Comments: 68
shebyperez1995 [2016-10-19 01:49:12 +0000 UTC]
What colour would that shade of brown be, for the hair?
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JadeFoxScarletIbis [2015-02-11 02:25:03 +0000 UTC]
I love how colored her dark brown hair.
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redwallfvs [2014-06-30 15:09:08 +0000 UTC]
Whoooooa. If I were a boy,(and a pony) I'd totally ask her out.
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CigarsCigarettes In reply to o3oDreamero3o [2014-01-02 22:00:11 +0000 UTC]
Oh tell me about it! I usually doodle up with just pen on paper and then do the lineart and coloring in programs, but in all honesty nothing comes close to the dirty pencil lines ;__;
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o3oDreamero3o In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2014-01-02 22:14:49 +0000 UTC]
Dx I know right? So What I do is usually(not all of the time) Draw it first on paper then take a pic of it and then trace it with the drawing tablet I have...I mean Hey at least its my drawings right? xD
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o3oDreamero3o In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2014-01-02 23:04:12 +0000 UTC]
I know :3 Do you know badkittyangel45? well she is mah aunt lolz so yeah xD My family is full of anime fanatics and bronies/pegasisters
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DimidiumMorsUmbra [2013-10-17 10:46:42 +0000 UTC]
She looks like really cute and fabulous, I wish I could draw more, because I study (engineering features) so I have super limited time for my drawing passion, also I`m drawing "vectors" which needs extra time. BTW good luck with Your own projects I hope You have enough amount of time to draw.
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DimidiumMorsUmbra In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2013-10-17 22:06:24 +0000 UTC]
Bardzo miłe zaskoczenie mnie spotkało że Pani z Polski tak ładnie rysuje, no ja to raczej studiuję coś innego Mechanika i Budowa Maszyn na wydziale Budowy Maszyn i Lotnictwa Politechniki Rzeszowskiej cóż to ostatni rok więc będę magisterkę tworzyć i w sumie też jak wracam to raczej za dużo siły nie mam, i fakt żeby było śmiesznie siedzę przy kreskówkach z dzieciństwa, głównie dla samej przyjemności oglądania, ty zapewne robisz to z technicznych względów (w sensie do doskonalenia swojego stylu). Sami się przymierzam do projektu na 1k widzów, cóż walnąłem sobie szkic, a że nie umiem szkicować to będę musiał wiele roboty włożyć w samej wektoryzacji. Jakoś tak postanowiłem że będę robić dość oryginalne wektory, żeby zmienić ludzkie spojrzenie - bo jak sama pewnie wiesz grafikę wektorową ludzie głównie postrzegają jako grafikę "użytkową" w sensie na jakiś baner, ewentualnie jako coś co można wkleić do rastra i obrobić - ja choć artystą nie jestem chciałby pokazać że w wektorach też można doszukać się czegoś głębszego - w sensie tego co ludzie widzą np. w obrazach olejnych, gdzie zwracają uwagę na fakturę płótna, cieniowanie, warstwy kolorów itp. Moim zdaniem w wektorach to jest możliwe, tylko że trudne, trudne w sensie że zniechęcające bo jak ktoś ma robić dzień to co w rastrze robi godzinę ? Jak powiedziałem nie mam czasu za wiele ale jakoś tam ciągnę do przodu. Cieszę się gdy komuś to się przydaje do czegoś - Wiesz nie mówię tu o jakichś głębszych uczuciach, bo żeby takie coś budzić trzeba mieć talent, którego ja nie mam a przynajmniej nie widzę u siebie. Ja dzielę się wiedzą i plikami do eksportu a także samą radością z rysowania. Wybacz że się rozpisuję, ale tak jakoś mam że lubię dużo mówić - może dlatego że na co dzień nie mam czasu i siły by mówić więcej ? Wiem że to dziwnie brzmi, ale mam przeczucie że to rozumiesz. Cóż pozdrawiam i życzę powodzenia i nie smuć się - kiedyś odbierzesz należny Ci czas, musisz tylko silnie w to wierzyć.
