DrunkPelican — SA | Buddy | Talori | Council

Published: 2016-04-04 10:09:09 +0000 UTC; Views: 2888; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 0
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"You won't think I'm old once I show you what I know."

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G E N E R A L-

Nicknames: Bud, Budweiser, Budman, Buddy Boy.

Height: 17 HH

Breed: Arab x Quarter-horse x ???

Age: 63 (Born Spring 1637)

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Bisexual (Though will not admit it)

H E R D   I N F O R M A T I O N-

Faction: Talori

Current Location: Inaria

Past Locations: Various places around Talori.

Favorite Location: His home in Inaria, or in the council halls. 
Rank: Council 
Patron God: Cascade
Main Drive: To remain as young/fit as possible

R E L A T I O N S H I P S-

Family (Biological AND non-biological):

➤ Cecilia (Mother) | Mare | Talori | Cleric
➤ Adranius (Father) | Stallion | Talori | Guardian
➤ Andria (Sister) | Mare | Talori | Deceased
➤ Andre | Grandson | 
Wife: Asuna  (Was previously Rosita)
           ✔: Young, good personality, wavy/full hair, soft features, smart.
            ✘: Ditsy, too young, too immature.
➤ Abbie (Daughter) | Mare | Breim | Unknown rank
Other connections: Open! 
➤ Rosita | Ex-wife | Indentured servant

P H Y S I C A L-

Physical Appearance: Well built for his age. Neck is on the slimmer side, back is slightly curved inwards, he has very strong legs and a well built rump/mid section. He doesn't look as old as he is at all. He walks chunkily, his movements bold. The only obvious signs of his age are the slightly cracking hooves and the bags under his eyes. Otherwise, he is still fit as a fiddle and not suffering any major physical problems that come with age, besides a few.
Phenotype: Fleabitten Grey.
Passable Traits: Fleabitten.

P E R S O N A L I T Y-

OBVIOUS TRAITS-| Sweet | Loyal | Flirtatious | Adventurous | Humorous | Aloof | Moody | Organised | Harsh | Wise | Guiding | Hard-Working |♛
HIDDEN TRAITS-| Perverted (Minor) | Unsettled/Restless | Compulsive | Ritualistic |♛

Strengths: Still physically fit, good stamina, sharp mind, good hearing, great swimmer.

Weaknesses: Hooves and hard ground don't mix so well anymore, back teeth are gone, eyesight is not great, winter brings arthritis.

H I S T O R Y-

♛Before Birth-♛

Buddy’s mother was a grey arabian hippocampus named Cecilia, a Cleric within the herd. His father, Adranius, a black anglo-arab was a guardian, a very noble and respected one at that. Cecilia was proper, very accustomed to the ways of her herd, and she was extremely religious. She and Adranius made a cliche olden day couple; hard working, sensible and never straying from faith.

Cecilia and Adranius were madly in love however. It was a love that they couldn’t live without. Cecilia was utterly blue when not beside her man, and Adranius was much the same. They would only get through the day to see each other at the end of it. It was only necessary that they have a child, something for them to focus their love into and keep sacred forever.

They had a girl, and named her Andria. She was beautiful, just beautiful. Cecilia was deeply in love, it was hard not to be. Andria was stunning. She had giant blue eyes, long black lashes and long wavy hair. Cecilia instantly put her to training, teaching her how to be a Cleric. She wanted her to follow in her footsteps.

A year later, Cecilia was pregnant again. This colt would be Buddy.


Adranius was delighted to have a son who would also follow in his footsteps. Buddy didn’t really have a proper childhood, mainly because he was to always out do his sister. It could be argued that she was far more attractive than Buddy, even as a foal, so Buddy always felt the need to be further in life than her.

Buddy was popular though, which helped build his self esteem. He did great in his religious studies, and from day dot he firmly believed in the gods. Cascade to him was a rarity, something blessed and beautiful. This further drove his father to be proud of him.

