Disneyponyfan — Dragoncousin Transcript

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Description Cousin Rocket must face her fear long enough to convince the dragon to find another place to sleep before his smoke threatens to cover up the whole globe.

(at Cousin Rocket's cottage)
(Cousin Rocket is caring her animals)
Cousin Rocket: [spits] There you go my little critters. Not too fast now, Thumper. You don't wanna get a tummy ache. (heard her words, Thumper feels he's full) [chuckles] You really should eat more than that, don't you think? (Thumper runs) It's not play time yet. I know you want to run, but... just three more bites. Two more bites? One more bite? Pretty please? (Thumper kicks the carrot out of Cousin Rocket's grab nabber) [sighs]
Thumper: [coughs]
Cousin Rocket: Oh, goodness. Are you okay?
Thumper: [coughs]
Cousin Rocket: Are you coughing because there's a carrot stuck in your throat?
Thumper: [coughs]
Cousin Rocket: Because you need some water?
Thumper: [coughs loudly]
Cousin Rocket: [gasp] Because of that giant cloud of scary black smoke? (Thumper tosses the carrot) I'll take that as a... yes.

(Little Einsteins theme)

(at the park)
[people conversing in the background]
Cousin Rocket: Help. Help! Please? Help? There's- there's a horrible cloud of smoke. It's headed this way and- [shrieks]
Rocket: Don't be such a scaredy-cat. It's just me, the future air looping record holder. Three forty six, three forty seven...
Annie: This calls for a celebration!
Cousin Rocket: Oh, no, Annie, this is no time for celebration. This is a time for panic, for-
Annie: Ooo! I'm going to need balloons! One for every pony in Los Angeles!
Cousin Rocket: There's- there's smoke. And- and where there's smoke, there's fire. And when there's fire, there's a wildfire, and when there's a wildfire there's-
Annie: Let's see, that's one, two, three, four...
Rocket: Three hundred fifty four...
Annie: Five, six...
Rocket: Three hundred fifty five, no, wait...
Annie: Seven.
Rocket: (yelp) Annie! You messed up my concentration. Now I have to start over.
Cousin Rocket: We're all going to have to start over, in a new town. 'Cause ours is gonna be-
Annie: Hey, Rocket, wait up!
Cousin Rocket: Oh, please, this is an emergency. I-I need everyone to-
Leo: Listen up! Smoke is spreading all over the whole globe.
Remote: What!
Rainbow Brite: Oh no!
Red Monster: That's awful.
Cousin Rocket: That's what I've been trying to-
Leo: But don't worry, I've just received a message from Princess Sunlight informing me that it is not coming from a wildfire.
Cousin Rocket: Oh, thank goodness.
Leo: It's coming from a dragon.
Everyone: [gasp]
Cousin Rocket: A... d-dragon? (thinking) That's my biggest fear.

Quincy: I cannot believe it! What in the world is a dragon doing here in earth?
Leo: Sleeping.
QuincyRocketJune , Cousin Rocket, and Annie: Huh?
Leo: According to Princess Sunlight, he's hibernating. His snoring is what's causing all this smoke.
Annie: He should really see a doctor. That doesn't sound healthy at all.
June: Well, at least he's not snoring fire. What are we meant to do about it?
Rocket: I'll tell you what we're meant to do. Give him the boot. Take that. And that!
Leo: We can't just do that Rocket. What we need to do is to encourage him to hibernate somewhere else that's not going to have earth in a health hazard. Princess Sunlight has given us this mission, and we must not fail. If we do, the world will be covered in smoke for the next century.
Cousin Rocket: [gasp]
June: Hmph. Talk about getting your beauty sleep.
Leo: All right team, I need you to gather supplies quickly. We've got a long journey ahead of us. Let's meet back here in less than an hour.
Rocket: Okay, guys, you heard him. The fate of the world is in our hands. Do we have what it takes?
QuincyAnnie, and June: [affirmations]
Cousin Rocket: Um, actually... (thinking) What was I thinking. I'm too scared to admit my fear to my friends.

