DrunkPelican — SA| Kanu Eko| Noble Lord

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K A N U   E K O
"I am a broken man, but cover me in band-aids and we'll see how I go."

[Astral Tracker] -- [Star Chart] -- [Art Folder]


Nickname/s- Kan-Kan, Eko, Ducky, Papa Bear.
Name Meaning- 'Skilled Hunter'

Height- 18.1HH
Breed- Arabian x Clydesdale
Age- 33
Gender- Stallion/Male
Orientation- Bi-sexual
Main drive- Numbing himself
Patron God- Ignacio, but he's not overly religious. Not anymore.


Faction- Aodh
Current Home- House Thestios, a mansion high on the hill
Favorite Location- The beach
Past Locations- Breim


- Ryder | Father | Unicorn BlackSmith (Murdered)
- Amethyst | Mother | Unicorn Labor Slave (Died of Old Age)
- Alka | Half-Sister (mother relations) | Aodh Merchant
- Abelie | Half-Sister (mother relations) | Aodh servile slave
- Bauer | Half-Sister (mother relations) | (deceased) 
- Mirage | Half- Sister (mother relations) | Aodh Chevalier
- Rapherna | Half-Sister (mother relations) | Vagabond theif
- Dilley | Adoptive Mother | Artisan (Died of Old age)

- Amblyn | Slave 
- Sakari | Slave
- Aarno | Slave
- Tander | Slave
- Scarlett | Secret Slave

Relationship Status- Taken
Partner- Lady Iloue Delalune | Aodh
- Ari | ?? | Kanu X Riviera (Doesn't know exists)
Taavetti | Aodh | Kanu X Lilith  (Doesn't know is his offspring)
- Aberdeen | Aodh | Kanu X ?? (Doesn't know exists)
-  Greyson | Aodh | Kanu X Amblyn
- Kaia | Aodh | Kanu X Amblyn
Cassiopeia  | Aodh | Kanu x Evalynn
- ?? | Aodh | Kanu x Araphine 
- ?? |Aodh | Kanu x Iris 
- Beau | Aodh | Kanu x Iloue 
Caden  | Breim |  Kanu x Quyen (Doesn't know exists)
Other Connections-
- Henni | Familiar | Aodh 
- D'Angelo | Past lover | Aodh Chevalier
- Ron | Past Lover | Aodh Noble
- Lilith | Past Lover | Aodh Noble
- Chepi | Past Fiance | Aodh 
- Riviera | Past Lover | Breim
- Shiya | Best Friend | Aodh Noble
- Amadeus | Friend | Aodh King
- Evalynn | Pasy Lover/Good friend | Aodh Artisan
- Verity | Friend | Aodh Vet
- Shenan | Past Lover | Aodh Servile Slave


Physical Appearance- Kanu is dominantly Clydesdale, which shows in his thick neck, roman nose and feathered hooves. His rump resembles more of an Arabs, being thinner and less bulky, along with his Arab tail which is almost always perked. He has small eyes, placed more to the top of his head, he is very solidly built, he has a slight beer gut. Kanu also bears scars from either himself, animals or other horses. He has cloven hooves, and a horn with a sharp prong at the end. It's made from bony material, but feels smooth and matte-like. 
Recently Kanu has gained new facial scars, and his horn has gained a crack from the small war in the Crucible. He doesn't like them, but doesn't care about himself enough to do anything about it. He's put on a bit of weight, and his fur has grown scruffier. Though his mane and tail remain glorious as fuck. 
Phenotype- Pangare seal bay splash 
Items- Bridle.
Scars/Injuries Numerous on his face and across his body.
Strengths- He doesn't believe he has any anymore.
Weaknesses- Many


OBVIOUS TRAITS- | Brave | Loyal | Quick-Witted | Tactical | Family-Oriented | Trusting | Daring | Motivational | Short-tempered |
HIDDEN TRAITS- | Paraphiliac | Guilt Ridden | Scarred | Savage | Violent |

Not much phases or scares Kanu, he has been exposed to a lot of horrid and frightful things, so through the years he has slowly grown immune to being scared by those things that go 'bump' in the night. If you're looking for someone who you need to jump into a large black hole- into the unknown- Kanu is the horse to call. 

A trait Kanu has slowly gained over the years, but a trait that he now holds dear to his heart and morals. He will not betray those he considers worthy of giving his loyalty to and he will never ever be found back stabbing or abandoning the horses whom he has sworn he'd protect. 

