DecidingNebula — The High Prophet of Reliance

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Published: 2023-03-27 21:31:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 2900; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 1
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Description Franchise: Halo

Real Name: Ord Vilden

Faction: The Covenant Hegemony, Vilden True Edict (Formerly), Ministry of Inquisition (Formerly), Covenant High Council, Triumvirate of Hierarchs, The Final Fleet of The Great Journey

Age: 239

Rank: Lawyer (Formerly), Minister (Formerly), Prophet, Hierarch

Height: 7.3ft

Species: San'Shyuum

Birthplace: New Zelfiss, High Charity

Citizenship: Covenant

Job: Lawyer (Formerly), Minister of Inquisition (Formerly), Prophet of the Covenant, Hierarch of the Covenant

Nicknames/Titles: The Prophet of Reliance, The High Prophet of Reliance, Minister of Inquisition, Insidious Bastard, Vildie, The Only One the Ossoona Truly Answer to, Liar, Judge Claude Frollo, Liar Liar Robes-on-Fire, Duplicitous Son of a Bitch, Cocky Bastard, The Man With a Mind Like a Maze, The Prophet of Judgement

Gender: Male

Vehicles/Mounts: Hierarch-Class Gravity Throne secretly modified with a hardlight shield generator, upgraded stasis field projector, an EMP generator, blamite shardstorm launcher, two compartments storing Forerunner Protector Sentinels, an Aggressor Sentinel that discreetly attaches itself to the back of the throne and is disguised by its colour-shifting capabilities and a 'keyhole' cut in the shape of said Sentinel inside the throne itself; Anodyne Spirit- The infamous Forerunner Dreadnought/Keysip which became Reliance's flagship during the Great Schism, which he used to gather ships into a gigantic Fleet to invade Earth; All Ships in The Final Fleet of The Great Journey

Voice: Identical to Michael Wincott as the High Prophet of Truth in Halo 2

Eye Colour: Yellow

Hair Colour: Grey

Skin Colour: Tan

Scars/Damage/Markings/Unusual Features: Mysterious, burns-like flesh scarring around his spine, artificial dentures

Enemies/Rivals: Humanity, Sangheili, Unified Earth Colonies, United Nations Space Command, The Vassal Movement, Alliance of Covenant Separatists, Trident of Revelation, Allied Sangheili Houses, Swords of Sangheilios, Banicrons, Office of Naval Intelligence, The Flood, The Gravemind, Turok Nar 'Mdragath, Thora 'Marumee, High Prophet of Glory, High Prophet of Burden, High Prophetess of Redemption, Nuns of The Sacred Path, Ascetic Order, Pretty much everyone else in the Galaxy

Status: Deceased


Standard Issue Eos'Mak Type-25 Plasma Pistol

Standard Issue Paegaas Workshop Type-25 Spiker (Borrowed)

Equipment/Paraphernalia/Personal Belongings: Naimobi-Silk Tailor-Made Prophet Robe, Custom Hierarch Crown, Hierarch Gravity Throne, Personal Shield Generator, Energy Force Field Generator, Holo-Drones, 2200 BCE Janjur Qomian Shibat Wine, Forerunner Glyph Jewellery, Mantle of Responsibility Pendant, The Original Book of the Great Journey, Massive Collection of Covenant Religious Literature

Specialisation/Skills: Genius-Level Intellect, Politician, Tactician, Persuasion, Organisation, Manipulation, Master Theologist, Multilingual, Political Manipulation, Formenting Conspiracy, Lawyer, Historian, Theoretician, Logistician, Trading

Powers/Notable Abilities: None

Personality: The sly and deceitful High Prophet of Reliance's entire life has been underpinned by two things- his ruthless and brutal pursuit of enforcing and protecting the Covenant from sundering and his undying devotion to the Path of the Great Journey. Because of these things and having lived a life of "virtue and chasity", Ord Vilden expresses a sort of pride that comes from a feeling of moral superiority, as he is a paragon of worship all in the Covenant are supposed to look up to. In public, he displays a calm, stoic personality championing the ideals of truth and justice. In reality, he's very deceptive, frequently and uncontrollably lying and covering up events to accomplish his goals; he is well aware of the irony of his title, reflecting upon choosing his name that he would be forced to lie for the sake of the Covenant.

Reliance is one of the most methodical planners and puppet masters ever to live- he's gifted with a silver tongue that can slip him out of any situation and convince others to do his bidding whether they are cognizant of Reliance's manipulations or not. As a man with alot of rivals he needs to rid himself of, he is quick to dispose of his enemies, either directly or through careful plotting, and has for decades been slowly eliminating all who stand in his way to total control over the Covenant. As evidenced by his desire to achieve divinity at the expense of the entire galaxy, Reliance is a callous individual who disregards the lives of both his allies and enemies. When interacting with others, Ord is typically serious-minded, critical, patronising, superficially kind, and always seems to be "talking-down". He is skilled at reading the motives of others, assisting in his lies and manipulations.

