Zavraan — ELDT 2 - Chapter 7 - The performance PT 1 by-nc-nd

Published: 2014-10-05 20:14:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 9620; Favourites: 83; Downloads: 0
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This is a two part thing. This little comic actually shows up at the end of the story I'm about to write now. So let's begin:

In the evening, the group sat down around the living room table, looking at the map of the theme park they got from Shademan. He said that everyone is able to buy one so they wouldn't get lost in the gigantic park. they even got innocent looking drawings of the robots themselves they bought at the shop. Shadowman was the only one still doing his balancing of a shadowblade trick.

"Alright. These are the places we've visited and these are the attractions who are still being made. Some of these are ment to be for robots only. Seems a bit weird since mister shady guy over here said that the park was intented to bring humans and robots together." Elecman stated, pointing at different spots of the map.

"The whole robots and humans thing sounds a bit off. I don't blame them for doing this since we had a lot of fun being there, but why should robots like us enter a theme park while we have jobs?" Crashman asked.

"I believe that it won't be long until we're gonna get reports of missing robots soon if we don't start to take a closer look." Shadowman said, grabbing his shadowblade and pointing at the back of the attractions. "See this? The building behind the entrance doesn't have a name on it. That means it must be a place they don't want us to visit."

The group thought for a moment. Knowing that if they wanted anwsers, they need to dstep into unkown terratori. "You're right about that." Elec replied. "But we do need a distraction if we ever want to get past Shademan. What are gonna-"

"Elecman, I'm home." A voice suddenly interupted. Alisa suddenly walked into the room with the door opened on her left side. "How's it going-" But her sentence was stopped when a Shadowblade was shot right next to her, hitting the door. She gasped shortly and saw the blade with eyes wide open. "What the-" Then she noticed the group sitting around the table; looking up, she saw this ninja like robot clinging on the cieling, watching her with sharp eyes.

"Who's this?" She asked, looking a bit angry at her husband.

"don't worry, it's my wife." He said to Shadowman. The robot let go of the cieling and gently touched the floor, showing a traditional asian bow as sign of respect. "My apologies. My name is Shadowman." He said, getting back onhis blade. Alisa was surprised to see this newcomer. "And Iguess he's not here for an energy tank?" She asked.

"He has joined our team and is gonna help us with the investigation." Crash happily stated.

"He won't leave the house until the case is completed though. So he'll sleep on the coutch." Elec said, looking back at the map.

"Ok then." Alisa replied, pulling the Shadowblade out of the door. "One more guest in our home won't bother me, but I don't want to see giant shurikens flying through the house."

"it's a Shadblade." Shadow stated once again. "Whatever you wanna call it." Alisa replied. "Not even in the backyard?" He asked, pointing at the window. She threw the blade back towards him, catching it while looking at her confident expression. "How about you don't do it at all before the beighbours see you?" She teased walking towards the table.

"Alright, Shadowman, meet Alisa. Alisa, Shadowman let's get back to buisiness." Quickman interupted.

"Ok. So what are we looking at?" Alisa asked. "I think our best option now is to investigate the areas who don't have names written on them. I saw that Shademan was watching people the whole time incleuding myself. Meaning that he keeps an eye on everyone, which means that he won't bother looking at the areas where there arn't any people." Elecman stated, showing the pictures of the robots who owned the park.

"I bet that they will be busy when one of their attractions gets an accident." Quickman suggested. "The question is, should WE be the cause of the accident, or should we just be lucky?"

"Construction workers who build water rides and ferest wheels arn't the same as professors who build highly inteligent robots. We just have to hope that, one bolt gets loose or, a piece of metal gets fatigue...despite the risk of loosing a life." Elecman stated. he sighed a bit at the last part of his sentence.

"If that doesn't work, we need to grab one of those guys andforce them to talk." Shadowman suggested. "How about This guy?" He pointed at a picture of magicman.