A sharp mind is something Kanu has had for a lot of his life, he is rather good at making quick decisions, winning at arguments and negotiations, which obviously comes in handy for his line of work. He knows what to say and when to say it. Kanu gained this trait from his mother, who would always talk her way out of breaking the relationship with his father. 

Being quick-witted enables Kanu to make quick decisions, plan quickly and create the most sensible or successful plan he can possibly conjure up. It helps in battle, or any sticky situation he needs to get himself out of. 

In line with loyalty stand Kanu's favorite trait; his love for his family. He would do absolutely anything for them, even if that means he has to give his own life for the well being of those he pledges his life to. His family, his mate, daughter and everyone who he considers closer to his heart than most, are everything to him. He considers himself a shell if he isn't surrounded by those he loves. It also serves well because- like his mate- he adores foals and the idea of having a generous/large family. 

Tell Kanu anything, anything at all that you don't want other ears to hear, and Kanu will never let the words leave his mouth around those who aren't supposed to hear it. He may look like someone you would have to get to know before you can trust him, but that isn't true. He is probably one of the most reliable horses you'll come across. 

Thanks to his brave side, Kanu can be a little daring from time to time. If put in the right situation, he'll take risks, he'll dive head first into the unknown. 

One of Kanu's more influential traits, he is good at encouraging others and making them feel worthy of whatever ordeal they need to overcome. He has a way with words when he's trying to get others around him to feel the moment, the mood and gain a little bravery. 

It doesn't take much for Kanu to get set off. He can control himself in many situations... but sometimes he just cannot hold it in, and he erupts like a volcano. Once he does get mad or angered, it takes a long time for him to calm down and be able to function normally. His anger appears in degrees, so sometimes he could be upset or irritated on the outside, but down right furious on the inside. Depending on the source of his anger, he may only get a little ticked off, compared to sometimes when he converts to violence because he's so enraged. 

There are strange, weird fantasies brewing deep inside Kanu's mind. He tried his hardest to push these emotions and thoughts to the back of his mind but sometimes it becomes too much and it consumes him. He can find himself getting aroused by unusual things, things that are sometimes not living/never lived. Kanu also gets kicks from sexual-sadism, which involves humiliating/inflicting pain on his sexual partner. He doesn't usually let anyone know this side of him, because it mainly brings him shame and embarrassment. 

Guilt Ridden-
Something Kanu considers a primary source of his bi-polar/manic episodes. Kanu often blames himself for many of the bad things that have happened to him and those around him. When those events are brought up, his mind is clouded with the fact that it was most likely his fault and guilt soon overcomes him, causing him to spiral into a black hole that's often accompanied with anger, sadness and violence.

Throughout Kanu's life, he has been placed in many different difficult situations. Over the years they've taken their toll on him and he has ended up emotionally scarred. He tried not to let this get the best of his ability to think but sometimes he can be over ridden with grief.

Occasionally- mainly during a manic episode- Kanu can be extremely violent and dangerous. The only positive thing is that he can almost always feel when these episodes are about to resume, and he is able to get away from anyone and everyone who could be in harms way. He then takes his anger out on the objects around him, sometimes for up to 5 hours straight. Not much can pull him out of these savage episodes, so it's best to just leave him and let him deal with it. This also occurs when he is engaged in battle. 

Extra- Suffers from Intermittent Explosive Disorder, anxiety, depression.


Before Birth-
Kanu's Father Meets His Mother
A few years before Kanu even existed, there was an Chevalier by the name of Ryder and a vagabond mare who claimed to be a merchant by the name of Amethyst. Ryder was a very work-oriented, work-ethical stallion, and his rank was everything to him. He lacked a large social circle due to spending his days training and working toward protecting the city of Valore as best he could. He used his strength to his ability and was known for most of his life as a very noble stallion who was often put on the front line to protect the herd. 

Of course love was the one thing that was able to break Ryder away from his job almost completely. 

