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Individuals may take classes that are at their level or below.
PR stands for "Prerequisite," meaning the student must have completed and passed the listed class(es).
How are classes chosen?
We will comment on your student's application with a link to the sign up page when a new term begins. If you are just joining the group, you can list your classes on your student's app and they will be recorded.
What is an assignment and how do I get it?
Assignments are posted by the teachers in the assignments journal at the beginning of a term (sometime during January, then during April, then during July, and then October). The students taking that class are listed under the class, and you turn in your assignment by submitting it to the group, then posting it onto the professor's journal with the name of the student and the class. The teacher will update the assignment list to show you finished your assignment. Grades are assigned at the end of the term, before the new term is posted.
How are assignments graded?
Each assignment is graded on a 0-5 scale.
0: The assignment was not turned in
1: The assignment is way below average. For writing it's probably around 100 words, or has a lot of spelling and grammar errors. For art, it's probably a sloppily done sketch or sketchy lineart.
2: The assignment is below average. For writing it's probably around 300 words, or has a lot of spelling and grammar errors. For art, maybe it's a sloppily made lineart with sloppy coloring, or a complex but still sketchy piece.
3: The assignment is about average. For writing it's probably around 500 words, maybe a spelling or grammar error here or there. For art, it's probably a nicely colored sketch, or a lineart that was colored sloppily.
4: The assignment is above average. For writing it's probably around 800 words, and it doesn't have grammar or spelling errors, as it's well polished. If it's art, it's probably simplistic but well done in nature, like a single character colored picture with no background.
5: The assignment went above and beyond. For writing that's about 1000 words with no errors. For art, it's a multiple character piece with nice lineart and coloring, or a single character picture with a nice background.
Please note that combining art and writing can boost your score. For example, you could do a single character nicely colored picture with no background with 500 words of polished story with no errors attached and probably get a five.
Remember that teachers differ. Some grade more harshly than others.
How many assignments do I have to finish?
Every class has three assignments. There is one assignment per month, per class. You must do two assignments per class, and those two assignments (or, out of three, your two highest scores) must equal 6.
For example, if your first assignment earns you a four, you can sloppily make the second to get a minimum of 2. That will give you 6 points, meaning you pass the class.
If you are taking three classes, you will be turning in three assignments per month for at least two months out of the three possible months available in the quarter.
Assignment Multipliers
Assignments earn extra experience based on the difficulty of the class.
Beginner Classes earn 1x experience points (see front group chart).
Intermediate Classes earn 1.25x experience points (see front group chart).
Advanced Classes earn 1.5x experience points (see front group chart).
Expert Classes earn 1.75x experience points (see front group chart).
How do I earn a degree?
You must meet the requirements of the Division, which is detailed in the Divison section. You can earn as many degrees as you want.
How does my student increase in level?
When your student joins Otherworlde, they will be a Beginner. After an Otherworlde year goes by (three months, coinciding with openings), and the student has passed two of their classes, they may start taking the next level classes and are promoted to the next level. Students do not necessarily have to advance to the next level, but they cannot take classes above their level, regardless of how long they have been in the academy.
Please note that a student must take and complete at least one class per Otherworlde year to remain in good standing. If they do not pass at least one class, they will be docked experience points and may be removed from the academy.
Beginner Classes
PSI 101: The Art of Meditation: If you have no control over your mind and energy, there is no first step into psionics. A requirement for all psionics students, you must be capable of gathering your mental fortitude and centering it.
PSI 102: Consequences and Limitations of Psionics: Psionics is not an all-powerful magic form, and has its limitations and consequences of use. A requirement for all students, it is important to learn what your limitations will be, and accept the negative consequences of prolonged psionics use.
PSI 103: Beginner Telekinesis: A psionist need never touch something with their own hands. Learn to manipulate small objects around you with the force of your mind.
Intermediate Classes
PSI 201: Telepathy: In this course, students learn to make connections with the minds of others so they may speak directly into them. Both private and communal conversation is taught.
PR: PSI 101, PSI 102
PSI 202: Intermediate Telekinesis: Learn to manipulate objects that are larger than the PSI 103 course, including how to make yourself or others float.