"I doubt that. He will probably talk himself out of it or change the subject with his magic tricks. Plus, I don't think a magician likes to reveal that much." Elec replied. "Then how about mister draqula?" Crash asked.

"Not gonna work either. He knows I don't trust him and capturing him will fail instantly. He looks too strong. The only one I can think of, is mister joker pants." He said, pointing at Clownman.

"What? Are you serious?" Quickman asked. "Don't you think that he's gonna shower us with stupied c lown jokes?"

"He is unpredictable...but when you get the hang of his tricks, there's no way out for him. Plus, Shadow over here can catch him anytime without evenbeing seen."

Crashman thought for a moment while looking at the ninja robot. "Oooooooh, so that's why you're not called ninja man. In the shadows, you can't see anything. And that's axactly what you do. People don't see you!"  he stated.

"Thank you for that pointless moment." He replied.

"We do have to keep our distance. Visiting the theme park too many times will make us look suspecious. We need to be carefull and unseen at the same time." Elec suggested.

"Hey guys." They heard, turning around to see emily coming into the room. "What are you doing?" She asked politely.

"We're uuhhh, just doing our homework." Crash said. Emily noticed Shadowman and looked at his serious expression. "You look funny." she said. He didn't anwser and looked back at the map. "Did you guys hear anything from Kalinka yet?"

Elec and Alisa took a quick glance at each other, knowing that they had to come up with another lie. "Uh, yes. I was able to contact Cossak but our conversation didn't last long." Alisa stated. "He said that he was working on a very important project with his daughter and that's why Kalinka can't contact you."

Elec sighed in relief without Emily noticing. "Whew. I was beginning to worry. About her." She replied. "You don't have to." She said, as the two left the room.

"Alright, our plan is to visit the park once more at wednesday, we'll take a few other robots with us from the office and Shadowman will catch little clownman over here when we get the chance." Elec whispered.

"How will I know when you want me to strike?" He asked. "We'll discus it in the restroom whenthe time is near." he replied. "The restroom? Robots don't take a leak!" CVrash stated, whispering loudly. "I'll think of something." 


The following morning, Elec woke up only to see that Alisa had already left the bed. He didn't panic since he thought that Emily had woken up much earlier. He stretched a bit, doing his morning routine and putting on his detective jacket. "Crash, I'm going. You better get out of bed." he said out loud. There was no anwser and he looked back to the door where his friend's bedroom was. "Crash?" he said, opening the door only to see that his room was empty. He walked downstairs only to see his wife, Emily and Shadowman on the table drinking E-tanks, with the radio on. "Where's Crashman?" He asked.

"He left early this morning." Shadowman replied. Confused, Elecman rushed to work, calling his friends name throughout the office. Topman noticed and stopped his search. "Are you looking Crash?" He asked. "Yeah, where is he?"

"He left the office as soon as he arrived."

"What?" Topman pointed at the note desk. "He left a note."

Elec pulled off the note from the wall, knowing the it was written by Quickman. "Gone to visit Mega worl Theme park. we'll be back between 15:30 and 16:30." He paused for a moment, his worry changed into irritation while crushing the note. "Elecman?" Top asked.

"Are you, Ring and Heatman avalible?" He asked, not looking at his face. "They still have a case but they're avalible.

"How much time do they have?"

"They have until 14:00"

The detective wrote down a note as he spoke. "Gather them. I'll call my wife."

Minutes later, Two cars were heading towards the theme park, with Elec still angry about the fact that his friend was going to this place. Topman was with them,incleuding Emily. Ring and Heat were in the other car who followed them.

"So what's it like there?" Topman asked, seeming a little nervous about the situation. "To many it may look like a cute theme park, but to me, it's a wicked place that tries to suck you in with its bright colors. Give into the temptation of sweet adrenilene you get from the rides and soon enough...you never want to go home again. So stay alert and keep an eye out on Shademan." He said with a serious tone in his voice. Top was speechless for a moment.

"Ok then."

