26DS — The Trap [🤖] [NSFW]

#anthrofemale #anthropomorphic #bigbreasts #femalemuscle #horsegirl #transformation #wonderwoman #animaltransformation #bustyboobs #bustygirl #femalemusclegrowth #horsetf #femaletransformation #horsetransformation #horse_tf #wonderwomanperil #nosetf #dragonseeker26 #girlswithsnouts #girls_with_snouts
Published: 2024-06-06 13:20:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 5472; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 6
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Description This is a story based on an image by NoseTF, whose account was unfortunately deleted on here. However, if you like this style, might I suggest www.deviantart.com/girlswithsnouts

Obviously neither they nor I own the rights to Wonder Woman, or any DC character. And if you enjoy this story, you’ll find a ton more like it over on my Patreon

Wonder Woman couldn’t believe she had walked right into such an obvious trap. As soon as she arrived
on the farm out in the countryside, she spotted one of her greatest enemies, the evil sorceress, Circe.
Assuming the witch was up to her usual tricks, Wonder Woman tried to get her to reveal what she was up to, commenting about how she was far from her island home. Her hopes of figuring out the scheme were short-lived, however, as the trap was sprung, and the Amazonian princess was immediately overwhelmed by an army of half-man, half-pig creatures.
Although she was able to fight off the first few, as soon as one of them managed to get her lasso off her
belt, it was all but over. They quickly got a hold of her hands and tied them up tightly behind her back,
handing the rope over to others as they wrapped her up much quicker than their clumsy, porcine forms
would have led her to believe possible. Even though she knew it was futile to struggle against her Lasso
of Truth, she couldn’t just give in, pulling at the rope as it began to glow, gaining more strength as she
fought to free herself until she could barely move her arms at all.
“Free me now, Circe,” the hero shouted as the sorceress slowly walked up her, the army of pig-men
parting for her, “Or else I promise, I won’t hold back once I get myself free!”
“Oh, you won’t be freeing yourself,” Circe responded with a slight chuckle, “You and I both know that. So
don’t waste your breath with bluffs. It’s demeaning to me as your archnemesis, to have you lying to me
about your strength. Besides, with this rope wrapped around you, you can’t lie anyway, the best you can
hope for are half-truths, and those won’t save you or scare me. So why don’t you just stay still so my
servants don’t need to hold you anymore. They would, after all, much prefer to go enjoy themselves in the mud pits than stand around listening to us chat.”
“I’d rather be manhandled by these pigs than chat with you, witch,” Wonder Woman replied, pulling
again at her restrained arms, nearly pulling out her shoulder with a strong tug, “You’re a menace to the
world of men, tricking humans and stealing their humanity from them, and just like always, I’m going to
stop you-!”
The heroine’s rage was cut off as Circe placed a hand on Wonder Woman’s chest, shocking her as she
cupped one of her bosoms being held in place by her armor. She tried to pull away, then tried to kick the
witch away from her, but she was too tightly held by her lasso and Circe’s minions to do either. Circe let
out a soft hushing sound before she began to speak again, the trapped heroine too confused by the
situation to protest again.
“You know, Wonder Woman,” Circe began to say, a sultry tone blending in with her normally calm voice,
“I always thought you were…underappreciated amongst your hero friends. You’re easily as strong as
them, as smart as them, yet you always end up as the third wheel to Superman and Batman. Don’t you
feel that way, at least some of the time?”
“I…I,” the rope tied around Wonder Woman glowed bright as she struggled against its mystical strength,
until finally, she was compelled to answer Circe’s question, “I do…I do feel that way, so often, I don’t
think they value what I bring to the team, what I do for them all the time. I can’t count how many times
I’ve saved them from foes that they couldn’t handle, but I easily stopped.”
