azulann — Free! OC- Floyd In Depth

Published: 2015-07-25 02:32:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 11088; Favourites: 119; Downloads: 17
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Description *Be Warmed, a lot of info here!*
*I didn't draw any of the art!*

This is really all of her information rolled into one bundle, so theres a lot here!!! If you want a shorter version, you can see here:
Art Rush--it and Yumicommiss  

Full Name: Catherine Floyd

Meaning of name: Her grandfather gave her the Nickname Eddy after Sir Edmond Halley

Nickname(s): Eddy, Floyd, Lola

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Date of Birth: May 15th

Place of Birth: New England

Race/Species: Human

Native language: English

Languages spoken: English, Latin, Japanese

Ethnicity: European American

Orientation/Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Zodiac: Taurus

Chinese Zodiac: Bull

IQ: 125

Religion: -

Residence: Iwatobi, Japan

Occupation: High school student, Waitress

Education: High School (currently)

Animal: Narwhal 


Determined and Persistent- When she sets her mind to something, Floyd rarely backs down without a fight. When she sees something she wants, she'll go for it until she gets it, and it is well known among her friends that she never quits after setting her mind to something, claiming " give me the impossible and I'll prove them wrong in the most ridiculous of ways.

Loyal and Reliable- Floyd is a fiercely loyal friend, never giving way to abandon anyone in need once she pledges or promises anything. When she says she'll do something, she'll do it without a second guess, as she is one to always keep any promise that she makes.

Honest- Floyd is one who never tells a lie, like it or not. She's a very open person when asked her opinion on someone, and will always give an honest answer to any who ask for one without hesitation. She is a very respected person because of this, and is often sought out for feedback by her friends.

Nurturing- Floyd is seen by her friends as a motherly figure a lot of the time. She has a great deal of concern for her friends and won't hesitate to go out of her way to help one of them. Others always come first in this regard, and she sometimes forgets to take care of herself while she assist others, but this is always simply because she views her friends as her family.

Other Strengths: Intelligent, pragmatic, independent, poised, placid, security loving

Possessive and Overprotective- Floyd can sometimes become very defensive of ehr friends, to a point where they have a hard time dealing with how clingy she can be with them, even if she thinks its for their own good. She also becomes fairly jealous when people she wishes to spend time with spend time with others, leaving her out in the cold. she can often fall back into hers hell when this happens , and become very grumpy.

Blunt- Floyd is honest to a fault. She always answers with complete honestly, but isn't always nice about it. She often doesn't consider others feelings when expressing her opinions on things, and speaks her mind despite what others may think of it, even her own friends sometimes.

Dismissive- Floyd can seem a very dismissive person to strangers, clearly not seeming to care about what they have to say or do with her. She'll often give them the cold shoulder, seeming to act very high and mighty toward them, but is just, in actuality, very shy, and a very kind girl unable to express her feelings.

Stubborn- As an Ox her father would say, Floyd is infamous for her stubborn attitude and determination. while some would admire her determination, they may not take as well to her unwillingness to change her opinions, thoughts and plans.

Other Flaws:  Resentful, prideful, suspicious, adamant

Love Interest: Haruka Nanase

MEDICAL INFO:Blood type: O

Mental state: Average/ Creative

Mental disorder: Depression, PTSD, OCD

Mental stability: Stable

Medical problems: Asthma

Emotional stability: Can change emotions rapidly

Notable Information: She can sometimes have tramatic flashbacks and be sent into a panic, though this is rare. 

Phobia(s): Open water

Allergies: Just about everything in the Smokey Mountains National forest.

APPEARANCE:Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120lbs

Hair color: Black

Hairstyle: Medium length, often worm up in a braid, or just down

Eye color: Blue

Piercings: None

Tattoos: None 

Scars: A large scar on her left side received from when she fell off the boat, one on her neck after a fall she had while goofing off with Lexi

Skin: Extremely pale, porcelain skin

Body type: Hourglass figure

Clothing/Style: Modest, comfortable, yet Nice

Jewelry/Accesoaries: A locket

Scent: Flowery, Fruity

Others: (none right now)

Personality: When first encountered, it's obvious Floyd is an extremely cautious young woman, somewhat dismissive of the people around her. Despite this, she is actually known to be a very good friend to those she trusts, always looking out for their best interests, and even hovering over them in a fit of protection sometimes. Floyd is a very serious, and respectable young woman, as the daughter of a military officer, she has learned a great deal of discipline and respect, but is by no means a mean person. In fact, she is an extremely caring, motherly individual. People are often thrown off by her serious disposition, but she a very down to earth person who loves to help people when she can.  It's also been noted she does have a very good sense of humor, and even lets her gaurd down around friends, often dismissing her serious demeanor around them in exchange for a very sarcastic, teasing, somewhat humorous nature. Unfortunately, she has a fear of water stemming from a childhood incident, but when she does have reason to go into the water, she is an extremely powerful swimmer. 

