Colatechi — PMA :: Minerva Auvray

#amie #frou #minerva #pokemon
Published: 2014-09-09 09:58:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 4030; Favourites: 50; Downloads: 4
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The elusive second Frou Admin is ready to join the fray


Basic information--

    Pokemon: Mienshao

    Nickname: Minerva

    Gender: Female

    Birthdate: May 12th

    Current Age: 35

    Orientation: Heterosexual

    Faction: Frou Admin


    Father: Machamp

    Mother: Mienshao

    Siblings: Has a brother, also a Mienshao.

    Romantic Partner: the bae mentioned below.

    Offspring: n/a

[Pokemon Stats]

Basic Information--

    Current Level: 65 

    Nature: Quiet



    -Stone Edge

    -Attract (TM)

    -Force Palm 

Battle Stats--




    Sp. Attack: 

    Sp. Defense: 


    Prefers staying near Frou HQ, but can be found wandering the city and surrounding routes of Lumiose City. Often out and about for work

[Pokehuman Stats]


    Occupation: Frou Admin // Super Model

    Town of Residence: Lumiose City


    Minerva stands at a fair 5'4' when not wearing heels, and has lavender hair that goes down to mid back. She's somewhat thin in build, though what noticeable muscle she has is in her legs and arms is toned, indicative of a strict martial arts background. Minerva holds herself with a fair amount of confidence, standing straight and for the most part always making sure she is facing the person she is addressing, even if not looking directly at them. Dresses to match her colors as a mienshao when she can, given her unique hair color, but always makes sure to dress in the latest fashions while still trying to keep it sensible. She's somewhat finicky about her appearance and tries to remain as clean as she can at all times.



Quiet and collected, don't expect much in terms of conversation. If you happen to do something to spark discomfort in her, she has no problem telling you so. Minerva is very adaptable to her environment, and has no issue with adjusting her behaviour to suit her surroundings, playing the role she's expected to play in order to get the preferred outcome. Outside of a business setting, she's somewhat restrained with her emotions, which has been known to make it difficult for people to know how to approach her. She shows a much softer side when around people she cares for, and can be flustered when caught off guard by comments

Minerva doesn't find herself particularly fussed with using the energy to hate anyone, but if she dislikes you, she will make it known. She's incredibly honor bound, and if you do something kind for her, she WILL return the favor in kind. Due to spending so long with a rather strict trainer, Minerva has no problem with following rules that come from people she considers in a position of power over her, which has led to some difficulties in consideration to what she wants vs what she needs to do, but she's done her best to try and avoid those situations.

As a fighting type, Minerva takes a certain amount of pride in how disciplined she is, and never backs down from a fight. Fierce in battle, and will doggedly pursue opponents until they're down for the count- which can be anywhere from dead, to incapacitated to knocked out. She only wants to neutralize the threat.  



Minerva comes from rather standard beginnings in the Unova Region. Born in Driftveil to a family known for their martial arts prowress, the at the time mienfoo was raised alongside her eventual trainer, Riel, and they were both trained in various styles of martial arts by the boys father. Due to the mans devotion to making sure his only son left well prepared and ready to face the challenges ahead of him (even after receiving Minerva he remained at home for some years to continue his training), Riel left a bit later than originally intended, with Minerva being higher levelled than he expected. The years continued to pass, and it wasn't until they had been together for a good long while, when he arrived in Kalos, that, after protecting a group of younger trainers from some men in red suits (later learning them to be known as team Flare) he decided to discontinue his original intent to conquer the gyms, and instead began to pursue a career as a bodyguard. 

His career as a bodyguard was a good one, spanning about a decade, before he took an injury to the spinal cord while taking a blow that had originally been meant for his client (A CEO of a cosmetics company). Sadly, the CEO died regardless fo Riel's efforts, and her trainer was left in the hospital with a heavy heart, dealing with th fact that he had failed. Both trainer and poekmon hoped that after his recovery they'd be able to move on from this awful event, But.. He wouldn't be able to use his legs again. Devastated, he elected to release Minerva back to the wild, hoping that she'd live the rest of her time out in freedom rather than attached to his side in a life that she'd be completely unprepared for. Confused, upset, and a bit lacking in direction, the Mienshao did the only thing that really made sense at the time, and that was continue her training on her own terms.

Much to Minerva's confusion, she was soon approached by an Absol insisting he needed protection of some kind. She was smart enough to show some hesitation at the initial request, but when he revealed that his previous owner had been the client that her trainer failed to protect, and now he was asking her to finish the duty he had failed to succed in doing, she found no way to argue the cas any further, and so she agreed. The absol led her to his home in Anistar, revealing the abilities of the dittech once they arrived, explaining that he had since then taken control of his previous masters Cosmetics Company and told her that in exchange for her services he would give her a dittech of her own, and it was there that she began her renewed career as a human bodyguard.