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CigarsCigarettes In reply to DimidiumMorsUmbra [2013-10-20 11:00:22 +0000 UTC]
No tak, magisterka, teraz wszystko rozumiem. No ja dopiero jestem na pierwszym roku magistra ale już mnie ci ludzie denerwują (a kontynuuję kierunek z licencjata więc powinnam się na nich uodpornić). Przyznam,że czytając po kolei pełną nazwę MiBM na wydziale BMiLPR moja szczęka opadała co trochę w dół taką siłę mają te długie nazwy. Ja studiuję na czymś co można streścić tak - 'Projekty wizualne i edukacja artystyczna w zakresie sztuk plastycznych na wydziale sztuk wizualnych' ta nazwa wbrew pozorom nie skrywa absolutnie niczego ambitnego w sobie niestety XD
Stary, dopiero w tym roku zaczęłam animację, więc mogłabym oglądanie kreskówek faktycznie jakoś sprytnie usprawiedliwić, ale podglądanie i czerpanie z animacji i stylów to tylko 10-20% mojego doskonalenia, pozostałe 80% to też oglądanie dla czystej przyjemności
Przyznam, że tak-niestety grafikę wektorową sprowadzono jedynie to kategorii użytkowej, nie ukrywam, że sama też głównie tak ją widzę. Nie wynika to z mojej ignorancji a zwyczajnie stylu pracy, ale to imponujące, że chcesz podjąć próbę przywrócenia jej ambitniejszego statusu. Chwalę to jak najbardziej.
Czy nie masz talentu, no nie byłabym dla siebie taka surowa. Możesz mi wierzyć, że nawet na swojej uczelni widzę ludzi mniejszym talentem - świetnymi pomysłami, ale brakiem talentu do ich zrealizowania. Radość rysowania to dużo, przynajmniej wiem, że ktoś tworzy coś bo naprawdę chce, wkłada w to siebie z własnej nieprzymuszonej woli i nie liczy tak naprawdę na jakiś większy zysk, jeśli jakikolwiek.
Nie bój się o rozpisywanie Sama mam ten 'problem'
Hahah wierzę wierzę, że ten upragniony 'wolniejszy' czas przyjdzie, ale nawet teraz z całą robotą i kołomyją nie jest źle, nie ma co narzekać na zapas bo nic dobrego to nie przyniesie
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Fayven [2013-10-17 06:21:23 +0000 UTC]
Gosh, that must have taken ages! Soooo stunning! Keep on the great work^^
I'm so glad I found your page and your art, it's so inspiring! ;DD
LOVE the way you drew the long, shiny hair and the roses look so realistic. 8D
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Fayven In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2013-10-18 03:05:28 +0000 UTC]
Wow, you are fast! ^-^ <3 I need at least 3 hours for a very simple drawing. xD
You're welcome! ♥
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riky9797 [2013-10-13 11:24:25 +0000 UTC]
Very cute! >w<
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KlarkKentThe3rd [2013-10-12 22:24:36 +0000 UTC]
Congrats on nailing down the hoers anatomy.
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MoppyPuppy [2013-10-12 22:11:38 +0000 UTC]
Wow, Native American ponies are hawt.
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KyaValentine [2013-10-12 15:29:51 +0000 UTC]
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CanadianDesperado [2013-10-12 02:36:08 +0000 UTC]
Abuh! sooooo cute! Really dig the crystal horn as well.
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PanserPop [2013-10-12 00:55:50 +0000 UTC]
Oh my glob, this pony is absolutely precious.
I like that her cutie mark is a dream catcher.
And, her mane and tail are so well done. Great work!
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CigarsCigarettes In reply to PanserPop [2013-10-12 21:38:34 +0000 UTC]
Thank you ^__^ The CM is awesome, I know. Her owner is planning to get it as a tattoo which I think is cool since the design itself is pretty rad.
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PanserPop In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2013-10-13 01:06:20 +0000 UTC]
Hell yeah!
To have something so cute tattooed on herself is awesome.
I've been thinking of doing that with some of my OC's, too.
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PanserPop In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2013-10-14 01:14:55 +0000 UTC]
I have a decent amount of OC's myself.
So, I'd probably just pick my favorite, you know?
I see that you've been a fan of MLP since G1? Right on!
It's rare to find MLP fans who have actually seen all 4 generations.
I've loved them since I was a little kid. Who was your favorite pony in G1?
I just adore Baby Moon Dancer. She's soooooo cute.
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CigarsCigarettes In reply to PanserPop [2013-10-14 17:22:39 +0000 UTC]
True that! And sadly, since the fandom has some pretty immature people in it (or at least they speak the loudest:/) I've met with opinions such as "f* other gens, they're gay, fim is da shit'! And I'm just like...really? If there wern't previous gens you wouldn't even have your beloved fim now ya little prick! Pathetic behaviour.
