Zundel — Ghostwhisper ref.sheet

Published: 2018-08-30 23:28:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 3211; Favourites: 47; Downloads: 1
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Are all my characters inspired by some Terry Pratchett quote? Yes, yes they are 'And if you don't know those quotes you might want to go and read his books, just saying.'

Anyhow, here goes my quiet, ghastly gal.


“If you trust in yourself. . .and believe in your dreams. . .and follow your star. . . you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy.”- Terry Pratchett

 Only truth shall break the silence  

Name: Ghostwhisper
Alias(es): Spirit(Freckleface)/ Finch (by her mentor)
Gender: Female
Pronoun: She/Her
Age: 24 moons
Starting age:16 moons
Sexuality: Demisexual

Clan: Nara
Rank: Explorer
Base Statistics
Strength: 17+2
Dexterity: 17+2
Constitution: 17+1
Intelligence: 13+3
Wisdom: 13+1
Charisma: 6

Basic Skills:
-Stealth: your character is good at moving without being detected and will have a better chance at going unspotted.
-Acrobatics: your character is good at escaping from tough situations and will have a better chance at succeeding than normal.
Advanced Skills
-Disguise : your character is good at avoiding detection if hiding in one place.
-Ambush : your character is skilled at taking enemies and prey by surprise.

Voice: She’s mute, only able to make quiet , soft noises. Communicates through sign language, gestures and writing. When she tries to meow it sounds similar to chirping of a bird.

Height: 20 cm
Weight: 8 lbs.

Build: Lean, but well-muscled. Has a long tail, and small paws. Round head, and almond shaped bright green eyes. Her fur is medium lenght, although it's longer around her head and on the neck. It's silky and smooth, usually well mentained .
Scent: For unknown reason, Ghostwhisper's scent is very faint and reminds one of lilys of the valley.

Scars: NA
Impairments/disabilities: Almost completely mute, able to make only quiet, basic sounds. She's still fairly expressive, using gestures and writing. She communicates mostly through sign language also used while hunting.

General health: Good, although wasn't always the case. She used to be pretty weak and sickly as a kit, but harsh training and medical treatment toughten her up to be pretty fit.


Positive traits

 /Hard-working/ Ghostwhisper does not fumble around. If something needs to be done, she will do it and she will do it the best she can. She’s very job-oriented and always takes work at hand with care and attention it deserves. She needs her work to evaluate herself, therefor she always needs to have something to do to be satisfied. Being proactive and resourceful is the happiest she can get.

 /Adaptive/ She works with what she is given in life. She will take whatever approach the situation needs her to and will always try to work things out. She is quick to learn and try different approaches, supporting the idea that to adapt is to survive.

 /Determined/ She knows what she wants and will always do anything in her power to get it done. Ghostwhisper doesn’t give up easily on things that matter to her, this coming both from incredible devotion and even greater stubbornness. When she sets out to do something she will not back down until the job is finished, no matter how hard it seems, or how much she will need to give in order to achieve her goal. She isn’t not the one to easily give up on her duty, nor on the cats she cares about and is willing to stand up and fight for the things she believes in.

 /Playful/ Although a lot of times others equate her being introverted to being antisocial, it’s most certainly not the case. Ghostwhisper thoroughly enjoys spending time around cats she knows well enough, be it playful banter, some pranks or just joking around. She has a good sense of humor and loves to just loose up a bit from time to time. She is not the one to shy away and isn’t afraid of looking childish as long as it is fun.

Neutral traits:

 /Curious/ Ghostwhiper enjoys learning and seeing new things. She loves to a thrill of excitement, always looking for new experiences which is part of why she loves her job as an explorer so much. That however can also meen she can be a tad intrusive.

 /Wary/ Despite her love for learning and discovery, Ghostwhiper’s trust isn’t easy to gain. She tends to take some time to analyze the situation before making any assumptions and doesn’t deal with stressful public situations very well.

 /Introverted/ She likes to have her space. Even if surrounded by cats she trusts, she still needs some time to herself. The solitude is her sanctuary and time she can come to peace wither her thoughts, something she often needs to do.

 /Perfectionist/ Ghostwhisper likes to have everything done the best possible way. She always tries to do her very best in everything, needing to prove to herself more than anyone that she is a capable feline being. She can’t stand half-assed job and absolutely hates any kind of slackers, and although it can have its benefits more often than not it’s annoying to everyone around her.

Negative traits:

 /Resentful/ Ghostwhisper does not forgive easily... if at all. She can hold onto grudges for horribly long, and it's really hard to make her see past the hurt feelings. That extends to her having a hard time moving on from loss and grief over loved ones.

 /Blunt/ Ghostwhisper doesn’t like to play around with words. She signs it how it is, and although it can be a good thing, it more often than not means she completely disregards others feelings or basic rules of courtesy when getting her point through. If she thinks you are an idiot she probably won’t be afraid to sign it in your face.

 /Restless/ There is nothing worse for her than having nothing to do. She absolutely can’t stand boredom, always in need of a job, assignment, really anything. If she doesn’t have anything to do she tends to make up some work for herself and that can be pretty disastrous in consequences.