PR: PSI 101, PSI 102, PSI 103
PSI 203: Boomerang Magic: There is nothing more appealing than sending your opponents' attacks straight back at their face. Come learn the fine art of boomerang magic and bounce attacks back at others.
PR: PSI 101, PSI 102
PSI 204: Close Combat Psionics: The mind and matter collide in close combat psionics, where you will learn how to concentrate your psychic energy into blades and other weapons for hand to hand combat.
PR: PSI 101, PSI 102
Advanced Classes
PSI 301: Forcefield Generation: Why let your opponent harm you when they could exhaust themselves attack your shields? We at psionics believe that opponents are only worthy if they can get through your psychic shield first. Learn how to project a psychic wall to protect yourself, and the art of full body shielding.
PR: PSI 202 or PSI 204
PSI 302: Ranged Combat Psionics: As delightful as it is to learn how to punch your opponent in the face with a psychic blade, the average psionic prefers attacking from a distance. Come learn various techniques and spells that concentrate psychic power into ranged bursts.
PR: PSI 203 or PSI 204
PSI 303: Suggestion: What fun are the minds of others if they cannot be manipulated? The art of suggestion will influence your victims to hear, see, and feel what you want them to. More than just illusions, you can damage the grasp of reality your victim has, great fun!
PR: PSI 201
Expert Classes
PSI 401: Mind Control: The weakest minds are those that are ripe for manipulation. Learn how to introduce thoughts into the minds of others, and gradually, how to manipulate their thoughts and actions.
PR: PSI 303
PSI 402: Counterspells: There is nothing a psionic enjoys more than the word "No." Sending a spell at you? No. Counterspells are the beautiful art of telling your opponents their magical abilities will no longer work.
PR: PSI 302
PSI 403: Psychic Assault: For those of you with a preference for malice, learn how to crush the minds of your opponents. Insanity is the most generous gift you can give your opponent.
PR: PSI 303
Suggested Schedule:
Y1: PSI 101, PSI 102, PSI 103
Y2: PSI 201, PSI 202, PSI 203 or 204
Y3: PSI 302, PSI 303
Y4: PSI 401, PSI 402, PSI 403
Degree Requirements: PSI 401, PSI 402, PSI 403
Beast Studies
Beginner's Courses
BST 101 - Introduction to Cryptid Theory - An overview about the definition of "cryptids" and the history behind them, as well as coverage of the well and lesser-known cryptids of current times.
BST 102 - Animal Husbandry - Students will learn the brief history of animal husbandry, and explore hands-on techniques of selectively breeding certain animals for unique, genetically diverse offspring.
BST 103 - Dangerous Animal Safety - An overview about basic but important safety procedures when it comes to handling animals -- both paranormal and normal alike.
Intermediate Courses
BST 201 - Creatures and the Body - A look at the various parts of the body, and what creatures represent or can be created from those parts. Body part coverage may change from term to term.
PR: BST 101
BST 202 - Elemental Beasts - A more in-depth look at animals that can wield elements either for offensive hunting measures, defensive protection manners, or various miscellaneous uses.
PR: BST 103
BST 203 - Mythological Animal Habitats - Educational visits to the diverse lands of Otherworlde, to study the habitats of animals that do, or hypothetically could, live in the environs.
PR: BST 103
BST 204 - Unique Monsters - A study into rare creatures crossbred by exciting ventures of husbandry, their benefits/uses, or lack thereof.
PR: BST 102
Advanced Courses
BST 301 - Handling Beasts of the Air - A short history surrounding beasts of the air, and hands-on interaction with a small air-beast and large air-beast.
PR: BST 202, 203
BST 302 - Handling Beasts of the Water - A short history surrounding the beasts of the water, and hands-on interaction with small water-beasts and medium water-beasts (Nessie is not included).
PR: BST 202, 203
BST 303 - Handling Beasts of the Earth - A short history surrounding beasts of the earth, and hands-on interaction with medium earth-beasts and large earth-beasts.