(Rocket is getting ready in the Rocket Room)
Rocket: Raaah!
(Quincy is getting ready at the auditorium)
Quincy: Yaaa!
(Annie is fully ready)
[pop whistles]
Annie: [laughter] Oh, I mean, grrr!
(June grabs a cameo cap)
June: Ewww! (June wears a fancy cameo hat) Much better. Onward!
(Cousin Rocket wears protective gear)
(door closes)
Cousin Rocket: [squeak]
Quincy: Let's go team!
Cousin Rocket: Um, let's... not? [squeak]

Leo: All right team, listen up. I'm mapping out the fastest route, but we've all got to keep a good pace if we expect to make it up the mountain by sundown.
Cousin Rocket: M-m-mountain?
Leo: The dragon is in that cave at the very top.
Quincy: Looks pretty cold up there.
Rocket: You bet it is. The higher you go, the colder it gets.
June: Good thing I brought my coat.
Annie: Ooo! Pretty!
Rocket: Heh, oh yeah. That'll keep you nice and cozy.
Cousin Rocket: [gulp] (thinking) I don't think I can handle this, I must drop out. (to Leo) Um, excuse me, Leo? I know you're busy, but...
Leo: Uh-huh. Well, we could go this way.
Cousin Rocket: But if I could just have a second...
Leo: Uh-huh. No, we want to avoid that.
Cousin Rocket: So, um, I was thinking that, um, maybe I should just stay here in Los Angeles while you all do your mission.
Leo: Uh-huh.
Cousin Rocket: Oh! Good. I'll stay here and-
Leo: Wait! You have to come! Your way with wild animals will surely come in handy.
Cousin Rocket: I don't think I can handle dr-
Leo: Oh, and don't worry about your little friends in the meadow. Drago's got it covered while you're gone.
Drago: You can count on me! Oooh! Hey! Hey! Wait!
Cousin Rocket: I don't really think he's up to the task. Maybe... but... but... [squeak] (thinking) I'm too soft to speak up.
Rocket: Are you sure you want my timid cousin to come along? I mean, she's afraid of her own shadow. She's just going to slow us down.
Leo: Oh, she's just a little nervous. Once we get going, I'm sure she'll be fine.
(Cousin Rocket sees her own shadow)
Cousin Rocket: [squeal]
Leo: All right team, move out!
Cousin Rocket: But... but...! [scream]
(Little Einsteins are now on their mission)

[dragon snore]
Cousin Rocket: [gasp]
Rocket: Whoa. What was that?
Leo: That is what it sounds like when a dragon snores.
Cousin Rocket: (looking at the mountain) It- it's so... high!
Rocket: Well, it is a mountain. I'm going to fly up there and check it out! (Quincy using a large magnet to get Rocket down) Wah!
Quincy: Hold on, now. I think we should all go up together. Safety in numbers and all.
Rocket: Oh, all right.

(while walking up the mountain)
June: I hear the only thing that sparkles more than a dragon's scales are the jewels they use to build their nests. Ooo, if I play my cards right, I might be able to convince him to part with a few!
Annie: [imitating a dragon] Welcome to my cave, June. Care for a diamond? [roar][laughter]
Leo: Girls! This is no laughing matter! Cousin Rocket, you're the expert on wild creatures. What do you think the dragon will be like? Cousin Rocket?
(They see Cousin Rocket at the bottom of the mountain)
Rocket: Hey! What are you waiting for? An invitation?
Annie: Ooo, I think I have one in my bag!
[pop whistles]
[cheering SFX]
Cousin Rocket: I-it's so... so... steep.
Rocket: Well, it is a cliff. You could just, oh, I don't know, fly up here?
Annie: Come on, Cousin Rocket, you can do it. give yourself some flying power!
Cousin Rocket: Oh... okay. [soft cry]
(Cousin Rocket is now flying up to the mountains to join the team)
Rest of the team: (gasp)
Leo: It's working, she's doing it. Come on, almost there.
[dragon snore]
Cousin Rocket: [whimpers]
(Cousin Rocket stops flying as she falls back to the ground)
Rocket: Ugh.
Cousin Rocket: (struggling to fly again) [soft grunts]
Leo: Uh, we don't have time for this. (Quincy grabs the map) What are you doing?
Quincy: I'll need this if I'm going to take her another way around the mountain.
Rocket: [groan] Around the mountain? That's going to take them forever.
Cousin Rocket: (still struggling to fly) [squeals]
[dragon snore]
(Cousin Rocket faints)
[goat bleat]
Quincy: Don't worry, Leo. We'll be there in a flash.
Leo: (sigh) I just hope we don't fail.