 /Uncooperative/Ghostwhiper is, frankly, a terrible team player. She likes to do things her way and specifically her way. If someone disagrees with her on something, be prepared for a most heated attack of rage you have ever seen. She can be stubborn as hell, and won’t go on compromises. And even if no one will argue with her, she will still most probably find something to be annoyed about as really not a lot of cats are able to meet her standars.


She was found as an abandoned kit, during one of the harshest winters, and was given the name Ghostkit, as not many believed she would survive. She barely held up, going through a terrible infection of respiratory system that permanently damaged her vocal cords, making her mute.

The she-cat who found her, by the name of Gulchflower, took Ghostkit in, taking on a role of her adoptive mother. Although a bit timid and still feeling uneasy after the traumatic events, Ghostkit grew very attached to the she cat. Gulchflower was one of the cats that helped her the most to open up. She showed the kit a lot of patience and care, something Ghostkit was and is immensely grateful for to this day.

Being brought into Gulchflower’s family meant Ghostkit became an adoptive sibling to a her older children. Ghostkit was looking up to them a lot, the cat held in the highest of regards being Yewtail. And although a bit shy at first, thinking that the other isn’t really fond of her, Ghostkit resolved to following her around the camp a lot simply to just watch what older she-cat was doing. Yewtail often visited them in the nursery, bringing food to Gulchflower and Ghostkit was always in awe of how good of a hunter she was, so strong and independent, and really really cool- and so on and so forth. After a while, as she gradually got confident, her mischievous nature and curiosity starting to show , she tried to get her older sister’s attention by multitude of acts- she pulled pranks on her, try to involve her in some ridiculous ideas or tried to sneak out of the camp, getting in trouble over and over again. Sometimes it ended in argument, but sometimes it made Yewtail smile, or even laugh- and that, in Ghostkit’s eyes, made it worth it every time.

Because of her rocky start however but most cats didn’t have high hopes for her, which led to others being too mellow and protective towards her, as she was considered to be weaker and more fragile. This in turn made Ghostkit and eventually Ghostpaw grown increasingly frustrated and annoyed because ‘no one seemed to be taking her seriously’. It also made her develop quite a few complexes, as the feeling of underappreciation and lack of support led her to believe she really was too weak. This was also sadly the time Gulchflower left for one of her expeditions. Although it was sad she will come back, Ghostpaw couldn’t help but feel doubtful, thoughts only encouraged by Yewtail’s words “I told you she’d leave, she always does.”. That made Ghostpaw fall back to her anxiety for quite a while. She was also quite damaged by knowledge of her parents leaving her to death… probably they thought she was weak to… they didn’t want to have to deal with her…

This resulted in desperate need to prove herself. Ghostpaw worked herself to the bone as an apprentice, in order to prove to everyone her value- most of all herself. She was completely dedicated to learn as much as she could. She was mentored by Rainglint, an young explorer with a very harsh, no-nonsense nature. The two worked together surprisingly well Rainglint being the first cat to treat Ghostpaw with the same bluntness she treated everyone else, while the apprentice was probably the first cat to match Rainglint’s stubbornness and find her morbid sense of humor hilarious. They formed they own little dynamic, built on both mutual respect as well as motivating each other to push their limits. Even after Ghostpaw became Ghostwhisper the two stayed close friends.

Rainglint however wasn’t a popular cat. She had quite a reputation among the Clans for being insubordinate and having a deeply rooted disdain against Halcyon cats. She was rumored to plan on a rebellion. So no one was really surprised when one day Ghostwhiper ran into the camp with body of her former mentor on her back… some didn’t even try to pretend.

Ghostwhisper said she found her dead after separating on scouting mission… although her blank stare and flat voice seemed to tell otherwise. But no one pressed. No one questioned.

The lost left a great mark on mute she cat. She became more emotionally distant and closed-off, as she decisively refused to ever work with anyone else. She became much more solitary, cold and… something no one quite could put their finger on. But something changed. And it seemed like it was a small snowball that was bound to cause an avalanche.

Ghostwhisper has been particularly focused on her warriors duties ever since. During one of her patrols she stumbled upon a fellow Nara warrior, Doveflight, who was in need of assistance with a particularly uncomfortable as well as fairly amusing nettle problem. Ghostwhisper found the she-cat reminding her of Rainglint a lot, which was a bit troubling to say the least.

In the meantime she has been given an apprentice, Cinderpaw, and though initially unsure of her position and role as a mentor, the young she-cat turned out to be brash, overly- ambitious and snarky- which easily meant Ghostwhisper grew to like her a lot pretty quickly, soon finding herself enjoying the mentor role.

She also began to develop a close friendship with Doveflight, finding her positive energy as well as idealistic nature refreshing and inspiring, though the resemblance to her dead mentor still causing an occasional sting. One day however, Doveflight got into a fight with a Halcyon tom named Raven, leaving her scarred and traumatized. Ghostwhisper found herself feeling guilty for not being able to stop the incident, and terrified of going through the loss once more swore to protect Dove from whatever was meant to come next.