She is extremely clumsy, known for obtaining injuries in all sorts of ways, from falling down to even having been hit by a car. Her clumsiness has people consistently concerned for her well being. She also loves apples

Most prominent personality trait: Her discipline and ability to command respect.
Floyd is a fairly tall young woman by today's standards, standing 5'7', making her stick out, especially in Japan (Though not nearly as much as Abby, who stands 6'1" ). This can make her a bit uncomfortable sometimes, making her nationality as an American quite clear, but she also enjoys picking on Lexi for her height, who is only 5'1". 
She has been known to hide her feelings for the sake of others, so when she gets angry, all hell can break loose.
Though she can seem unapproachable at times , Floyd is extremely kind to everyone she meets, even if she acts dismissive towards most, never dreaming of hurting anyone in anyway, and even beating herself up if she thinks she might have annoyed or offended someone she did not mean to. Despite her obvious kindness, Floyd does not tolerate injustice against anyone, regardless of race, gender, and regardles of having any disability or not. She has a firm belief in equality for everyone, and will not hesitate putting herself in harms way in order to protect someone she believes needs protecting, and can be very mean to those who would display any unwarranted disdain towards any person. She loves honesty in people, and can be quite honest herself, no mater how much the truth can hert. She is also Quite stubborn. She can also be seen as a very shy person, but can be very charismatic when needed, easily causing people to like her. all in all, Floyd is seen as a very motherly young woman with a firm grip on reality, and aims to always protect that she holds most dear.

Key words: Determined, intelligent, leader, pragmatic, independent, honest, loyal, persistent, poised, placid, reliable, security loving
possessive, overprotective, blunt, prideful, suspicious, dismissive, stubborn, adamant, Hides emotions, jealous, aggressive, remorseful, lazy, constantly hungry, overly humble at times,
can be stiff, overly cautious, cold (to strangers), very shy in romantic situations, brutally honest, Placid and security loving,  Patient and reliable, Warmhearted, loving, Persistent, honest, proud, practical, team player, strong sense of entitlement, wise, charismatic, courageous

Likes: Apples, Flowers, Honesty, Her best Friends, equality, Kindness, dogs, Apples, reading, writing, Art even if she can't draw, building, technology, cooking, did I mention apples?

Dislikes: Unwarranted rudeness or disdain, peaches, discrimination, open water, abuse, mean people, liars, Kisumi, being controlled, Anyone who gives her hell

Quirks: She tends to daydream a lot, she tends to be very restless, often bouncing her knee when forced to sit still, she can sometimes scrath herself in her sleep, leaving her with obvious marks

Fears: Open water, lack of freedom, being forgotten, being alone

Secrets: Who knows? She wears that mask of hers really well....

Hobbies: Sewing, cooking, writing, engineering, working, crafting

Dreams: To be able to support herself and her friends one day, to start a normal family

Flaws: Stubborn, bluntly honest, can be spacey with herself, overprotective
Abilities: Extremely high endurance, very fast swimmer, fast reflexes, skilled in hand to hand and fencing, can hold her own in a fight, fast worker

Fun facts/Habits: 
 She used to be a nail biter, but quit the habit
 She tends to be tired a lot
*more to come*


Primary Archetype: Isis/ The Female Messiah

How she fits:  

Floyd is driven by a purpose, one she doesn't understand is connected to a "divine", or in this case, all the people around her. she has one purpose, but that purpose, to learn to cope with her life and her fears, also affects the lives of the people around her. She has the ability to see the whole picture when it comes to just about any problem, and never gets involved in drama of everyday life, or jumps to conclusions. she is simply a detached observer who seeks to understand everyone's views. Floyd respects everyone and everything, fully aware that anything she says or does will, at some time, come back around to her threefold. she isn't always accepted as a leader figure because of her gender, and is willing to let others speak for or of her until confronted about her own personal views and opinions. Floyd has a strong goal associated with her, and has a willingness to sacrifice herself to achieve it.

Supporting Archetypes:
She draws various other traits from Hestia/The Mystic, Demeter/The Nurturer, and Athena/ The Fathers Daughter
How she fits:

As a mystic, Floyd finds bliss in solitude, enjoying being alone with her thoughts. Her calm and quiet nature leave her as a rather mysterious woman to strangers. she enjoys menial and everyday home tasks, finding happiness and even honor in being able to cook for others. She never feels inferior to those with higher power careers, and has a mind that is not easily manipulated. She is happy with herself. She is also very sensitive, being able to feel the thoughts and emotions of others, allowing her to be compassionate, but wary of public places. As a nurturer, Floyd has a strong sense of duty to help those she can. She takes joy in being able to assist and care for her friends. It never bothers her to have to go out of her way for someone else. As the Fathers Daughterm, Floyd is eagerly welcomed into her inviroment because of her firence loyalty. Shes a smart and Strategic thinkier, never allowing emotions to sway her. She likes being able to control her life, but never minds accepting challanges, especially when shes able to learn. she is extremely able when it comes to focusing on her own goals, and is very inquisitive and resourceful, giving her the opportunity to be an exceptional student.

