YellowNinja123 β€” Inori Yuzuriha x Male Reader - Paths Of Fate Pt.4

#inori #inoriyuzuriha #fanfiction #guiltycrown #malereaderinsert
Published: 2016-03-30 12:30:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 5197; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 0
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Description LAST CALL FOR VOTES GUYS!! For those who haven't voted yet for who's reader insert I should make next must submit their vote now.


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"Scientist walks up to Arisa and Yuu"

Scientist: Sir, subject's resurrection is nearly complete and will be done on schedule.

Yuu: Excellent. Everything is going as planned.

Arisa: All we need to do is wait for her Adam to come and the Fourth Apocalypse can be brought to this world to bring forth a new species.

Yuu: If he agrees though.
Back to you and Tsugumi....

After a few hours in the air, you and Tsugumi arrived at Funeral Parlor's secret base located a few miles away from Tokyo. Once the helicopter touched the ground, you and your teacher get off and go inside of the structure to meet with her friends.

Shibungi: "You and Tsugumi walk up to him" Hello Tsugumi, it's been a while.

Tsugumi: Same with you Shibungi.

Shibungi: "Looks at you" Is he one of your students?

Tsugumi: Yes. "Looks at you and you look at her" (M/n), this is one of my friends I told you earlier, his name is Shibungi.

You: Nice to meet you sir. "You shake hands with him"

Shibungi: Come, the others are waiting for you at the meeting room.

Doing what he asked of you two, you and Tsugumi followed Shibungi to the meeting room so you can discuss your plan for Inori's rescue. It won't be easy, but you have to save her before it's too late. Losing another person you cared for ius something you can't tolerate again after what happened to your parents.

(Meeting Room)

"You, Shibungi, and Tsugumi enter the room"

Ayase: "Notices Tsugumi" Hey Tsugumi.

Tsugumi: Hey Aya!!

Ayase: "Looks at you" You must be (M/n), correct?

You: Yes. H-How did you know my name?

Ayase: Tusugumi told me a lot about you during our hangouts together.

You: Oooooooh, okay.

Shibungi: Alright, everyone take their seats.

"You and everyone else sit down"

Shibungi: From all the intel we've gathered, Inori has been kidnapped by these two. "Images of the suspects appear on the large screen" The girl's name is Arisa Kuhouin and the boy's name is still unknown.

You: Yuu. "Everyone looks at you" His name is Yuu. He told me this before he and that girl escaped with Inori.

Shibungi: I see. "Turns back to the screen" Right now their located in an abandoned research facility deep within the woods. It may not look much, but it is heavily guarded.

Argo: So what's the plan?

Shibungi: Me and our forces will distract the enemy soldiers while a small team of four infiltrates the base and rescues Inori. Along the way, Tsugumi will disable every single security system the facility has in it.

You: "You look at her" You can do that?

Tsugumi: There are somethings your yet to know about me (M/n).

Shibungi: "Turns to you all" Any questions? "You raise your hand" Yes young man?

You: "You stand up" Let me be a part of the infiltration team.

When everyone heard this, they thought you were crazy. You were just a teenager and being a part of something like this is almost suicidal.

Ayase: But your just a teenager.

Argo: Ayase is right, you can't do this. Your too young to go.

You: "You look at everyone" Inori is my friend. I'm not just gonna sit around and let everyone do the heavy work. Please, let me be a part of the team. I have to save her.

Argo: Why though?

You: "You look at him" Cause she's a friend I cannot lose.

"Momentary silence occurs"

Shibungi: Then it is settled, (M/n) will be a part of the infiltration team.

You: "You look at him" Really?

Shibungi: But you need at least three more members to accompany him.

Ayase: "Raises her hand" I'm in. Inori's a friend I can't lose as well.

Argo: "Stands up" Count me in, your gonna need someone with expertise in combat.

Haruka: Guess that means I'm last. "Walk sup tot he table and looks at you all" Your gonna need brains on this one too.

Shibungi: Guess that means we're all ready. "You and everyone else stand up" The operation commences now, there can be no room for errors on this one.