PR: BST 202, 203
BST 304 - Handling Beasts of the Aether - A short history surrounding the beasts of aether, or 'all elements' and hands-on interaction with one of the rare beasts.
PR: BST 202, 203
Expert Courses
BST 401 - Breeding Mythological Beasts in Captivity - Students will learn to breed and care for their own mythological beast while remaining within containment and safety guidelines.
PR: Any 300 level course, BST 204
BST 402 - Shapeshifting, Skinwalking, and Beasts - Students will discover the connections between these classic beasts of 'horror' as well as interacting with them up close and personal.
PR: Any 300 level course, BST 201
BST 403 - Creature Genetics - Students will learn basic genetics concerning creatures, from Mendelian genetics to co-dominant traits, as well as dominant v recessive geno/phenotypes, to better distinguish creatures they may interact with in the future.
PR: Any 300 level course
BST 404 - Godlike Beasts - Students study the animal gods, ranging from Bastet of Egypt to the thunderbirds of Native American legends. Interaction possible.
PR: BST 304 and one other BST 300 course
Recommended Schedule for Degree
First Year: BST 101, BST 103, free space
Second Year: BST 201, BST 202, BST 203
Third Year: BST 301, BST 303, BST 304
Fourth Year: BST 402, BST 403, BST 404
Magical Linguistics
Beginner Classes:
LIN 101 - Introduction to Spoken Magic - Learn basic incantations that can help you channel both your magic, and the magic of Otherworlde.
LIN 102 - Introduction to Written Magic - Learn the strength behind sigils, runes and magical symbolism, and how that can be applied to practical magic.
LIN 103 - Introduction to Animal Magics - Learn the language of animals, as well as how their magic can differ from your own, and how that can be useful.
LIN 104 - Introduction to Blood Magic - Become familiar with the basics of blood magic and its language, and learn how it can be useful in light or dark magic.
Intermediate Classes:
LIN 201 - Combining Spoken and Written Magic - Combine vocal incantations and written runes to make more powerful magic that can be used in a wider variety of ways.
PR: LIN 101, LIN 102.
LIN 202 - Intro to Familiars - In this class you will learn the history and symbolism behind familiars, as well as get a familiar of your own.
PR: LIN 103
LIN 203 - Basic Sacrifice - With hands-on activities, learn the basics in the variety of ways to sacrifice in order to enhance blood-magic strengths and understanding.
PR: LIN 104
Advanced Classes:
LIN 301 - Dark Incantations - For getting a grasp on performing dark magic while preventing possible negative affects and enhancing the strength of the spellwork.
PR: LIN 201
LIN 302 - Regenerative Magic Seals - Create seals that regenerate magic in a variety of ways, such as working off of a magical feedback loop or draining magic from its surroundings.
PR: LIN 201
LIN 303 - Basic Familiar Magic - Learn to work with your familiar in order to enhance each other's strength and perform magic together without straining yourselves.
PR: LIN 202
LIN 304 - Dark Blood Magic - Apply your knowledge of the magic within blood and sacrifice to more powerful extents.
PR: LIN 203
Expert Classes:
LIN 401 - Nonverbal Spellwork - Learn to control magic and cast spells non-verbally.
PR: LIN 301 or LIN 304
LIN 402 - Permanent Magic - Learn the difference between myth and fact with permanent magic and spells, and how to create seals that can theoretically last forever.
PR: LIN 302
LIN 403 - Advanced Familiar Magic - Learn to go past the basic magical connection with you familiar, and move on to more advanced topics like dual-body possession or multiple familiar contracts.
PR: LIN 303
LIN 401, LIN 402, LIN 403 or LIN 304.
Y4: LIN 401, LIN 402, LIN 403 or free
Y3: LIN 302, LIN 303 or 304, LIN 301 or free.
Y2: LIN 201, LIN 202 or LIN 203, free.
Y1: LIN 101, LIN 102, LIN 103 or LIN 104.
Medical Studies
Beginner Classes
MDC 101 - Introduction to Disease - As a basic course, this introduces students to viruses, bacteria, nematodes, prions, and other pathogens capable of infecting a host.