What She Cares About:

  • She cares about herself as well as others, every living things is a manifestation of her goal that must be protected
  • She values healing the mind and soul above the body. She knows full well one will never fully recover until they can learn to accept past experiences
  • She pays special attention to children and animals, who cannot help themselves
  • She cares about simplicity. Give her a home where she can be herself, and she'll protect it. she may seem gentle mannered, but she needs her quiet space!
  • She takes her time in what she does, giving a great deal of concentration to what she does. No task is beneath her.
  • She cares about the welfare of her friends, even if no immediate danger is present, and has a tendency to put others ahead of herself.
  • She cares about providing for the entire group, sometiems even giving gifts to those she barely knows, and even being referred to as an angel by those under her care.
  • She enjoys taking the time to volunteer
  • She sometimes lives on eggshells, making sure everyone else is happy before thinking about how she feels.
  • Shes a real team player, and will try her best at everything she does
  • She wants to study and learn; she has a strong desire to broaden her mind

What She Fears:

  • She fears she'll run out of time to complete her goal, or that she'll have to watch other suffer
  • She fears that other may be led astray
  • She fears her own persicution, but may accept it as part of her destiny, only suffering if her friends may be subject to persecution
  • She strives to overcome her fears, but isn't always successful. she fears not having a place to call her own where she can escape to.
  • Anything that steals or privacy or solitude is her enemy
  • Losing her home or sancutary would devistate her, but has the ability to amek a home whereever the heart is
  • She hates being in the spotlight, not wanting someone to lose on her acount, and feeling everyone should be honored and respected for thier efforts
  • She greatly fears bing in larger crowds of peoepe
  • She is greatly afraid of not being able to save her friends. If anything were to haoppen, she'd take on the guilt herself and fall into a depression. Her grief consumes her, inadvertently making those around her suffer as they watch her fall
  • She can handle losing a battle, but couldn't stand to lose a war

 What Motivates Her:

  • She has a strong sense of purpose, and is nothing if not motivated to reach her goal
  • She has a strong desire to give and recive unconditional love to those she cares for
  • She knows she must battle her demons to reach her goals. She has moments of clarity and bliss but then must learn to intigrate this experience with the task of everyday life. She doesn't place herself above anyone else
  • The Plight of others will often motivate her into action. she believes everyone has thier own karma to bear
  • She'll do anything to have her free and quiet time, and to be left alone. She'd rather do something herself or with close friends than call a professional
  • Motherhood and nurturing give her a reason to stick around. She'll do anything to protect a precious relationship.
  • Love and belonging are strong motivators. She likes being connected to someone, but only one she truely cares about.
  • She has a powerful need to know and understand
  • Any Challenge that allows her to grow or use her mind will grab her attention
Her Assets:
  • Cares more for others than herself.
  • Has a healthy sense of who she is
  • Has a stong believe system
  • She seemed smarter and more mature than most adults as a child
  • She is willing to sacrifice herself for the good of many
  • Always stands up for her beliefs
  • Has an Inner strength that never dies
  • Prefers to be alone
  • Always tries to keep the peace
  • Values her home life and Solitude
  • Is able to resist manipulation
  • Doesn't really care how other view her
  • Is driven to help others
  • Is wonderful to be around once gotten to knwo
  • Is a great listener
  • Is extremely helpful
  • Enjoys staying at home
  • Is commited to her friends
  • is Generous
  • Is willing to do anything for the team
  • Is very smart and intilectual
Her Flaws:

  • Tells people the truth, even if it's harsh
  • Doubts herself
  • Pushes people beyond thier limits to help them groW
  • Doesn't know how to have fun with ithers
  • Lives in isolation, even with others around
  • Is shy and somewhat timid
  • Needs to learn assertiveness
  • Lives in her head
  • Doesn't want to be "here" and often daydreams 
  • Finds her identify to be wrapped up in saving others
  • Worries about her friends constantly
  • Is self sacrifice and takes on too many projects at once because she can't say no
  • Can take things her friends say personally 
  • Is a workaholic

How Others See Her:

  • To others, she can seem unemotional because she's always cool and calm in a crisis. She always seems to be calculations somehkng behind intense eyes          

  • She has a hard time letting loose in front of others. She can only truly relax at home, having playful games and hobbies hidden in her closet, preferring Indoor activities the most 

  • She can take in many tasks at once, trying to please many people and overwhelming herself
  • She isn't cincered with being sexy or keeping up with fashion trends. She an be beautiful, but doesn't realize it 

