Zer-0Chan — Queen Novo's Mistake [remake]

Published: 2020-07-27 10:59:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 1367; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 2
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Description Hello earthlings. Greetings. Your favorite alien's back. Finally, after three years and a month, I remake this.
This drawing is a remake of the drawing "Too dangerous to be free" and yes, I am completely satisfied with the way the drawing looked and with Sharp Diamond's new color palette, which now looks more like the colors of a great white shark, which was my original intention when I created her.

[Edit April 2023] My initial intention when I created Sharp Diamond was to make it a hybrid species of hippogriff, Sea Crystals, which would be a mix between hippogriffs and water ponies with shark genes. A different species from Alicorns and Changelings that have a crystal in the neck area. Well, I decided to completely discard this idea because I forgot about the existence of the Sirens.

In my headcanon, Sirens, as well as Changelings and Hippogriffs, can transform, although Hippogriffs' transformation is only performed with a collar and when they are on dry land. Some species of Sirens, despite having a transformation, can only survive in deeper water. Adagio, Sonata and Aria are from a species of Siren that lives in shallow waters, thus being able to enchant others with their voices easily. The Sirens that appear to plague Equestria are the primal part of them. Because the three of them wanted power, the primal part of them became somewhat feral, yearning to be able to control others until they were sent to the human world.

Sirens usually have great control over their primal parts, maintaining balance over them. They are part shark and usually have some part or feature that resembles a shark, be it white shark, fox shark, whale shark, hammerhead shark, etc. In Sharp Diamond's case, she is a mix of Siren White Shark and Hippogriff. She's... a big girl. Big girl like... Huge. Centimeters larger than Queen Novo and centimeters smaller than Empress Luna.

As for the transformation of the Sirens, they can turn into some terrestrial creature or the shark related to their species (Example: Sharp manages to transform into a white shark) due to the crystal of their necks. Remember the four ponies that represent a season that I created? They are also part of this species but are as old as Celestia and Luna, basically legends. No one knows for sure what happened to the four sisters, but they do know that they are responsible for the Oceans of Equestria.

Anyway, the story of Sharp remains the same (it's long):

"The Merpony and the Sirens were two species of ponies completely opposite. They got along, but did not mix. Queen Novo, still known as Princess Novo, was adored and idolized by the two species.

One of the princess's closest friends was a hippogriff and the two spent hours and hours talking and having fun at the sea, which made the princess forget her royal responsibilities.

Over the years, the coronation of Novo was approaching and the two friends saw each other less and less, thanks to the responsibilities of the princess, who would soon be queen. Although the two saw each other and talked less often, Novo's feelings for her childhood friend grew stronger and stronger until Novo decided to declare herself to the hippogriff the day before her coronation as queen.

Before Novo could express her feelings, the hippogriff announced that he was dating a Siren and Novo bitterly remembered that royalty and commons would never mix. She swallowed her pride and decided that as long as her lover was happy, she would be happy for him... Or so she thought.

The years passed and the Seaquestria population had increased dramatically. Queen Novo had become a cold, calculating queen who knew how to use words meticulously. She had also become the mother of a seapony, Princess Skystar, but the queen's husband never even met his daughter, as he had fallen ill and died months before Skystar's birth - something Queen Novo believed was the fault of the residents of Aquastria and their leader.

The male hippogriff, who was now the queen's advisor, also had children - two, to be more precise and one more on the way - with the Siren mare that he met years before. He helped the Queen to raise Skystar as he could.

The queen, still bitter, was trying to find some solution to the problem of the overpopulation and that's how the rumors started.

They started as simple as "I heard that the Sirens were stealing from the Seapony" and evolved to "I heard that the Sirens murdered a Seapony".

In a few months, the Sirens were hated by all Seaquestria and not even they're adored queen could protect them. Then the disappearances and deaths of the Sirens began.

Night Waves - the colt with whom the Queen had fallen in love - knew that his family would disappear if he did not take action, so he went to ask the Queen for help. The Queen said she would help him, after all "I know that you and Ocean Flower are good samaritans in Seaquestria and would never hurt anyone".

The small family took shelter in the Palace and, after the youngest daughter of Night Waves and Ocean Flower was born, the Queen put the last part of her plan into action.

During the night, while everyone slept, the Queen took a knife-shaped shell and started to hurt herself. After looking in the mirror and seeing the results of her wounds, she forced her tears and, knowing that her guards were changing shifts, hurriedly swam from her quarters to the throne room, where guards, who returned to their posts at in front of the Queen's room, found her crying and shivering.

