CypriotKing — What if Both Romes fell at the same time

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Published: 2023-04-17 14:22:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 3848; Favourites: 73; Downloads: 10
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In 481 after Theodoric Strabos death, Theodoric the Great would unite the Ostrogoth’s under his leadership, he would break his loose alliance with Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno and defeating his forces at the Battle Of the Evros destroying the Roman army. Zeno desperate for reinforcements would ask Odoacer for help, However Odoacer was busy fighting against the Burgundians over Provencia and help would never come. The Ostrogoth’s would proceed to siege Constantinople in 482 sacking the city and conquering Greece, The entire Eastern Roman Empire was in chaos with Constantinople lost. What was left were multiple warring rump states. In 498 Kavad I after deposing his Uncle Balash would launch an invasion of the ruined Eastern Roman empire. After a Battle outside Constantinople Kavad would defeat the Ostrogoth’s. To mark this symbolic victory and the height of the Sassanid Empire rivalling the Achaemenid of old held a triumph at Constantinople so symbolise his Conquest of Rome and one in Athens to show that Persia had finally subjugated the Greeks. Kavad would establish a client state known as the Kingdom Of Rumia beginning the Persokratia.


Meanwhile Odoacer would cement his role as King of Italy rebuilding the economy, restoring the Stability and enhancing the powers of the Senate. He allied with the Romano-Berbers to take down the Vandals in Africa. Retaking Sardinia and Corsica. After his death the kingdom would be stuck into a interregnum with a power struggle between the Pope and the Roman Senate. The kingdom would be weakened by the Plague allowing the Lombard’s to invade beginning a series of wars between the Italians and the Lombard’s over Italy. The regency would end with Flavius Calpurnius Cinna (Flavio Calpurnio) with aid from the Pope forcing the Senate to declare him King starting the Calpurnian Dynasty.


After Tiberius the ruler of Rumia launched a failed rebellion against the Sassanid’s, Rumia was annexed with the Sassanid’s appointing a loyal Rumian officer Phocas as Governor. His rule was deeply unpopular as he’d start a reign of terror, executing any treasonous citizens in the name of the Shah and allowed Slavs to raid the countryside with little resistance. The Sassanid state had begun to decline with increasingly new enemies on its Borders such as the Bulgars and Avars. The Goths were also suffering to the migrating Slavs and often found themselves relying on help from the Italians or Sassanid’s.

In Arabia a new enemy would emerge the Arabs united under Islam would launch an invasion of the Sassanid Empire capturing its Arabian territories, yet they were unable to taking Mesopotamia after the Sassanid’s won a decisive victory at the siege of Ctesiphon. The Sassanid’s would keep to a policy of containment with the Arabs forcing them south where they would conquer Aksum and the horn of Africa.

In the Balkans the Greeks were vulnerable to the Slavs with the Sassanid’s distracted by the Arab invasions, most of Greece apart from the Peloponnese and Thessalonica had fallen to the Slavic invaders by then Sassanid authority in the region had evaporated, most Greeks had returned loyalty to their Polis like in ancient times with a collection of Cities in the Peloponnese forming the 3rd Achaean League who would concentrate their efforts on retaking Greece back from the Slavs. In the 680s the Bulgarians would defeat the Slavs and Goths in Moesia creating the 1st Bulgarian Empire, the Goths had managed to maintain a strong presence in the region and the Gothic nobility would start to merge with the Bulgarian aristocracy. Though the Sassanid’s had lost the majority of the Balkans they still maintained control over    Constantinople and the Aegean.  In the 8th Century the Umayyad’s had once again failed in their Jihads with Persia and had struggled to maintain their own territories in Africa. They were then overthrown by the Abbasids who used the new Civil War in the Sassanid Empire to their advantages swiftly taking Mesopotamia and splitting the Empire into two leading many provinces to break away from Persia forming their own Kingdoms making it easier for the Arabs. After Cappadocia was taken the Abbasids were keen on taking all of the Middle East however a coalition lead by Christian Bagratids who defeated the invaders at the Battle of Lageina in 759 AD. Egypt would also fall to while Cyrenaica would remain under Italian protection.

In Greece, Demetrius Dukas who had kept Thessalonica away from Slavs successfully drove them out of Macedonia giving himself the Title of Duke. The Bulgar-Goths  under Khan Krum would defeat the Avars in Pannonia then turn on the City Of Constantinople protected by the King Of Anatolia Anastasius a Monothelete Christian, after defeating him in battle Krum captured the City declaring himself Caesar and making it is Capital.


The Franks had been increasingly dominant in Western Europe yet had begun to weaken under the Merovingian Kings. The Visigoth king Ardo sought to take back Aquitaine from his Rival Duke Odo, launched an invasion capturing Toulouse, yet Odo was able to escape and call for aid from Charles Martel who defeated Ardo in battle, he would later die of his wounds without a Successor leading to the collapse of the Visigothic Kingdom.  Eventually the Carolingians would come to power expanding Francia . Charles the Great would succeed his Father Pepin the Short, he would pacify Saxony and unite the warring kingdoms in Spain under Frankish rule with the exception of the Duke of Baetica his ally, and after further conquests he had created a grand empire from Spain to Pannonia.

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