  • She's seen as being calm, quiet, and focused

  • She has a great amount of patience and is willing to listen to other problems for hours, even if they aren't so quick to return the favor. Some may see her as a pushover or gullible, but she is actually an understanding woman with wisdom to share. A lot goes on behind her eyes, but most people don't realize it 

  • She wears clothing for simple comfort, not to stay with trends.   
  • She is seen as either good or bad, no inbetween. She may be seen as idealistic, crazy or on s power trip, or as divine, wise, and giving. She doesn't care either way
  • Many are jealous for her connection to her "divine" or rather, her friends 



Swimming Style: Freestyle/Crawl

Stamina: 4/5
Body: 3/5
Mental Strength: 3/5
Water Repellency: 5/5
Logic: 4/5
Loyalty: 5/5
Geniality: 2/5

Stamina: 5/5
Body: 4/5
Mental Strength: 5/5
Water Repellency: 5/5
Logic: 5/5
Loyalty: 8/5
Geniality: 4/5

Specialty: Determination~ Floyd would be nothing if she didn't have her steel will. Floyd is very well known for being a very stubborn and driven individual, knowing what she wants and not stopping until she accomplishes her goals. It is also this determination that causes her to be an extremely loyal person, determined to always keep her word and never to go back on a friend.

High School Status

School: Iwatobi High School
Year: 2nd year (1st season)
Club: Swim Club; Girls Team Captain, Boys team assistant manager
Best Class: English, Literature, and physics
Worst Class
:Chemistry and Art


Age: 45
Hair: Therefore lack of brown
Eyes: green
Skin: tanned (from freckles)
Height: 6'2"


Age: 45
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Skin: Tanned
Height: 5'5"


Two sisters:

Age: 23

Age: 20

Best friend:
Age: 17
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Green
Skin: Tan
Height: 5'1"

Age: 16
Hair: light brown
Eyes: Green
Skin: fair
Height: 6'1"
Pet(s): Vega, Black Lab

At first, these two could not have hadd a bigger antagonistic relationship, even if they had very similar personalities. Floyd's blatant hate of large bodies of water was almost offensive to Haru, and they often bickered about the smallest things, much to their friends concern and amusement.

Thier relationship didn't seem to be progressing very well at all, especially after becoming part of the swim club together. At first, Floyd blatantly refused to even try and take to the watee again, being perfectly content with helping from the sidelines. This wouldn't stand for Haru however, as he was dead set and determined to get her to respect the water once more if she truly to be a member of thier team, even once grabbing her and falling into the pool in attempt to get her to try and love swimming again during one if their first encounters as a team. 

Despite this, the two have always looked out for each other, despite being equally quiet in most occasions, valuing each others independence and determination, holding each other in close regard, and becoming very considerate of eachother opinions, despite not always seeing eye to eye. They two developed a close friendship based on a mutual trust formed as Haru taught her how to trust swimming again, even leading her to open up to him about her past. Soon, after a near disastrous accident, Floyd had put complete faith in Haru, feeling as if she owed him her life, which she had to admit she did. The two even had a mutual attraction to each other eyes, being one of the first things they noticed about each other. Soon, those devotion to her friend turned into something more, Floyd experiencing feelings she had never felt before, and leaving her confused about her relationship with Haru, not knowing exactly how he felt. This point left her even more confused after impulsively confessing her feelings to him during a viscous but not uncommon argument between the two, leaving them both confused about thier feelings. However, HARU soon came to realize he had similar affections for Floyd, only realizing him after taking the time to think about what she had confessed to him. He soon took an opportunity to return the sentiments to her after kissing her during yet another argument, leaving them a bit unsure how to proceed, but determined to make things work out , one way or another, both showing a sweeter side to one another, Floyd trying even harder to get over her fears of water for his sake.
Floyd and Haru share a fairly interesting relationship. While they are the same in many ways, they are also vastly different. While they both share a strong determinations and desire to protect their friends, Floyd tends to be much more reserved and unsure about her decisions, a counter to Haru's typically confident decision making ability. While They both tend to be very quiet and taciturn people, Floyd's reasoning is due to her shyness, rather than Haru's need to only say what he has to. Because of this, it should be noted that Floyd tends to be much more submissive because of this, despite her rather blunt way of speaking. The two have a very powerful understanding of each others actions, however, making it much easier for them to communicate with one another rather than everyone outside their social circle. The two greatly honor and respect each other, something they had even before they became a couple. Despite her shyness, however, Floyd was the one to make the first move, even if it was in a rather subtle and accidental way. However, this was soon overcome by Haru's confidence, as he made the first official push in thief relationship when he was the one to kiss her.

Father: Floyd absolutely adores her father, and admires him a great deal, despite how little she gets to see him. She is fully and completely aware of how much her gives up to keep her as well taken care of as he can, and vise versa. The two share an extremely powerful bond with one another, and view each other as the most important people in each others worlds.

