XVerseComics — Recruitment

Published: 2020-02-01 23:55:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 2984; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 23
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Description December 29 2019
Emerald City Washington

3:18 PM

At an unknown construction site there is a table.  On one side of the table sat a collection of government agents.  On the other side sat some of the greatest living heroes; Mistress Wonderful, The Ghost, Hardware, Raven, and Star-Spangled Man.

"It's not that we're not interested". Raven said.  "We're just too damn old.  I've been retired for almost a decade now.  Hell, my old sidekick's got his own sidekick.  Hardware was built in the 80s by coked out nerds and is so obsolete he carries a cell phone.  Star-Spangled Man here is working on his fourth heart attack.  And Ghost has had both knees and a hip replaced".

"Direct involvement can't happen".  Mistress Wonderful chimed in.  "But we can help you guys find other suitable candidates, even train them if needed".

December 30 2019
Metroville New York

10:24 AM

No one is quite sure why, but Overgirl, daughter of Overwatch, had decided to relocate to the United States.  Whether it was to get out from the shadow of her father, some kind of falling out, or simply a change of scenery...she was here now.  And given her high profile it made her the perfect candidate for the SAVIOR program.  Super Crimes Bureau agent Tracker continued to read the dossier as his partner, agent Blair drove them to the site of her battle with  the supervillain Mammoth.

"Our girl's a pro" agent Blair broke the silence.  "Despite the amount of power being thrown around, thus far we're looking at a zero casualties and under a million in property damage".

"It probably helps that Mammoth's MO isn't collateral damage".  Tracker replied.  "He fancies himself a Robin Hood, only takes from those who can afford it and avoid harm if possible.  He just does is in a giant elephant mech".

"Gotta love supervillains and their branding".

The car arrived just as Overgirl was removing Mammoth from his suit.  Outside of his suit, Peter Todd was a short man dressed in a brown suit.  Local PD was already on the scene and promptly took Todd into custody as the agents pulled up.

"Overgirl."  Agent Blair paused, waiting for acknowledgement from the young hero.  "My name is agent Blair, and this is my partner agent Tracker.  We're here to talk to you about a unique opportunity.  The SCB is putting together a team of supers, and we want you to join".

"And what makes you think I'd be interested in something like that?  I came to this country to make my own name, not get lumped into some group."  Overgirl responded.

"I had a feeling that was the case".  Agent Tracker butted in, reaching back into the car through an open window to pull out a tablet.  "Thing is, American heroes tend to get more of a following than anywhere else in the world.  Don't ask why, they just do.  As for standing out" He paused as he scrolled through the tablet before stopping at a picture of a mannequin dressed in purple and black.  "Say hello to Alphagirl".

December 30 2019
Emerald City Washington

12:02 PM

Agents Meyers and Decker arrive at a state of the art training facility.  Inside they are met by a woman with glasses and black hair.

"You must be agents Meyers and Decker."  The woman stated.  "Michelle Raven, I'm Blur's publicist."  She said gesturing to a blue blur that had been running around the track.  "He likes to get in a few miles every day.  Just because your fast doesn't mean you don't need to exorcise.  He's more than willing to join the team, but there are a few conditions.  First, you release a public statement claiming to have hired him prior to his leaving the NFL.  Second, my client gets fifteen percent of all merchandising revenue, and yes, there will be merchandise.  Third, this position does not interfere with any other engagements, he can't be running off to do a mission if he's already scheduled for something else.  And lastly, my client made two point seven million last year, you need to at least match that.  Do we have a deal?"

Michelle held out her hand and waited for a response.  Agent Meyers reached out his own land had shook hers.

"Deal"  He said.  "We're unveiling the team later this month, but we can start moving him into the facility as early as Friday."

"Thank God" a voice came from the track.  It was the Blur.  "Not sure how much more I could do.  common myth about speedsters, we can run really fast...but a mile is still a mile, you know?"