“There, that wasn’t so hard now, was it,” Circe asked with a smile, Wonder Woman panting heavily from
the strain of fighting off the Lasso of Truth’s mental bombardment, “Now, how about another question
for you, while you’re feeling so talkative? What would you say if I told you I had a way for you to no
longer have to live in the shadow of other heroes? Would that be something you would like? To be the
one on top for a change?”
“Ya…yes, I want that more than anything,” Wonder Woman grunted, fighting only for a moment before
she felt compelled to answer with her true feelings, surprising even herself that she answered that way,
“I don’t want to have to be saving other heroes anymore, just for them to get the glory. I don’t want to have to be constantly proving myself, only to go unnoticed.”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” Circe said, her smile growing wider and more sinister with each
word she had heard Wonder Woman say, “I can do that for you, you know. Give you what you want, like
a genie granting your wish. Would you want me to do that for you?”
“I…I don’t,” Wonder Woman was fighting with all of her remaining mental fortitude, but her resistance
was quickly waning. Between the Lasso wrapped around her, and Circe’s magically enhanced ability to
convince people to do what she wanted, Wonder Woman was all but ready to give in to what the
sorceress was offering. That was, until Circe again grabbed at Wonder Woman’s chest plate, the armor
starting to disintegrate around her breasts and expose her typically hidden flesh to the fresh air. As her mounds became free, Circe cupped one in each hand and began stimulating her nipples with her fingers as a few soft moans began to escape Wonder Woman’s lips.
“Come on, I know you want it Wonder Woman, you said so yourself,” Circe said as she worked to break
the last of the heroine’s will, “Just say you want me to help you achieve what you desire, and I’ll do it for
you. Just say it.”
“Ohhh, ohhh,” Wonder Woman’s moans became louder as her nipples turned hard under the constant
stimulation, her thoughts drifting from stopping Circe to giving into her desires, tainted and twisted by
the sorceress. Finally, her will broke as she gave in, just as Circe had hoped, “OOOHHHH Yes, I want it! I
want you to help me achieve what I want, I need you to help me, I need to, I need to, OOHHHH!”
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” Circe said as she pulled her hands away from Wonder Woman’s fleshy
mounds, a begging in the heroine’s eyes that the villain had wanted so long to see, “Now then, let me
free you from your bonds to your life as a hero, trapped on teams that keep you down when they should be lifting you up. I won’t do that; I’ll make sure you’re appreciated in all the ways you could ever desire. But unfortunately, I prefer the company of animals, as I’m sure you’re aware…”
Wonder Woman was still panting, on the verge of a climax as she watched Circe’s hand move up to her
forehead, wishing she was moving down instead to help her finish. The once proud heroine was barely
taking in the words the villain was saying, instead desperately falling to her knees as Circe’s minions
released her from her bindings, the Lasso of Truth falling to the ground around her. As soon as her hands were free, she immediately plunged one down while the other moved up to her breast, fondling it like Circe had been doing moments ago. However, she was broken out of her furious drive for release when a slight burst of magic sent a shock through her tiara, causing her to look up at Circe who was still speaking to the needy heroine.
“And so, I give you my blessing, as requested before the gods,” Circe continued, “I will give you the glory
you desire, and in return, you will serve me for the rest of your life, and take on a form that I desire for
the entirety of that life.”
The dark magic flowed into Wonder Woman’s tiara, a wave of corruption quickly washing over the
polished silver and gold, tarnishing it to dark grey metal. Dark veins began to spread from her forehead
as Circe’s magic flowed through the heroine from the point of contact. The sorceress’ blessing, as she
had called it, was quickly taking over the warrior princess of Themescara, twisting her mind and body
into something more pleasing to Circe. As the magic rushed through her body, Wonder Woman let out a
loud groan, feeling her body altering as Circe stood over her, admiring her work.
Wonder Woman’s teeth gritted as her mouth and nose began to push out from the rest of her face, her
skull reshaping as Circe’s magic continued to overtake her. It wasn’t more than a few seconds, but with the force of the dark magic, her mouth and nose had grown at least six inches from the rest of her face.