Mother: The two love each other a great deal, but that's never stopped them from being extremely different. Floyd and her mother rarely ever saw eye to eye on many things, her mother unable to understand Floyd's inability to show concern for a great deal of things. Likewise, Floyd never cared for her mother over-emotional state of mind, and the two often tended to stay away from each other to avoid earning ire of any kind.

Makoto: The two of them get along rather well, having a very close bond of friendship. Unfortunately, Floyd thinks Makoto is a bit too soft for his own good and, while she knows that a kind and good heart is powerful in it's own right, she believes he needs to, in a sense "toughen up a bit." Despite this the two are great friends and even alike in a few aspects. She admires his tenacity and prowess as a swimmer, and thinks him to be a very good friend whom she may be able to teach a thing or two while learning something or another day herself, while he respects her honesty, determination, loyalty, and intelligence, in a way hoping to learn from her.

Rin: It's hard to tell just how these two feel about each other. They first met during Floyd's time in school in Japan and then again after Floyd visits to Austrailia, and soon became unshakable friends until the day she was forced to move back to the states. Their relationship was fairly strained when they met again, Floyd having completely dropped off the radar without another word to him and suddenly showing up again. They are often shown to be good natured towards each other, yet at the same time have constant spats with one another. They often poke fun at one another, easily getting a rise out of the other, but at the same time have been known to show concern for each other. Those who know them well enough know that there teasing is all in good fun, and the two are actually very much alike in a lot of ways, and share a very sibling oriented bond if anything.

Rei: Floyd finds it very easy to poke fun at his overconfidence, admiration of anything he thinks of as beautiful, and his ridged nature. Even she thinks a person should have the ability to have alittle more fun in thier life rather than being so theoretical all the time. she often intentionally prods at his love for beauty and theory in order to get a rise out of him (which usually does work), finding him a bit too stiff, and a perfect person to tease. Despite her badgering of him, Floyd greatly respects Rei's work ethic and determination just as much as he respects her pragmatic and level headed nature, serious disposition, and her intelligence.

Nagisa: Since he reminds her so much of Lexi in the long run, Floyd and Nagisa have always gotten along very well. while other may find his constatnt badgering something of an annoyance, she has always thought it was very endearing. They do enjoy poking fun of each other often, however, and anyone who didn't know how well off they were could sometimes think they were actually annoying one another, even though this is not in fact the case.

Nitori: Floyd has always absolutely adored Nitori for some reason, there's no denying that. she first met him while accompanying Gou to Samezuka one day in search of her brother  and shes thought he was one of the most precious things ever since, (much to his dismay). Despite her constant doting on him and his clear irritation of this, they seem to have a well off friendship, probably one of the better ones Floyd has developed as well.

Seijuro- Floyd doesn't know Seijuro very well, but she does understand he can be a flirt. Despite this, she respects his ability to lead his team and his abilities as a swimmer.

Momo- Floyd doesn't know Mono all that well, but she does understand e can be extremely obsessive over both Girls and Stag Beetles. She respects his abilities, even if she thinks he may be a bit eccentric, and even welcomes his obsessive tendencies (over the beetles) within their 'friendship',  especially since Kiyomi is obsessed with Spiders.

Souske: Old childhood friends, Floyd and Souske had always had an interesting relationship. While they both held a deep concern for one another and held onto an old friendship, thier relationship was clearly slightly strained upon reuniting with one another so many years later. they showed a bit of frustrations towards eachother for having left on such short notice, and seemed to struggle a bit with reconciling, even if they traces of their past friendship were still evident. After some more time had passed, they each learned about the others troubles, and soon came to realize thier frustrations might have been misplaced and misunderstood. The two began to try and repair thier relationship, showing a good deal of concern for one another as time wore on, but thier hostile nature towards eachother did still pop up every now and again. They hold a great deal of respect for eachother. the two were grateful to have eachother back in thier lives.

Kisumi: Floyd just flat out dislikes Kisumi, and vise vera. They have very differing personalities, and, though it's said opposites attract, these two could not be farther apart on the Scale. There isn't really any good explination behind thier dislike of eachother, it's just there. 

 Gou- at first, Floyd treated Gou as she did any other, cold and passively. Fortunately, given time, the two began to warm up to one another, Floyd finding Gou's obsession with muscles amusing, and Gou respecting Floyd's willpower and drive to overcome her fear. The two work well together as co managers of the boys team, and They are always welcoming of one another's company 

 Lexi- There's only one word needed to describe the type of relationship Floyd and Lexi have: Inseparable. The two are almost never seen without one another, and when they are, they're usually texting one another. The two hold a scared bond with one another built on trust and understanding. They share extremely similar interests and trains of thought, sometimes even being called the same person. They rarely, if ever, fight and know just about everything in one another. The two would be lost without each other, and would rather die than be separated from one another. 

