Auxuris — C-S: Kaneko Ikarashi

#oc #animestyle #character #characterprofile #originalcharacter #roleplay #rpg #suit
Published: 2018-07-05 09:54:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 822; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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AGE 23




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+ [ compassionate • playful • eloquent • forgiving • generous • friendly ] +
= [  straight-talking • outgoing • non-committal • tasteful • sociable • adaptable  ] =
– [ brooding • sly • irresponsible • escapist • inexperienced • untrusting  ] –

A natural free spirit, Kaneko is often seen as outgoing, playful and friendly, with a positive attitude towards daily life. He appears to open up easily, and is very sociable in whatever environment he lands himself in. Eloquent, confident and genuine with his demeanour, he is instinctively good at talking to people and some might even deem him considerably charismatic at the first meet.

Brought up in a family that had everything, Kaneko’s family were very good examples of benevolent people and his emotional well-being was very well taken care of. In turn, he cares about others easily and values relationships a lot, especially those he lets into his inner circle. He forgives freely—perhaps too freely— and is thoughtlessly generous with material things, as his family has been to him throughout his life.

This publicly seen persona however, hides a more jaded view and conceals his hesitation in trusting the intentions of others. Though a straight-talker for the most part, Kaneko has picked up a sly streak and may at times twist his words to benefit a certain situation—all while feeling no guilt at all because he doesn’t understand the gravity of lying to others. He is also quite entertained by workplace drama, politics and scandals… but not so much that he would cause any on purpose… right ? ?

Spending more time with Kaneko too will reveal his irresponsible tendency to break promises and not keep his word, even though he did mean it when he said it. He was rather spoilt that way in his childhood, getting away with a lot of mistakes and never having to be truly committed to anything. Deadlines are also of relative importance to him, though they will rise up his list of priorities if he cares about the person he has a duty towards.

Kaneko views troubles and obstacles with interest and curiosity, rarely getting agitated or frustrated over setbacks. After all, nothing really stresses him out because he is aware that he has nothing to lose. When he does get anxious and worried however, he tends to go the escapist route, but not before overthinking a lot and turning into a closed-off, brooding grey cloud with the ability to infect everyone else he comes across.

» Hotaka Ikarashi (father, 50)
» Nao Mizayaki (mother, 48)
» Kiyomi Ikarashi (younger sister, 17)
» Daiki “Edward" Mizayaki (maternal grandfather, 70)
» Marilou Grace Allerton (maternal grandmother, 72)

BACKGROUND [pre-birth]
To understand Kaneko’s current persona, one has to first learn about his family’s background. Kaneko’s father, Hotaka had a very difficult upbringing. Throughout his youth, he struggled with his parents’ financial debt due to their habit of gambling and bad investments. He had to work multiple jobs while studying and often went days without food. A diligent and determined soul, however, Hotaka somehow managed to overcome the odds even after being forced to drop out of high school because of his family's inability to pay the school fees.

He entered the service industry as a young adult and through blood, sweat and tears, gradually built up his first hostel business. He found a wonderful business partner, Nao, who later became his wife. Together, with great risk, but also passion, they grew the company and developed a very successful chain of hotel resorts. It was the good life, now that they had income postively just pouring in, but Hotaka never forgot the pain that got him there.

CHILDHOOD [0–5 years]
Kaneko was born the oldest child of Hotaka and Nao. His first few years into the world were already incredibly ideal—every child would have wanted the attention and love he received from his parents. The family lived in a luxurious residence waited on by more staff than they could count. There were permanent members like gardeners, security, butlers, chaffeurs and cooks, and those that came and went like tailors, stylists and trainers. At the age of three, however, Hotaka's company faced a great deal of unexpected duress due to his attempt in spreading the business overseas. Nao offered to station herself at their headquarters overseas in China in order to better manage the affairs there. And with Hotaka busy managing the company, Kaneko’s care fell more onto his grandparents, whom were a lovely couple with too much time on their hands now that they had retired.

By the time Kiyomi was born, Hotaka had successfully stabilised the company and was, himself, already on the brink of retiring. He had a good circle of upper management, a fantastic CEO, who was also an old family friend, and was all for finally letting his business manage itself. At this point, both parents were free enough to devote most of their time for their children.