On a warm spring day, a beautiful- no, beyond beautiful- Arabian mare made herself noticed by Ryder. She claimed she had recently joined the Aodh herd- which was a lie- and wanted someone to call a friend. Ryder obviously offered, and soon the two spent a lot of their days together. Ryder fell deeply in love with Amethyst, unsure of how he could have avoided such a feeling for so long. It was such a strong feeling that he almost lost his rank as guard for lack of attendance. Ryder was slightly confused as to why Amethyst always insisted on staying near the outskirts of the city, or in the shadows away from prying eyes. But he never once thought of the possibility that she wasn't in fact belonging to a herd, and she could be picked off any moment to become a slave. He never once doubted that she was a merchant, and just made himself believe she liked her privacy. 
Amethyst finally told Ryder that she too loved him back, but it wasn't true. Ryder didn't know, but Amethyst had at least ten different sexual partners during the time that she claimed to love Ryder. All of them were vagabonds or workers, unimportant stallions whom she could easily manipulate. Ryder also found it odd that Amethyst had told him not to tell anyone of their relationship. If he did, she threatened to break up with him, and he couldn't have that. He never wanted her to leave. He promised to keep it a secret, still unsure of why.

Amethyst Falls Pregnant
Amethyst fell pregnant with Ryder's foal, and deeply hoped it would be a filly, just as all her other living offspring were. Ryder didn't care what gender the foal was, he was just beyond ecstatic to be having a child with the love of his life. Ryder brought up the possibility of proposal- marriage- but Amethyst shot him down, telling him that she liked things the way they were. Ryder dropped it instantly, not wanting to anger his pregnant partner.  

Unfortunately, when the time came to give birth, the foal wasn't a filly. It was a colt. 

Amethyst Neglects Kanu
As soon as Amethyst found out that Kanu was a boy, and not a girl as she had wished, she felt less inclined to look after him. She did try to see the positives of having a colt, and attempted many times to 'love' him, but in the end it didn't work, and she began growing distant from Ryder. Ryder still continuously tried to revive his relationship with Amethyst, he gave her flowers, set up romantic evenings and even offered to give her a daughter- despite not wanting to have another child. But all his attempts were futile. Amethyst began telling Ryder of her past- and current sexual relationships with other vagabond and unimportant stallions, trying to hurt Ryder for giving her a son. Ryder had a feeling the relationship wouldn't last. He was ugly, scarred, and Amethyst was beautiful, far beyond his league. 

Amethyst began verbally abusing Kanu while Ryder was out on duty, and even hit the small colt at times. Soon enough, Amethyst became obsessed with fetishism, paraphernalia and even perverted sexual acts. She grew ill in the mind, even exposing Kanu to this kind of behavior. He was too young to know what it was, what his mother was doing with these mysterious stallions in front of him, but it would end up scarring him and molding him into someone he didn't want to be during his later years. 

Other than the negativity his mother brought to his life, Kanu enjoyed his childhood. His father- when he was home- often trained Kanu in the ways of being a guard, and even though Ryder had trouble functioning a lot of the time due to his problems with Amethyst, he did well at hiding that from Kanu and making sure he was the best father he could be. When asked about the relations between Kanu and Ryder, Ryder was forced- by Amethyst- to say that he'd found Kanu abandoned, and took him in as his own. Because of this, Kanu didn't have a lot of friends. But one day that was different. Kanu sneaked away when his mother was busy with a stallion- as usual- and made his way down to a body of water, where he met a filly named Stormcry. This one meeting made his whole childhood ten times better than it otherwise would have been. 

Amethyst Gets Sold to Slave Trade
After spending a day with Storm, a lot of his time was spent with her. His father found out about what Amethyst was doing to Kanu, and as revenge, sold her to the slave trade, destined to have her horn ground down and her life filled with work. Ryder was miserable for a lot of the time, due to having lost the love of his life and his job causing him to be away from Kanu for most of the week. Even though Kanu was upset about not having a mother, he was also happy because he didn't have to be put through everything that she put him through. Kanu then ended up staying with Storm for a lot of the time, and the two grew so close that they soon referred to each other as siblings. Kanu gained a few other friends after his mother left, but generally chose to be with his father when he came home from his job. Ryder was everything to Kanu. And Kanu was everything to Ryder. 

Kanu Gains His Band Of Reckless Colts
As Kanu began branching off into different directions with his life, he also began to fray from his father's protection. Of course Kanu would always return home to him- whether he returned home early in the morning or late at night- and Ryder would always be there waiting. Ryder decided that the teen years were the most important, and he sacrificed his job, something he had wished he'd done a long time ago. He was now a Blacksmith, one who was highly regarded and respected for his use of custom made tools and methods. He preferred this job, mainly because he could see Kanu more, but also because he loved crafting things. Ryder still did his fair share of work in the Aodh herd, but now he also had time to properly bond with his son. 