It didn't take long for the guards to understand who was to blame. Queen Novo smirked when the guards moved away, swimming directly into the rooms of Night Waves and Ocean Flower, who are forced to leave the room, leaving their three foals behind.

The queen felt sorry for their foals, but the pity she felt soon turned into forced hatred.

The next day, the Queen made an announcement to all citizens of Seaquestria: Sirens will be exterminated due to the "Family of Traitors" who tried to kill the Queen.

For the next 48 hours, Seaquestria became a sea of ​​blood. The first Siren to be executed were Ocean Flower and her husband, followed by their two oldest children. The queen decided to spare the newborn foal from such a horrible death and locked her in the deepest dungeons of the Palace to never be found and the remaining Sirens were killed one by one by royal guards and other Seaponys.

The years passed and everyone soon forgot about the Sirens. All but the Queen, who kept one hidden in the confines of the dungeons of her Palace."

"You don't think Queen Novo would do that, right, Morningstar, dear?" The dragon pony asked, staring at her unicorn friend.

"Honestly, Diamond, I don't know." Andromeda Morningstar replied. Her face showed complete confusion. "But this book ..." She paused and sighed. "This book tells a very tragic story. How could a queen do this to her own subjects?"

"This is what I call blind love." Diamond replies, shaking her head negatively. "Do you think we should really go to Seaquestria? I mean, the Friendship Map sent us there, but ..."

"You're reluctant." Completed Morningstar. "I confess that I am too, I never turned any pony into a seapony before."

The two laugh briefly, lightening the mood.

The day had started out normal, as usual. Morningstar woke up early, helped her mother complete chores at the Palace and also at the Friendship School, spent time with her friends, and finally, after noon, the Friendship Map sent her on a Seaquest mission, along with Diamond.

Deciding to do some research before traveling, the two stopped by the Palace library to look for books of transformation spells and more information about Seaquestria and Aquastria when Diamond found, on one of the highest shelves, a book of horror stories about Seaquestria.

Deciding to read to pass the time, Diamond used her magic to reach the book and took it to where Andromeda was. The half-breed pony flipped through the book until she found a tale that caught her eye. "Queen Novo's Mistake" was the name, and she asked her orange friend to take a look. To say that the two were in shock after reading is a complete understatement.

"Do you think the tale is really true?" Diamond asks, holding the book between her hooves, against her chest.

"I want to believe it isn't." Morningstar replied, slightly worried. "But Mom told me about the Nightmare Moon story and how it turned out to be true. Perhaps this story is just distorted. Moreover, some pages are missing, there is no way of knowing if this is the end of the story."

"You're right ..." murmured Diamond. "Well, we better get going."

The two mares put the books on their shelves again - with the exception of the storybook - and leave the library.


Diamond and Morningstar arrive at Seaquestria a few hours after leaving the library. The two were in their seapony forms and were swimming calmly towards the palace, having a quiet conversation.

Upon arriving at the palace, they are greeted by Queen Skystar, who hugs them, saying how happy she is to finally see her friends from Equestria again.

The three have small talk for a few minutes until Skystar asks the reason for the visit.

"The Map sent us here, Majesty." says Diamond.

Skystar tilts her head, clearly confused.

"We haven't had any problems here." "The Queen replied. "Are you sure it's not a mistake?"

"The Map generally does not make mistakes." replied Morningstar, lowering her ears.

"We have... we have a reason to believe that your mother is the one who has a friendship problem, Skystar." Diamond comments, lowering her head.

"My mother?"

"We found a book of Tales of Terror about Seaquestria in the library of my mother's Palace." Morningstar says, using her magic to take the book from her waterproof backpack. She open it on the story page and Skystar reads the tale, with explicit confusion on her face. When the queen finally finishes reading, her gaze is one of pure shock and terror.

"We also think that the tale has been distorted from the real story." adds Diamond. "Unfortunately, this was the only copy of the story in the library, so we don't know about the rest of it."

Skystar was silent for a few minutes, worrying the two ponies, until the Queen spoke again.

"Mom never let me go to the dungeons when I was younger." she murmured."She used to say that 'A monster will catch you if you go down there'. I never imagined that she would arrest another aquatic being. I just ..." Skystar sighs. "I know that my mother was severe but I never imagined that it would be to that point."

Diamond hugs the Queen, who now had tears in her eyes.

"Let's go down to the dungeons." Skystar swallows the cry. "And find out what my mom's mistake was."