Hotaka made sure Kaneko got into the best elementary school there was, of course, never wanting his son to suffer any compromise in ‘quality' education. Kaneko was always a positive and outgoing student, caring for others the same way his parents and grandparents cared for him. He made friends easily in school, and as a young child, was unshy with admitting his family’s background to anyone who asked. After all, his school was filled with other young kids of well-to-do families—and even celebrities—so he was considered the norm in that preppy environment.

He enjoyed the regular sports like any other kid, and liked inviting friends over to his house to play video games. His parents were always welcoming to his companions, and though they did lowkey screen each child’s background, they supported the friendships he made and everything he did. His childhood was an easy and sheltered one—just like his younger sister’s. Hotaka, having suffered so much in his own youth, was determined that his children would never have to experience any life close to that. Nao herself was born into a rich family, so she had no problem with Hotaka’s pampering of their kids. It was a good thing Kaneko’s grandparents were stricter guardians. Together, they brought up the youngest generation of the Ikarashi family to be compassionate and decently mannered, though unmistakably rather entitled and privileged.

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL [12–14 years]
In junior high, Kaneko was again admitted into a top tier private school, except as he grew older now, he could notice a divide between students who came from extremely rich families like he did, and those whose parents had to struggle incredibly just to afford such education for their children.

It was unfortunate to say that Kaneko didn’t think much of it as one should have. After all, watching the situations of others from afar did not affect him much. He was not a malicious child in any way, but he was still ignorant to a fault, living in his own golden bubble. He had little exposure to the nastier, more unjust sides of life. Even the acts of bullying were seen from a distance; laughed at and brushed away by the circle of friends he hung with.

It didn’t help that at one point, he was befriended by one of the 'financially modest’ kids. They struck up a great friendship—despite the warnings of his more affluent companions—and the girl became one of his closest friends. Until he found out that she had only gotten closer to him to perodically borrow money for her younger brother’s medical fees, which she never returned. Kaneko ended up anonymously donating his allowance to cover the rest of the bill, but he felt so betrayed he had to break off the friendship.

It shook his young, naive attitude to the core—that someone would pretend to be friends with him not because of the person he was, but because of what his family had. Once again, Kaneko retreated to the comfortable circle of his original mates, having had his first taste of the real world.

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL [15–17 years]
Riding the top of the bell curve in his final year examinations pretty much guaranteed Kaneko entry into any high school he wanted. Even if his results were more because of good tuition teachers than anything else. Though his parents offered to send their son to a private boarding school in West England, Kaneko had his sights set on a rather acclaimed local public school.

Upon excitedly anticipating his first day of senior high, Kaneko made the mistake of allowing his chaffeur to pull up in that fancy family limo and drop him right at the entrance of school—so his presence during that week had already garnered interest from many of the first year students, even those who weren’t in his class. Many were interested to know about his background, and they were all unexpectedly friendly to him once they found out. Once again, social life wasn’t hard for this child.

Kaneko was surprised to find that the environment differed greatly from what he was used to. The teachers were uncomfortably strict, the students were given far less freedom, and the school facilities didn’t even look like they were maintained weekly. And most of all, the students were all there due to merit and hard work. Kaneko was happy he had gotten into the school, but he had to work so much harder than before just to keep up.

So it was a good thing that he was someone who needed to feel like he fit in, because there wasn’t any other incentive for him to work hard at his studies. Bringing home a bad grade would be met with knowing smiles at the dinner table and light-hearted inquiries of: “So, did you have fun at school today?” His parents were unconditionally supportive to the point that Kaneko couldn’t settle on any one passion because he was allowed to simply hop around any hobby he liked. At the age of sixteen, he had experience with almost every kind of sport, driving a helicopter, scuba-diving and even music production—none of which he had mastered to any extent, however. Even as a competitive member of the Aikido club he joined in school, Kaneko did not have the sense of responsibility to turn up for every session.

The friends that he made were also very different from his past friendships. There was a lot more tension, pettiness and negativity daily, but there was also a lot more support, motivation and accountability when things got rough. He started being part of discussions he had never even thought of before. Like how his classmate’s landlord shut off their electricity so she couldn’t finish her homework that night. Or complains about which buses were always crowded at certain timings, resulting in a terrible jam at the entrance before first period.