Lori- while Floyd has only known Lori for a couple of years, this didn't stop them from instantly forming a extremely powerful bond. Both shared common origins, as Lori was originally born in Japan, but moved to the states due to her father's job. Lori often acts as a voice of kindness in response to Floyd's usual cold nature, and understand each other very well, having similar trust issues and understanding about people. She, along with Lexi, is one of the few people who knows almost everything about Floyd and her problems and reasons for leaving home. 

 Ayane: At first, these two didn't exactly get along, at least not when they were little. Floyd and Ayane had met eachother in the 3rd grade and thier personalities couldn't have been more different. While Floyd was typically quiet, shy, and an avid learner as a child, Ayane was a belligerent, laid back and loud mouthed young girl with little respect for authority. She was often in great amounts of trouble and often teased and harassed Floyd to the point of tears, but always got in trouble for it. They met later on in life after Floyd had moved to Japan,and, seeing as both girls had matured a great deal, they brought no bad blood with them. While it was confusing to her when she was younger, Floyd now understood that Ayane was put in a bad situation from the start, and never once held anything against her. This train of thought contributed to the girls budding friendship and forgiveness to one another. They could be honest with each other and see that, while they both had matured a considerable amount, they were the same girls they each knew in elementary school, (though Floyd had become much bolder and more secure about herself.) Floyd often contributes her mother like protective tendencies, partial aggression, and boldness  towards Ayane, always being grateful for teaching her how to survive in the world. The two have a very close friendship that they wouldn't trade for anything, with Floyd acting as a good influence over Ayane and Ayane looking out for Floyd through thick and thin and watching her back like a hawk.

 Kiyomi- at first, Floyd had some serious trust issues with Kiyomi, understanding completely that she only wanted to join them in the swim club so she could have a bit of extra curricular credit. However, as time went on, Floyd began to understand that Kiyomi wasn't all talk, and was actually under a great amount of pressure. She is grateful and respects  got Kiyomi's ability to stay organized even under said pressure, and admired her ability to keep everything balanced out in her life. The two developed a great friendship with one another, always looking out for one another.   

BACK STORY:    Floyd was born into a fairly well to do lifestyle, her father having just begun what would become a very successful career, and her mother being a very attentive and kind young woman. She spent the first three years of her life living in relative peace and happiness, surrounded by family and friends, and spending a great deal of time with her sisters, despite them being twenty years her senior. Floyd had a very happy lifestyle, surrounded by people she loved and cared a great deal for.
     However, Floyd was soon forced to leave her peaceful home due to a transfer for her Fathers work, being a military officer, that would send her halfway across the world. It was then that the family moved to Japan, as her father had just been moved to become the Executive Officer of one of the battalions within the USFJ, or then United States Forces Japan. Floyd was forced to completely readjust to life after this move, and caused her to become somewhat withdrawn due to the sudden cultural change. She became a rather distant child, but always wished to help better others lives, as her kindness remained hidden behind her dismissive attitude. Despite being rather shy, she always tried to go out of her way to help who she could, and many good memories with people in the process, be them with her fellow students or even adults around the town. Floyd spent a great deal of time volunteering when she could in order to further help others where she could. She also developed a good sense of reading people, after seeing such a wide variety as her travels permitted. She always loved to see how different people handled different situations, and often enjoyed simply observing others when she could.
    It was also during this time that Floyd met Sousuke Yamazaki and Rin Matsuoka while attending school. While they were never the best of friends at first, a clear spark was there between them, and they often spent a great deal of time together while in school, being able to relate to one another on multiple occasions. They soon became very close friends who enjoyed each others company. It was a friendship that brought some light to Floyd's chaotic life.

    However, despite the family wishing for the best of times, things only got worse from that point. Due to the nature of his work, Floyd's Father was rarely around for more than a few minutes at a time. This never stopped Floyd from looking up to him, however, and viewing him as a great father who always did his best to give his family a good home. Despite this, as Floyd's father climbed the ranks of the military, his family slipped farther from his grasp. Floyd often found solace her the silence of only her own presence, something that also gave her time to work more on her studies and various other projects, allowing her to become a very crafty young woman, even if she soon became very reclusive and a woman who rarely talked. This gave her a great deal of time to focus on her studies, allowing her to become an exemplary student, much to her enjoyment.
    In an attempt to make Floyd more comfortable, her Father often sent her to visit Family in both the States and Australia. It was during these Australian visits that Floyd once again met Rin Matsuoka, the two getting along rather well. She admired his drive to swim a great deal, and often looked forward to their visits. the two had a blossoming friendship that lasted up until the day she was no longer able to visit as often.

