It talks!
characters: Xander, Shane
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Episode Recap:
Shane makes his entrance and Xander confronts him glibly with his previous night’s escapades. The ones that Xander walked away from, remember? Xander is mad at the bodycount, and tells Shane that he’s lucky Kore was there to keep the numbers down. Xander claims to have just been informed of the details only lately, which I find more improbable than the other things he’s said here. Xander asks Shane for some remorse, or something. Shane of course looks at this raging dude talking all fast and no idea what’s going on. This is Shane here. Xander continues ranting. I don’t know what he’s talking about, but he’s a telepath so he should know. Anyways, Shane, not gonna be distracted, remembers what he came to say and says it.
Aging telepath Evil Overlord Xander has traded his youthful dream of joining the US military and using his superpowers to benefit humanity for over-the-hill cynicism, self-imposed exile on his private zoo-for-crazy-people Eynhallow Island, and a serious case of May-December midlife crisis. And technically it's only kidnapping if she tries to leave. or the fun version
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