MDC 102 -The Immune System I - This course focuses on the immune systems of common mammal based beings, such as humans, werewolves, and other mammalian shapeshifters, and what pathogens they are susceptible to.
MDC 103 - Study of Wound Care- Important in the field is the ability to care for one's own wounds. This course teaches the student the basics of first aid and wound care, so that they can prevent further damage and infection to their and others' wounds
MDC 104 - Preservation – This course looks at both ancient and modern day methods of preservation of body parts. Students will be taught how to preserve various types of the bodies using different methods.
Intermediate Classes
MDC 201 - Epidemiology - This course looks at various epidemics that have broken out throughout history; focusing on the modes of transmission, vulnerable populations, and causes of various epidemics.
PR: MDC 101
MDC 202 -The Immune System II - This course teaches the student about the immune systems of more complicated beings, such as reptilians and dragons, fairies, amphibians, the undead, and what kind of pathogens are capable of infecting them.
PR: MDC 102
MDC 203 -Magical Healing - this course teaches the student a library of spells for use in everyday healing situations from cuts to headaches.
PR: MDC 103
MDC 204 - Grafting - this course teaches students how to graft limbs and other body parts, both fresh and preserved, onto other beings and permit them to connect to the nervous system and function.
PR: MDC 104 & one of the following three: MDC 101, MDC 102, or MDC 103
Advanced Classes
MDC 301 - Global Pandemics - this class teaches students about pathogens that have succeeded in infecting extensive global areas, such as cholera, malaria, measles, and tuberculosis, and how and why such pathogens were successful in their infection.
PR: MDC 201
MDC 302 - Bioengineered Weapons - this course builds upon studies of the immune system by teaching students various methods of using a creature's biology against them, such as how to build canisters with poisons for a particular species, and so forth.
PRE: MDC 202
MDC 303 - Molecular Healing - this class teaches students how to instantly and permanently alter the molecules of a being to influence their healing through use of magic; such as altering cells to close up wounds faster, influencing cells to become stem and regrow limbs or organs, or reconnecting limbs by stitching them back together on the molecular level.
PR: MDC 203
MDC 304 - Genetic Editing I - this class introduces the basics of genetic editing and how to adjust the function of individual cells in creatures, as well as how to create algorithms that edit huge paths of cells at a time. It goes over some simple ideas for genetic editing and enhancement systems.
PR: MDC 204
Expert Classes
MDC 401 -Disease Engineering - this class teaches students how to alter bacterial, viral, and prion based diseases to create more efficient killing machines, especially with regards to speeding up their effects and symptoms. Also focuses on modern quick release systems.
PR: MDC 301
MDC 402 -Bioengineering - this class introduces the student to the concept of bioengineering, and grants them access to the bioengineering laboratory in the castle, where the phantasms fuse genetics to form their children. Students are permitted to bioengineer a single being of their choice at the end of the course.
PR: MDC 302
MDC 403 - Reanimation - This course studies what makes beings alive, and how to jump start life again after it has ended. It studies the brain in particular and how to use electricity and electrical powers to restart a brain after the body has been healed or stitched up.
PR: MDC 303
MDC 404 - Genetic Editing II - this class builds upon the knowledge learned in MDC 303 by combining it with warfare appropriate release systems, such as introducing genetic editing pathogens through a canister release system. It also focuses on genetic editing in practice instead of simply in theory.
PR: MDC 304
MDC 401, MDC 402 and either MDC 403 OR MDC 404
Y4: MDC 401, MDC 402, MDC 403 or MDC 404
Y3: MDC 301, MDC 302, MDC 303 or MDC 304
Y2: MDC 201, MDC 202, MDC 203 or MDC 204
Y1: MDC 101, MDC 102, MDC 103 or MDC 104
Astral Studies
Beginner Classes
AST 101 - Introduction to Spirit Communication - an introduction into communicating with spirits, through three separate and simple connections.
AST 102 - Introduction to Psychoactive Plants - a study of various plants used in summoning and spirit communication rituals.
AST 103 -Introduction to the History of the Astral Plane - learning the historic significance behind beliefs, and the astral spheres/levels of the planes.