    Soon, things would reach a peak that was unavoidable: war had called Floyd's father away to another part of the world, giving him the chance to send his daughter back to the states to stay with Family. Things began to look up for a change Floyd finally being near her family again put in in a more comfortable position, and she was happy to have some people to communicate with outside of her little ring of fire. However, times had changed over the years, and Floyd barely knew who her family was anymore. It was harder for her to communicate with them, and she felt the extreme distance between them that had grown. Despite this, Floyd tried her absolute best to do everything she could to maintain good relations with her family. This didn't mean she got along with everyone though.
     Things did begun to look up, however, after Floyd met the girl who would become her long time best friend: Lexi, through whom she would also meet another best friend, Abby. The three girls had a bond that was not easily broken, doing everything together and never leaving each other behind. They were practically sisters, but none more than Haley and Lexi. The two of them had a serious bond with one another, considering each other the most important people in each others lives, and almost never without one another. It was with these two that Floyd felt most calm, and for once in her life, at peace. They had many a great time together, be it in school, around town, or simply doing something that would otherwise appear stupid to everyone else.
    Unfortunately, things were not always so grand in Floyd's life.  While she was generally loved by many of her peers, her unusual upbringing made her a target for the few people who would actually waste time bullying the girl. She never really saw it as a big issue herself, as she was used to being seen as a bit weird, but it unfortunately came to a head in a very bad way. During a school trip into the wilderness, Floyd was quite literally pushed too far after a physical confrontation gone wrong caused a small but nasty fall into the river. It shouldn't have been as bad as it was, but a hit to the head caused Floyd to black-out, and become disoriented. No one realized how much danger she was in considering how shallow the water was, and so none elected to help. At least not until Lexi showed up, coming to her friends aid well aware that something wasn't right.
    Floyd Survived the incident with no serious physical damage, but with a fair emotional toll. An event like that really makes you look twice at the world. She was never really the same after that, accompanying her initial (and rational) distrust of people came a sever fear of the open water, and a distrust of any bodies of water. The people responsible were, of course, reprimanded rather harshly, but it didn't help. Floyd was scared. She missed home, or what she considered home.
    Finally, wanting nothing more than for his daughter to feel safe, her father had taken it upon himself to bring his daughter some comfort and to help her relax once more. After becoming Commanding Officer of his battalion in the USFJ, he had decided to send his daughter and her two closest friends to school overseas, arranging school and housing for them in Japan, as well as occasional supervision from remaining friends in the USFJ, as well as Lori's sister, well aware of just how much Floyd missed her previous home. Floyd was of course excited for this opportunity, but at the same time feared moving to a place she had been long away from with almost no support right where she needed it, other than her two friends since her father was still at war. The fact the ocean was so close to where they would be didn't exactly help her either, but she still went along with it. Completely unaware of what was waiting for them overseas, the trio set out for the Country of Japan to continue their schooling and path to adulthood.

Others and Trivia                                                                                                                                                 

"I'm not going to let my fear control me forever."
"We've already been halfway round the world together, I don't think there isn't anywhere I wouldn't go to be with my best friend."

"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot."

It isn't weakness to hold onto something dear to you, it only shows that you have the strength TO hold on

When we came into this world, we were all the same, so why are we so different now?

Favorite season(s): Fall

Favorite food(s): Apples, Chicken, pasta

Favorite color(s): Purple, Blue, Green, Black, White Grey

Favorite number(s): 3, 7, 24

Favorite holiday(s): St. Patrick's Day

Favorite animal(s): Dogs, Giraffes, Narwhals

Her Spirit animal is a Narwhal
She falls asleep while on vehicles
Her best subjects are English, Literature, Physics while shes bad at Art and Chemistry 
She broods a lot 
She hates the heat
She loves kids
She plays the Violin
She tends to be a snoop
She loves the rain
She tends to space out and daydream
Shes good at fixing things
Shes adept at sewing, but can't draw in the least
She loves chicken and apples
Sometimes she can be a bit too honest
Shes more aggressive than she cares to admit
She has a hard time sleeping without something to hold
She has a Narwhal horn necklace given to her by her father
She paces a lot
She is skilled at basketball
While she can only eat small servings, she is constantly eating throughout the day.
She refuses to use her real first name, thinking it doesn't suit her, so everyone calls her Floyd or Eddy

*************************More on her:*****************************
More Indepth Profile: (A lot) more On Floyd
Basics Character Sheet: 
Student Profile: 
Story: azulann.deviantart.com/gallery…
Gallery: azulann.deviantart.com/gallery…
Favorites: azulann.deviantart.com/favouri…

