DaSassy — CV|Ajax|Unexpected Guest

Published: 2019-02-12 20:14:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1568; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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     Leaving the evergreen grove had been the best choice the herd could have made. Although the trip was exhausting, it was well worth it. They all made it safely down into the valley and found a much better area to take up residence in. The snow was thinner, the temperature warmer, and the grass beginning to grow. Spring was so close that the horses could almost taste it in the air.

    Barely a week after they arrived in the lowlands, both mares felt a physical change that made it clear that their foals were coming very soon. Though they had hoped for less snow than was on the ground still, they didn't exactly have much of a choice in the matter. When your body says it's time to have your baby, you have your baby.

    The herd moved into the safety of the trees, and Ajax helped the mares find a safe thicket that would be large enough for the both of them. The mares gave it their approval, leaving it for the time being as they didn't want to draw attention to it. They weren't quite ready yet, but it would only be a matter of time.

    The excitement was palpable in the small herd, and both males watched the mares with anxious anticipation. The attention was almost obnoxious, but the mares were rather preoccupied. Though, they could have done without Ajax's overreactions every time the foals kicked or the ladies showed any discomfort. Clearly, being a first time dad was getting the better of him.

    Then, early one frosty morning, Myrtle expressed that it was her time. Before Ajax could go into hysterics, she was able to calm him down and reassure him that she was going to be alright. Estraya would be going with her, so if anything happened she wouldn't be alone. Though he was still worried, Ajax knew he had to let them go. Mares needed their privacy when giving birth.

    And so, slowly, Myrtle and Estraya made their way to the thicket. Ajax said that he would be patrolling around the area to keep an eye out for predators, but he promised not to bother them in the thicket unless it was absolutely necessary. It made them feel better that he would still be nearby and protecting them, but neither mare would be letting their guard down until the foal was born and all of them were back with the herd.

    As Myrtle paced, laid down, and got up and paced again, Estraya watched for danger. She hadn't been surprised that Myrtle's foal was coming now. She'd been pregnant at the time they'd gotten captured, and Estraya was a couple weeks behind her. She hoped her foal wasn't going to be born too long after Myrtle's, though she did hope that the weather would be a little better when her time came.

    The snap of a twig caught Estraya's attention, and she quickly scanned the area for movement. It could have been nothing, but it also could have been something. She scented the air, but the wind was not in her favor. That made her nervous. She worried that something had smelled them, sensed their condition, and was lurking close by, waiting for a chance to snatch a hapless newborn or to pounce them while they were defenseless.

    Myrtle had noticed Estraya's stiffness, the worry on her features, though she hadn't seen or heard what the other mare had. She was becoming increasingly nervous, as she was getting closer to giving birth. She was in no state to run or fight, and knew Estraya wasn't either. Perhaps they should have foregone the usual need for privacy in exchange for having their stallion there to watch over them.

    Both mares froze at the sound of rustling in the brush around the thicket. How had something gotten so close so quickly? Just as Myrtle was struggling to her hooves, ready to run, and as Estraya took a defensive position in front of her, the noise maker revealed itself. Well, herself.

    The gray mare was breathing raggedly and limping severely from a wounded shoulder. She looked up at them in surprise, then hung her head low and put her ears back timidly. The stranger looked between the two mares, their reason for being in the thicket dawning on her quickly. “Ah... I'm sorry. I didn't mean... to disturb you ladies... I'll find somewhere else to rest.” The mare said between breaths, already backing away.

    “Don't be ridiculous, you shouldn't be going anywhere in your state.” Estraya said, taking a step forward to get a better look at the wound. Her heart constricted painfully as she recognized the claw marks of a cougar. The same creature that killed her own mother when she was merely a filly. The mare had to shake off the jolt of fear that ran through her at the knowledge that a cougar was nearby, as she needed to step up and control the situation.

    “No, really... I'll be ok. I don't want to jeopardize your or your foal's safety. I can't be sure that I lost the cougar that attacked me.” The mare said as she finally caught her breath. She looked behind her nervously, obviously not wanting to leave the safety of other horses, but knowing she was putting them at risk. The predator would track the trail of blood she left right to them, and she would never be able to live with herself if something happened to either of the mares or their foals because of her.

