Auxuris — C-I: Jordan Lyric

#cyberinvasion #jordanlyric
Published: 2018-05-23 20:44:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 1590; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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26 jan 2019: lol updated, it's about time


Age 15



» very quick reaction and response timing (to on-the-spot challenges)
» excellent dexterity (aim, motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination etc)
» good memory
» not afraid to make mistakes

» mind may blank out when he’s stressed (eg: if he has to remember and execute complex plans, etc)
» strong instinctive preference for conflict avoidance
» not a very creative improviser
» makes a lot of mistakes

♥♥♡♡♡ || 2 || Strength || [ Your character's Raw strength.  ] …strong enough to handle his own weapon well, but would probably drop another's weapon if they use some sort of monster ass heavy poleaxe.
♥♥♥♡♡ || 3 || Intelligence || [ How academically smart is your character? ]he’s got a pretty good memory, so straightforward academics is in the bag. but he ain’t really anything special in the street smart or improvising department, so problem solving would depend on the problem.
♥♥♥♥♥ || 5 || Agility || [ How fast can your character move and run? ]he’s had training in track and field sports since a young age.
♥♥♥♡♡ || 3 || Endurance || [ How fast does your character get tired when using up his/her stamina? ]decent for cardio activities. strength-focused stuff is like,, ehhhh.
♥♥♡♡♡ || 2 || Weaponry || [ Is your character experienced in handling a weapon? ] he’s ? used a spoon? to kill an ant once?? that counts.
♥♥♥♥♥ || 5 || Stealth || [ Are they likely to stay hidden or be easily discovered during stealth missions or surprise attacks? ]okay to be honest, it fluctuates between a 5 and 0 because when things go well, he’s sneaky as hell shadows. but then we also get the occasional really, really bad fuck up for like, no fucking reason, jordan.


+ [ loyal • adaptable • easygoing • responsible • helpful ] +
= [  boyish • playful • energetic • daring • extroverted  ] =
– [ reckless • petty • toxic • easily distracted • negative ] –

A natural people person, Jordan derives most of his energy and enjoyment in life from moving around, interacting with others, and making things happen. His good-natured and easygoing persona enables him to easily deal with life’s daily problems, and he has little difficulty adapting to new situations. He comes equipped with a boyish charm that, coupled with a light hearted sense of humour, makes him rather pleasant to spend time with.

All this energy however, results in Jordan being quite easily distracted. One would think that he looks alert, yes, but closer observation may reveal he is probably somehow focused on the wrong thing. The only exception is when he’s concentrating on a game, story, or challenge—then one can set his shoes on fire and he will very likely not even look down.

Fiercely loyal to friends and family, Jordan’s worst nightmare is when people whom he is both friends with decide to conflict with each other. As much as he is good at calming down such situations, he strongly dislikes dealing with disputes and hostility, and will subconsciously feel resentful at whoever drags him into the problem.

Innately a helpful and expressive spirit, Jordan seeks to be constructive in whatever situation he stumbles into—actively and hands-on. He possesses a bold, straightforward fearlessness which is both a boon and a bane when facing challenges. On one hand, his penchant for daring is a brave or would some say stupid? and tenacious trait when it matters. He is not afraid to make mistakes, take a hit, or step up to do the right thing at the right time. On the other hand, this tendency can lead to making reckless, risky decisions when he is overly driven or eager to please.

Though he is mostly responsible, organised and able to inspire others, Jordan isn’t quite comfortable with having his actions scrutinised. He enjoys his freedom and fears doing harm to others, and would far prefer to be a soldier as compared to a leader.

When in a true bad mood or feeling emotionally drained, Jordan can exhibit a rather negative mindset and subsequent toxic behaviour. He can also be surprisingly petty; holding grudges as if his life would depend on it. Though this is most of the time rectified by apologising —he forgives easily if one is sincere—, the offender will have to watch out for an endless shitload of salty passive aggressiveness until they manage to figure out the solution.

Alexandris Lyric [father, 44]
Ayame Nakamura [mother, 41]
Jennifer Lyric [older sister, 17]

Jordan was born the second and youngest child to Alexandris Lyric and Ayame Nakamura. Alexandris was trained to be a front-field Eliminator for the country of Scotland. He was then subsequently transferred to Japan’s headquarters to aid their war efforts. It was there he met his future wife, whom at that point, worked as a barista in a small cafe.

Alexandris was at peace with his job as an Eliminator for much of his young life. Until Ayame got pregnant with their first child, that was. When Jennifer was born, Alexandris decided quit that line of work in order to better look after his family, joining a different sector of the organisation instead—one that did not require front-field action, but where he could help out behind-the-scenes to train a new generation of military units instead. It proved to be a good decision, especially when Jordan was born two years later.