Buddy began training at the age of 6. Adranius would set up small stamina, strength and brain activities for him to do every day to ensure he grew up perfect. Buddy made sure he did these when asked, and even though they interrupted his social life, he wanted more than anything to do his father proud.
He also, at this time, began swimming and exercising in his hippocampus form. He loved the water, and being 'special' this way was one more thing he could hold against his competitive sister, for she hadn't inherited fins- from her fathers side of the family. She didn't give off that she was all too bothered by this, but it did irritate her when he started arguments about it. Sometimes she felt inferior, as though she was different, but it never bothered her for long, for she was a composed child who knew it wasn't always about being amazingly good looking or unique. Besides, she was good looking anyways, and that seemed to do good enough for her. Besides the odd argument or sibling rivalry, the two got along well, and they were both generally good, well-behaved children. Cecilia was rather busy with her work, and volunteering wherever she could, for she was a respected and very important cog in Talori's system, she was deep within the herds workings, and pledged her soul to where she lived and who she believed in. This, she promised to drill into her offspring, so they could grow up apart of the community and thrive in their world. 

Andria showed less interest in what her mother had to teach than Buddy did. Buddy was that horse who was always trying to be there for everyone and always trying to learn everything. Andria was more fidgety, and preferred listening to Adranius' stories of his childhood. They had become parents at an older age, and so he had many stories to tell. Andria knew many of his stories were false, but the children loved them so much she decided to let him lie. These were good years, for Buddy. Things were simple, he had a good routine going, a roof over his head, wonderful parents and a good foothold in the society, and he was still only a child. 


When Buddy was 13, he began working for a farmer, assisting him with things he could no longer do due to old age. He enjoyed it, getting down in the dirt, and he was also able to bring home rare vegetables for his family that one wouldn't normally find at market. While not there, he would be studying the religions and cultures of his herd. It genuinely interested him, and the thousands of books were just what he needed in order to quench his thirst for learning. 

When he was 14, on a regular Summers day, Buddy's parents woke him early, and told him he wasn't to go and help Jones with the farming, and instead he was to accompany them to a meeting. They wouldn't tell him more than that. They groomed him up, slicked back his mane, and made him look presentable- compared to his usual rag tag teenage look. He was utterly confused, almost begging his parents to tell them where they were off to. His mother nearly broke down and told him out of excitement, but his father stopped that from happening and kept the secret alive until they had arrived at their destination. 

Before him was a mare and stallion, in the middle was a mare, a beautiful young woman. Buddy, this is Rosita, you are formally betrothed to her and will be wed when you each turn nineteen. 

Buddy couldn't believe it. He'd been betrothed to one of the most beautiful mares in all of Aquore. He had seen her around, but never close enough to be able to take in her grace and beauty. Her emerald green eyes bedazzled him, and he was instantly in love. Well, it was safe to say he didn't really know what love was, but his heart fluttered every time he saw her, so that seemed to account to something. 

The two began talking and spending time together, and Buddy discovered she was a lot like him. Though she was gorgeous, she wasn't all that popular, and she loved reading books and being able to fulfill Cascade's desires. She was truthful and fiery, and admittedly sometimes irked Buddy with how forward she was in public (mind you at this age he was much more reserved than he is now), but, most of the time she brought out a confidence in him that he had never experienced before. His parents were also incredibly happy to see the two getting along, and they only hoped it would last until they were officially married. 

Buddy's life was generally consistent and casual in his teen years. He began working now in a more official place, in the town center landscaping with a larger business. For his age it was good income, and he also built most of his muscle in this job. On time off he would swim, he would mingle and playfully banter with his growing group of friends. 

When he was 18 however things took a turn for the worst with Andria's death. She had been swimming with Buddy in the deeper ocean, and a rift had caught her and trapped her beneath the surface. Buddy hadn't noticed, being too busy having fun and trying to stay out of the violent rift. By the time he had noticed she wasn't by his side, head above water, he panicked. He dove under, and saw her being tossed around by the current. He desperately grabbed her to him and drug her to shore, yelling for help. She didn't come through however, and was announced dead on the scene. 

Cecilia and Adranius were devastated. But Adranius took it harder than anyone. Andria was his little girl, and he withdrew into a depression. Cecilia consoled Buddy, and tried tirelessly to help get Adranius on his feet again. It was finally the wedding between Buddy and Rosita that did the best to bring his family back to how it was. Although they were all still riddled with grief, and Buddy was incredibly shattered with guilt, believing Andria's death was his fault. He should have been more careful, his sister couldn't swim as good as he could, she wasn't a hippocampus. He should have been watching her more carefully. He missed her dearly. He missed coming home to see her being annoying, he missed telling her she smelt bad and that she would never do anything with her life. He missed the bad times between them, and the good. 