    “While that may be the case, you're not going to be able to out run it, or any other predator, in your state.” Estraya pointed out, then added softly, “besides, our lead is nearby, and he'll be patrolling around the thicket.” Actually, she was rather surprised he hadn't come by yet. Maybe he had caught the scent of the cougar and moved off to investigate. She just hoped he'd come around to check on them sooner than later.

    The mare seemed to perk up, asking curiously, “Oh, is your herd nearby, then?” The idea of safety among a large herd outweighed her normal worries of joining a new herd. She hadn't even met their stallion, though if he was concerned enough about his mares to stay this close while they gave birth it gave her hope that he was a good guy.

    Estraya sighed softly, admitting awkwardly, “Well, half is here. Other than our lead we only have my younger brother. Just four of us – for the moment.” She glanced at Myrtle, who had settled back down on the ground. The paint mare seemed to be listening, but her face scrunched occasionally with what she suspected were contractions. It wouldn't be long now before their herd's numbers grew.

    “Ah, I see.” If the strange mare was disappointed, she did not show it. She looked behind her again, contemplating her options. She hated to bother these mares at such a delicate time, but she also didn't like her chances with a hungry cougar around. She just hoped the other mares she'd been traveling with had gotten away alright. “Well, if you're sure, I'd appreciate if I could rest a while with you two. I really wish my timing had been a little better, I am so sorry for intruding...” The mare apologized as she stepped fully into the thicket.

    “You can, and don't fret about it. It happens.” Estraya reassured, even though she had her reservations. This mare was a complete unknown, for all she knew she could be dangerous or crazy. She put those feelings aside for the moment, instead taking the time to properly greet the mare. “My name is Estraya,” She said, glancing at Myrtle to see if she was up to talking, but seeing that she was a little busy she continued in her place, “and this is Myrtle.”

    “Oh, how rude of me, I'm Geneva.” The mare flushed a little, embarrassed that she'd forgotten her manners. She was not making the greatest first impression. “Say, what's your lead's name?” Geneva asked, hoping to get an idea of what he was like and whether she might want to stick around after she was healed up.

    “Ajax. He's a big, red dun, he's sporting more than a couple scars.” Estraya replied, moving closer to the mare to determine the severity her wound. “He's a nice fellow, still a little green, but he's got a big heart” She said as she glanced at the mare, having sensed her unspoken question.

    The mares locked eyes for a moment, and Geneva quickly got the picture that Estraya was the lead mare. She wasn't all that surprised, for one she'd never met such a big mare. From a distance, she could be mistaken for a stallion. Well, aside from her bulging belly. The mare also just had the air of calm authority around her, and her boldness only strengthened that. Geneva softened her gaze, smiling at the mare, “He sounds like a great lead, if it's alright with you I'd like to met him.”

    Estraya was quiet for a moment, still analyzing the mare and her wound. The mare seemed genuine enough, and she had little doubt that Ajax would happily accept her into the herd. Still, the mare's injury was serious and would take time to heal. It meant the herd would be slowed down. Though, considering Myrtle's foal was soon to be in the world, the herd would be taking it slow anyways. “I'd be happy to, and I'm sure he'd be pleased if you stayed around.” Estraya said, relaxing as well.

    Geneva smiled brightly, though it faltered as she thought of something, “Oh, um... just so you know, I was traveling with a small herd of mares. Just three of us. When the cougar ambushed us... we all scattered.” She was worried about how the others had fared. The cougar didn't seem to have chased her, and she wondered if it had gone after the other two instead.

    Estraya saw the dip in the mare's mood, and she could understand her worries. It did make her curious though if Ajax had caught their scent and had left to investigate. She couldn't really fault him if he did, but she still felt a bit stung by the thought. She quickly let it drop, as she couldn't substantiate the thought. For all she knew, Ajax was patrolling the area as he'd promised, completely unaware of the presence of the predator or the other mares.