AST 104 - Astrology - learn about eastern and western zodiacs and their impacts on divination.
Intermediate Classes
AST 201 - Aura Reading - learn the basics of how to feel and sense the auras of those around, the colors of aura and their meaning, and thus get to know everyone on a more personal level.
AST 202 - Divination - become acquainted with the tools of the divination trade, such as tarot cards, palm reading, bone divination, and crystal balls.
PR - AST 101, AST 102
AST 203 - Spirit Summoning - a study of the ancient practice of summoning specific spirits for magical assistance, both for benevolent or malevolent intentions.
PR - AST 101, AST 102
AST 204 Spiritual Bonding - learning how to summon spirits in order to bind them to objects or to oneself. Best taken in conjunction with AST 203.
PR - AST 101
Advanced Classes
AST 301 - Aura Manipulation - using prior learned knowledge of reading, students will learn how to exert their aura and spiritual strength onto others to forcibly change or manipulate others’ moods and actions.
PR - AST 201
AST 302 - Cleansing - using various paraphernalia, students will learn a major defense against malevolent spirits and the dead by learning to cleanse an area and keep themselves safe.
PR - AST 202, AST 203
AST 303 - Soul Shielding - students will learn how to protect themselves and others from influences of spirits, including psychological effects, possession, and soul manipulation.
PR - AST 202, AST 203
AST 304 - Spiritual Sacrifice - a hard lesson to learn is that spirits who are dead are malleable. Learn how to break bonds previously found in prior classes, as well as use spirits as sacrifices to complete various rituals.
PR - AST 202, AST 203
Expert Classes
AST 401 - Astral Projection - students learn how to separate their spirit from their bodies to walk the varying planes of existence, as well as project illusory spiritual copies of themselves.
PR - AST 302, AST 303, AST 304
AST 402 - Astral Studies Workshop - students may pick a specific area under the umbrella of Astral Studies to learn more about and specialize in.
PR -AST 302, AST 303, AST 304
AST 403 - Spiritmaster Ascension - learning the touch and feel of life energy all around themselves, students will exit the course being able to manipulate it, absorb it, and extend their own life with the resources around them.
PR - AST 302, AST 303, AST 304
AST 401, AST 402, AST 403
YR 4: AST 401, AST 402, AST 403
YR 3: AST 302, AST 303, AST 303
YR 2: AST 202, AST 203, free
YR 1: AST 101, AST 102, free
Beginner Classes
CRS 101 -Sigil Crafting and Enchanting - How to design and use sigils and the magical objects known as fetishes.
CRS 102 - Introduction to Tools - Learn about and personalize your own tools to be used in various aspects of the hexing field. Includes an opportunity to create your own personal wand or staff.
CRS 103 - Hexing Safety and Cleansing - Learning to recognize the signs of when your hex has been detected or returned and keeping yourself and your tools cleansed.
CRS 104 - Gathering and Preparing Materials - Instruction in gathering and preparation of materials to use in rituals or tool crafting
Intermediate Classes
CRS 201 - Broom Creation and Riding- Learn how to construct an enchanted broomstick and fly it.
PR: CRS 101
CRS 202 - Spiritual Entities and Ritual Magic - Using rituals to carry out your spell and requesting aid from a spirit.
PR: CRS 104 or 101
CRS 203 - Blessing- The study and application of helpful magic and spells used frequently alongside harmful hexes.
PR: CRS 103
CRS 204 - Sympathetic Magic- Using dolls and other physical vessels to channel a hex or blessing.
PR: CRS 102
Advanced Classes
CRS 301 - Hexing on the Field- a workshop in condensing hexes into charms and fetishes for quick and efficient use.
PR: CRS 102
CRS 302 - Decoy Magic- A workshop in using decoys to take the brunt of magic used against you and negative energy you may accumulate in your spell casting.
PR: CRS 202
CRS 303 - Harmful Hexes- A general workshop in using a variety of hexes to bring harm to others.