But, today wasn't the day to be thinking about that. It had been ten months since she'd passed, and it was his wedding day. Rosita and Buddy had grown apart since Andria's death, but not so much that they weren't happy this was arranged for them. They could have done a lot worse. Their wedding day was beautiful, and everyone tried to be in as good spirits as possible. After the wedding they moved into their new home, a decent sized house on a cliff. Technically still in the radius of Inaria, though it was a little more secluded with its lavish gardens blocking most of the outside world from seeing in. This home, though not known to Buddy, was to be for Andria when she got married, and was given to Buddy instead. 

On the day of Andria's one year passing anniversary, Buddy made a beautiful shrine next to his home for her, overlooking the sea. 


Abbie was their first daughter. Born when Buddy was 20. She was gorgeous, just perfect, and Buddy was more than ecstatic to see that she had taken on the same hippocampus traits that he had. At this time he had also been promoted to Agriculturist rank, something he enjoyed thoroughly. He grew his own landscaping and gardening business, and thus was able to begin extending their home and creating it into the image he had in his mind, and of course Rosita's. She had a lot of say in the home, and her parents often did too when they were visiting, which irked Buddy sometimes. Though he understood, as he had his parents do the same thing whenever they were over. 

Over time, it seemed Rosita was gradually growing more and more stressed with looking after Abbie and trying to pursue her dreams. She wanted badly to be a Cleric, something important, something that could change the way the herd worked. Amidst all of this, Abbie required attention all the time, being an adventurous toddler, and it was the attention that Rosita had trouble giving. Buddy loved his daughter, but he too was flat out with his own work as well, trying to make more than enough so he could provide for his family without having to scrape at the bottom of the barrel. Luckily they never did have to, though it was mainly Buddy bringing in most of the riches, not that he minded, he was happy Rosita was going for something great. 

Buddy's life moved swiftly, and the next fifteen years moved faster than he could have imagined. Rosita had become a well known Brewer, and a position had been garunteed for her to become a Cleric once all of her training was complete. Buddy's business was booming, and Rosita was pregnant again. When Abbie was twelve, Buddy and Rosita picked her suitor, whose parents were good friends of Buddy's. Abbie wasn't happy about the marriage arrangement. She was a wild spirit as a tween, and didn't want to ever have to be tied down to someone, especially in a romantic way, that was disgusting. Buddy trusted that her mind would change. Just because she didn't react in the same way he did when he was younger, he didn't lose faith that she would come around eventually. 

Unfortunately Rosita didn't set a good example of a successful arranged marriage when Buddy caught her cheating on him. With the father of Abbie's betrothed. Buddy was heart broken, and felt betrayed, angry, furious even. He hardly ever lost his temper, but this was a time where he'd kicked holes in the walls, he threw everything of hers off the cliff their house was positioned on. She begged him not to tell the authorities, but that was his first and only goal. 

She was branded, and demoted to an indentured servant, because it was the best option she had in her deck. She also lost the baby she was carrying, probably due to stress. Buddy chose to keep Abbie out of the whole ordeal, which was a decision he shouldn't have made, because once Abbie saw her mother's decline in rank and in health, she took her side. Buddy tried to explain to her what had happened, but telling a sixteen year old that her parents marriage had broken down because of adultery on her mothers part. Abbie could only see the fact that Abbie had lost her house, her belongings and her reputation. Buddy tried to convince Abbie to continue living with him, but she moved out and into a shared home with another her age and their parents. Though she did promise to stay with him on weekends, which was as good as Buddy was going to get at that stage. 

When Buddy turned 40, he decided to hand down his agricultural business to his good friends son, who had been mentoring under Buddy in the subject for a while, and was extremely passionate about it. He wouldn't give it up completely though, and promised he would still help where he could. 
Shortly after, his parents passed of old age. Instead of rolling in a pit of sorrow, he turned his focus to something else. He got into Philosophy. In an instant, his entire focus had changed. In his library, he added an extremely dense collection of books on the subject, and bunkered down to soak in everything he could. He felt thirteen again, surrounded by information that was entering his brain at an alarming speed. This was actually the happiest he'd been in a while. 