    “I see, well once we're done here we can go see if Ajax has run into them or the cat. If not, I'm sure he'd be happy to look for them.” Estraya suggested. Then she turned her attention back to the mare's wounds. “For now though, we need to tend to your injuries. Do you mind if I help you?” She offered.

    Geneva was a bit surprised by the offer, but awfully glad. It hurt for her to reach over and clean it herself. “Oh, that would be wonderful. Thank you, you are too kind.” Geneva shifted to give the larger mare full access to the gashes left by the cougar's claws. It stung as Estraya cleaned her wounds, but it was bearable. To take her mind off it, she took to grooming the mare's mane. She also snuck a peek over her back at Myrtle, who flashed her a weak smile as she laid on the ground. It was clear her labor was moving into the later stages, and it wouldn't be long before a new life was brought into the world.

Ajax (#82)
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In response to:
Estraya and Myrtle are approached by a mare needing help (Find mare + Nurse her back to health)

Art features:

Mrytle , Estraya , Geneva
Story features:
Ajax (#82) , Mrytle , Estraya , Geneva
Word Count: 1944

Healing: Geneva (1/3)

Items Used: Peanutwood

Companion Animals: Warren (Rabbit - Caring)

Other notes:

Artist Notes:
One of Ajax's new mares! 1 out of 5, actually OTL. I had this idea immediately after seeing the roll, which had given my pregnant mares a final boost (and saved me making another preg image for them), and had an injured mare approach them. This image will tie directly into the next, as technically the events are happening around the same time.

I really like how Geneva turned out. She's a nice looking mare, adds some nice contrast to Myrtle's dark gray coat. I don't think I made the wound that gory, but I figured I'd put a mature filter on just in case.

I almost didn't include Myrtle in this, as I struggled to find a pose that would suit it. I still don't like it, but it's close. I tried to change it so her head was turned toward Geneva, but I ended up keeping to the pose in the ref. She was also suppose to be behind Estraya, but I couldn't get it to look right.

Also, the next time that I talk about making an image in a thicket, please slap me. So many sticks. It's hard to draw late/early winter scenes without making them too drab. I also still suck at shading, it either ends up too harsh or too soft :/ Still a lot to learn.

Geneva - www.deviantart.com/danceswithp…
Myrtle -
Estraya - www.deviantart.com/elaineselen…
Art (c) DaSassy

Related content
Comments: 34

wildly-unaware [2019-02-23 03:17:32 +0000 UTC]

Feathers: 300
Pinecones: 1

Sybill gets injured while Bellatrx and Deidra announce they are pregnant! Two new mares wonder into the herd

Events: Injured (Sybill - 0/1), Mare Pregnant (Bellatrix 0/3)Ajax, Mare Preganant (Deidra 0/3)Ajax, Encounter Mare x2

Mare Design: Mare 637
Gender: Mare
Phenotype: Seal Bay Splash
Genotype: Ee/Ata/SplSpl
Leg Markings: 
Stocking(Irregular) LF, High Stocking(Standard) RF, High Stocking(Irregular) LB, Stocking(Irregular) RB
Bald Face(Over Eyes)
Other Markings: Light Mapping

Mare Design: Mare 454
Gender: Mare
Phenotype: Silver Bay Dun(Flaxen Carrier)
Genotype: Ee/Aa/Dn/Ff/Zz
Leg Markings: Pastern (irregular) RF, Half stocking (irregular) LB, Half sock (standard) RB,
Face: Stripe + snip (thick)
Eyes: Brown
Other Markings: Normal Barring

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DaSassy In reply to wildly-unaware [2019-02-27 21:37:24 +0000 UTC]

Keeping #637, Rejecting #454

Also, Ajax. Clearly we need to have the talk. You haven't even met those ladies yet and already you've knocked them up.

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wildly-unaware In reply to DaSassy [2019-02-27 21:53:39 +0000 UTC]

poor Ajax xD


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MatrixPotato [2019-02-13 16:37:17 +0000 UTC]

LOOK AT THIS OMG THIS IS BEAUTIFUL <3 I love the background and the poses are so well done! <3

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-02-21 21:11:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you <3 Took a lotta work, but I'm happy with the result

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-02-21 23:05:09 +0000 UTC]


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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-02-21 23:12:08 +0000 UTC]

and extra happy that no one noticed the mistake that I've now fixed

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-02-21 23:37:36 +0000 UTC]

XD I honestly didn't notice anything!