At the age of thirteen and fourteen, Kanu kept his small group of friends, playing during the day as usual. His father continued to train him every second day, sometimes just skipping out on the training and moving straight to the fun part- play fighting. Even though their bond was still as strong as ever, Kanu began to grow into a strong, handsome mid-teen, and his interest in mares began to grow. Generally the mares that he tried to impress were far too old for him and he failed miserably at wooing them. But, his efforts didn't go unnoticed and soon a large group of colts like Kanu approached him, befriending him instantly. Kanu joined their group, soon adapting to their rather unconventional ways. At first the dark Exile found their ways strange, they often committed small crime in the night, ones that no one would suspect them of such as robbery and light abuse upon the elders and young fillies of the herd. These small acts of violence only spurred Kanu's deep sexual deviations. 

After a while Kanu began to enjoy it, the powerful feeling he had when he was doing things he wasn't supposed to. Kanu could recall beating an elderly horse, not drastically, he only made the first hit and then the others swooped in and took over, but he could remember it vividly. His first night hanging out with them actually he had stolen some goods from an elderly merchant couple. At first he scolded himself for what he did and attempted to return the goods, but once his 'friends' praised him and made him one of them, he was overwhelmed with a feeling of belonging- which he loved. After that it was all too easy for Kanu to join in and do his part in the group. He didn't contribute as much as the others, but just enough to stay in the band of males. 
He never told his father what he and his new group of friends got up to, but Ryder always had his superstitions- mainly due to the look of the other colts, though Ryder never said anything, for he knew Kanu would lash out and deny it, and Ryder couldn't risk his relationship with his only son turning to ashes. 

His Friends Turn On Him, He Gets Beaten
One night, the large group were out in the middle of the night, prowling for prey. The leader of the group pointed out a lone filly whom they planned to harass. But to Kanu's shock, this filly was Stormcry. 
Kanu had to stop this. They were a fair way away from Storm thankfully, which gave Kanu time to try and divert them away. But no matter how hard he tried, they refused to budge. Kanu finally snapped, demanding that they stop doing what they were doing, he even went as far as to lash out at the leader of his group. Obviously that back lashed, and Kanu found himself bruised, battered and bleeding the next morning. His father had found him, and took him back to their home, where he cleaned Kanu up and demanded an explanation from his son. 
After Kanu explained everything, Ryder set out to find the rotten colts and discipline them. They never bothered Kanu again. In fact a few seemed to go missing, which Kanu figured was because they were now being controlled and stopped in their tracks. 

After that incident, everything seemed to be rather normal, Kanu spent his days with Storm and other members of the herd whom he had befriended. Ryder kept a close eye on him, making sure now that the horses he stayed with weren't violent, cruel and rebellious teens. But, just as everything had seemed to be travelling relatively smoothly and without drastic change, his world was thrown upside down. His father- the night before- had told Kanu to meet him at their usual training grounds early, because he was going to teach Kanu one of the most important skills he had learnt while serving as a Chevalier. Kanu wasn't planning on staying home that night- but he wished he had.
The morning that Kanu was to meet his father, he got up as early as his frazzled body would allow, and made his way to the training grounds. His father was nowhere to be seen, but Kanu figured that was because he hadn't gotten up yet, or was out working with metal. A few hours passed and Kanu was slowly growing more and more concerned as to where his father could be. By the time it was noon, Kanu had been searching the lands, asking everyone and anyone if they had seen Ryder. No one had anything out of the ordinary to tell him, which Kanu wished wasn't true, because at that moment he had nothing to work with. 

Ryder Passes Away
Finally, after a whole day of searching, Kanu found Ryder. But what he found was beyond a nightmare. Ryder had been attacked, by what? He did not know. He was now lying limp and mauled before his son, his eyes rolled back into his head and his stomach laying across the dirt. Kanu was paralyzed, frozen, floating above himself and watching as he finally pushed forward and yelled for help. He was not so far from Valor thankfully, and it only took a matter of minutes until someone had heard him and found him. Kanu couldn't believe no one had seen this happen, his father had been murdered and now one had even glanced over. Kanu was lost for words, as his body was being drug away, he clung to it like a newborn foal to it's mother. He didn't want to let his father go. Finally he did however, and a few days later he was cremated, his flaming death bed adorned with flowers of Kanu's choosing. Throughout the whole ceremony Kanu was driven with rage and sorrow to find whoever had done this. 