All of you: Roger!!

Once you and the others are ready, you all left the base and head for Inori's location. As planned, Shibungi and a number of others engaged the enemy soldier's on the ground while you, Argo, Ayase(Controlling her Endlave), and Haruka infiltrate the base by parachute.

"You and the others drop and then pull your shoots"

You: "You all land safely onto the ground" Never saw us coming.

Argo: "Contacts command" Command, we've successfully infiltrated the facility.

Shibungi(In radio): Copy that, Tsugumi will take care of the security system along the way. Good luck. "Transmission ends"

Ayase(Endlave): Where do we go now?

Haruka: "Brings out her tracker and looks at it" Straight and then a right. Inori's signal is faint, but it's still alive.

You: Then let's get to it.

With that said and done, you and your team head for Inori's position while Shibungi and his forces distracted the enemy as long as they could.
Back to Inori....

"Crystal like capsule appears from where Inori is"

Yuu: She's back.

Mana: "Emerges from the capsule and looks at him and Arisa" Top of the morning Yuu.

Yuu: Mistress. "He and Arisa bow before her" Welcome back.

Arisa: Everything is going as planned. All preparations for Fourth Apocalypse are ready and awaiting your command.

Mana: "Looks around" Where is my betrothed?

Yuu: Do not worry, he is on his way as we speak.

Soldier: SIR!! SIR!! "Yuu and Arisa look at him" We have four contacts headed this way!! And they have an Endlave with them!!

Yuu: Just as I calculated.
Back to you and the others....

The enemy soldier's tried to kill you and the others, but thanks to the efforts of Argo and Ayase's Endlave, you were able to push 'em back. The battle was pretty difficult, but the two Funeral Parlor members were able to take out all the enemy soldiers that were in your way.

Argo: "He and Ayase lower their weapons" Well, that's all of them.

Ayase(Endlave): "Looks at you and Haruka" (M/n), you and Doctor Ouma head inside. We'll take care of any other soldier's that might come here.

You: You sure about that?

Argo: We're Funeral Parlor kid. "Reloads his rifle" We were trained for this.

You: "You look at Doctor Ouma and then look at them" Okay. "You and Haruka head inside the building" Stay alive you two!!

Ayase(Endlave): We will.

Argo: First to get the most kills wins?

Ayase(Endlave): Your so gonna lose.

Argo: Like I'd lose to a walking piece of tin!!

Once more enemy soldiers appeared, the two of them engaged them to buy you and Haruka time to save Inori.
A few minutes later....

As you and Haruka run your way through the massive building, Tsugumi did her best to shut down every single security system in it and open all the doors that will lead you two to Inori.

"Last door opens and the two of you stop"

You: Is this it?

Haruka: "Looks at her gadget" Yes, we're here.

You: "You look around the massive room" INORI!! WHERE ARE YOU!! I'M HERE TO RESCUE YOU!!

"Chuckling sound occurs"

Haruka: "You and her look around" Someone's here.

You: But who?

Your question was answer when the lights in the massive room revealed who chuckled. When you saw her, your eyes widen in shock as you kept looking at the girl. It was Inori!! But she was wearing a very strange looking ballerina outfit and had purple crystals on her head and the sides of her arms.

Mana: "Walks up to you" Hello, (M/n).

You: Inori?

Haruka: "Looks at the girl" That's not Inori, that's my daughter.

You: What!?

Mana: "Looks at Haruka" Hello mother. It's been awhile.

Haruka(In head): It's just as I feared, they used Inori to resurrect Mana again.

You: "Mana walk sup to you and you keep looking at her" What did you do with Inori?

Mana: Oh, that girl? "Hugs you all of a sudden" I had a rough time taking over her body, but I was able to take control and now she's nothing but grounded up dust. Don't worry though, I'm ten times better than that horrid woman.

"Your right hand forms into a fist after hearing what she said about her"

Mana: So, shall we get married (M/n)?

You: You...."Mana looks at you with a confused expression on her face" YOU BASTARD!!