She spend a great deal of time looking out for Doveflight and visiting her while the other was healing in Ela. Upon one of such visits the mute molly learned her friend has been harbouring a romantic feeling towards her and was left feeling confused. She cared for Dove, a great deal at that- but was it love. She was in love once and that brought nothing good to both cats involved. And she still could feel that lost, looking at Doveflight and seeing Rainglint, a cat she once held so dear. And Ghostwhisper was afraid- afraid that she wouldn’t be good enough, she wouldn’t love Dove for who she is. That she is still a mess unable to move on, and Doveflight makes it see it clearer than everyone.
She as began to have some strange dreams but thought nothing of it.
She felt guilty for rejecting her, half expecting her friend to leave after seeing just what kind of mess she was dealing with… but Doevflight did no such thing. She wanted to remain friends and stayed, which was enough.

The loss however hit her soon enough, as she learned that Mothrunner, one of her close rivals ever since they were young was assumed dead after going missing moons ago. Learning about that left Ghostwhisper broken and spiraling further into her grief.

Then however Ela announced official ceremony to mourn the one that passed and give them a final farewell- and everything that was said there, all the words just hit Ghostwhisper where she needed it the most. It allowed her to finally openly grieve, and begin to come to peace with her loss as well as appreciate all the cats that remained by her side.

Soon the dreams became more invasive and troubling with every moon. Soon she was having troubles sleeping, and sometimes she found herself seeing things that were not really there.

Afraid she was going mad, she decided to speak about it with Cinderpaw, her apprentice and only Goldblood she deemed trustworthy, as she feels they might have something to do with what was going one. The confrontation revealed that although Cinderpaw’s dreams were different, there were also nightmares plaguing her.
That said, Cinderpaw was soon going to became a fully named warrior, and despite the troubling circumstances, Ghostwhisper believes she is ready to take on whatever comes her way, and couldn’t be prouder to call herself her mentor.

Later on, Ghostwhisper is asked to teach a Brena apprentice, Hushpaw, sign language and so she brings the young tom to Nara for some time. She soon developed a good conection with young cat and is happy to help him in his time of need.

Family & Relations

Parents: Uknown
Sibling(s): Unkown

Adoptive Parents: Gulchflower (mother)
Adoptive Sibling(s): Yewtail (sister)

Mate(s): NA
Offspring: NA

Mentor(s): Rainglint (deceased)
Apprentice(s): Cinderpaw

Trackers: www.deviantart.com/zundel/art/…

- She was in love with her mentor, Rainglint

- She still searches for her parents in order to kill them

- She doesn’t believe in Starclan, nor has any respect for Halcyon’s cats
Pick a number: 1

Themesong is 'Fools' by Lauren Aquila

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Comments: 15

SevenZee [2019-06-19 23:33:38 +0000 UTC]


people keep mistaking my cat, GhostwhisKers name, with GhostwhiSper LMAO

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zundel In reply to SevenZee [2019-06-20 08:38:33 +0000 UTC]

That hilarious XD

We could probably have them meet, though it would be confusing for everyone included.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

halloumicheese [2018-08-31 14:11:12 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to Nara! She is such a lovely character! Please let me know if you'd like to rp/plot with Double : )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zundel In reply to halloumicheese [2018-08-31 14:34:42 +0000 UTC]

Hello, thank you

And that would be amazing, both his desing and backstory are absolutely fantastic and I would gladly see how interaction between him and Ghosty here would go.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KeraRose [2018-08-31 12:34:11 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to chaos clan!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zundel In reply to KeraRose [2018-08-31 14:12:35 +0000 UTC]

I've got the right adress then

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KeraRose In reply to Zundel [2018-08-31 14:13:39 +0000 UTC]

Hi! If you have any questions or anything, or want to RP, let me know!

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Zundel In reply to KeraRose [2018-08-31 14:33:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much, I'm surely to use some help in the future, and an RP would sound lovely, Meadow seems like a great character!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KeraRose In reply to Zundel [2018-08-31 14:42:40 +0000 UTC]

She is, but she can be a bit reckless at times. She's also a huge rebel supporter, so...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zundel In reply to KeraRose [2018-08-31 14:48:40 +0000 UTC]

Oh, then she has much bigger chance of getting on Ghosty's good side. She has a mixed feelings on rebelion but considers cats who support it to be worthy of respect... maybe a bit naive, but still worthy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KeraRose In reply to Zundel [2018-08-31 14:50:39 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Meadow will be happy to try to turn her to the rebel's side

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zundel In reply to KeraRose [2018-08-31 15:12:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I would gladly see that

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KeraRose In reply to Zundel [2018-08-31 17:53:44 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

latte-paws [2018-08-31 03:20:38 +0000 UTC]

well well well? B) welcome to the nara my guy >3c

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zundel In reply to latte-paws [2018-08-31 14:13:45 +0000 UTC]

So we met again.
Happy to be here

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