Kanu Gains An Adoptive Mother
After the ceremony, a Gypsy Vanner Pegasus by the name of Dilley approached him. She claimed that she was extremely sorry for his loss, and had gone through much the same. Kanu instantly grew a liking toward her, finding comfort in her warm smile. From then on, Dilley looked after Kanu. They grew close, and Kanu learnt a lot from her about herbs and healing potions. She showed him the ways of making it as someone important in Aodh. Dilley also helped him attempt to find the one who'd murdered his father, the two of them spent a long while plotting, charting and mapping out certain outcomes and possibilities of whom it could be. Kanu reported each stallion whom had been disciplined by Ryder when he was a colt and had suffered a beating from them. Nothing further was done with them, they were all cleared. Kanu was to never know who had done it. 
Dilley- although she held no personal experience with the matter- taught him how to be Noble, how to gain the title of being a Lord, which Kanu had recently wanted to become. She figured that being of importance, or working to becoming someone of importance would help Kanu overcome his anger and hatred toward the world. Dilley was an Artisan, therefore held some pull when it came to getting Kanu a job. Kanu began training as one, and evidently grew quite good at it. He used his horn to delicately sew beautiful patterns into fabric, making cloaks, rugs and various other items to sell. He generated his own stall along side Dilley, and the two worked on that night and day, helping to take Ryder off Kanu's troubled mind, and to get him closer to becoming a Lord when he grew of age. 

Adoptive Mother Passes Away And Kanu Leaves Aodh
Dilley, a year later, passed away from old age. Kanu was left broken once again, with no one to look up to or rely on when he needed it. He tried to keep up his work as an Artisan, but his products just weren't the same quality that they once were. He needed a refreshing change, he needed to move. 
A few weeks later and he was well on his way to Breim. It seemed fitting; they accepted outsiders, and their relationship- though business related- wasn't in ruins. Once he'd made it there, he worked his way into earning the trust of those who inhabited the tunnels and the rapidly expanding city. Merely a few weeks into his move he met a mare- a filly more like- by the name of Riviera. Kanu was 18 at that time, and Rivi was only 14, but he was taken by her nonetheless. Riviera looked to Kanu as if he was a god, and even though Kanu loved Riviera back, he never truly felt as strongly about their love as the young mare did. They spent a lot of their time together, and yes, Kanu sometimes wanted to pull his hair out from all of her questions, but the way she grovelled in his light made him feel strong and powerful, like he had some form of duty to protect her. This was also when his mother's early sexual habits- the ones that Kanu saw- swung into play. He would often embarrass Riviera or hurt her for his own sexual pleasure, which she didn't seem to mind considering she idolized him. He used her a lot of the time for his sick twisted idea of sexual fun. 
Their love only lasted between 2-5 months. Kanu- evidently unable to keep the monogamous ideology in his mind- was caught cheating on Riviera. She walked in on him with another Outsider, one much older than the filly. She was devastated, and Kanu was embarrassed beyond belief. But, instead of trying to patch the relationship, he decided it'd be best if they moved on with their lives- in different directions. Kanu wanted to return to Aodh, mainly because he missed it; he missed being able to visit his fathers grave, he missed the culture, she city, everything really. Without even saying a proper goodbye, Kanu left Riviera. 

Kanu Returns To Aodh
At age 23, Kanu had re-established his Artisan reputation. With a new perspective on life, he'd regained his ability to make beautiful hand crafted goods. He eventually began dealing with the royalty first hand, his rugs often seen in their grand parlors. It took a while for him to be known in the crowd after leaving for such a long time, but it happened, mainly thanks to Dilley's old Artisan friends. A while passed, and everything seemed to calm down and return to normal for the busy stallion. He'd grown into a handsome unicorn, sporting Clydesdale and Arabic attributes. He was glad he resembled his father more than his mother, though her genes were definitely coursing through him, for on his days off or during his free time he'd be indulging himself in the brothel. He sold so many items that he often had enough money for numerous mares at once. This way, his sexual devious behaviors could be quenched.  

