks we can tell that he has a mostly slender build, with an obvious hint that he loves his food showing around middle. He is wearing a pair of slightly baggy blue Levi's, along with a hoodie that is a loose fit, except around his belly.

Like any good Wolf, he has an appetite for meat. Sometimes even meat which is still walking around and talking. The Wolf came across his favorite record store, and walked inside. He found that there were three hefty anthropomorphic pig people at different sections of the store oblivious to all else. They all varied in plumpness, but smelled of delicious treats, and half the Wolf's height.

As the Wolf walked through, he began to browse, taking note immediately of the three pigs. The Wolf's plump belly let out a small growl of hunger that was brought on by the tasty looking pigs. He ignored it for now, only wanting to get the new album of his favorite band.

One of the plump pigs, whose belly positively looked pregnant approached the wolf, his eyes looking tired and bedraggled. "Hey, man? Ya lookin' for... what's it... something new on the market?" he asked. Clearly he was looking to try to bother the Wolf for money.

"No, I know what I'm looking for, I just thought I would browse a bit, really," he replied, but as soon as he finished the sentence, his protruding gut let out an even louder growl that even the Pig should have heard. The Wolf turned around and went to the new releases and grabbed the album he was looking for, before going in another direction where there weren't any tasty smelling 'treats'.

But the Pig kept pestering him a bit. "Wow, you must be hungry, man... Say... You got anything to eat on you? I bet you have like... Candy or something?" the Pig would only continue to get on the Wolf's nerves. The Pigs' plump belly even poking out of his shirt a bit as he continued to follow, his clothes obviously over washed and too small for him.

"Uh, no. Actually I was going to ask if you had anything..." the Wolf replied. He turned around to face the Pig. Not paying attention the Pigs' nose was planted firmly into the Wolf's belly button. The Pig heard the unmistakeable sound of a stomach that is needing nourishment.

"Sorry about--that," said the Pig, whose nose was still inside the Wolf's deep innie. The Wolf simply looked on; an undeniable gaze of hunger upon his face, his muzzle slightly parted with his tongue out like he was licking his lips.

"I--uh--I'll be goin' over here..." said the Pig, as he turned and tried to leave the hungry Wolf's presence, but the Wolf placed a strong gripping paw on the Pigs' shoulder. "Na, that's okay... Let's find something to eat—together..." replied the Wolf, as he guided the Pig to a secluded area out of sight in the record store.

"Oh, cool man, I'm famished!" exclaimed the Pig.  "Ha-ha, so am I," replied the Wolf. As the duo arrived at the spot, the Wolf looked around to make sure no one could see and that there weren't any security cameras. Meanwhile the Pig was looking on the shelves at albums, commenting, "I don't think there's food back 'ere."

"Oh, there is," replied the Wolf, as he placed both strong paws on either side of the Pig and lifted. He opened his salivating maw, tongue lolling out and placed the Pig head first inside.

The Pig, startled by the situation, let out a very swinish squeal that was quickly muffled by the Wolf's muzzle. As the Wolf worked on swallowing, his keen hearing alerted him that others in the store might have heard the Pigs' squeal, as heavy foot-stomps were moving towards him. He heard the second Pig commenting to no one in particular, "Whats little bro doin' now?"

The Wolf made quick work of the first Pig, who was quite a filling snack. Just as the second pig turned the corner, the Wolf had sucked down the curly tailed rump along with his hind legs before he was able to see anything. The second Pig stopped in his tracks, looking the wolf up and down, noticing the distinct fact that the Wolfs belly stuck out a great deal more than it had when he entered the store. The Wolf smiled, looking as though nothing were wrong, and gave his belly a pat.

"Sorry man, just noticed that my shirt wasn't covering me up..." The Wolf pulled down the now exceptionally tight shirt.

"No problem... Say, Uh, did you hear a squeal-like noise by chance?" asked the second Pig. He looked around for evidence of his brother being around, but was only greeted with a large gurgling and oddly squealing wolf-belly.

"No, I don't think it came from ov--BUURP--er here... 'xcuse me..." the Wolf replied, as he eyed the new walking morsel that had deposited itself so close to his reach. The Wolf turned around to grab his album off the floor but had some trouble bending because of his bloated stomach.

"Here, let me get that for ya..." said the Pig as he bent over, giving the Wolf a tasty view of his chops. He straightened up, and pulled his shirt back over his plump pink belly before handing the album to the Wolf.

"You haven't seen my brother around here, have you?" asked the Pig, staring at the Wolf's gut, realizing that it was wiggling a bit.

"No, he wanted to follow me for food or something, but went off on his own saying something about checking in back..." replied the Wolf, knowing the shopkeeper is the only employee there today.

"Why--I hope he's not eating their candy stock," the Pig said as he turned and headed for the storeroom door. As he turned he swore he heard a piggish squeal from inside something...

