cutevulpix56 — [PA] Jack Vicman

#pokemon #zigzagoon #pokemonacademy #zigzagoonpokemon #pokemon___academy
Published: 2017-11-05 11:52:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 1857; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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//Personal Profile under construction

Basic Information:
-Name: Jack Vicman (Vic to others, Jack or Jackie to VERY close friends and relatives)
-Gender: Male
-Age: 17
-Date of Birth: October 31st
-Species: Linoone (#264)

School Information:
-Grade: 12th
-Dorm: Valor
-Class Schedule: 

  • Creative Writing
  • Personal Finance
  • Chemistry
  • Civics
  • Anthropology 101
  • Home Economics


  • Swim Team
  • Archery

-Extracurricular Activities:

  • Climbing (anything and everything), Swimming and Diving

Physical Description:
-Height: 5'10"
-Weight: 115lbs
-Build: Lean, fit 

Background Information:


Vic is a very cunning 'mon who's still trying to figure out who he himself is. Internally moody, Vic hides his conflicting emotions with a mask of sociability, wry grins, and a faux sense of self-confidence. He used to be incredibly deceitful and manipulative, and still is to some extent, but after some recent changes in his life he's putting in the effort to try and turn himself around to be a good upstanding 'mon. 
He's a bit of a casual flirt, often complimenting others (ladies usually) in their first time meeting them, but as soon as someone returns the flirtatious compliments, he becomes flustered and unsure of how to proceed with the conversation, usually ending with him rambling and getting into an internal argument with himself.
Overall, Vic is an insecure 'mon that plays the facade of someone much more confident than himself in order to impress others and improve his own self image. He constantly fights his own conflicting emotions and previous bad habits


Being the middle child of seven siblings (an older sister, 2 older brothers, a younger brother, and 2 younger sisters) growing up initially quite rich, Vic was often overlooked despite his unique pelt coloration. Once his father's "business" took a hefty nosedive and he drowned himself in alcohol, his mother couldn't take the constant severe fighting and threat of their funds running out, she disappeared without a trace. After his wife abandoned him and their several children, Vic's father ended up drinking himself to his grave, leaving his oldest sister Sarah to care after all of their siblings, as well as rapidly declining funds keeping food on their plates.

Vic soon learned that acting out and causing trouble became the quickest and easiest way for him to gain the remainder of his family's attention and feel included, and quite often purposefully started fights at school, stole books from classmates, swiped items from shops, or intentionally broke windows and flowerpots while playing ball with other kids in order to gain any attention. He also learned that in order to retain any of his items, initially his or stolen, he had to hide them from his increasingly shady siblings, often making small hideaways and storing things inside them, varying from books, shiny valuables, toys, money, and even food. He also become quite proficient at sniffing out other hideaways and snatching stashes, as well as information on other pokemon, even extorting petty cash out of certain pokemon to keep their secrets swept under the rug and food in his belly.

Desperate, Sarah sought out and pleaded with their grandmother for financial assistance for help feeding themselves and keeping her remaining younger siblings that hadn't moved out yet. Their grandmother was quick to agree to assist, often sending money and food to her faraway grandchildren, as well as fund Vic's entrance, dorm, and book fees at the esteemed Pokemon Academy

Vic's grandmother mentioned his situation to her older sister, who immediately insisted taking the raccoon in and become his legal guardian. This confused and frustrated him, and he at first spurned her attention. However years later when he was older, Vic realized that his father was relatives with some members of a notorious mafia organization, and his "business" was a sham meant to disguise his underground dealings. He also realized that his mother ran due to the stress, but also fear of the group, leaving her children which only weighed her down in her flight away. These epiphanies made him come to appreciate his adoptive parents much more - his new father who actually tried to understand him and give him attention, and his new mother who apparently was from the streets herself and created a safehouse for people like him

-Biological Parents: Unknown (Vic was too young to remember them well, and Sasha almost never speaks of them)

-Adoptive Parents: Ryan Cabberin (Typhlosion, shiny) and Chuey Volkov (Grovyle)

-Siblings: 3 brothers (2 older, 1 younger), 3 sisters (1 older (Sasha), 2 younger)

-Other relatives: Muna (Grandmother, Ditto), Jhett Brachyr (Cousin, Poochyena), as well as several other cousins and extended relatives that he's never met scattered across the globe

Purchased Items
Battle: N/A
Contest: N/A
Berries: N/A
Misc: N/A

Pokemon Information:
-Ability: Quick Feet
-Held Item: None
      HP: 78 --> 130
      Attack: 70 --> 115
      Defense: 61 --> 105
      Special Attack: 50 --> 70
      Special Defense: 61 --> 110
      Speed: 100 --> 110
      Total Stat Points: 420 --> 640