Kanu Becomes A Lord
A few months later, he was noticed by the high Nobility, for his passion for slave fighting, gambling and his talent with a needle and thread so to speak. Him, being an Artisan for so long, was seen as a possible candidate to become a Noble Lord himself. He wasn't told this, and it took a while before it became an official thought, but there was much talk throughout the council and high ranked Aodh members about promoting Kanu. Before he knew it, he was brought up to the lavish building, the one where all the royalty and Nobles resided, and was dubbed a Lord. Finally, after years and years of hard work and a roller coaster ride for a life, he'd been granted the position in Aodh that he desired. He knew it would be hard work, but he was 110% willing to put in the amount of effort needed to do good. He hadn't much time to wrap his head around the change before he needed to continue his strength and combat training- the training that had been suspended when his father died. It didn't take long before he had built his reputation, attending every court session and training the Chevaliers whenever he could. He now lived for his rank- just as his father had. He lost a few social ties because of it, but kept a handful of horses close to his chest. 

Now that he was earning more profit, he was able to attend The Pearl at least 6 times a week. It was an addiction, some would say, but because it didn't interfere with his work in the high court and among the royals no one brought it up with him. During one of his visits, he wooed the very owner, Lilith. He probably wouldn't have been able to if he were a commoner, but now that he held the title of Nobility, she was his in a matter of minutes. They spent a heated night together, and Kanu gave her a generous tip, not that she needed it being royalty, but he felt she deserved it. From this one night would come a son, though he is still unaware of his blood relations to him. He sees the little Whipper Snapper running about the halls, and interacts with him often, and it's only a matter of time until he- and Taavi- realize that they look alike for a reason. 

Kanu Buys His First Slave
At age 25, Kanu bought his first servile slave, Mason. A manic depressive, Mason was a pushover, a doormat. Kanu attempted many times to cheer him up, but to no avail. Instead, he leaves Mason be as he wants to, for as long as he's doing his job right, Kanu couldn't care how bad his personality was. Of course it tainted their relationship somewhat; Kanu being bi-polar only meant that when he was having a 'relapse' of sorts, Mason was always the one to take the blows. Kanu didn't like doing this, but at the time he also didn't realize he was doing it. Afterward he would always patch Mason up and let him sleep in his own chambers for the night. Having a slave was a weird experience for Kanu as well, after all he'd never had so much power over someone. He considered selling Mason for a while, having had no experience with telling someone what to do every second of every day. However once Mason began to like it with Kanu, Kanu couldn't bring himself to rid of him- and, he couldn't see the harm in telling Mason what to do, when he wanted to be told. 

Kanu Has His First Blackout
Kanu can remember the first time he beat Mason. It wasn't an event he wanted to be apart of, but alas that was how it played out. Kanu hadn't suffered a 'fit' before, he'd only experienced the high feeling and the depressing feeling that came with being bi-polar. He had no idea a part of him had psychosis, or that it could be as dangerous as it was. He'd been agitated all day, lashing out at commoners he passed, telling them he hadn't the time or enough self-pity to associate himself with them (which of course wasn't true). He'd returned home, to be greeted by Mason. Once they went inside, it happened. Kanu felt like he had blacked out, remembering nothing of what had happened. When he awoke, Mason was bleeding heavily, writhing in pain beside a bruised Kanu. Kanu was confused, he hadn't any idea what had caused such tremendous injuries. He quickly cleaned Mason up, getting help from professionals who knew how to treat him. 
Once Mason come to, Kanu asked if he knew anything about what had happened. Hearing from his own slave, that he himself was the one to blame for the tragedy was a shock if anything. Kanu felt guilty, terribly guilty for weeks afterward, and even attempted to sell Mason again. But, just like the time before, he couldn't do it. Mason was valuable to him. After Mason seemed to forgive him, he settled down, now having to focus on what had made him black out and how to control or fix it. Kanu- from there on out- made Mason warn him of when Kanu seemed to be about to have a seizure, so that he could leave Mason, ensuring that no more harm came from it. 

A year later, and Kanu had been forced to realize that his bi-polar was more intricate and powerful than he'd hoped. He'd suffered more blackouts, some of them not even allowing him to forget the ordeal. Often a time he would be fully conscious and able to see what he was doing, but unable to control himself because of the powerful wave of anger that surged inside of him. One good thing about having these seizures so frequently was that he could learn how he felt before they came, so he could lock himself away and simply take it out on the furniture or the bedding. They also grew shorter, so he didn't have to suffer under the entity inside him longer than 40 minutes, which was a step forward from the first 2 hour one he experienced.