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Comments: 22

Acidic-Tears [2017-04-20 22:16:55 +0000 UTC]

i like this oc but i kinda agree with repyue her body is too hourglass and boobs are too big , in japan it's kinda rare to see a girl with big boobs since their frames are tiny and small 
and her personality/swimming style is much like haru's 
and the fact that they are dating made me weary since they look like twins 
maybe too help this oc  make her a little happy and cheerful , but let her be unemotional when she is sad , also instead of black hair and blue eyes like haru have lighter black or a dark brown with brown or dark brown eyes 

but good job on the art ! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to Acidic-Tears [2017-04-20 22:28:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the feedback! this is an old sheet, however and things have been worked on
Her ethnicity isn't actually Japanese, though her proportions in this are more of a stylistic choice as the swimsuit fullbody was done by a friend of mine who generally does females in more of a curvy way
Her personality isn't really like Haru's. She's very defensive and can generally be quiet, yes, but she's the kind of person who becomes much more light hearted once she interacts with people more. Given her current situation (Moving from a completely different country with few friends around) it's generally not uncommon for people to be fairly reserved, which is her deal. She is, however, a very emotional person and generally becomes a lot happier as time passes
As for appearance, that how she was even before the pairing, and I'm not really planning on changing it anytime soon, but I thank you for the suggestion! I know plenty of people in relationships with similar hair and eye colors who look nothing alike, so I don't generally see that as being an issue, though I can understand where you might get that feeling considering so many anime characters can look alike.

I thank you! The art on this sheet was done by friends of mine who allowed me to use it for this sheet. You can find them in the description <3 
Thank you again!~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Repyue [2017-04-09 18:25:20 +0000 UTC]

My deep apologies, but she is giving me a little bit of some Mary Sue vibes. She has equal pros and cons for her personality , yet=
-she is gifted (her IQ=125) pretty much, very intelligent 
-she's attractive (you never have stated that, but her breasts are big, and she has a hourglass figure)
(I'm sorry I'm being rude)
The art for her is extremely well executed, and you overall have a good oc. But maybe, you could change the high IQ part?
I'm so sorry if I seemed as if I'm a jerk

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to Repyue [2017-04-09 19:03:30 +0000 UTC]

You don't seem like a jerk!
Her IQ is considered above average, which isn't that high considering the average is about 115 or so
Her figure is more or less left up to artist style and interpretation. Generally describing her, she has an athletic build and maybe c-cups

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Repyue In reply to azulann [2017-04-22 05:58:42 +0000 UTC]

That makes sense, thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeviathanTheGamer [2016-05-18 02:24:50 +0000 UTC]

(Oddly enough, her hair was the hardest part for me to try and draw!)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

shiiokaraii [2015-11-13 23:57:43 +0000 UTC]

Waaaait-- her father is only 5 years older than her older sibling, Erah???

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to shiiokaraii [2015-11-14 00:54:42 +0000 UTC]

And her mother is much older than her father. Technically, they're her half-sisters from her mother

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shiiokaraii In reply to azulann [2015-11-14 01:05:10 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, okay

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xDreamOfRoses [2015-09-28 10:17:54 +0000 UTC]

oh my can i say i LOVE your OC //o// <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheTinyWolf [2015-09-24 01:21:45 +0000 UTC]

I love that her animal is a narwhal! She's awesome. My oc is a bit like her lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to TheTinyWolf [2015-09-24 01:25:32 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, thank you! It was hard to choose one, so I thought I'd go with a lesser used one XD
Is she? How so? I'd love to read about yours sometime

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheTinyWolf In reply to azulann [2015-09-24 01:28:57 +0000 UTC]

I'll hopefully be posting soon! She and 's oc are actually twins.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

keiicchii In reply to TheTinyWolf [2015-09-24 08:56:44 +0000 UTC]

My baby. I still need to work on their references. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to keiicchii [2015-10-02 20:14:01 +0000 UTC]

I wanna see them so bad! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pokegirl09 [2015-09-12 07:43:24 +0000 UTC]

My eyes just totally poped out qhen I read "love interst: haru"

And I LOVE this oc!!!!!

Awesome job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YagiMatsu [2015-08-29 05:45:59 +0000 UTC]

Floyd's an awesome Free! OC of yours <3333 Her and Haru are too cute together <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to YagiMatsu [2015-09-30 05:32:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!!

//shot down for super late replies

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

YagiMatsu In reply to azulann [2015-10-03 22:02:23 +0000 UTC]

No problem!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Paradign [2015-07-25 10:53:52 +0000 UTC]

sexy drawing contest with villin girls OPENends 20th of next month
winner of each title theme will recieve a surprise prizes including some money\points
depending how many enterys there are depends how high the prizes are
if like over 20+ enterys it will be higher then my other contest prizes
you can draw:
1. raven 2. jinx 3. darkella 4. blaze

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ncoll36 [2015-07-25 02:38:24 +0000 UTC]

I've been meaning to say, but the full body of Floyd here lots kind of dodgy the way you have squished her into the box.
Any chance of you fixing that up by either making the box bigger, or just resizing her?
Not trying to be rude or anything, just my opinion.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

azulann In reply to ncoll36 [2015-07-25 02:48:52 +0000 UTC]

Oh, no you're not beig rude! I've noticed that too but I guess I've never really had the opportunity to fix it like I should, especially since I lost the PSD file for it xD I should probably go back and remake the sheet itself

👍: 0 ⏩: 0