A canon x OC couple ?!
Ehh...yup BUT i dind´t creat the couple by my one.
The girl ther is my OC Yakara, she is a Human-Wolf who can trun into a wolf or Wolf-human, she is also a fighter.
I create her along ago and yeha...on a RPG-Forum where I´m in i played here. And no, it was no DBZ RPG, it was more a OnePiece RPG just my RPG-Patner ther use´s hard too explain..but weel, it wasn´t planned that the both get a couple..but it endetet up like that and yeha we like them. Her version of Trunks is somekind more like Mira Trunks but also a littel bit diffrent.
(at all he has a house pet. Yakara has also own, but both animels are not that normal)
So i say it´s couple with also a other perosn and not a couple i made by my one
I draw him on his CrossEpoch outfit because it´s also a OnePiece kidn RPG were the both get couple up and i like this Outfit. I´m not so happy with Yakaras Outfit..but its the first time i draw here with colors and all...
and the pose near killed me buha...
to the pic..
Trunsk and Yakara really liek it to tese each other, as the both get under the mistletoe, Yakara first say that the don´t need to do and Trunks says she wouldn´t to it it goes one and at end she kiss him...yeha ^^ so yeha the aren´t toghter on the picture yet
Hope you enjoy
Art and Yakara by me
Trunsk played by RPG-patner or so...