While Jennifer seemed to be made for sorority life—smart, elegant, though also stubborn and a bit glamorous, Jordan turned out to be the more outdoorsy type. Not a troublemaker of any sorts, no, but boy was he an active kid. He adored high elements, rock climbing and stuff like the adventure club, often coming home with his clothes and belongings in a muddy mess.

Jennifer thought he was crazy. But then again, all younger brothers were, somewhat. Even at the preschool age, Jordan was the sort of child to always wake the family up bright and early, dragging them out of bed if they were too slow, excited for each new day to come.

As he grew older, his hyperactivity became more manageable as he learned to channel all that energy into proper skills and goals. Jordan loved sports, and elementary school gave him the perfect exposure to all sorts. He ended up dedicating 6 years of his childhood to Track and field, though that didn’t stop him from playing ball games like soccer and basketball after school with his mates all afternoon—or any chance they got between classes.

That was, until his friend came back one day with a new toy. Trying frisbee for the very first time at the age of eleven, Jordan found that he was pretty dang good at it. It was such a different game from anything he had been used to, yet it fit in perfectly with his active lifestyle and Track experience. He never grew bored of tossing the cheap plastic disc with that easy snap of the wrist, watching it fly through the air and slice its way across a wide, open field. Playing frisbee gave him a satisfying rush like nothing else had before.

So in junior high, it was with great elation that Jordan found out his new school offered an Ultimate Frisbee club and he decided to pick up Ultimate competitively. With encouragement and support from their coach, their school team would go on to win a couple of interschool competitions around the country. Jordan was promoted to captain in his third year—apparently the most popular choice due to his decent academics, outstanding playing, and excellent personal skills. He wasn’t really the best at planning team strategy nor handling logistics, but luckily, he did have a great vice-captain who helped him out with all that. All Jordan had to be was the face of the committee; the one who verbally spelled out their game plans and motivated the rest of their players.

One day however, androids attacked the school field as they were practicing for an upcoming competition. Jordan had the disc in hand as it happened, staring in horror as the creatures advanced toward them. Everyone started evacuating in a panic, running for shelter and safety. Unfortunately, the incident was sudden, abrupt and located in a vast open area where androids had every advantage over humans.

A spider model attacked a teammate of his whom was too slow, clamping its pincers over her leg and dragging her backward. Hearing her cry for help, Jordan turned back in dismay. At that split moment he didn’t have time to think twice; throwing the frisbee at the android’s head in an attempt to distract it. As the disc hit its mark, the creature dropped his friend, and he dashed back to help her to safety.

Of course, two helpless, weakass kids stumbling toward shelter hundreds of metres away was just delaying the inevitable—especially when one of them was injured. They were almost definitely going to be overwhelmed by the creatures. Fortunately for them, actual Eliminators made it to them in time to fend off the androids and usher them to cover. As his friend was being tended to by the medical team, Jordan was given a check up as well. After answering a few questions, the team was sent home, shaken but mostly unharmed.

For the next week, it was all the student body could talk about. The Ultimate team had the mass of the school’s attention. But soon, excitement and fear died down as it always did, and life returned to normal. Jordan thought the incident was finally gone and past when he got a sudden message to drop by the Head of Sports Department’s office after school with his parents.

Worried he had gotten into some sort of trouble, he was instead surprised when the staff member who had requested to meet him and his family introduced himself as an Eliminator working undercover to observe and protect the school. Jordan was then informed that his actions during the attack had drawn their scouts' initial attention, and after a further background check on his academic, sports and health records, he was being offered a place in the Rookies Eliminators Project after graduation at the end of that year.

His parents were taken aback at the unexpected news, and certainly concerned about his safety in the field.  But in the end, they left it up to him to decide if the offer interested him.

On one hand, because his father had experience with it, stories told to him and his sister throughout their childhood had given Jordan a far more in-depth understanding of androids and Eliminators compared to what his other friends were used to. He didn’t fear them or their reputation. On the other hand, he also knew the risks that one had to face, living a life of fighting androids. And so the question was, did he fear the job?

None of them were quite sure what went through young Jordan’s head, but he accepted the offer.

» soccer
» frisbee
» climbing
» listening to rock music
» messing around with friends

» sports
» hot drinks
» sweet confectionery
» quiet, furry animals
» chill people
» drama

» cold tea
» conflict
» having to choose sides
» tripping over nothing
» sour candy

» morning person, generally has energy throughout the day
» bit annoying sometimes once he opens up to close friends
» not really an all-nighter person, tends to get sleepy at about 1130pm
» quite enjoys cats, but really not a dog person at all ///hit
» likes rabbits too, and chinchillas
» and other quiet, fluffy things that don’t bark
» will 100% always every time choose DARE in truth or dare
» good with money, savings, generally responsible
» but terrible once you involve games and challenges so please do not let him bet on things
» always up for a good prank
» pun kid
» enjoys munching on snacks all day every day
» clips his hair up when training
» used to play the piano// got to grade 7

Timezone: GMT +8
RP Method: Script, Lit is fine!!

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