(Annie and June are playing heads up on June's phone)
Annie: You bark and you like treats.
June: Dog? (buzzer) Ugh. That's ten games in a row. Wanna try Snapchat pictures?
(Quincy finally makes up the mountain while pushing Cousin Rocket up)
Quincy: [panting] We. Made. It. [sigh]
Rocket: Told you it was going to take them forever.

(The team except Cousin Rocket jumps over the mountain gap)
Cousin Rocket: [gulp]
Leo: Okay Cousin Rocket, your turn.
Cousin Rocket: But... it's so... wide.
Leo: Come on, Cousin Rocket, we should be much farther along by now.
Quincy: You could just pogo bounce on over.
Cousin Rocket: I-
[dragon snore]
Cousin Rocket: I don't know if I can.
Annie: There's nothing to be afraid of. It's just a hop, skip and a jump. See?  ♪♪It's not very far Just move your little rump You can make it if you try with a hop, skip and jump♪♪
Leo: We don't have time for this.
Annie: ♪♪A hop, skip and jump, Just move your little rump, A hop, skip and jump, A hop, skip and jump, A hop, skip and jump, A hop skip and jump, A hop skip and jump!♪♪
Cousin Rocket: O-okay. (activates her pogo bouncer) Here I go. A hop.
Quincy: That's it.
Leo: You've got it.
June: Almost there.
Cousin Rocket: Skip.
Leo: That's great, just whatever you do, don't look down.
Cousin Rocket: What! (sees the high ground) [whimpers]
(Cousin Rocket uses her grab nabber to grab the edge of the mountain, but as it turns out, she only jumped over a small gap)
Rocket: Ugh.
(Rocket pulls his cousin to the other side)
Cousin Rocket: I guess I forgot to jump.

Leo: [whispers] Let's keep it down. According to my map, we're entering an avalanche zone. The smallest peep could cause a huge rock slide.
Cousin Rocket: An... an ava... ava...
Leo: Shhh! I said keep it down.
(as the team walks quietly past the avalanche zone, when Rocket flies past the tree, leaves fall onto Cousin Rocket)
Cousin Rocket: AVALA-!
(Leo covers her mouth)
(Cousin Rocket echoes)
(collective sigh]
Little Einsteins: Avalanche! [cries]
(the team encounters a rock slide)
Leo: Oh no! Help! Ooh!
(Avalanche ends)
Quincy: Oh my! [stops coughing] Is everyone okay?
Leo: Thanks to you I am.
(Cousin Rocket pops out of the fallen rocks)
June: Eugh. Blech.
(June shakes off the dust that gets onto Annie)
Annie: Whoo-hoo! Let's do it again!
June: Uh! This is why a girl always packs extra accessories. (she grabs her coat) Oh, please tell me I brought the hat that goes with this.
Rocket: Uh, think we got bigger problems than making sure our hair bows match our shoes.
Cousin Rocket: [sigh] Sorry.
Quincy: Aw, that's okay, it was only an accident.
Leo: Yeah, we'll just have to [sigh] climb over.

(The team climbs over the rock slide pile)

(Cousin Rocket climbs down the rock slide pile)
Cousin Rocket: [sigh] (slides on the pile) [whimpers]
June: Whoa!
Quincy: Wha! Wha...
June: My apologies.
Rocket: Not your fault.
Cousin Rocket: [whimper] sorry.
(still walking up the mountain)
Rocket: [sigh] Still think it was a good idea to bring Cousin Rocket along?
Leo: We're about to find out. Okay team, We're here.