Stat Boosts:
- +60 tSP (junior - +10 HP, +20 Atk, +5 Def, +25 Sp Def)
- +10 Sp Def (lost source/misc)
- +10 Def (typeswap event)
- +5 HP (typeswap event - x1 +5 SP)
- +10 Sp Atk (Spread the Love event)
- + 5 Atk (March Clubs and Sports Fair event - Archery)
- + 5 Speed (March Clubs and Sports Fair event - Swim)
- +10 HP (April Fool's Mindswap Flash event)
- +10 Def (April Feral's event)
- +5 Def (April Feral's event)
- +5 Sp Atk (April Feral's event)
- +5 Speed (April Feral's event)
- +5 Atk (April Feral's event)
- +10 HP (May House Spirit event)
- +5 Atk (Band Event Oct-Nov 2019)
- +5 Def (Drawing & Painting Event Oct-Nov 2019)
- +12 HP (Snowy Switcheroo 19-20)
- +4 Def (Snowy Switcheroo 19-20)
- +15 Sp Def (Snowy Switcheroo 19-20)
- +5 Sp Atk (Love Letter Exchange 2020)
- +5 HP, +5 Atk (moved up to Senior class)
- +5 Atk (Summerween 2020)
- +5 Def (Valor Secret Santa 2020)

(Total: 420 base + 220 SP boosts = 640 total)
Idea for organizing format this way from BattyCup<3


  •  ) Slash
  • (  ) Ice Beam (TS) - (10% Freeze chance)
  • (  ) Iron Tail (Tutor - taught by a friend of his adoptive father's)
  • (  ) Last Resort (Tutor - taught by same friend of his father's)

Additional Information:
-Orientation: Bisexual (female preference)
-Additional nicknames: Ringtail (Tessa), Dodger
-Design Change: Green from his palette change as a grass type during the typeswap event
-Design Change 2: Snow-white from his palette change as an ice type during the second typeswap event
-Less of an ass around people he cares about or actually want to like him
-Excellent at climbing and swimming
-Has re-taken up competitive swimming and diving after his adoptive parents' recommendation to do so since they had the funds and it made him happy
-Extremely limber, possibly a contortionist if he worked at it more
-A bit of his weight is from the heaviness of his long fluffy tail
-Vic took some gymnastic classes when he was younger before his family's wealth took a nosedive and they became poor. He ended up having to leave the class, but quickly took up parkour and working on his flexibility since it came naturally to him
-Picky eater but will eat whatever's available if necessary. He's survived off of ketchup packets and restaurant scraps from dumpsters for several months during the darker of his family's times when there simply was nothing to eat anymore.
-Vic's implied to be from Venice (Aquacorde, Kalos) and moved to New York City (Castelia City, Unova), and has a slight accent because of this
-Vic enjoys feeding his adoptive mom Chuey's pet ekans, although he isn't allowed to feed either of her two other serpent pets. He also enjoys hunting with her and learning how to fire-roast food with his new parents.
-Great with his hands, often makes small presents for people he cares about from flowers, leaves, wood, and sparkly or pretty things he finds
-His school chat system username is a direct reference to a nickname he's had for a long time, Dodger

EXP Tracker: Evolved

❖| Barely Notices  
❖❖| Unsure Of
❖❖❖| Acquaintance 
♛| Respects
♛♛| Admires
♛♛♛| Role Model
★| Friend
★★| Close Friend
★★★| Best Friend
❧| Nervous
❧❧| Discomfort
❧❧❧ | Scared Of
✿| Attracted to
✿✿| Crush
✿✿✿| Love (Platonic or Otherwise)
✲| Annoyed With
⚔| Dislikes
⚔⚔| Hates
⚔⚔⚔| Can't Stand to be Around


Character (c) cutevulpix56
Art (c) cutevulpix56
Ref. Sheet (c)  Navisaux 
(c)  Navisaux 

Related content
Comments: 12

Navisaux [2020-07-28 01:43:33 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

cutevulpix56 [2020-03-03 11:00:58 +0000 UTC]

Oh, what's this? It seems Vic has a message! 


From: Ophelia Harlow
To: Vic
Delivery Type: Standard
Love Letter:


We don't talk much and I've barely seen you lately, and given what went down between your sibling and I, maybe you'd prefer it stayed that way. I know how close you two are, so if you've already picked their side and want to burn the bridge, that's fine. I wouldn't blame you if you chucked this in the trash right now.

On the off chance you're still reading, I'd like to at least tell you that I appreciate what you've done. You were one of the first pokemon to welcome me into Valor, and you've always been a pretty decent source of information. You're a sly one, and you have my respect.

I guess that's all I really have to say. All I really want to know is... where we're at on the scale, I guess. Should I be prepared to bite back if you snarl at me in the common room, or... are we still cool?

If we are, enjoy the olive branch. If not, consider it a parting gift, I guess.


Gift: Box of assorted chocolates, Non-alcoholic Sparkling Juice, Olivewood Hairbrush

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Navisaux [2020-02-08 15:57:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Navisaux [2019-06-21 17:23:04 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for completing the Activity Check. We're glad to have Jack for another school year!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cutevulpix56 [2019-03-12 10:40:58 +0000 UTC]

What's this? It seems that Jack has earned a small surprise gift from the RA's for their participation in the PA February Share the Love event! 

(You may add this to Jack's ref sheet if you wish!)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Navisaux [2019-03-01 14:59:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh? What's this? It seems someone you know has decided to take part in the February Event  and has sent Vic a Letter through our Courier service!