"Sorry, I've got a bit of indigestion. Hey, let me help ya look for him... I gotta walk around a bit to work some of this off," said the Wolf, patting his protruding belly.

"Awesome, I'm sure we'll find him quicker with another set of eyes," said the Pig. Without a second thought the slightly larger Pig-brother led the way through the door and began calling for his brother; meanwhile the wolf was keeping a strangely hungry looking gaze on the Pig, calling out along with him every so often as to not arouse suspicion. As soon as the Pig was off toward the back of the storeroom, the Wolf went back to the door and locked it. He wanted to be sure that the Pig couldn't escape if he had trouble getting a hold of him.

Unknown to the Wolf, as they entered the back room the third Pig was watching his brother and the Wolf enter the back room which piqued is curiosity. The quite rotund pig, probably the largest of the three brothers, waddled his way from the front of the store to the store room.

Inside, the second brother made it back to where the candy was and saw that everything was still intact, nothing had been opened. The Wolf was following close behind, the whole time his belly letting out more gurgles and squeals, and wiggling lot more too.

"I thought you said he was back here," said the Pig as he came to a stop. He turned around and faced the Wolf who looked like he was searching in containers. He heard the faint sound of squealing again, but couldn't pinpoint its source. "I hope he didn't get stuck somewhere," he said walking in the direction of the Wolf but passing him going to the other side of the storeroom.

"It sounded like it was coming from over there," the Wolf pointed a paw, while rubbing his belly with the other.

"That's what I thought," said the Pig, walking in that direction. As the Pig was waddling to where he thought his brother was, the Wolf began following as quietly as he could. Luckily the second Pig kept yelling for his brother, covering up the definite piggish squeals coming from the Wolf's belly. The Pig suddenly stopped, hearing what sounded like his brother, and a deep growl that turned into a gurgle coming from behind him. He turned, coming face to face with the Wolf. The Pig let out a shrill scream only frightened pigs do and was forced backwards into a shelf.

"Please man, you don't want to do this!" he shouted, scared that wolf was going to kill him. "I'm not even that tasty. I eat gross junk food, and stuff..." he added, hoping it would put off the Wolf.

"Not gonna happen, you plump morsel... Ha-ha, you think I got this body by watching what I eat?" asked the Wolf, as he slapped the globular mass in front of him. He moved in closer to the pig, "Na... I eat junk food too."

Licking his lips, the Wolf lunged toward the Pig, almost too slow to catch the surprisingly quick porcine, grabbing him by his hind legs. The Pig was squealing and pleading so much at this point, the only thing the Wolf could go to get some piece and quiet was to eat the Pig. The Wolf opened his drooling maw and placed half the Pig inside and closed it... The squealing immediately became more of a muffled shout, as the Pig was fearing for the worse. The Wolf began to slowly slurp, acting like the Pig was a noodle. With most of the Pig inside his mouth and throat, the butter ball Pig started flailing his legs, hoping the it would cause the Wolf some distress.

Unfortunately for the Pig, it helped the Wolf gulp faster, as it was wedging the more plump belly of the Pig past the Wolf's lips and down his throat. As the Wolf continues slurping the Pig is frozen with fear, knowing that it's all coming to an end. He slips down the Wolf's gullet and Into the cavernous stomach, plopping down next to his brother with a grunt. On the outside, the bulge of the Pig slowly moved from the wolf's throat into his already sizable belly, making his shirt ride up past his belly button.

His gut suddenly looking as though he had cleaned out a buffet by himself in one sitting; or somehow conceived a horse, and he was about to give birth. The wolf grabbed the tight shirt and pulled it down over the wiggling mass, feeling the two Pig brothers begin fighting with each other. Unfortunately the Wolf wasn't able to get the shirt past his belly button, which looked like it wasn't sure if it wanted to be an innie or an outie at this point. The Wolf looked around, making sure no one was around, due to the large ruckus the Pig made. Fortunately there didn't seem to be anyone back here, and as he waddled to the door to the storeroom, he noticed it was still locked.

"Burrraaap!" the Wolf rubbed the underside of his exposed belly. With his free paw, he grabbed the handle to the door, opened it and maneuvered his bulk through the door.  As he was just about through, he felt some resistance, and noticed that his belly hadn't cleared the door frame. He wiggled some then popped loose, and bumped into something soft. Immediately after he heard a crash, as a display of CDs went all over. The Wolf looked forward after closing the door, and saw the third Pig brother, flat on his back, belly sticking roundly into the air like some sort of beach ball full of firm jello trying to defy gravity.

"Oh, sorry little guy, let me help you up," said the Wolf as he moved over to the capsized Pig.

"N-n-no, t-that's okay," replied the Pig, quickly turning to his side, attempting to put himself back up. The Wolfs predatory instincts kicked in suddenly, and before the Pig could react the Wolf grabbed him, covering the Pigs mouth with a heavy paw muffling any squeals or cries the Pig would make. As the Wolf moved the Pig closer, he noticed that this one seemed to weigh quite a bit more than the other two. The Wolf quickly opened his muzzle and shoved the round Pig into it, making sure the Pig didn't make a squeak, and proceeded to swallow him whole.