The three ponies swim into the palace's dungeons. Morningstar and Diamond used their horns to light the way, as every few meters, it got darker and darker.

Eventually, after swimming down a flight of stairs, the ponies reached the cell area, which was a long corridor with cells on the right and left. Most of the cells contained skeletons of fish and Seaponys and were poorly lit by fluorescent seaweed.

At the end of the corridor was a single cell, similar to the scuba cages that some ponies used to take pictures of sharks. Morningstar used her magic to illuminate the cage, creating a ball of blue light that floated to the top of the cage and illuminated part of the site.

The three gasped in surprise when they saw a seapony standing in the middle of the cage. The pony's waist was attached with chains that were attached to stones stuck to the floor, preventing her from swimming sideways. The chains that held her around the waist were attached to harnesses, fastened by padlocks, that went up to the pony's neck - where the three could see that, just above the collarbone, a blue crystal shone - and connected to a muzzle, which passed around the pony's head.

"She's a ..." murmured Morningstar, lost in words.

"She's a Siren" completed Diamond.

"And she was down here the whole time," added Skystar, swimming close to the cage. "How did I never notice?"

The Siren knew that the three ponies were there. She felt them there. She heard them there. But she remained motionless, pretending to be in a vegetative state of deep sleep. Her tail wagged from left to right. Waiting. Anticipating the right time to scare the three, who were now talking about how to get her out of the cage and how to confront Queen Novo over the Siren.

...Queen Novo...

The Siren remembered that name. How many years had it been since she was trapped in a cage like an animal? Eighteen? Twenty? She didn't remember. But she remembered the name of the tyrannical Queen who put her in the damn cage and her blood boiled.

The crystal on her collarbone began to shine brighter, drawing the attention of the three ponies, but soon stopped glowing, becoming an opaque blue color, which scared the ponies that had now stopped talking.

The Siren chest was still rising and falling slowly, her gills still opened and closed to release air and her eyes were still closed and remained so for minutes. After half an hour, Morningstar decided to blow up the cage door with her magic and release the Siren.


She remained quiet, just listening, until a loud "BOOM" sounded. The cage door was open and the three ponies approached the Siren.

Sharp Diamond didn't know who used magic to free her, but as soon as she heard the chains hitting the floor of the cage and felt the muzzle being removed, she opened her eyes, startling the three ponies, who retreated.

The four stared at each other for a few minutes. Sharp Diamond, although apparently weakened, was much taller than the three ponies thought and supposedly stronger, since she had a small breastplate formed. The crystal in her collarbone started to shine again, not as strong as before.

"M-my name is Andromeda Morningstar." started the orange unicorn. "T-These are Queen Skystar and Diamond, my friends. It is a pleasure to meet you ..."

The Siren opened her mouth, showing two jagged rows of pointed, triangular teeth. She looked uncertain, hesitant even, as if she suspected the sound of her own voice.

She closes her mouth. Without the weight of the chains, she could finally stretch her muscles, moving her dorsal fins back and listening to the satisfying crack of her bones. Then she straightened her spine, bending back and forth.

It was apparent just how outnumbered the three ponies were when Siren finished stretching. She was huge and could easily attack them given the opportunity. Siren, who once looked like an angel while in her vegetative state, now looks like an enraged demon ready to fight for her life.

Skystar, Diamond and Andromeda could now clearly see what years as a prisoner had done to Siren. Scars covered her body and it didn't look like the harnesses and chains had been put just around her waist. She had scars around her neck, collarbone, waist, tail and dorsal fins. Even the Siren's dorsal fin was scarred.

She looked at the three ponies and the exit of her cell.

Skystar notices and tries to get closer, stopping when the crystal on Siren's neck glows. "We don't want to hurt you."

"It's okay, darling. We're here for you." Diamond smiles reassuringly, gaining the Siren's attention, who now looks irritated.

"Help me? Help me?!" the Siren finally speaks, impatiently swimming from one side of her cell to the other. Her voice was husky but powerful and reverberated in the dungeon. "Your kind will never be able to help me!"

With that, Siren's crystal glows and she is surrounded by a magical aura. There, before the eyes of the three ponies, Siren transformed into a great white shark that moved quickly towards the dungeon exit, nearly running over the three of them in the process.

"We have to find her!" Skystar helps the friends and takes them to the exit. They didn't know what to expect after the Siren explosion.

Character design by Nathy2001  
Original version  www.deviantart.com/nathy2001/a…
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