Comments: 26
Ashmerra [2017-09-11 00:33:26 +0000 UTC]
Hello! Ashmerra here from ProjectComment!
My disclaimer: I will organize my critique as (+) I like this, and (-) I didn’t like this. Note that this does not mean your work is bad! I just want to be clear so you know! Also note I never read other critiques on the art I am doing.
(+) Your shading is good, I see one light source, and I can tell where it is from. The way the colors on the scarf are for shading works very well. The hair has a very natural appearance as well.
(+) The way you drew the scarf, drawing some feathers, implying others, works very well and gives it its own look. It hangs well and looks nice and fluffy.
(+) The color scheme. Muted purples on him and within the frame, mixed with the bright red of that scarf gives it a very nice look.
(-) The arm is too stiff for my taste. If it was more up, like this woman’s arm:… I feel it would give a much more relaxed, natural position for his arm.
(-) Because we cannot see the entire frame, I feel it would appear better to have behind the frame be colored. Just a soft, muted tone, maybe a gradient, but still something. Personally, right now it almost feels I do not see the entire image, and I understand the choice, but that’s just my thoughts.
(+) And how could I forget those lines! I love how you used different colored lines for skin and clothes, I really do think that changes how a piece is seen.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tirius99 [2017-09-02 20:50:23 +0000 UTC]
Commenting on behalf of ProjectComment
This is an incredibly well drawn and painted piece! It’s also very efficient with the painting so that every brush stroke was given a lot of care and purpose. There’s not a lot of visual noise in this drawing. It’s very to the point and that is to focus on this character, Elliot. The pose is regal, and the red boa contrasts well with the navy color to Elliot’s outfit and his purple hair. The choice of color really makes the boa pop out in this drawing. Your attention to details for the boa made it work so well, and I noticed you even included at least three different shades of red on it and another shade for the darker shadows behind him. The contrast between bright and dark is well done as a common issue is not making the light and dark color contrast far enough. So you definitely have that going for you. I also like what you did with the folds by using brushstrokes to show the folds on his sleeves. Also the frame is very well drawn and painted and you nailed the lighting off it’s reflective surface. Overall the attention to detail is incredible.
In terms of something to watch out for, I was a little confused if Elliot was suppose to be inside the frame or standing in front of it. His arm to the right indicates that he’s standing in front of it, so it made me wonder if it’s a mirror he’s standing in front of. But there’s no reflection, so is it a frame without a mirror or a painting on it because it’s just blank which stands out a little because the rest of the drawing has so much detail. The other thing I noticed is the smile and it looks just a tad too wide but I’m really nitpicking.
This is a very well painted piece and you have an eye for details. Keep up with the good work!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AlwysbCreative [2017-09-02 19:39:25 +0000 UTC]
Hello, I am from , and I am here to give you a slight comment!
So first off, I love this piece! The first thing I notice is the attention to detail, I love the wrinkles on the outfit, as well as the individual strands in the boa. The shading is down to perfection, and I simply love how you carved out the cheek bones! The hair is probably another favorite part of mine, the highlighting and detail put into it is just so good!
There isn't much here to fix in my opinion, honestly, the only thing I would suggest doing is to carve out the chest a bit more, I know this is a male character, but I feel even a male's chest is supposed to be quite noticeable as well. I don't know, maybe thats' just me.
Anyways, this piece came out great, and I love your art style, it is very professional looking! Please keep up the great work!
Well, that's all from me, I hope you have a wonderful day, and great luck on your next project!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Naarok0fKor [2017-08-27 21:56:59 +0000 UTC]
The frame is the prize, the character a treat & the featherwork a gem...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Blue-Ape [2017-08-27 18:47:04 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Justin-Ivancic [2017-08-27 17:01:16 +0000 UTC]
Sieht sehr nice aus! Könnt da jetzt auch nichts dran kritisieren das du verbessern könntest um ehrlich zu sein. Das einzige was ich vielleicht noch generell sagen würde ist das du (zumindest meiner Meinung nach) deine Preise anheben solltest. 20€ für ein komplettes Painting mit 2 Charakteren ist doch viel zu billig. Unterschätz deinen Wert nicht, du bist gut in dem was du machst also zahlen Leute wenn sie tatsächlich etwas von dir wollen auch mehr. Ein fertiges painting sollte schon mindestens 60€ kosten und selbst das ist eigentlich noch viel zu billig. Naja ich will deine Preise aber auch nicht zu hart kritisieren wenn du mit denen klar kommst xD.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Justin-Ivancic In reply to Zitruseis [2017-08-28 13:33:20 +0000 UTC]
Mhm, klingt gut obwohl ich eher der Meinung bin das man auch mit anfangs wenig Präsenz seine Preise realistisch berechnen sollte. Nur weil dich noch nicht viele kennen werden deine Zeichnungen ja nicht schlechter und ich finde das es eigentlich kaum einen unterschied macht wenn du wenig Aufträge hast dafür dann aber gut und realistisch bezahlt wirst als wenn du viele Aufträge hast, wenig bekommst und letzten endes das gleiche verdienst. Du sparst dir bei angemessenen Preisen eigentlich nur Arbeit und Projekte an denen du nicht arbeiten willst.
Ich schätze du weißt das schon aber ne gute Methode um seine Preise zu berechnen ist halt indem man sich einfach stündlich bezahlen lässt. Soweit ich weiß nehmen die meisten 20 pro Stunde und gucken dann halt wie kompliziert das Bild ist das der Kunde haben will und basieren dann ihre Preise darauf.
Wenn dir das zuviel ist kannst du das ja runter setzten aber 10 sollten es meiner Meinung nach schon sein.
Es gibt halt einfach mega viele Leute die erwarten das man für umsonst arbeiten, was halt leider einfach daran liegt das die meisten "Anfänger" sich so hart unterschätzen.
Hatte erst letztens noch von einem bekannten gehört das er angeschrieben wurde um ein Overwatch painting zu machen und da da irgendwie alle Charaktere drauf sollten hat er dann halt den Preis auf 600 USD gesetzt. Naja,... am ende hat der Kunde zu wem anders gewechselt der es dann für 30 gemacht hat xD.
Aber ja, hoffe du hast damit Erfolg und bringst das ins Rollen. Viel Glück.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
adam-ant2 [2017-08-27 16:48:04 +0000 UTC]
He doesn't look like an Elliot.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Zitruseis In reply to adam-ant2 [2017-08-27 16:51:48 +0000 UTC]
Must be because he dyes his hair.
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Zitruseis In reply to Fenur [2017-07-15 16:11:39 +0000 UTC]
Quite fitting for nobility, right? :'D
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Fenur In reply to Zitruseis [2017-07-15 20:55:46 +0000 UTC]
Quite yes :´D
(But I also found those colours sexy... *psssh*)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TheHal96 [2017-07-14 14:51:51 +0000 UTC]
OMG OMG OMG Es ist fertig!!!!!! Love it soooo much *-*
👍: 0 ⏩: 1