Kanu Meets D'Angelo and Buys Amblyn
At this time, Kanu had met with a fellow Aodh member, D'Angelo. A soft spoken stallion with a brave exterior and a sensitive center, he was 20 years of age and Kanu was oddly taken by him. He hadn't any idea he could feel this way about males like he did females. It was as though he was a child again, experimenting with his sexuality- though he had never done that as a child, he'd always just thought of females as the type to go for. D'Angelo was a Squire, with ambitions of becoming a Chevalier. Kanu had no idea why or how he came to be attracted to the golden stallion, and never would, but after a while of trying to fight it, he gave in and allowed himself to be more than friends with the same sex. 
The two of them were friends first, spending a lot of time together after realizing how much common ground they shared. Kanu just felt safe with him, like he wouldn't be judged or singled out. Eventually they spent the night together, officiating their affection for one another. They could often be seen on dates together, but denied being in an exclusive relationship. They were just 'Friends with Benefits'. Kanu was content with this, and so was D'angelo. 

Soon after Kanu met D'Angelo, he purchased another servile slave, Amblyn. She was only 16 when he bought her, and she had a feisty personality. It was clear that she thought high of herself, which at first Kanu found irritating. He wasn't one for punishing his slaves, but he did whack her across the rump a few times for being rude toward him. He wouldn't have a slave trying to outrank him. It seemed that she merely needed to find out what made him reward her. He gave her compliments as rewards, which she loved. To receive them, she needed to be the best slave possible. She did so, and quickly made it to the top of the list. He introduced her to D'Angelo, and she quite obviously grew jealous, not wanting another horse higher in the food chain than her. She attempted many times to steal Kanu away from his lover, only to be punished in return. 

Kanu Breaks Up With D'Angelo
Fortunately for Amblyn, after 7-8 months, Kanu and D'Angelo broke things off. It was a mutual decision, and a few times after they decided this they still spent nights together, but soon the passion died out and they thought it best to just remain friends. They're still close to this day, often reminiscing about their adventures.
Kanu- being a very sexually active stallion- still needed to receive pleasure in some way. He decided to use Amblyn now for things that she didn't necessarily want to be used for. Going to the brothel so often was making him grow tired, and he didn't want his job as a lord to be compromised (he always wanted to do the best job possible). So, he recruited Amblyn as a slave who'd also act as his pleasure item. She- at first- didn't want to comply, but, yet again she realized she'd be rewarded if she did as she was told. So she'd be taken to bed with him as many times as he needed. Plus, she was ecstatic about D'Angelo no longer being top-dog, and felt she had earned her imaginary crown. 

Kanu Has A Son With Amblyn
Unfortunately, this resulted in a pregnancy. Amblyn was only 17 when she had her first foal to Kanu, and it would not be her last. Kanu was in shock, yet again, that he had gone so far with a slave as to leave a permanent mark on them. This did solidify Amblyn's position in his household, and while she was pregnant he did everything he could to make her comfortable. She- justifiably- seemed nervous about giving birth, but Kanu assured her that she would get the best treatment possible and that everything would run smoothly. It did, and Amblyn birthed a baby boy, whom he named Greyson. Kanu was happy, for the most part, but also worried as to what the other Lords and Ladies would think. He'd had a foal with his slave. That was almost unheard of. For a while he would not let Amblyn or the foal leave the house, and when they did, he wouldn't claim the foal as his son. This went on for a while, but after he'd grown confident enough to announce he was the father, he did so. Surprisingly no one really seemed to care, after all Amblyn was just a slave, and Kanu could do as he wished with his slaves. 

After this, Kanu was attempting to clean up his act. He didn't want to be seen as a sloppy or lousy Lord just because he was sexually active and enjoyed drinking, for he was a good man and loved his rank/job to no end. He attended more and more council meetings, placed his opinion on the table more frequently and was often seen still making rugs and various other items for stall-owners to sell in the Merchant's district. He stopped visiting The Pearl as much as he used to, and left Amblyn alone sexually as well for a long while so she could look after Greyson. He wasn't sure what exactly to do with him in terms of being a father, and decided that he could choose his own rank as he got older. He had more important things to deal with than playing 'daddy'. Once his son was of age to be trained properly, then Kanu would devote time to him. Kanu was not yet family-oriented. 

Kanu Goes a Little Too Far With Evalynn

Love has been Found
A year later, Sakari had begun to settle down, and Kanu had begun to pay attention to Greyson. He wasn't yet old enough to really know or learn anything, but he figured he could still practice being a father for when he actually planned kids. He often took Greyson out to the Pit Fighting, the Merchants district and taught him all about Aodh's way of life, so he could get used to it before he grew older. Most of the time he made Greyson stick by Amblyn while he did his job, even though it was clear Amblyn was more interested in pleasing Kanu than anything. 