In anger, you shoved Mana so hard that she fell onto the ground. She expected you to just go with it, but she was wrong.


Mana: "Her eyes widen after hearing this"

You: AND AS FAR AS I'M CONCERN YOUR NO HUMAN EITHER!! YOUR NOTHING BUT A MONSTER WHO SEEKS TO BRING SUFFERING TO OTHERS AND THAT'S THAT!! "You look at her in anger" I'll never marry a woman who's cold hearted as you.

"Momentary silence occurs"

Yuu: That's too bad. "He and Arisa appear out of nowhere"

You: "You and Haruka look at them" You again.

Yuu: "He helps Mana up" You and Mana could've ruled the world together, but I guess we all can't agree on the same things.

Arisa: Let us take care of them Mistress. You just focus on bringing the Fourth Apocalypse.

Then, all of a sudden, the room started to change and soon, a screen with every continent appeared on the floor.

Haruka: This is bad!! If we don't stop Mana now, we're finished.

You: I agree, but we got these two to deal with.

Yuu: "He and Arisa prepare for battle" There's no way you can beat us both, the only option is surrender.

Haruka: "Looks at you" (M/n). "You look at her" There's something really important I must tell you.

You: What is it?

Haruka: I need you to place your hand onto where my heart is.

You: WHAT!? Why!?

Haruka: You've been born with an amazing power and it can only be awakened if you use it now.

You: Can this help me bring back Inori?

Haruka: "Nods to your question" Yes.

You: "You shrug" Guess I have no other choice.

Without hesitation, you placed your hand onto her chest and lights began to appear where your hand is!! Soon, you started to go deeper until you brought out the biggest sword you've ever seen!! When Arisa and Yuu saw this, they never expected you to have the gift.

Arisa: I-It can't be!!

Yuu: He has the Power of the Kings.

You: "You look at the ginormous sword" Woah.

Haruka(In head): I knew my genome sensor picked up something at his highschool. He was born with a natural Void Genome.

You: "You carefully put down Haruka" You just stay here doc. "You take your battle position" I'll handle things from here.

Arisa: "She readies her void" So he knows how to fight too huh? This should be interesting.

You: Time to use all my kendo training to good use.

(QUE THE BATTLE MUSIC!!>>>>www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZDfOy… )

You then ran towards the two villains and once you made contact with Arisa's gigantic shield, it caused a powerful shock wave to occur and make you back up a little. After that, Yuu went in and began to fight you next. For a normal person, they would be creamed in a second, but not you however. Because your powers were awakened, you were now faster and stronger than ever before!! You were able to dodge all of Yuu's attacks and then kick him away afterwards.

Yuu: "Spits at the ground" That all you got?

You: I'm just getting warmed up.

You then ran towards Yuu and attacked him with everything you've got. Swing after swing, slash after slash, you tried your best to land a hit on him but nothing worked and your assault failed. Once you finished, Yuu summoned a Void sword of his own and the two of you began to duel for real this time while Arisa stayed where she was and watched the ongoing battle between you and the blonde boy.

Argo: "He and Ayase enter the room" We made it!! What did we mi- "He and Ayase see you fighting Yuu"

Ayase(Endlave): Is that (M/n) up there!?

Argo: The kid can pull Voids out of people too!?

"You and Yuu clash swords"

Yuu: Your wasting your time. Once Fourth Apocalypse has destroyed every single human on this planet, a new species will rule this planet and there'll be nothing you can do to stop that.

You: "You break the clash and then punch Yuu's face hard" Like I'd let that happen!!

Once the boy was stunned, he was wide open and you took the opportunity to land some good hits on him. He was able to see this coming, but Yuu was unable to block some of your attacks. Soon, his clothes were torn and opened wounds on his arms and right cheek began to appear because of you.

"You dodge another sword slash from Yuu and then knee kick him on his chin"


You then sliced through Yuu's abdomen and split him into two, landing a lethal blow on him. Once he was out, you then put your attention on Arisa and proceeded to battle her next. When she saw you coming, she pointed her void at you and her shield appeared before her. But even her shield can't protect her from you.