Abbie was married when she was 23, not to the one she was betrothed to, but a nice male nonetheless. Then, at the same time Buddy's first grandson, Andre was born, Buddy became a philosopher. He was 45, and very quickly excelled in his craft. He had already known many other philosophers, them having been his childhood friends. Though he wasn't going to stop there. No, he didn't want to settle in this rank, he wanted to climb up the ladder and eventually be a council man. He got a sense of what it was like, and knew from then on that, that was what he wanted to do. 

It took a while, and a lot of hard work, but Buddy was finally offered a position in the Council when he was 51. 


Once he was in the council, he felt like his life was finally, finally where it should have been. He felt at peace, with everything. He dedicated his days to work, and to leisure. Now that he was wholly comfortable with where he was, his personality began to change. Instead of being a suburban 'dad', he gradually grew more suave, a little more stylish, more composed. He held his head in a new confidence, and though he had started to let himself go physically, he began to counter that. He worked out daily, on land and in the sea, keeping both forms in top shape. He began noticing the females looking, shyly and embarrassed. This only increased his confidence, knowing he was attracting younger females. 

He began attending more parties and gatherings, too, becoming known a little for being the life of the party. Though he didn't really do that much, everyone still knew his presence as soon as it was made known. Hardly ever did he indulge everyone in knowing things about him, and so he was a bit of a mysterious figure. 
That might have been what brought he and Asuna together at that one particular party. It was a big one, and Buddy had been busy giving the usual small talk with those who wanted more than that. He bumped into the tall, slender mare, and her feisty attitude had him baffled. The way that she didn't know him at all, and didn't really care to. She did her own thing on her own accord, but she held beauty and rage and it was something he hadn't seen in the traditional Talori woman. 

It took a good few months to forget her, though he did start seeing her around more often- probably now because he had, had a brief interaction with her- and it was growing tough for him to subtly hide the way he watched her walk by. Which was why he worried when her parents approached him and formally asked if he would take Asuna's hand in marriage. Had they seen him looking? That would be bad for his reputation, and he just all around dreaded them figuring that out. 
Thankfully, they didn't mention it, and only told him they were approaching him in particular because of his status in the herd. She's very pretty, composed, she'll make you look particularly well when together. 
He agreed, feeling somewhat conflicted internally about it. But once he met her again, he knew he wanted to be with her. She was so... unique, he was just in awe of her fire. 

Asuna was not happy at the news that she was to be betrothed. Buddy, at first, didn't really know how to treat her or be around her, because she was so defiant toward him, and he was most definitely not used to that. He didn't take it too personally however, and knew, under his skin that once she saw his life, his personality, everything he was about, she'd fall in love. 

It was after their extravagant wedding that, that happened. Abbie did not attend, which saddened him slightly, but he was very focused on Asuna and making her happy that he wasn't bothered by it for too long. Once Asuna was satisfied he would return to his usual focuses in life, but for now she was his only one. 

(There is more to write but its not much and I just cannot do it now because I have passed out RIP Jodi)

E X T R A-
➤ Has no back teeth. (He does have the first two molars, but the rest are gone)
➤ Bottom lip sits slightly out from under his top lip
➤ During the winter he usually stays in his home, working from there. 
➤ Fleabitten does not extend past withers.
➤ If he had sun glasses he'd be wearing them all the time LOL.
➤ Younger women are often drawn to him for his experience and good advice.
➤ He smells like the sea (obviously), though he also carries hints of pineapple. (More like a candy version).
➤ His favorite food is corn, and his favorite drink is rum (he doesn't indulge in it too often).
➤ He still gets out and tries to garden as much as he can, though there are limitations that have come with age. 
➤ He can get a little bit nervous about his age, and will try and hide signs of aging at all costs. 

➤ He can sometimes zone out of a conversation. He'll just glance around if you're in the middle of a sentence and focus on other things, but this only lasts a few seconds before he comes to. 
➤ He winks a lot.
➤ He's a really good singer, and enjoys playing the piano (I guess that's for human form). 
➤ Loves to host house parties.
➤ He's classy B)

Items: None yet

Scars: Two on his shoulder

Voice actor: Papa Emeritus III (He has an Italian accent, though obviously in the world of Starborn it wouldn't be known as such, that's just his drawl). 