January 1 2020
Metroville New York

1:30 AM

Agents Tracker and Blair find themselves at one of the biggest new years parties in the world.

"God I hate crowds" Agent Tracker revealed.  "They chose the wrong guy for this one. I don't even know who this Nightingale person even is."

"You're telling me you don't know the lead singer of the band Explodey?" Blair asked confused.  "Love Is A Disease, Blackout, Time Heist".

"Are those songs, or are you having a stroke?"

"We have got to get you some new music.  At least pretend to know who she is when we ask her to join our elite super team".

As the pair reach the stage they are met by a woman with blonde hair dressed in a brown unitard with a cape made of feathers.

"Oh I get it" Tracker exclaimed as he reached out his hand to shake Nightingale's. "Your name is Nightingale, and your dressed like a bird.  That's clever".

Nightingale stood there, her face contorted to give a sense of confusion.

"Please excuse him" Blair quickly said, trying to relieve some of the tension.  "we're a bit jet lagged, and my partner's an idiot".

January 2 2020
Los Phobos Texas

12:08 AM

Agents Nadir and Potter step off their private jet and into a car that is waiting on the runway.

"You ever meet this guy before?" Agent Nadir asked his partner.

"No, I've met his mentor a few times though".  Agent Potter answered.  Calls himself Night Man, used to be one of Raven's sidekicks.  Nice guy."

After what seemed like forever driving around the agents finally reach the meetup.  Where they find a man dressed in a black coat and a full face mask.

"You must be Anglar Man" Agent Potter addressed the stranger.  "Raven said you --"

"I'm in" Anglar Man interrupted as he turned to walk away.

"Hold on!" Agent Nadir practically was yelling at the hero.  "That's it?  We just spent three hours on a plane followed by an hour in a car to find you, and you don't even let us give you the pitch?"

"You guys don't have phones?"

January 3 2020
Emerald City Washington

10:16 PM

Agents Meyers and Decker arrive at a liqueur store where local superhero Lady Bug had just stopped a robbery.

"All I'm saying" Agent Meyers began.  "Is if we are trying to recruit the best Supers this county has to offer, then why are we even bothering with this one?  She's got a reputation for being a bit on the wild side."

"We need the notoriety" Decker responded.  "Lady Bug has millions of followers on social media, kids love her.  We need someone as popular as her if we want people to pay attention to our little experiment."

Once inside the agents met Lady Bug.  She was in the middle of using her phone to live stream.

"Jesus" Meyers said under his breath.  "Her costume looks like it's painted on."

"You should probably let me talk" Decker retorted.  When they got close enough I began to speak again.  "Lady Bug, my name is agent Decker, this is my partner agent Meyers.  We're here to discuss an opertunity for you.  The SCB is putting together a team, and we want you to join.  Of course you would have to dress a bit more, conservative."  Decker pulled out a tablet and revealed an image of an updated suit for Lady Bug.

Lady Bug stood there silently for about half a second before turning back to her camera and saying "What do you all think?  Should I stay a solo act, or would you guys like a supporting cast?"

January 5 2020
Diamond Town Idaho

6:14 PM

"All I'm saying, is that we traveled halfway across the country only to learn Raven already recruited the guy."  Agent Nadir complained.

"There's no line of communication." Agent Potter answered.  "Raven didn't tell anyone he already called Anglar Man.  Anyway, we're here".

The two pulled up to a barn in the middle of a field.  As the pair walked inside they could here power tools.  Inside the barn was someone in a large blue exosuit trying in vain to reach the joints.

"You must be Blue Steel" Agent Nadir addressed the suited individual.  "My name is agent Nadir of the SCB.  And before we start, has anyone contacted you already?"

"Contacted me?  About what?"

"Oh thank god, the SCB is putting together a team of supers and you made the cut.  We would like you to come back with us and join that team."

"Yes, yes, one hundred percent.  I...AM...IN!"  Blue Steel's enthusiasm was more than apparent in her response.  "But first, could you guys help me get this off, I've been trapped in here for 10 hours and I really gotta pee."