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-02-21 23:50:04 +0000 UTC]

because there was nothing to notice~ *snickers*

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-02-21 23:54:06 +0000 UTC]


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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-02-22 00:13:47 +0000 UTC]

omg, I finally cleaned out over 2.5k messages OTL

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-02-22 00:16:25 +0000 UTC]

oh lort

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-02-22 00:25:11 +0000 UTC]

Normally I fight my way through it, cause I don't want to miss cool art, but I finally gave in and deleted a lot of stacks x.x

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-02-22 05:20:59 +0000 UTC]

awww D: i feel it though. i watch so many people that it's kind of overwhelming if you dont check it every day. you kind of drown in notifications OTL

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-02-27 20:56:38 +0000 UTC]

mhm, but I feel mean if I remove them, especially if I used to talk to them a lot - even if we rarely talk now. I just wish I had internet at home so this wasn't a problem. But, I am now one step closer to college. I am doing a test next week to hopefully fill in a gap in my education and that will all me to finish my application x.x

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-02-28 04:35:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah Dx but i mean 90% of the time they don't really notice lmao at leas tin my experience 8')

but YAY for education!

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-06 19:59:53 +0000 UTC]

But I notice. and I feel unreasonable amounts of guilt OTL.

Also, Dear lord. Myrtle had twins. Really weird thing is I kept having dreams that I was going to get twins x.x >3> and you made them so pretty <3 Thank you for keeping them fairly easy to draw xD <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-07 00:14:43 +0000 UTC]

true lmao

ohhh i totally didn't even realize they were your babies when i was designing them XD I'm so glad you like them! i can't wait to see what they get up to <3

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-12 18:48:46 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, things. Many things. >:3 Lol you should see my to-do list, I'm like three stories ahead of my current spot.

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-12 18:49:14 +0000 UTC]

oh snap XD

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-12 19:49:09 +0000 UTC]

I think that's why I struggled with Divine Isles. Here it's all prompt based, so I have a lot more control over my story and I can plan absurbedly far ahead of myself. Where, in DI, I could barely plan the next image until I got my response.

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-12 20:00:07 +0000 UTC]

True! I get that XD Thats why I like DI tho, I have a hard time coming up with ideas on my own, so the fact that they give a detailed prompt helps me shape my next response lol

But everybody has their own story telling style! c:

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-12 20:27:56 +0000 UTC]

mhm! Indeed! Oh hey, I just noticed that it's a certain someone's birthday tomorrow! Mostly because your spastic icon drew my attention to those notifactions xD Gonna say happy birthday now cause it's better to be early than belated! Happy Birthday! *dances around with*

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-12 20:28:52 +0000 UTC]

LMAO thank you! Honestly I keep forgetting that it is 8) i'll probably wake up tomorrow and be like "it's just a wednesday" XD

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-12 20:34:30 +0000 UTC]

*snort* I'm the same. The last time I was excited for a birthday was my 16th, but lets just say that it did not go well.

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-12 20:36:22 +0000 UTC]

haaaaaaaaa same tbh 8') the only thing i want this year is an ice cream cake and sculpting supplies

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-12 20:43:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I guess then I wont do some gift art then...

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-12 20:43:37 +0000 UTC]

i meaaaaaaaaaannn if you want to i totally don't tell you no

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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-12 20:51:51 +0000 UTC]

mmmkayyyy.... <3

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MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-12 20:52:18 +0000 UTC]


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DaSassy In reply to MatrixPotato [2019-03-12 20:58:52 +0000 UTC]

You'll just have to wait and see <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MatrixPotato In reply to DaSassy [2019-03-12 21:07:33 +0000 UTC]


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sourlemonfox [2019-02-12 20:34:40 +0000 UTC]

This looks AMAZING!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DaSassy In reply to sourlemonfox [2019-02-12 20:41:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks :3 just a few sleepless nights went into making it xD

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