Well that's a tricky question...hmmm...I also think Baby Moon Dancer was so adorable♥ but I loved Fizzy (and Bowtie mostly for htheir color and design though, homg that Fizzy's twinkle eye!) I loved Sundance and Wind Whistler. And I really had something for Skydancer…
Oh my goodness I could go on and for the design alone I loved the sea ponies XD hahaha they were such a nice addition to the show. And in the episode about the newborn twins I loved the jealous baby ponies, a few years later when I was abt 8 my brother and his gf had a baby and of course all attention was given to that newborn and I had the little mean song from the show in my head all the time XD
I loved almost all design ideas-the twinkle eyes, the flutter ponies(which were all like "we will destroy you with our magical glitter, a cheerfull song and a smile on our faces. Mercy's not included bitch!'), the hairstyles in the pilot episod OMG! They were so funky I can't believe it♥...even though every pony looked like a lesbian one, so the fandom nowadays would flip from happiness XD
Ahhh...That brought back memories, now I wanna draw them all! I'm like a Pokemon master in a pony filled universe XD
Or a crazy cat lady only pony style, but damn how can this not be adorable…
To sum it up, I loved the old shows, even with all the quirks like totally terrible voices, even though some ponies had great VAs and sounded pretty mature which only added to their character. Now we have a magnificent voice cast for the main 6 but the bg voices tend to be awful, like BonBon who no matter what always sounds like my next door 70+ old neighbor.
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PanserPop In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2013-10-15 04:46:56 +0000 UTC]
I totally get what you're saying. The show was originally made for a younger audience.
But, at the same time.. these kids bring a lot of bullshit into the fandom and it makes me want to scream.
How can you hate the other three generations of ponies? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Like you said, the fourth gen wouldn't even exist without the other three before it.
I love all of the ponies but, Baby Moon Dancer and Sun Dance are my two favorites.
Sun Dance is so clumsy and misunderstood but, absolutely sweet and adorableee.
I also, like the bush woolies and the sea ponies!
Aww.. you were all jealous of the newborn baby? That's kinda funny!
I like the crazy cat lady theme, except with ponies.
I follow this girl on Tumblr and she has hundreds of ponies in her room.
Literally hundreds. She even considers herself to be a living version of Pinkie Pie.
You're right!
Looking back on it, most of the voices were absolutely awful.
Not all of them but, the majority.
And, re-watching some of the episodes I was like lol whut?
Do you have a pony OC?
I don't remember seeing one in your gallery but, maybe I over-looked it or something?
My OC goes by the name of Panda Hooves but, I really want to changer her name.
I just can't think of a good one.
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PanserPop In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2013-10-18 13:25:38 +0000 UTC]
You're so random, it's adorableeeeee!
Speaking of old people.. I tend to think they're cute.
I don't know what it is about little grandmas and grandpas.
But, it's like a 'cute' like a puppy not like 'Oh yeah, that old person is damn cute' /heavy breathing/
Just so you know! cx
I understand how you feel as far as the jealousy thing goes..
I'm the youngest of three brothers so, their attention was mostly on me.
Naw, not necessarily personality wise.
But, she's SO pink. Everything in her room is pink, she has pink clothes, hair, phones.
EVERYTHING is pink but, it's cute and it work for her.
At least in my opinion and she's really nice, too.
I don't think so~ People have sonas of every kind!
My pony OC is a scenie weenie looking pony so.
It's all upto you.
Plus, a creepy pony might be cute. cx
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PanserPop In reply to CigarsCigarettes [2013-10-20 10:04:20 +0000 UTC]
I'm the same way when it comes to old people!
When I worked at Taco Bell there was this old man who came in every Sunday.
He was the sweetest guy EVER.
Anyway, I'd go out to 'clean the lobby' and chat with him until he finished his food.
It turns out that he came there every Sunday with his wife, and continued to come after she passed away.
It was incredibly sad but, so fucking cute.. What love and loyalty. You know?
He even wore her wedding ring around his neck. /starts to tear up/ :'s
Pink hair is legit sauce! I have pink hair.. (even though it's faded to shit.)
But, I plan on dying it dark brown and pink! Kazaaaa!
That would probably make me derp face, too. Not in a bad way though.
I think I'd just be confused if I saw you looking like that then saw your room.
It's weird how appearances can totally throw off someone's view of you.
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Echo-Shock [2013-10-12 00:38:54 +0000 UTC]
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CelestialRainicorn [2013-10-12 00:28:03 +0000 UTC]
You have a very lovely art style. Good work!
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sagasakura [2013-10-12 00:19:17 +0000 UTC]
Q O Q my eyes its so PWETTY
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ilovemew12 [2013-10-12 00:17:46 +0000 UTC]
Sooo pretty~~~
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SwanofWar [2013-10-11 22:18:31 +0000 UTC]
This is incredible, I'm just in love with the composition!!!
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catachan8 [2013-10-11 22:15:26 +0000 UTC]
soooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful
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Jahpan [2013-10-11 21:55:25 +0000 UTC]
oh yeah shes gorgeous i love her hair/bun and the crystal horn!
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