Surrounded by people that made being rich unusual, he began to realise how crazy that he's had it this easy his entire life. Anything Kaneko wanted, he got. It was almost repulsive the way he and his sister could simply buy whatever they liked without so much as glancing at the price tag. When they travelled, it wasn’t even first class—they had their own private plane. It was, to say, ridiculous.

In his final year of senior high, Kaneko began to think about the future and realised that he didn’t have anything planned at all. His initial expectation to work for his father’s company when he graduated was met with a chuckle and a wave of the hand. Hotaka would say: “There’s no need to worry about work so early in your life. Relax! Enjoy your youth.” No matter how many times Kaneko brought the topic up to his father, his requests were just not taken seriously.

In fact, Hotaka would not even allow his children to work part time jobs while studying. His mindset was to just enjoy life—after all, he had already worked so hard to guarantee his family’s comfort and safety for ten lifetimes over. It was time to just sit back and enjoy the fruits of labour. His children should be no exception. Kiyomi took to this attitude like a fish to water. As a daughter of this business tycoon, she went through the same childhood and school life as Kaneko, except that she chose to unabashedly enjoy the luxurious life she was born into and be treated like the family’s precious baby.

COLLEGE [18–22 years]
Kaneko ended up uneasily selecting a Sociology course with a minor in Criminology, just for the sake of going to university. It was there he started becoming slightly disillusioned with his way of life, sinking into a cycle of uncertainty and worry. Every ambition he had was met with the same supportive response. But every failure was also brushed off as nothing to worry about. Hotaka made sure his son never had to struggle, but it inadvertently led to Kaneko unable to ever experience true satisfaction. After all, if everything was valued, then the value of everything dropped to nothing. What was the point of doing anything, then?

In college, however, Kaneko became reacquainted with an old mate who brought back great memories of their younger days. With the encouragement of his friend, he decided to simply suppress his worries by playing and partying around for most of his campus life. Rich with an approachable persona, doors opened easily for him. He even ended up dating a really charming guy who clearly was into him just for his money and status, but Kaneko was high enough most of the time and attracted enough by the guy’s looks to deliberately ignore that fact. He noticed quite a lot of ‘friends’ who would take advantage of people like him, which just made him trust people a lot less easily than before. College proved to be a serious eye opener for him, and Kaneko picked up certain more manipulative behaviours from his new companions.

Finally during his last term, he sunk into a depressive episode and realised that the way his sister and father lived would never work for him. It just wasn’t who he wanted to be. This sort of life had no meaning to him. He was incredibly… disinterested. Kaneko wanted to work for something, and he wanted to feel like he deserved it. When he was worrying about how to bring up the topic of working at his father’s company again without being annoying, Kiyomi sang to him the words that started him on another path. “Neko-neko-san~ If you’re so bored then why don’t you just find work somewhere else?”

Yes! Now, why hadn't he thought of that?

KUGE CORP.  [23–current years]
Kaneko reached out to a few of his friends and got recommendations as to what company he should apply for. He ended up choosing Kuge Corp., going for the interview first without his parents’ knowledge. His Bachelors in Sociology got him through the door and he finally announced to his family that he had a job. Though Hotaka was disappointed that Kaneko chose not to live out his youth in laid-back bliss, he accepted his son’s preference and probably thought that Kaneko would regret his decision soon after he had actually experienced the working life. Kiyomi was just amused at her brother’s obsession with finding and nurturing a working life.

Joining Kuge Corp. felt like a fresh start. Due to past experiences, Kaneko was determined to keep his background a secret from his new colleagues. He would wake early to take the public commute every day, and actually grew to enjoy that method of travel. Though still the same friendly, easily-smiling persona he had always been, Kaneko has learnt to be more careful about the personal information he shares to others. He may appear to be one of the most approachable and generous staff in HR, but no longer will his trust be freely given.

» Aikido: Kaneko enjoys the flow and movement of this martial art and still meets up with his former Aikido friends to train at the neighbourhood dojo, now that they are not allowed to do so in school anymore. Though he also has a private dojo on the grounds at his home, built specially for him in celebration when he passed the club's initiation in his first year. He also has a private instructor who used to come in whenever he wanted a lesson.

» Video Games: Kaneko has had a vivid childhood of many schooldays staying up late to play video games and facetiming with his friends. Ever since he started working at Kuge Corp., however, he’s had little time to indulge in such activity. It would, therefore, not be rare to take peek behind his desk and find him clicking guiltily away at some MMO, or hurriedly stashing away his PS4 when the boss drops by.