PR: CRS 202, CRS 204
CRS 304 - Protection and Banishment Hexes- Using hexing to protect yourself or other things, and using banishments to eliminate unwanted elements .
PR: CRS 202, CRS 204
Expert Classes
CRS 401 - TBH
PR: CRS 301 or CRS 304
CRS 402 - Curses- Curses, what they are, how to use them, and how they’re broken.
PR: CRS 303
CRS 403 - TBH
PR: CRS 104, CRS 302
CRS 401, CRS 402, CRS 403
YR 4: CRS 401, CRS 402, CRS 403
YR 3: CRS 301 or 304, CRS 302, CRS 303
YR 2: CRS 202, CRS 204, free space
YR 1: CRS 102, CRS 104, free space
Beginner Classes
ELM 101 - Rainmaking - A study on the components that make up rain and thunderstorms, and learning how to make them!
ELM 102 - Elemental Zodiac - Ever wondered how the elements interact with the astrological zodiac? Learn about the base elements of fire, water, earth, and wind, and how they interact with birthdays.
ELM 103 - Aggressive Elementalism - Through the use of talismans, students will learn basic offensive use of their strongest and weakest elements.
ELM 104 - Defensive Elementalism - This class will teach you how to use some basic elemental spells to protect yourself in battles, and discuss strategies for using elements defensively.
Intermediate Classes
ELM 201 - Firemancy - Presented with fire, students will be tasked with honing this volatile element over the course of the term.
PR: ELM 103, ELM 104
ELM 202 - Watermancy - Students will learn to connect with the element water, then how to use watermancy in both offensive and defensive ways.
PR: ELM 103, ELM 104
ELM 203 - Earthmancy - A study of one of the oldest elements around, students will be tasked with honing this ancient element over the course of the term.
PR: ELM 103, ELM 104
ELM 204 - Windmancy - Make a bond with the powerful element of wind and learn how to use windmancy in offensive and defensive strategies.
PR: ELM 103, ELM 104
Advanced Classes
ELM 301 - Combination Elementalism - When one has gained knowledge of elemental manipulation, the student can begin to combine them. Fire and earth combine to make magma, but there are many other combinations to control.
PR: ELM 201, ELM 203
ELM 302 - Sound Warfare - The element of sound, while not thought of as a dangerous element, can indeed become so. Delve into the depths of sound and how it can be used in battle.
PR: ELM 201, ELM 203
ELM 303 - Elemental Transmutation - In this course, students will learn how to convert elements into each other and control the very base, raw form of energy that fuels them.
PR: ELM 202, ELM 204
ELM 304 - Energymancy - Electricity takes a shocking center stage in this course, where students learn how to harness the powers of electricity, and study offensive and defensive methods.
PR: ELM 202 and ELM 204
Expert Classes
ELM 401 - Morphing - In a rigorous study, students will be able to select one element that they can use to morph themselves to and from, as well as other objects and people.
PR: ELM 303
ELM 402 - Metalmancy - Combine prior year’s learning into turning earth into metal, and manipulating this unique element to fit your needs.
PR: ELM 301
ELM 403 - Elemental Catastrophes - Learn about dangerous elemental weather, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, firestorms, etc… and tame them, creating your own as well. Will involve field trips.
PR: ELM 303
ELM 404 - Lightmancy - In this course, students will study the powerful spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, and will learn everything from infrared to deadly gamma rays.
PR: ELM 304
Y4: ELM 402, ELM 403, free OR ELM 401, ELM 404, free
Y3: ELM 301, ELM 302, free OR ELM 303, ELM 304, free
Y2: ELM 201, ELM 203, free OR ELM 202, ELM 204, free
Y1: ELM 101, ELM 103, ELM 104
Beginner Classes
SHD 101 - Shadowmancy in Nature - in this course, students will first study plants that utilize shadowmancy, animals made up of shadow, then finally sentient beings that naturally are shadow-creatures.
SHD 102 - Aggressive Shadowmancy - this course will teach a student how to utilize shadow tendrils, first for movement and grasping, then for strangulation and constriction, and finally for slicing and cutting.