Her career as a supermodel began mostly as an accident. During her time working for the Absol, she was asked to not only bodyguard, but preform a good number of odd jobs, one of them serving as an escort of sorts for an acquaintance of his, a fellow pokehuman simply known as Araceli, a well known model in Lumiose with a penchant for getting whatever she wanted... or else. The Mienshao agreed, reluctantly, seeing that the only other option was to let the girl run amok. Growing bored of having nobody to torment, the model turned her attentions to her escort after a period of time, and, in what she had oriinally intended as an elaborate prank of sorts, began dressing her reluctant bodyguard up to her liking. Although she greatly disliked being treated in such a way, Minerva endured at the request of her primary employer; it wasn't until Araceli began dragging her along to photoshoots with her and making her participate as more of a joke than anything, forcing the mienshao to build a portfolio that she didn't exactly want, that eventually devolved into being an actual career once she got picked up by a manager.

The Frou Group

"Welcome to Team Frou. I don't know what it is that brought you here, but I can say that it speaks volumes to your ambition. If you can prove to us that you have what it takes to make it to the top, we'll do our best to help you get there. We believe everyone should have a chance to shine, heh.

Please understand that we don't do things half assed here. If you start wasting our time, we do have was to motivate you, and if motivation doesn't work.. 
Well. Hopefully it won't come to that."

-Team Frou Introduction

Minerva's time at Frou began as what was essentially a glorified Nanny. Through means that were not entirely of her own volition, her at the time employer had more or less 'given' the bodyguard to the group as an act of good will and tribute. Though she was originally put to work as a secretary of sorts for the two at the time leaders, she found herself more ofen than not taking on tasks of varied importance, a 'clean up crew' of sorts when things went south, and an anchor to the team. It was Minerva's job to find and recruit interested parties for the team, and then make sure they knew what was what as they went through training and learned how to use their dittechs.

When one of the leaders had been dismissed, it was of no surprise to her that she was asked to step up (who else knew all the inner workings of the group at this point?), and she's been the Second in Command ever since. Her job has more or less stayed the same, though now she's not on 'clean up' duty in order to ensure her safety. Currently Minerva's job within Frou is to serve as an overseer to activities and day to day events for Cyril.


  • Prefers martial arts to her actual move set, but is known to merge the two when needed as a deadly combination
  • Don't let her kick you
  • She's pretty self conscious about her age, considering her choice of work. Doesn't like being reminded she's 35
  • Afraid of thunder storms/lighting to the point of becoming more or less paralyzed (hyperventilation and panic)
  • Has trouble saying no to authority.


Ferro Former assistant colleague and now her go to man for getting work done, Minerva trusts Ferro unconditionally and considers him a best friend and family member. She's comfortable enough around the skarmory to break her facade and simply be herself while around him, and the bird knows a good deal of her secrets. Her best friend.

Tucker :
A close friend. Minerva holds no ill will towards the former Kabu boss and honestly finds him to be good company.The two developed a friendly rivalry during his stint as leader and that's carried over nicely since he joined the Frou ranks. Unlike Cyril and Ferro she greatly appreciates his input, especially in regards to the rising threat of shadow pokemon, and he is on of the few people she tends to be more relaxed towards. 

Crawski : the bae. The two of them have only recently become something of an item, though their relationship is a passionate one. Originally, the spiritomb was to live with her out of simple necessity but if she's being honest with herself the apartment just isn't home when he's not around. She knows he doesn't agree with either of her work lifestyles at all, and hopes one day he'll forgive her.

Mercer : She thinks he's a moron, to put things plainly. He's a valuable member of the group to be certain but the further he stays from her the better. She tolerates his harassment with a grain of salt, but he's treading on thin ice. Her patience is commendable but he's wearing on her quite a bit and it's only a matter of time before she takes matters into her own hands.

Robin : She doesn't know too much about Robin, actually. To her knowledge he's Tucker's child, and they've really only met through the joint team new years celebrations which she has a rather shaky memory of. She thinks Robin is brash and can be a bit irresponsible at times (just like Tucker) but that he'll ultimately be a good leader, considering what his goals are. Minerva remains hopeful that he'll be a good leader once Kabu gets back onto it's feet, and she expects that he has the potential to be an even stronger head than Tucker was. She's a bit upset that despite being almost 20 years his senior he's taller than her. 

Flint :

[User Info]

Time Zone: PST (GMT -8:00)

Chat Availability: Honestly I'm usually around in some shape or form! Free all day Thurs-Sundays. 

Availability only goes up during school breaks, but really, you just have to ask and chances are I'm not doing anything! Ask me for my skype or prod me through notes. I prefer doing RP through googledocs but I'm not adverse to the chatroom.

Role-Play Example--

She still has dreams about it.

She dreams of her small hands clasped in the larger hands of her parents as they swung her off the ground- high pitched laughter and squealing as she fled from the incoming waves.

That was probably part of the problem with this particular dream, it always started out happy. Going through the motions of familiar week long trips to Argelès Plage, where she would proudly show off sand dollars and starfish to her mother before carefully putting them back where she found them.

Dreams of buckets and shovels and crude sandcastles, of splashing and burying Gustav in the sand as he quietly accepts his fate because yes he had joined them a couple times and yes, he would have to go along with whatever she wanted.

Dreams of the crash of waves and horror as she’s lifted off the ground.

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