» Driving: Kaneko likes driving, and driving fast. Having been gifted his first car even before he got his driver’s license, it was clear that whatever he drove would be faster than liquid hell. He spends many a sleepless night speeding through the highways of Tokyo to clear his mind from worries.

» Drinking Games: Something he picked up during his college days. Perhaps by luck or not, Kaneko is surprisingly co-ordinated even when intoxicated and tends to ace games played while drinking—to the utter surprise of many. It didn’t hurt that the company he used to hang with was an incredibly fun bunch, which helped him develop fond memories of the activity.

» Free Running: Kaneko has spent his youth with too much free time on his hands. Picking up a hobby like this from his breakdancing friends is needless to say, almost to be expected. Though his mother is always scared to death when she witnesses him do a backflip on the concrete pavement in front of the house, or run up a wall somewhere.

» engaging with people || he loves interacting with others
» all kinds of good food || emphasis on good like legit gourmet shit this pampered trash of a spoilt child
» for some reason, street food! || he always feels guilty eating it though bc he’s been conditioned to expect his parents’ scolding
» being tickled by someone he’s OK being tickled by || imho he’s just weird this way, like he enjoys being happy and he’s been happy all his life so this is the only thing that gets him experiencing a more intense happiness even if it’s borderline scary and pretty much a fucking hostage situation
» sushi! || sort of a sushi connoisseur tbh askldfjalsk don’t even get him started
» sushi! || on the bright side! if you’re a good friend who wants sushi he will gladly bring u to a fine restaurant where he will proceed to introduce to you in detail every dish of a 10-course meal. the bill of which he will, of course, pay
» watching song covers on youtube || he loves listening to variations of popular songs, and will play it in the background as he works
» macaroons || what is this ? ? godly food ?

» being told he can’t do something || it’s an unfamiliar obstacle to him and he’s still trying to get used to it
» being interrupted mid-conversation || again, he’s used to people listening when he talks
» getting wet in the rain || it’s not a nice feeling when your clothes stick to everything and your underwear is cold
» cockroaches || he. is. terrified .
» goth girls || he’s tried them once… not his thing.
» feeling left out || he’s always been wary of isolation and worried about fitting in with others
» celery || no.


» graduated college with a 3.42 GPA
» president of chess club in middle school
» tbh he’s not even that interested in chess he just liked a girl there so he stayed and somehow got nominated for pres smh
» has insomnia and is on medication for it
» lives in a disgustingly huge residence, family also owns other places across the country and overseas
» tears up easily at emotional movies
» when confronted tends to be voluntarily submissive but not actually intimidated
» understands english from listening to his mother and grandparents but speaks it terribly
» styles his hair neatly to the right during work, but lets it loose outside office hours

ooc infoRP STYLE
script and lit works for me!! i tend to love hcing a lot so hmu to talk about our ocs! even if we don’t end up doing a full-out rp, i’ll most likely love to collab on some art or doodles /o/

discord! i’m super active there so just use discord man, notes are a ni g h t m a re

gmt+8 singapore

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Comments: 7

Tickleguyperson [2018-07-05 18:41:29 +0000 UTC]

I like this guy. Handsome, great sense of fashion, a killer smile, a very loving personality from my stance, and loves being tickled. I mean, can you ask for much more without this guy being a dream. Also, love your art style, is amazing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Auxuris In reply to Tickleguyperson [2018-07-15 02:17:17 +0000 UTC]

!! thank you omg you're too kind!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tickleguyperson In reply to Auxuris [2018-07-15 02:43:09 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome! Also, I wanted to ask what color his eyes are. I couldn’t really tell.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Auxuris In reply to Tickleguyperson [2018-07-15 10:09:21 +0000 UTC]

ah they're brown!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tickleguyperson In reply to Auxuris [2018-07-15 15:35:26 +0000 UTC]

I thought so. That makes him even more attractive (have a thing for guys with blonde hair and brown eyes).

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hyuemi [2018-07-05 15:02:07 +0000 UTC]

omg crIES!! he's so sweet omg I love him so much adjshd what a stylish boy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Auxuris In reply to hyuemi [2018-07-15 02:16:55 +0000 UTC]

helooo om g lkdfjasf you're too sweet hope to meet your kid soon!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0