(at the dragon cave)
Leo: Rocket, you'll use your Breeze Blower to clear the smoke.
Rocket: Roger that.
Leo: June and Annie, you girls will create a diversion to distract the dragon if things get a little hairy in there
[squeaky toy]
Leo: Quincy, you're ready with the cymbals in case he decides to attack. (Quincy frisbee throws his cymbals to a tree) But it shouldn't come to that, because Cousin Rocket will do what she needs to do to wake him up, and between me and Cousin Rocket, we should be able to get him to understand why he needs to move. Is everyone ready?
Cousin Rocket: (whimpers)
Leo: Okay then, we're goin' in. So, what is the best way to wake up a sleeping dragon without upsetting him? Cousin Rocket? Oh, Cousin Rocket! Come on! [grunt] We have to do this! [grunt] Now! Every [grunts] second longer that dragon [grunts] sleeps is another [grunts] acre of world that is covered in [grunts] smoke. Ooh!
Annie: [laugh]
Cousin Rocket: I- I- I can't go in the cave.
Rest of the team: Ugh.
Rocket: Oh, great. Now she's scared of caves, too.
Cousin Rocket: I'm not scared of caves cousin, I can't go in the cave because I'm scared of dr.
Quincy: What's that?
Cousin Rocket: I can't go in the cave because I'm scared of dr.
Leo: What?
Cousin Rocket: I can't go in the cave because I'm scared of dragons!
[dragon snore]
Cousin Rocket: [squeal]
Leo: But Cousin Rocket. You have a wonderful talent dealing with all kinds of animals.
Cousin Rocket: Yes, because they're not dragons.
Rocket: Oh come on! We've seen you walk right up to that lion like it was nothing.
Cousin Rocket: Yes, because he wasn't a dragon.
Annie: Drago is a bakugan dragonoid. You're not scared of him.
Cousin Rocket: Yes, because he's not a huge, gigantic, terrifying, enormous, teeth-gnashing, sharp-scale having, horn-wearing, smoke-snoring, could eat everyone in one bite, totally all grown-up dragon!
[dragon snore]
Cousin Rocket: [whimper]
Leo: But, if you're so scared of dragons, why didn't you say so before we even came all the way up here?
Cousin Rocket: I was afraid to because I'm too soft to speak up.
Rocket: Ugh. You can speak up anytime and we're fine about it.
Quincy: All of us are scared of that dragon.
Rocket: I'm not!
Quincy: Well, almost, but we've got a mission to do. So, get in there with Leo and show him what you're made of.
Cousin Rocket: I- I- I just... don't have the courage.
(Cousin Rocket stays behind)
Leo: Oh, Cousin Rocket.
Rocket: I told you bringing her here might slow us down. 
Leo: But she has good intentions with animals.
June: Now what. How are we going to convince the dragon to leave now.
Leo: Looks like it's all up to me alone.

Leo: I'm goin' in. He... probably just doesn't realize what he's doing... right
[team agree nervously]
Leo: Mr. Dragon.
(Leo sees a dragon hibernating on gold)
Dragon: [snores]
Leo: Excuse me.
Dragon: [mumbling]
Leo: Mr. Dragon.
Dragon: [mumbling] wh what?
Leo: Oh, good, you're awake. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Le-
Dragon: [yawn]
Leo: Augh! Puh! o, and my team and I are residents here in Los Angeles. We've come here to ask that you find another spot for you to hibernate. It's just that you seem to be doing an awful lot of snoring, and every time you do you send out a terrible cloud of smoke. [coughs] The world can't survive a century in a dark haze. You understand, don't you?
Dragon: [stretches] [grunts] YYYyyeessss! I understand.
Leo: So, you'll find another place to sleep?
Razer: Sorry young man, this place is my favorite resting spot [huff]
Leo: (coughs)
Rest of the team: [coughs]
Rocket: So much for [coughs] persuading.
Quincy: Now what?
June: [coughs] Obviously, this situation just calls for a little "Lady charm". Allow me, team. (to the dragon) I'm so sorry to interrupt. [clears throat] But I couldn't possibly head back home without mentioning what handsome scales you have. And those scales have to be hidden away in some silly cave for a century?
Dragon: [mumbling] yes, that's good.
June: Personally, I think you should skip the snoozing and be out there, showing them off. Hmm. Obviously, I would be more than happy to keep an eye on your jewels while you're gone.
Dragon: What! [growl]
June: [yelp]
(June retreats while the dragon grabs his jewels)