Off in the distance though, the shopkeeper heard the commotion of merchandise falling on the ground, and immediately moved to find out what had caused the chaos. The Wolfs ears immediately picked up the almost silent padding of rabbit feet coming in his direction. The Wolf put his paws on the third Pigs hips and pushed him down further, forcing the very round gut to squish inwards to fit into the Wolfs barely wide enough opening. The Wolf was afraid that he would get caught if he didn't hurry, so he looked upward and tried opening his throat more. Almost instantly the Pig slid past, speeding to the Wolfs overly inflated stomach, causing it to grow considerably.

Just as the shopkeeper turned the corner, the Wolf had the last Pig completely inside, and was already trying to pick up the scattered CD's.

"Whoa... Uh hi..." said the rabbit shopkeeper, noticing the giant globe of belly that very audibly was squealing and gurgling with what seemed like digestion.

"H- uuuuuurrp- i... Excuse me..." said the Wolf, covering his mouth with a free paw as one as occupied trying to lower an extremely undersized shirt.

"That's okay..." he said, finally taking his eyes off the planet that was attached to the Wolf, and gazing at the merchandise on the floor. "What happened here?" he asked, looking back up at the Wolf, immediately noticing a violent wiggle come from the Wolf's belly.

"Oof, uh, a Pig was just over here, accidentally bumped into this display, and waddled off quickly... Not sure which way he went," said the Wolf, attempting best he could to help the shopkeeper pick up the CD's and find his. As soon as they were done the shopkeeper went back to the front with the Wolf slowly waddling behind. The Wolf placed his album on he counter after he arrived.

"Will that... Be all?" asked the rabbit, pausing only because he Wolfs belly button popped outwards after a large squeal and wiggle came from inside.

"Yeah, heh, nothing else for me," replied the wolf, paying for the CD. He waked to the entrance with his purchase and opened the door. He began walking through the door frame but got stuck halfway through. "Oh boy," the Wolf said out loud, and started moving side to side. As he was doing this, his belly was making squealing noises, as he tousled the new residents of his globular belly. Once through the door he waddled home, only getting a few stares on his way...
Comments: 15

Seattle-Fox [2015-02-14 16:23:59 +0000 UTC]

Good story. This is a good plot at the music store.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HunterWolfTraveler [2012-06-12 03:13:55 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, not bad, not bad at all. You're off to a good start, methinks.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Verjungte-Vollerei In reply to HunterWolfTraveler [2012-06-13 19:16:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Trying to decide what I should write next.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HunterWolfTraveler In reply to Verjungte-Vollerei [2012-06-13 21:22:28 +0000 UTC]

Any ideas you were playing with?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Verjungte-Vollerei In reply to HunterWolfTraveler [2012-06-14 15:28:30 +0000 UTC]

I have a lot of scenarios playing through my head, but they're proving a bit difficult to render into words. I mean, I have a few ideas in how they expand. Such as inflation, weight gain, and mpreg. Those three are my main interests... But I am not sure of a plot...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HunterWolfTraveler In reply to Verjungte-Vollerei [2012-06-14 15:30:38 +0000 UTC]

If I may offer a suggestion (feel free to ignore it, by the way.)?

Maybe have that same wolf character at a buffet, where he stuffs himself to the gills with meat? Just an idea.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Verjungte-Vollerei In reply to HunterWolfTraveler [2012-06-14 15:46:09 +0000 UTC]

That seems like an idea. I'll see what I can put together.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HunterWolfTraveler In reply to Verjungte-Vollerei [2012-06-15 03:18:21 +0000 UTC]

Ya need any help, drop me a line.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

animatedfantasy [2012-06-09 20:56:07 +0000 UTC]

Not bad. I like the re imagining of the tale.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Verjungte-Vollerei In reply to animatedfantasy [2012-06-11 15:01:58 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Anything you think I could have done better on?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

animatedfantasy In reply to Verjungte-Vollerei [2012-06-12 00:11:06 +0000 UTC]

Other then have him pig out even more? XD Um maybe a bit more belly description in my opinion. But I think you did great for your first story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Verjungte-Vollerei In reply to animatedfantasy [2012-06-13 19:25:34 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking the same thing after I posted it. Thanks though! Now to figure out wha to write next.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

animatedfantasy In reply to Verjungte-Vollerei [2012-06-13 20:06:02 +0000 UTC]

Alright good luck. I'll be watching.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FasterChrissykins [2012-05-30 07:08:56 +0000 UTC]

Its rather good from your first attempt :3 And well cleaned up from the last copy I have seen. well done!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Verjungte-Vollerei In reply to FasterChrissykins [2012-05-30 14:22:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm working on more stories too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0