SHD 103 - Shadowstalking - this course will teach a student first how to blend into the shadows as a hiding tactic, then how to change objects back and forth from shadow, and finally how to change oneself to and from shadow.
SHD 104 - The Shadow Realm - this course will first teach the student about the dangers of the shadow realm, and finally involve a field trip to the realm where the student will study an aspect of it.
Intermediate Classes
SHD 201 - Shadowporting - this course will teach the student how to utilize shadows for rapid movement. First the student will learn how to jump short distances from shadow to shadow in a room, and finally how to memorize and sense a shadow in a separate area and shadowport into it.
PR: SHD 101 or SHD 103
SHD 202 - Shadow Beasts - this course will focus on powerful beasts in shadowmancer lore, as well as involve a field trip to the shadow realm to view the burial site of a fallen shadow god.
PR: SHD 103 or SHD 104
SHD 203 - Shadow Illusions - this course will teach a student how to make an illusion, first by introducing the student to shadow manipulation, and then teaching them how to craft visual illusions made shadow.
SHD 204 - Shadow Bandages - the student will learn how to flatten their shadow tendrils into bandage shapes and use them to stem the flow of blood from a wound.
PR: SHD 102
Advanced Classes
SHD 301 - Shadow Wormholes - this course will inform the student of various wormholes around the academy that can be used for rapid movement, how wormholes were used historically in shadow battles, and how to connect one shadow to the other to ensure rapid transportation.
PR: SHD 201 or SHD 202
SHD 302 - Shadow Objects - students will learn how to create objects that retain their shape and corporeality, first by duplicating small objects they can study and are familiar with, and finally by learning how to create small objects from the mind.
PR: SHD 203
SHD 303 - Shadow Acid - the student will be taught how to convert shadow into an acidic substance that can be sprayed onto an enemy in battle. They will learn how to craft three separate strengths of acid depending on how much damage is desired.
PR: SHD 202 or SHD 102
SHD 304 - Shadow Stitching - in this course, students will learn how to utilize shadow tendrils as needle and thread to stitch together wounds, as well as learn how to keep shadows permanently corporeal for this purpose.
PR: SHD 204
Expert Classes
SHD 401 - Shadow Puppetry - in this course, the student will be taught how to gain control of an enemy's shadow, first by moving objects by interacting with their shadows and finally by manipulating a living being's shadow to take control of their body.
PR: SHD 302 or SHD 301
SHD 402 - Shadow Erosion - this class will teach the student how to further manipulate a shadow to change the shape of the object casting it in a reverse casting method. This can be used to shave off limbs or cause serious damage in battle.
PR: SHD 303
SHD 403 - Shadow Reconstruction - the student will be taught how to create replacement bone, muscle, and skin tissue to merge into a physical body, a sort of shadow prosthetic, as well as how to connect living tissue to shadow tissue.
PR: SHD 304
SHD 401, SHD 402, SHD 403
Y4: SHD 401, SHD 402, SHD 403
Y3: SHD 302, SHD 303, SHD 304
Y2: SHD 203, SHD 204, free space
Y1: SHD 102, free space, free space
Beginner Classes
PTS 101 - Introduction to Potions - learn a little about the types of potions that potionmakers make, about the ingredients used, and then make a simple potion at the end of the quarter.
PTS 102 - Introduction to Potion Herbs - this course provides a more detailed overview of herbs used in potionmaking, starting with making herbal teas (the simplest of potions), then learning how to research and create a herb-based potion.
PTS 103 - Potions and Ethics - in this course, students are introduced to ethics behind potions and their making, or lack thereof. Students are given various assignments for slipping potions into classmates' food and drink and taught how potions can be used to manipulate others.
Intermediate Classes
PTS 201 - Healing Potions - this workshop goes over common types of herbs that are used in healing potions, first those used in herbal teas and salves, and later those with stronger healing power and more complex recipes.
PR: PTS 102
PTS 202 - Basic Mind-Altering Potions - this course will teach the student how to create potions that cause insomnia, sleepiness, and amnesia by introducing them to ingredients that cause those issues.