Her nostrils flared as they widened, and the bridge of her nose widened as well, forcing her eyes slightly
further apart. Her neck thickened to hold up the growing weight of her head, as veins and muscles began to bulge all over her body.
Her ears faded into her head for a moment, before new ones began poking out from her dark hair on top
of her head. The newly emerging ears were no longer anything resembling those of a human, the long,
tall ears clearly now more so matching those of a creature in the equine family. As they finished growing out of her head, they twitched a bit, hearing the last of Circe’s pigmen leaving the two women alone.
They then twitched again, this time hearing her sandals ripping as her feet burst free of them, her feet arching up to be in a permanent tip-toe position as her toenails darkened.
With a sharp burst of pain, Wonder Woman’s spine poked out from just above her butt, a tail quickly
emerging and growing as long dark hair began to grow out from it, matching the hair on her head. The
tail flicked back and forth a few times before settling down, covering her butt.
Wonder Woman let out a loud neigh as she felt her body surging with new power, her arms and legs
increasing in muscle mass, while her breasts and butt both ballooned out. If not for the remnants of her
armor, her still hairless, tanned skin, and her now disheveled hair, she was completely unrecognizable as the former heroine. Her body felt like it was on fire, yet the sensations of her changes drove her closer to
the climax she so desired. She could feel it getting closer with each passing second, as her physical
changes slowed, her new body bringing with it a flood of new thoughts in her mind.
No longer did she feel worried about being a heroine, helping the innocent or those in need. Why should
she, when she had such power, waste it on those with none? All she thought now, was to use her increased strength to help the one who gave her this gift, the one right before her, Circe. She looked up at the beauty before her as the color in her eyes faded to dark brown, her fading humanity nearly erased
her ears flicked at the sound of Circe’s voice.
“Rise, Wonder Woman,” Circe said to her newest servant, one she had been hoping to add to her
collection for centuries, “So I might see your new form.”
The former heroine rose up from her knees, her imposing form having added several inches of height
and a considerable amount of muscle to her already impressive Amazonian physic. She now looked
down on Circe, and although she were much more imposing than even in her previous form, her eyes
showed nothing but adoration for the sorceress, as though she were nothing compared to the villain that
had given her this new, more equine form. Circe walked around Wonder Woman in a circle, as if
inspecting a show horse rather than a former heroine. Feeling the muscles on her legs, running her hand
through her hair, even slapping the enlarged ass of her former enemy, Circe was basking in the glory of
her triumph.
“Very nice indeed,” she said as she finished looking over her prize, “Though, I think I will need a new
name for you to go with your new look. From now on, you will be my right-hand woman, my top general,
and my protector. You will strike fear into our enemies, and lead our plans as we work to…correct the mistake that is humanity. Henceforth, you will no longer be known as Wonder Woman; from now on,
you will be called… Knight Mare.”
“Thank you, Mistress Circe,” the former Wonder Woman said, a smile forming on her face upon being
given her new title and identity. Her expression showed a hunger for power and victory, as the veins of dark magic flowing through her remained visible all over her body, “I promise to you that I will not be
defeated, and all who stand before me shall fall. My glory is your glory, and my victories shall be swift
and decisive.”
“Oh, I know they will,” Circe replied, “After all, this is what you always wanted, and when you succeed,
you’ll be rewarded kindly, either by some fine stallions, or myself. And as an added bonus, every time you cum, you will change a little bit more into a more perfect, equine form; at least to a point where
you’re still helpful to me and my goals.”
Circe ran her hand across the front of Knight Mare’s pants, making sure to linger around the damp area
between her legs, eliciting a loud neigh from her top-ranking servant as both her upper and lower lips
quivered simultaneously, the latter becoming slightly damper as excitement for the future gripped the
equine warrior. She was so glad to have been given this new life and form, she couldn’t wait to lead
Circe’s army and help give a similar one to the rest of the world.

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