June: I was this close to getting that diamond.
Leo: You mean... getting rid of that dragon?
June: Oh, yeah... sure.
Quincy: (gasp) I cannot believe it!
Annie: [horn]
June: Darling, you look ridiculous.
Annie: Exactly! Sharing a laugh is a good pyrus way to get someone on your side! Hi
Annie: Apparently he doesn't like laughing, heh. Or sharing.
Rocket: All right, that's it. We tried persuasion, charm, whatever it is Annie does.
Annie [busted horn]
Rocket: It's time to stop wasting time! I'm going in!
Leo: Rocket, no! Your idea will upset the dragon.
Rocket: Get! Out! Now! (Rocket uses his smack slapper the slap the dragon's nose) [smack]
Dragon: [sneeze] [growl]
Rocket: Heh. Sorry.
Dragon: [roars]
Rocket: Who-o-o-o-o-a!
Rest of the team: Ugh!
Rest of the team: [screams]
Dragon: [roar]
(The dragon blows his smoke that sends the rest of the team that crashes on the side of the rock)
Rest of the team: [moans]
(Cousin Rocket was hiding behind the rock)
Cousin Rocket: (gasp) Oh! The dragon.
Dragon: [growls]
Cousin Rocket: My team. They're hurt.
Rest of the team: [moans]
Cousin Rocket: (thinking) I know what I must do, even if it means coming face to face with my fear. (to the dragon) How dare you... How dare you! Listen here, mister. Just because you're big doesn't mean you get to be a bully! You may have huge teeth, and sharp scales, and snore smoke, and breathe fire. But you do not—I repeat—you do not! Hurt! My! Friends! You got that?
Dragon: [whimper]
Cousin Rocket: Well?
Dragon: But that red one slapped me.
Cousin Rocket: And I am very sorry about that. But you're bigger than he is, and you should know better. You should also know better than to hibernate where your snoring can become a health hazard to others.
Dragon: But I-
Cousin Rocket: Don't you 'but I' me, mister. Now what do you have to say for yourself?
Cousin Rocket: I said, what do you have to say for yourself?
Dragon: [whimper] [sobbing] Okay I admit it, I really like my resting spot. It's filled with gold, gems, jewels, and everything. I'm such a bad dragon (sobbing even more)
Cousin Rocket: There, there. No need to shed a tear. You're not a bad dragon, you just made a bad decision. Now go pack your things. You just need to find a new place to hibernate. That's all.
Dragon: I think I can.
(The dragon heads to his cave to pack his stuff)
Rest of the team: [cheering]
Leo: You did it! I knew you could do it.

(The dragon leaves his cave while Rocket uses his Breeze Blower to blow the smoke away)
(at Leo's house)
(Drago is taking care of Cousin Rocket's animals)
Drago: [pant] I said come back here! Ooh! How does Cousin Rocket put up with you furry little things?
Leo: Drago, take a letter.
Drago: [sigh] With pleasure.
Leo: Dear Princess Sunlight,

I am happy to report that the dragon has departed and finding a new resting spot away from city wide spaces, and that it was my good friend, Cousin Rocket, who convinced him to leave. This adventure has taught me to never lose faith in your friends. They can be an amazing source of strength, and can help you overcome even your greatest fears.

Always your faithful student,

Quincy: Hey Leo! You gotta come see this! He's just five away from a new record for the most air loops!
Rocket: Three hundred forty-seven, three hundred forty-eight...
Rocket: Dragon!
[goat bleat]
Rocket: [pants] Why are you laughing? That awful dragon is back!
Annie: [roar]
Rocket: Annie, you scared me! I mean, uh, you... broke my concentration again.
Cousin Rocket: It's okay, cousin. Not everyone can be as brave as me. (the leaf touches Cousin Rocket) [scream]
[goat bleat]
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