➤ Ghuleh (c) Ghost
➤ Shades of Cool (c) Lana Del Rey
➤ Off to the Races (c) Lana Del Rey
➤ Sharp Dressed Man (c) ZZ Top
➤ Old Money (c) Lana Del Rey


Art (c) Me




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Comments: 33

TigerTang [2017-01-29 14:27:19 +0000 UTC]

*just drooled on myself* his voice. *is a massive Ghost fan*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to TigerTang [2017-01-30 03:20:03 +0000 UTC]

So am I, god I love them so much. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TigerTang In reply to DrunkPelican [2017-01-30 03:21:40 +0000 UTC]

you should pm me on skype

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to TigerTang [2017-01-30 03:44:49 +0000 UTC]

I added you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TigerTang In reply to DrunkPelican [2017-01-30 03:47:16 +0000 UTC]

whats your username? i dodnt get anything? Mines Tang with the same icon as here

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to TigerTang [2017-01-30 04:08:20 +0000 UTC]

Mine is Jodifarrow22, I think skype is stuffing up because this happened
before too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TigerTang In reply to DrunkPelican [2017-01-30 04:09:26 +0000 UTC]

Gotcha! my skype marked you as spam

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zomburr [2017-01-28 22:01:48 +0000 UTC]

Ahh he and Ciardha can be council batfish buddies
I love his colors <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Zomburr [2017-01-28 23:33:47 +0000 UTC]

Ugh yasss, thankyou! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CATAC0RNY [2017-01-28 16:01:25 +0000 UTC]

omg so cute

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to CATAC0RNY [2017-01-29 08:20:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DistractedGoldfish [2017-01-28 09:01:24 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha np hun <33
He's even more beautiful <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to DistractedGoldfish [2017-01-29 08:20:34 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou <3 I think so too tbh

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistractedGoldfish In reply to DrunkPelican [2017-01-29 09:38:19 +0000 UTC]

Np ^^
Im glad i could help lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kei-ren [2017-01-28 08:40:12 +0000 UTC]

husband now has floppy fins
Asuna approves very much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to kei-ren [2017-01-29 08:21:16 +0000 UTC]

He'll be a fireball in bed c; (the Pinnatus fish is nicknamed the firebird fish LMAO)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kei-ren In reply to DrunkPelican [2017-01-29 08:29:18 +0000 UTC]


Asuna's getting an update herself c;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to kei-ren [2017-01-29 08:33:24 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh yasss! Can't wait to see!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Oniichian [2017-01-28 08:21:03 +0000 UTC]

So gorgeous!!! Love the fins I saw a Video of some kind of fish that was black with orange like this but was glowing. So gorgeous!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Oniichian [2017-01-29 08:21:37 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou! yeah, might have been a similar thing, I really love this
fish, its so beautiful <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kitehpow [2016-04-07 19:12:18 +0000 UTC]

So precious! Also your horse way to freaking cute omg I just want to pet his nose!!  Love that corner headshot too ;D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to kitehpow [2016-04-08 07:15:56 +0000 UTC]

YES he is the love of my life <3 
Thankyou Fauna! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

databull [2016-04-07 15:35:26 +0000 UTC]

<33 fantastic!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to databull [2016-04-08 07:16:04 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou Data <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

databull In reply to DrunkPelican [2016-04-08 16:36:12 +0000 UTC]

Ye be welcome <3 -hug-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Winzer [2016-04-04 15:51:36 +0000 UTC]

I can't wait to see the hippocampus form, such a pretty dude! Love those neck speckles!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Winzer [2016-04-06 23:52:50 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou so much! His hippocampus form should be on there v soon!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kitehpow [2016-04-04 14:31:18 +0000 UTC]

Ugh can I mention how much I love his speckled neck oh man <333 Cannot wait to see his hippocampus form ;u;/ as well as read up on his info ;D I wanna knnooow mooooorreee <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to kitehpow [2016-04-06 23:53:57 +0000 UTC]

I do too tbh c;
His history should be fully done soon! He won't be in for a while but I'm keen for him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kitehpow In reply to DrunkPelican [2016-04-07 01:21:51 +0000 UTC]

Totally understand that one haha Its gonna take me a while to get my own hippocampus in, but once they are both in I would love for the two of them to meet ;D <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to kitehpow [2016-04-08 07:13:25 +0000 UTC]

YES I would love that omg

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShifterPrincessmoved [2016-04-04 10:12:11 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to ShifterPrincessmoved [2016-04-06 23:53:09 +0000 UTC]


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