PR: PTS 103
PTS 203 - Advanced Potion Herbs - this course introduces students to powerful herbs that exist in the three regions surrounding the academy: the desert, the mountains, and the forest. Students will learn what kind of herbs grow in those areas and harvest them.
PR: PTS 102
Advanced Classes
PTS 301 - Basic Transformation Potions - this class focuses on simple alterations of the body, such as changing skin color and growing small body parts like claws, tails, or wings.
PR: PTS 203
PTS 302 - Aphrodisiac Potions - this course focuses on creating three types of aphrodisiac potions: those that cause lust, those that cause infatuation, and powerful mentally-altering love potions.
PR: PTS 202
PTS 303 - Emotion Potions - this workshop teaches the student how to create potions that affect the three basic emotions of sentient beings: happiness, sadness, and fear.
PR: PTS 201
PTS 304 - Rare Potion Ingredients - this course gives the student an overview of potion ingredients that are not herbs, such as animal-based products and various gemstones and minerals.
PR: PTS 203
Expert Classes
PTS 401 - Advanced Mind-Altering Potions - this course teaches the student how to create potions that cause hallucinations and paranoia, as well as covers how to manipulate the five senses.
PR: PTS 302 or PTS 303
PTS 402 - Transmutation - this course will teach the student how to temporarily transform their entire body into another being using transmutation potions. The student will learn how to transmutate by species and by individual.
PR: PTS 301
PTS 403 - Illness and Death Potions - this course will teach the student about poisonous herbs, and how to create potions that cause sickness, as well as potions that would be fatal in small doses.
PR: PTS 301
PTS 404 - Potion Workshop - this course is a one on one workshop where the student works with the professor to create a potion of their own making. They will have to apply knowledge learned in previous courses to satisfy the requirements of the course.
PR: PTS 304
PTS 404 and Two of the following: 401, 402, 403
It varies depending on which expert level class you want
Y4: PTS 401, PTS 402, PTS 404
Y3: PTS 303, PTS 304, PTS 301
Y2: PTS 202, PTS 203, free space
Y1: PTS 102, free space, free space
Beginner Classes
NEC 101 - Spiritual Communication - learn to communicate with the dead in seances.
NEC 102 - Introduction to Necromancy - an introduction to the types of magic required for necromancy.
NEC 103 - Necromantic Talismans - learn about the various talismans used in the practice of necromancy.
Intermediate Classes
NEC 201 - History of Necromancy - an in-depth study of necromancy reports in various cultures.
NEC 202 - Animal Necromancy - practice raising and controlling the bodies of dead animals.
PR: NEC 102
NEC 203 - Necromantic Sustenance - a study of the various food and drink designed to empower the necromantic ability.
NEC 204 - Necromancy in Literature - a study of various books that involve necromancy in history.
PR: NEC 101
Advanced Classes
NEC 301 - Necromancy - practice raising and controlling the bodies of dead humans.
PR: NEC 202
NEC 302 - Reaping - create and learn to wield a scythe to trap and release souls.
PR: NEC 101, NEC 202
NEC 303 - Bone Divination - use bones to divine simple futures.
PR: NEC 101, NEC 201
NEC 304 - Life Drain - learn how to drain the life of others to increase your own.
PR: NEC 103, NEC 203
Expert Classes
NEC 401 - Advanced Necromancy - practice raising and controlling the bodies of dead paranormal creatures.
PR: NEC 301
NEC 402 - Soul Manipulation - learn how to reach for a soul while it remains in its body. Perfect for gathering vital information and possible body and mind manipulation.
PR: NEC 301, NEC 204
NEC 403 - Exorcism - learn how to purge a body of spirits.
PR: NEC 302
NEC 404 - Army of the Dead - learn how to raise and control zombie hordes.
PR: NEC 103, NEC 301, NEC 302
Three of the following: NEC 401, NEC 403, NEC 403,NEC 404
Note that it varies depending on which Expert level classes you prefer.
Y4: NEC 401, NEC 402, NEC 403
Y3: NEC 301, NEC 302, NEC 304
Y2: NEC 204, NEC 202, free space
Y1: NEC 101, NEC 102, free space
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