"I bought a new plushie there." Emily interupted. "Aw, that's cute." Topman replied. Later, they arrived at the parking spot and got out of the car. They saw Ring and heatman approaching.

"Is this gonna be worht our time?" Heatman asked. "You bet. You'll get to enjoy the rides, watch a performence and drink as many E tanks as you want, while investigating the whole place." Ring stated.

"That's right. So, I want you guys to act as innocent as possible, sinc eour suspects are doing the same. Most of you will split up when the other is on an attraction, make sure you disect every corner without people noticing. If we loose each other, our Rendezvous point is the fairest wheel. " Elec said, walking towards the back of his car.

"Got it." They replied.

"Wait, where's Shadowman?" Topman asked. But his question was soon anwsered when Elec opened the back of his car, seeing Shadowman lying on his right side, supporting his head with his hand. Top let out a short sceam to his surprise. The ninja robot wasn't really happy tosee him again.

"Are you ready?" Elec asked as the robot stepped out of the car. "Even when I'm asleep, yes." he replied. "good. If you see me enter a building, try to sneak into the restroom."

"I don't try. I only 'do.'"" He stated, walking away to sneak in the back side of the park.  "Ooook. Who the heck was that?" Heat man asked.

"He's gonna help us a little more. Now come on."

However, when they were about to walk through the entrance, Elec stopped the group from walking any further, not knowing if mister shadyman would show up. He looked around waiting for any surprises. But he didn't come so they bought a ticket and began their search. Topman along with the other detectives who came along played their part. But couldn't find anything suspicious at the areas where no one dared to look. As the married couple approahced the water rudes where his emberassing pictures was taken. Emily politly asked if she could go on the

carousel while Elec and Alisa watched.

"Don't you think we should focus a bit more on Dr.Cossak? If something really happened to them Emily would be devistated." Alisa whispered.

"I know. I asked the other guys at the office if they knew anyone about him, but no one does. Even when they knew a friend of the professor and try to call him, no one anwsers." Elec replied.

"Maybe....and this is just a crazy guess...what if the man himself turned evil?" Alisa suggested. "I don't know. From what I've heard he is an inteligent man who gets rewarded for his hard work. He lives a normal life and his daughter means to world to him. I guess he wouldn't want all respect of humanity when he's got that."

Suddenly, they saw bubbles floating around as a few children gathered to burst them. They look to their left and saw this big purple, yellow and blue robot, who was even bigger than Shademan who was showing off chemical reactions with colorfull bottles you see in a laboratorium. The chemicals changed in all sorts of colors, some exploded like a tiny firework, others created weird forms, but none of them were dangerous to the children. Not even the bigger bubbles; the people walked in and it didn't pop. They wern't strong enough to carry them thought, so they could walk right out.

"Interesting." Elec said. "Though we might want to move on to a safer place now that we've found the boys."

"Found?"  Alisa asked, looking confused at her husband who stood infront of the water ride. "What do you mean?" Then, she saw the ride with Quickman and Crashman yelling as they went down. "I can hear stupidity from a mile away." Elec replied with a bit of irritation on hi face.

Moments later, the dou got out of the ride and saw the couple. "Hey guys!" Crash greeted them happily; Elec was furious but tried to hide it. "Why didn't you tell me you were going back?" He asked.

"Why not?" Quick interupted. "Two new attractions were opened today! With one more on the way. They got this new swing ride that goes 200 feet up into the air! And they got this new science show where this dude named Burstman shows off with chemical substances and even teaches the kids something as he does. The effects are awesome!" Crash explained; as he did, Elec tried to interupt, but was continuesly stopped by their blindess.

"Guys!" He said a bit louder, but the two kept on bragging about how amazing their day was. Elec stopped when he noticed Shademan flying over and landing on a roof of the restaurant. Alisa knew that he would give away a bit of his detective behaviour, so she walked towards the two and grabbed the side of their neck, making them say "ow" repeadetly as she dragged the two towards a spot where no one was. Elecmanfollowed while not trying to look back on the vampire who watched him.