"You raise your sword high and bang it onto her shield, causing it to crumble into a million pieces"

Arisa: "Her eyes widen in shock" WHA-WHAT!?

You: OUT OF MY WAY!! "You kick her away hard and then look to Ayase" Ayase!! Give me a boost!!

Ayase(Endlave): "Nods to your request" Right!!

She then ran up to you and once you landed onto her Endlave's hand, she threw you towards Mana as hard as she could so you can get there before it's too late. Once you realized that you were close enough, you drove your sword onto the ground and hung onto it so you can slow down. When it suddenly hit a bump, it threw you away from it and you just kept running until you were close to Mana.

Mana: "Sees you" Oh no you don't!! "Summons two pillars of purple crystal at you"

You: "You dodge them and leap towards her" I'M COMING INORI!!

Without hesitation, you reached into Mana's chest and pulled her right out of Inori's body like a piece of paper.

You: "You look at Inori" Inori. "Doesn't speak" Inori, speak to me.

Inori: "Hears your voice and looks at you" (M/n)?

You: "You smile and then hug her" Your back, thank goodness.

Inori: "Hugs you" I don't know how I got here, but I was in a dark and cold place. And then, a light appeared in front of me and as I ran towards it, I began to hear your voice.

You: "You look at her" I'm really glad that your back to us Inori.

Then, out of the blue, the two of you kissed each other right on the lips. This lasted for a few more seconds and then, you two stopped.

"Menacing purple orb appears and you and Inori see it"

Mana: You....You foiled my plans to destroy humanity....For that, I will destroy you bo- "Gets shot by Argo and Ayase"

Argo: I don't like this girl one bit.

With Mana and her lackeys defeated, you and your comrades won the battle. As for Arisa, she died due to her void being destroyed courtesy of you. With the facility now secured, this gave Funeral Parlor the opportunity to expand their base numbers.

"You, Inori, Haruka, and Argo walk up to Shibungi"

Shibungi: Good job all of you. Thanks to your efforts, the threat has been dealt with and peace has been brought to this world once more.

Argo: "Looks at you" You know. "You look at him" you can join us if you want.

You: Really?

Ayase: Of course. "You look at her as she moves up to you" After all, your power can really help us with protecting the people.

Haruka: "You look at her" So what do you say?

Inori: "You look at her" No matter what, I'll always be by your side to help you.

You: "You look at all your friends" When do we start?

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Comments: 12

Devin657 [2018-01-21 23:33:16 +0000 UTC]

If you can answer it that's fine or are you going to explain that in the remastered version

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Devin657 [2018-01-21 23:32:43 +0000 UTC]

I was also curious about this but why did you give your character a natural void genome

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Devin657 [2018-01-20 20:02:34 +0000 UTC]

When you say remastered version are you referring to inori yuzuriha's insert and if so what's wrong with this one

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

YellowNinja123 In reply to Devin657 [2018-01-21 10:06:29 +0000 UTC]

There's nothing wrong. I just feel like it can be better

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Devin657 In reply to YellowNinja123 [2018-01-21 17:10:18 +0000 UTC]

I see so when are you going to start the remastered version

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

YellowNinja123 In reply to Devin657 [2018-01-22 06:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Unsure at the moment. I've started, but I'm not sure of a specific release date yet.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Devin657 [2018-01-19 19:05:55 +0000 UTC]

I was curious about the natural void genome you gave your character why did you make it so that he can pull voids out of anyone cause in the anime king users can only pull voids out of anyone that's 17 or youngerΒ 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

YellowNinja123 In reply to Devin657 [2018-01-20 15:11:10 +0000 UTC]

I'll explain that in the insert's remastered version. It's hard to explain at the moment

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

juddryan [2016-12-30 01:40:08 +0000 UTC]

this story was amazing

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

undertaker5 [2016-04-17 15:52:32 +0000 UTC]

Nice job!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

superedx [2016-03-31 00:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Juvia from Fairy Tail
For the next story

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

jason12346 [2016-03-30 12:35:16 +0000 UTC]

Great story

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0