January 14 2020
Supermax prison - location classified

2:50 PM

Agents Blair and Tracker are joined by fashion designer Tiffany Knight.  The group stood in the lobby filling out paperwork on a clipboard before handing them over to a receptionist alone with their badges and ids.

"So why exactly do we need this one?" Agent Blair asked.

"Because we need somebody with expertise in magic, and this guy is the best there is."  Agent Tracker answered.  As the team began to follow guard down a hallway.

"Sixteen confirmed kills, and probably more we don't know about.  We sure we can trust this guy?"

"File says the guy is a powerful magician, one who's limits are still unknown.  He could have broken out at any time since his arrest but instead he chose to remain here.  Not only that but the prison is now exponentially more safe since his incarceration.  Officially the warden claims it's all some new program he's implemented.  But we know it's actually our guy's work.  Furthermore each of the victims were members of the Sacred Order of the Hunt, a radical anti-magic group with a rather impressive kill count of their own.  Besides, I trust you, and your military record has just as many confirmed kills."

The group walked down a long hallway of cells filled with inmates before arriving at a large room filled with round metal tables.  At one of the tables sat a man in all orange.  And behind him was a man that the agents recognized as Warden Jeffries.

"Agents" The man said as he stood up and gestured towards the table.  "Have a seat, lets talk."  The Agents sat down opposite the man.  "Scott Remme, but I assume y'all already knew that."  He then turned towards warden Jeffries "You can go now Mike, I got this."  At that warden Jeffires turned and walked away, leaving the agents in a slight shock.  "It's the eyes isn't it."  He said, catching agent Blair staring.  "They take some getting used to.  I usually wear sunglasses, but, you know, prison."

"Mr. Remme" Agent Tracker began.  "As you probably already know, we are here to offer you a chance at an early release.  In exchange you will become a part of a team of Supers that the SCB is putting together.  Your identity will of course be hidden and a backstory will be fabricated.  This is Tiffany Knight, she's designing the costumes for the team."

"I think you might like this." Tiffany said handing over a tablet with multiple pictures of a costume.  "Since we have to keep you covered up, the suit is liquid cooled.  The helmet even has air conditioning and a voice modulator to keep your identity a secret."

"Can I be honest." Scott Interupted.  "There are plenty of magic people out there, but Director Stone sent you to me.  Thus I can imagine he really wants me on the team despite my...current situation.  That means that I hold all the cards.  So if I do this, I need you guys to do a few things first."  The  agents were silent.  "First and foremost, I need your word that another inmate is coming along as well.  Call it a work study, internship, I don't give a shit.  But I made a promise to keep her safe, and she won't survive in here without me.  And since you'll probably give me a handler, I want it to be Agent Quinn Taylor."

"I don't think we have any agents by that name."  Agent Tracker interjected.

"Not yet, currently she is a detective with the Emerald City Police.  She needs the change of scenery.  If you can guarantee that I'm in."  The agents stood up and began to walk away.  "Oh, one last thing" Scott called out.  "The suit needs a minor modification."  He stood up removed his shirt and turned around as a pair of large wings sprouted out his back.

As they left the agents notices that an older gentleman was sitting at another table watching them.  "You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up."  Tiffany Knight assured them as she made her way to the other table and sat down and greeted the old man.  "Hey daddy."

Now back in the lobby the agents were met by Warden Jeffries holding a clipboard.  "I need you to fill these out agents."  He said passing the clipboard to agent Tracker.

"What are they?"  He asked. taking the clipboard from the warden and glancing over the documents on it.

"Release forms for Mr. Remme and miss Kastor."  He informed them.  "Mr. Remme told me you would need them.
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Comments: 1

MBCypriano [2020-02-02 01:30:12 +0000 UTC]

Very good! I'm following this universe.

About writing, I guess you could use bold letters on titles. This way the text won't seem to be so big. People usually don't read big texts at the internet.

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