Reliance believes in a very self-empowering political philosophy, one that has influenced everything from his decisions, to his body language to his architectural tastes: At the top, there is only room for one. He has the mindset that the universe is unforgiving and has a natural "shape" that structures everything that happens and that can happen- feeling that this shape is best represented by a pyramid- and only one person can ever be at the top. That person, in his eyes, must be him. This outlook on existence is reflected in Reliance's behaviour- he constantly surrounds himself with imagery and physical representations of pyramids, feeling that they are the 'perfect' shape. He is frequently seen forming a triangle with his fingers when in deep thought, he patterned his own robes with depictions of the Covenant's Stationist Caste System, and even had his own home designed to narrow as one gets higher until finally tapering to a point, evoking his philosophy as it becomes cramped and claustrophobic for more than one person to be on the top floor.

Despite his manipulation and deception, Reliance was once worthy of his title, though when he was, he didn't carry it. Before his rise to power in his early years he cared enough about the Unggoy to demand justice for them when several Kig-Yar sterilised many Unggoy at the onset of the Unggoy Rebellion, and even agreed to represent the affected families as a lawyer to the courts, arguing his case to the then-Minister of Inquisition despite it being turned down.

Once he came to power and was given his title High Prophet of Reliance, he waged war on Humanity, labelling the entire species demonic to prevent the Covenant from learning the truth that the Great Journey was false. Even then he saw it as a selfless act meant to preserve the Covenant and keep it from falling apart, though in truth, it was a career-serving selfish one to maintain his own power. As far as Ord's concerned, he is his own patron saint.  

Although inspiring and charismatic, it is likely that Reliance is at least partially insane. Despite being aware that Humanity, not the Covenant, are the Forerunners' chosen successors, he is still fixated upon achieving godhood through the use of the Halo Rings. He seems to have rationalised this by claiming that Humanity is a "test of faith", and that the Forerunners had left them behind intentionally. Or that Humanity is 'demonic' and has in some way bewitched divine relics to register them as 'Reclaimers' in order to steal the Forerunners' legacy from them. For him, it's personal: Reliance's confirmation that it was not the San'Shyuum, but Humanity that were chosen as the Reclaimers of the Forerunners' technology contributed to his failing image of his own moral perfection, and  unwilling to accept and unable to mend this, Reliance accused Humanity, The Chaos, and even the Gods of this dilemma, demanding to know why he wasn't chosen as the inheritor of what they left behind. Upon receiving no answer, he almost broke down completely and lost his mind. As a result, he began to enter a much more bellicose and persecutory state in his search for the Halo Array. Due to his faith, supremacism, and fears of the truth getting out, Reliance rejects the presence and the culture of Humanity and believes they would scandalise the people of the Hegemony, thus interfering with his goal of a morally pure Covenant that could last forever. His devotion to that ideal is so strong that he frequently sees idols of the Gods and other figures of questionable reality judging him for his misdeeds and watching him when he is in a particularly stressful situation or at a turning point- often defying them before realising his missteps and begging for forgiveness...only to do it again at a later date.

Another potential possibility is that Reliance is secretly aware of the Halos' true purpose, and wishes to fire them himself; then, being shielded on the Halo he fires (or, alternatively, the Ark), he can start a new age in which he will rule as one supreme god over all who survive with him, leading him to be immortalized in the time that would come after. If this is the case, Reliance has been lying to the entire Covenant about his faith, using the promise of the Great Journey to manipulate them into doing his bidding. Reliance is obsessed with gaining more power for himself, to the point where he may already see himself as a God, ready to join the Forerunners that he worships.

Truly, Reliance is not afraid of anything except the Gods- for in his mind they are the only ones who can turn him down from that destiny, and it's his love of virtue and his fear of the flames of the Infernal Below of Oblivion that has driven him to do what he does. Despite this, he focuses on the more negative aspects of his religion such as heresy, sin and eternal damnation rather than the ideals of redemption and mercy, and even then, he frequently violates them to get his way, never understanding or taking responsibility.

Above all, Vilden's deepest flaw is his lack of a self-critical conscience. He believes what he is doing is right to the point where he twists the intentions of others to seem to him as evil or delusional, projecting his own wrongdoings onto his enemies. He does not register his own dark nature and instead accuses others of his misdeeds, partially because it serves him to, but also because he truly believes that nothing wrong can ever be his fault, so he must pathologically "correct" his mistakes by taking the blame off himself. As such, he considers his soul pure. 

He's also a former lawyer. That just about explains it all.

(Enjoy Reliance's rise and fall in this document: docs.google.com/document/d/1R9… )


"And as he looked to the Divine Beyond he had aspired to above, he felt the full weight of his heresy stay his feet, and he was left behind."- Reliance quoting a passage from the Book of the Great Journey, possibly using it to refer to his own beliefs about himself

"Know that if I fail in the pursuit of mine own ethos, it is the fault of the Gods for not making man and sin of equal strength."

"Do not worry, my child. You can always rely on me..."- Reliance, lying through his rotten teeth

"At the top, there is only room for one."

