xenomni — [L-H] Prudence Gibbs || Application

#child #cute #girl #originalcharacter #originalcharacteroc #groupapplication #smolchildsmolbean
Published: 2017-08-05 02:46:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 863; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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NAME | Prudence Gibbs

NICKNAMES | [currently has none]

AGE | 8

DOB | June 23rd

HEIGHT | 4 ft || 122 cm

WEIGHT | 81 lbs || 36.7 kg

GENDER | Female

CLASSIFICATION | Under Mama's Watch

NUMBER | #39



   Conduct Disorder

A serious behavioral and emotional disorder, a child with CD may display a pattern of disruptive and violent behavior and have problems following rules for an extended period of time. It is unknown at what specific age Prudence began showing symptoms, but it must've been rather early on as her family noticed it quite quickly. Symptoms that Prudence commonly shows are as follows: 

  • Aggressive behavior. Bullying, threatening, being cruel, or causing harm to other people and animals.
  • Destructive behavior. Intentional destruction to property such as arson or vandalism.
  • Deceitful behavior. Repeated lying or stealing.
  • Violation of rules. Going against rules of society or things inappropriate for one's age such as running away or playing pranks.

She is also known to be irritable and throw temper tantrums. Along with this, she generally shows little to no guilt or remorse for how her actions may affect the people around her.


( + ) Bold | Clever | Expressive | Playful | Vibrant

Prudence is an incredibly bold and daring person. She has no issues risks for the sake of herself (or for others). In most cases, her rather expressive visage is easy to give away her playful personality. As a child, she would much rather have fun and play around than do boring things, obviously. Yes, her vibrancy is quite clear and almost on par with that of another energetic child you may know. However, unlike that child, Prudence is very clever. Her intelligence for her age may make it easier to interact with the older children. So, with such a big and loud child there should be no issues, right...?

( - ) Arrogant | Compulsive | Deceitful | Malicious | Oversensitive

Wrong! Due to her condition, Prudence's good points are often out-shined by her bad ones. After all, it's all about her, isn't it? Her arrogant and haughty ways are ones that make it so much easier for her to feel no remorse for others. Aren't her feelings the only one's that matter, after all? And if she's feeling one way, surely everyone else must be thinking the same. It doesn't help that she's compulsive. Often times, her wicked ways are brought about on impulse. It was thought and so it shall be. She will not feel limited with her surroundings. Even with her bubbly seeming outward facade, that's all it may be... a facade. A deceitful child at once, she may be and always shall be. Her malicious intent cannot be stopped, so her cruel misgivings will continue. Care to tell her what she's doing is wrong? It doesn't matter. Her oversensitive attitude will conclude in a tantrum or worse. 

Good luck with her, anyone who tries.


(+) Animals, so cute.. so fragile. 
Playing pranks, all kinds! 
Sewing, though it's very hard, indeed. 
Dolls and Puppets, they look so alive, but they are so not.
Dresses, very flowy and very free. Also cute!
Toys, they are fun and all mine!
Sharp Things, watch the red liquid flow~
Fire, isn't it so bright? So burning..

(-) Scoldings, aren't I the one in charge? AREN'T I?!
Adults, they think they're allowed to boss me around.
Being small, having to climb things is no fun at all!
School, it's incredibly boring!
Being alone, no fun, no fun! Only fun when people run~


Born into a rather rich family with many siblings, Prudence was often one to get the short end of the stick. Three older sisters and two older brothers, she was the youngest and yearned to be an only child. A child whom her parents would pay the most attention to. She was so very young at the time, so one couldn't blame her little dream. However, as the youngest child grew older, her family began to notice some rather odd things. You see, they lived in a rather large manor with a forest just behind it. Just on the edge of the forest, the small girl, likely around three or four, was found by two of her sisters playing with a squirrel. As they were to scold the girl for playing with such a wild creature, they found themselves unable to do so as the looked on in horror. The squirrel was not alive and the blood that leaked from it was all over her hands and dress. Her sisters ran screaming for her parents who were shocked when they saw it to be true. They ended up scolding her, much to her dismay, and hoped that this was just a fluke. A one time thing.

It was not.

When Prudence reached school age, they sent her off to elementary. They prayed that the teachers there would be able to properly discipline her as on all of their own attempts she only ended up doing worse. She went from killing squirells to killing all sorts of things. Squishing snails between the pavement of her driveway and her shoe. Ripping the shells of wandering turtles from their backs to watch them die. Even kittens and puppies were not safe from her greedy little hands. Her destruction was not only to animals, but also to the furniture of the house and her siblings. Yes, she happened to be a little kid. However, she didn't need strength to hurt her siblings. After all, it wouldn't be this way if they just paid attention to her, right?

Alas, her parents hopes were cut short when in a matter of a month, the girl was suspended. From skipping class to bullying her peers, the list went on and her parents felt they had no choice but to take her out of school. They weren't dealing with some defiant child... they were dealing with a monster. They stopped paying attention to the girl all together. If she did something bad, they locked her away. They thought they were doing what was right and the time spent in isolation would give her time to reflect on her actions. Instead, the girl only grew more resentful. She found herself doing things in secret instead. The things she killed were hidden in the forest. The things she broke were swept under chairs or rugs. She did her best to keep it hidden and hoped her parents would lighten up on her.

They did not.

At age eight, she overheard her parents and oldest brother speaking together. They spoke of sending her away to some sort of boarding school. For discipline, they said. She was out of control, they continued. It was then that Prudence had had enough. She wasn't going to take it any longer! That night, when the house was still and everyone slept, a small warmth began to spread. Warmth turned to heat and then into burning. The house was ablaze, set near her parents bedroom and spread furthur. The large house filled with an abundance of furniture was quick to turn to ashes. And the little girl whom had been so resentful of her tattling siblings and scolding parents was no where to be found within the house. Standing within the forest edge, the little girl watched as the smoke billowed. She felt nothing as she heard the sirens and turned away from the flames. Into the forest she roamed, and to the public... presumed dead with the rest of her family. It was all ashes by the time anyone had arrived, anyways. Smoldering... heated... ashes...

And so, the little girl Prudence made her way for hours in the darkness. She exited the forest once she saw the little town nearby. She was never permitted to wander far from the house, but she'd always seen the town in passing in the car. But as she walked down the empty street in just the crack of dawn, she felt her vision fade and a tugging at her arm. The ashes that clung to her fell along with her body as she was taken. And to a new place with no rules, there was much more she could do. In a new place with little rules... there was fun to be had.


"Oh! What a wonderful turn of events!"
"Isn't that just lovely?"
"Aren't I your favorite? Tell me I am!"


Often speaks in a formal manner for no particular reason.
Is actually typically an okay playmate about 50% of the time.
The other 50% is her being aggressive and mean.
Has no problems with her covered eye. It's just how her hair naturally falls. On many occasions, she will pull her bangs back with a headband to keep it from doing so.
Eyes are purple strictly for design reasons. If anything, it can be believed that they are colored contacts.

Voice: [link]

Singing Voice: [link]

Mix: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=…


   Status: Open 

Ways of Contact: Discord 

Style: Lit/HC

Shipping: Yes
Headcanon: Yes!!!

Timezone: EST



I am perfectly fine with you messing with my character without asking. If you wish to do things like cut her hair, punch her, kick her, break her things,etc, you may do so without asking first. Please torture her. Break her. I enjoy that kind of surprise.

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