"Owww, what was that for?" Crash asked. "Ask him." She replied and her husband moved forward.

"Look, if you're angry about missing out all the fun and not letting you know before leaving then I'm sorry ok?"

"I'm not mad about that." He replied.

"Good!" Quick replied. "So, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we've had tons of fun with every attraction in this park and we plan on going on every ride until there's no other one left. The bad news is that I left my camera at home meaning we couldn't capture all that happyness."

Aggitated by their oblivious behaviour, Elec had about enough and stood between the two idiots.

"And we can go home until we've had enough."


: D

Part 2 will take even longer. XD


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Comments: 24

PhantomZale [2016-09-18 16:06:57 +0000 UTC]

Ouch. That ought to hurt. Poor Quicky, but they did have it coming. If it were me, I would just do what Alisa did only tighter then whack Quicky's head.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

3lecm4n [2014-12-06 20:47:12 +0000 UTC]

Point, clear.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LunarEcliptix [2014-10-10 03:02:50 +0000 UTC]

Agh. Your stories are the best. ^^
If only there was a manga

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to LunarEcliptix [2014-10-10 09:00:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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TheSonicReploid [2014-10-08 23:31:53 +0000 UTC]

Aw man... That panel with Elec progressively getting more mad mixed with the worried expressions on Crash and Quick's face makes me laugh. I guess they knew what was coming. And I also think Elec got his revenge for the water slide embarrassment from before.

Story's gettin' really good, Z. Keep up the hard work.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to TheSonicReploid [2014-10-09 09:39:34 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheSonicReploid In reply to Zavraan [2014-10-09 16:39:23 +0000 UTC]

You are welcome

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SharkEyedShinobi [2014-10-05 21:46:23 +0000 UTC]

Epic. All of it. LOVE it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to SharkEyedShinobi [2014-10-05 21:50:26 +0000 UTC]


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SharkEyedShinobi In reply to Zavraan [2014-10-05 21:53:27 +0000 UTC]

Np. ^^

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tomoarts [2014-10-05 21:30:21 +0000 UTC]

The factors making this amazing all add up. I love how Elec is always keeping order, and Shadow Man being on the ceiling made me laugh so hard. Also, Crash Man and Quickers. GOD, YOU JUST MAKE CRASH SO CUTE.

And that electrocution. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to tomoarts [2014-10-05 21:41:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <3

What about Alisa? c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tomoarts In reply to Zavraan [2014-10-06 01:12:19 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

And Alisa was as cute as always. I need more moments with her. I love her humor... CX

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to tomoarts [2014-10-06 09:01:14 +0000 UTC]


She was like: Shut the ehllio up and come with meeeee you two children. I'm a boss ass bot~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tomoarts In reply to Zavraan [2014-10-06 11:11:38 +0000 UTC]

Alisa takes no crap from no one ... even her hubby.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to tomoarts [2014-10-06 11:12:56 +0000 UTC]


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phoenixphire12 [2014-10-05 21:05:11 +0000 UTC]

Lol, 'I can hear stupidity from a mile away' XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to phoenixphire12 [2014-10-05 21:06:50 +0000 UTC]

Elecman, you're even funny when you're angry. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

phoenixphire12 In reply to Zavraan [2014-10-05 21:52:20 +0000 UTC]

*angry huffing sounds* XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Elecmanlover1 [2014-10-05 20:51:23 +0000 UTC]

This is just far too funny, awesome and perfect! I died in the scene where elec electrocutes quick and crash! Their faces XDDDDDDDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to Elecmanlover1 [2014-10-05 21:02:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Elecmanlover1 In reply to Zavraan [2014-10-05 21:05:17 +0000 UTC]

No problem  *still laughing*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KaitlinEXE [2014-10-05 20:39:45 +0000 UTC]

*Claps, claps, claps* >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zavraan In reply to KaitlinEXE [2014-10-05 21:02:25 +0000 UTC]

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