"Sacrifice is the currency of power. Throughout my life, many have told me that power is attained through money, through worship, or through connections to powerful people. They are all wrong. To attain power, one must be prepared to burn their hopes, their dreams, even their purity, to light the torch that will illuminate their path to victory. I have done this many a time. In this pursuit, I have committed a grand many sins, I have betrayed, I have killed, and I have lied all whilst calling myself "Reliance"- for I am forced to do so in order to protect our righteous Covenant from sundering. I do not even feel guilt for it. And all I will have to say to the Gods when they question if I am worthy to enter the Divine Beyond is "I did what I had to."

"Whosoever is gripped by fear, take heed. I am the Prophet of Reliance... And I am not afraid."

"Of course, if you would rather die..."

"Hahahahahahaha....slaves would be tyrants too...were it their choice..."- Said concerning Turok Nar 'Mdragath

"Why do you choose the Humans my Lords? Explain why they can unlock the secrets we cannot! Explain why I see them commanding fleets of your glorious gifts everytime I close my eyes!....ANSWER ME!!!"

"It is simple, really. For so long I wanted to see you- touch you, see if I would find you identical with the ideal image of you that had been challenged for so long. And hopefully crush said challenge with the aid of reality."- Reliance personifying Installation 00/The Ark as if it were a living thing. Now you understand the crazy.

"And they shall smite the wicked and heretical, and cast them into the infernal regions of Oblivion."- Quoting a passage from the Book of the Great Journey

”Turok is planning something...it seems we now wage a war in secret not just with the Klawe...but with him.”

”Well played Turok. Well. Played.”- Reliance commenting on how Turok Nar 'Mdragath managed to convince both he and the other Hierarchs to form the Covenant Sagacity Commission.

Reliance: "It's not my fault, you cannot blame me for what happened- your kind never truly believed in me and my promises about the Sacred Rings." The Gravemind: “Lies for the weak, beacons for the deluded” Turok Nar 'Mdragath: "I will have my revenge, on a Prophet, not a plague!” Reliance: "There is still time- my feet still tread the path! I shall become a God!" The Gravemind: "You will be food, nothing more." Reliance: "No! Have mercy! I am...Reliance! The voice of the Covenant!” Turok Nar 'Mdragath: “And so, you must be silenced.”- Reliance's last words, exchanged with Banicron leader Turok Nar 'Mdragath and the Delta Halo Gravemind infecting Reliance just before Turok killed him.

(The High Prophet of Reliance everyone! Shame that it's taken so long for me to get this highly influential character posted, even more shameful that I said I'd have it done just after Valentine's Day. Honestly, I'm not sure why I bother with these projected timings anymore. Maybe I should start rethinking how I get these posts out, perhaps go the way of the most recent Thora and Banicrons post and simply opt to get the backstory out later? But then there's so many characters whose backstories are the main attraction, and when I do that, I actually lose the motivation to complete the backstory. I don't know. I'll have to figure something out.)

(So yeah, the not so big but very very bad Ord Vilden, he's been very difficult to complete, and I had to delve into very complex, conspiratorial thoughts to get in the right headspace to write this guy, but overall I think it came out well. Even before I started writing this, I actually based Reliance, who would have otherwise just been my lazy version of the Prophet of Truth, on Judge Claude Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I found Frollo's personality, mannerisms and his own inner religious conflict between his purity and his lust to be just perfect to map onto Reliance- only instead of thirsting hard for a woman so much that he went insane, he finds that Humanity being the Reclaimers instead of the San'Shyuum to be such a horrifying revelation that it turns him mad and drives him to constantly contradict and then enforce different parts of his religion in different ways, and his staunch belief that he is righteous in spite of all that leads him on his merry way down. Often, I found myself wondering how "Hellfire" from the movie would sound if it was sung by Reliance with his situation in mind, with Humanity taking the place of Esmerelda, and envy taking the place of lust. I even threw in the whole play about The Prophet of Judgement as a reference to Frollo, for any who would notice it.)

(As for Reliance's tribute songs I'd have to go for The Holy One by GothministerHellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame (I mean, let's be honest, it's kinda perfect) and then Jonathan Young’s cover of the aforementioned song, just like with Oreogus and Be Prepared. Not much else to say now, so, until next time!)

(UPDATE: Forgot to mention this, but the Xokahs? Particularly Rali Xokah and Zs’tella Xokah? They’re gonna be pretty important characters in the Haloverse at…some point. I have pretty big plans for them as part of a “younger generation” of characters who will become relevant much later down the timeline. I look forward to sharing the details of that at some point.)

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sytac [2023-03-31 13:56:53 +0000 UTC]

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jouhari17 [2023-03-28 02:33:01 +0000 UTC]

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DecidingNebula In reply to jouhari17 [2023-03-28 08:35:31 +0000 UTC]

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LordArcheronVolistad [2023-03-27 23:25:05 +0000 UTC]

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DecidingNebula In reply to LordArcheronVolistad [2023-03-28 00:40:36 +0000 UTC]

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