Dear Vic,

Hello there! I'm not sure if you remember me, but I wanted to send you a letter anyways, since you're one of the first pokemon I got to meet in person here! 

Thank you for accompanying me on my special 'hazing', it was nice to meet someone so welcoming! You seem very smart in the ways of the world and how this school works, so I hope you can continue to teach me in the future! You're so charismatic, I really do admire you! I hope that isn't weird to say, since we only met once, YEET! Oh, I mean admire in a friend or role-model way, not the romantic one! Not that you aren't good looking, of course, just that I don't want to cross boundaries and you seem like you're already taken and we barely know each other and, well, I should probably stop trying to explain that part. Forget I wrote that. Um, moving on:

I really do hope I can call you my friend, and that we can hang out in the daylight sometime! Or in the chats! I hope you like these gifts! If you don't, just bring them back and I'll exchange them for whatever you'd like! Oh, and I don't think you need to groom more or anything, it's just that your fur is so pretty and nice already that I thought you'd like to fix it up with some extra special supplies! I don't know much about fur myself, but all of the salons I went to said these were some of the best on the market for 'treating yourself!'

Have a nice Valentine's Day!

Sincerely, Taffy

A few gifts are included with this letter! They are...
Gourmet chocolate-covered strawberries!

A luxury kit of fur grooming products!


You can choose to participate in this event by drawing Vic's reaction to this letter, or by choosing to send letters out yourself! Please see the event link for more details.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Navisaux [2019-02-28 14:41:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh? What's this? It seems someone you know has decided to take part in the February Event  and has sent Vic a Letter through our Courier service!


To the forever fabulous mink,

Ara ara, thanks so much for the wonderful rose-shaped chocolate! They all look so delicious that I ate them all, ahaha ~ Though, all those wonderful things you've said... Thank you... From the bottom of my heart! And thank you for also inspiring me to open up to the world more, and... For the advice that you have given me before. And as a thank-you gift, I would like to invite you to my piano recital! Though, I might be a little rusty with the piano so, aha...! ~

From your dearest 友達,
Kimiko ~

A gift is included with this letter! It's...
Piano Recital Invitation !


You can choose to participate in this event by drawing Vic's reaction to this letter, or by choosing to send letters out yourself! Please see the event link for more details.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Navisaux [2019-02-03 22:22:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh? What's this? It seems someone you know has decided to take part in the February Event  and has sent Vic a Letter through our Courier service!


A familiar pink boy darted excitedly through the halls of PA, whooping and hollering exuberantly as he sped through the throngs of people. His tiny body easily slipped around elbows and slid between gaps in people walking past, all while keeping a gentle, certain grip on an ornate gift box containing a handmade arm band--with what looked to be an emerald gem framed with twigs in an elven effect. It certainly was a beautiful piece of handiwork. And Mason was absolutely positive that the letter that accompanied it was one of deep, rich, wonderful, romantic Love!! He practically floated over to Vic's side, taking the extra effort to close the last bit of distance between them with an elegant twirl, spinning to a graceful stop in front of the linoone. "Hello, my fine, good, and dandy Sir! Someone incredibly special must have been thinking about you today, good Sir! I have a beautiful gift and letter for you. May it bring you great joy~!" He chirped in an incredibly bright tone--honestly, he might as well have been a blazing, pink sun at this point. He gingerly handed the gift box and letter to Vic before giving a deep, theatrical bow and exiting stage right with a few more spins and flourishes, on to the next delivery. When Vic opens the letter, it reads:

My dearest Vic, 
It has been over a year since we’ve been together, and i still feel like we just started dating, thank you so much for making me laugh, and being my lover, even when your out making trouble. I hope we can continue our path together, even as we change and grow. Thank you, so much
Love, Tessa


You can choose to participate in this event by drawing Vic's reaction to this letter, or by choosing to send letters out yourself! Please see the event link for more details.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cutevulpix56 [2018-06-22 22:16:53 +0000 UTC]

Just updated Vic's stats! I've also updated his moveset, and will be updating his reference image + info soon ^^

Edit: I included some Tutor-taught moves to his movepool (they felt fitting for how his character was developing)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Navisaux In reply to cutevulpix56 [2018-06-23 01:44:37 +0000 UTC]

Hey! Vic is coming along great--just one thing! You have 16 listed as Vic's age on his written ref but 15 on his drawn ref, so when you put Vic's new Linoone art up, just update the age on the art portion. Because this is such a small issue, I'm gonna just pass Vic for this AC pre-emptively!

Congrats! We're so pleased he's gonna stay with us for another year <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

cutevulpix56 In reply to Navisaux [2018-06-23 07:41:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh pff - yeah, I was going to update that bit way back when I updated everyone else's visual ref info bits, but thought "I'll just wait until I get his art updated," and forgot about that XD Sorries, I'll be fully updating all of that info along with the art very soon <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NaruBuki [2017-11-07 19:39:21 +0000 UTC]

Congratulation! Jack has received his first 100 EXP for joining and it has been tallied!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0