During a meeting, a boring meeting at that, Kanu met Chepi, Aodh Emissary, and just as cheeky and thrill seeking as he was. The two hit it off right away, and after merely a few weeks of hanging out and having fun together, they became a couple. They were the funnest couple in Aodh, always causing trouble and getting drunk together. They lived off each others stupidity, as Kanu was still young and hadn't really realised his calm demeanor yet. So for now they were compatible, and were deeply in love. They did everything together, and it was only a few months before Kanu had proposed and they were to be married. Chepi was ecstatic, planning the wedding, making it eccentric and bright. Kanu was happy that she was happy, but sometimes began to feel that her attitude, her personality and chirpy outlook on life was a little too much. He most of the time let her go, be herself, trying to ignore the parts of her that tended to irk him, and instead focus on how happy she made him. It worked for a while, but slowly, gradually, he was growing more irritated by her behaviors. He was maturing, but it didn't seem that Chepi was. 

One evening, during one of their talks about the wedding, Chepi suggested something that was typical of her, 'bright and bubbly'. Where Kanu wouldn't have had a problem with it before, he was completely against it now. He didn't want something bright pink, he wanted a wedding more traditional and intimate. The argument grew bigger until Kanu left, experiencing an explosive episode that had been triggered by Chepi- of course unintentionally. He headed to the only place that seemed to help- The Pearl. He hadn't had an episode before during his time with Chepi, and so nothing ran through his mind to stop himself from what he'd done. He spent the night there, sleeping with god knows how many mares. He didn't remember much the next morning, because of how severe his episode had been, but he was reassured by one of the workers what had happened. He returned home full of shame, to Chepi, who unfortunately had already heard about what he'd done. He tried to reason with her, but in the end he knew it was not meant to be. He was not happy with her anymore. They'd rushed their relationship so much, that they hadn't even gotten to know each other properly before getting engaged. They parted ways, and for a long while Kanu remained inside, fearing that what had happened had resonated through Valore and he'd be shame for it. 

It didn't, so it seemed, and so life went back to normal. Kanu formerly apologised to Chepi, hoping they could at least be civil when together. 

After their breakup Kanu spent a lot of time at the Pearl, and since impregnated two of the mares who worked there, one was Araphine, and one was Iris. Kanu again realised that he needed to calm his act, settle down a little and not lash out so harmfully when something went wrong in his life. Just like always, his darker times turned into lighter ones and he began trying to build himself up, getting his home ready for the arrival of two new foals. Their living arrangements were made; they would spend most of the time living with Kanu, but their mother's would be welcome to stay with them too at his mansion as long as they wanted/needed. Then once the children were old enough, they could choose where they wanted to live and for how long, depending on what they wanted to do with their lives. 

 Kanu Meets Iloue 

A few years passed, and Kanu had settled down a lot. He was laying off on the flings, though they did still occur, and was also trying to drink less- though he did still do that too. He was focusing on his kids, and trying to be the best father and Noble possible. It had all happened like this before, so it was no surprise when Kanu met a mare. A special one. He had received the evening off a odd job he was supposed to be doing, and was wandering the streets admiring the lights and sunset over the ocean. He was not seeking out any particular interaction, but found it none the less. It was Iloue who'd caught his eyes, and he couldn't help but say hello, for she was beautiful and alone, staring out at the water over the balcony of the walkway, simply waiting for something to happen. Kanu was that something, and after they'd spoken for a while and he'd walked her home, he knew that they'd be seeing eachother again.

And they did. Again, and again, and again, until they were getting pretty serious. Kanu was, at first, reluctant, because he didn't want to hurt her, he didn't want to put her at risk of heartbreak like he had Chepi and Riviera. He was a hazard, and she was untainted. She didn't deserve someone like him. He told her this, but somehow- with her persuasive words- she managed to convince him that he was the man for her. He only needed a small push to realise that this relationship would be different, because Iloue was different. She was kind and mature, but also fun and sweet. She grounded him, calmed him down with merely her presence. He relaxed and let himself open up to her, let her in and instead of rushing, they waited until the right time. He waited until the right time to propose to her. It finally happened, and Kanu was more nervous than he'd ever been. Iloue was something special, sacred to him even, and he wanted to make sure it was right, the timing was right. Gradually he worked up the courage and popped the question, and Iloue said yes. 

The wedding was beautiful, traditional yet extravagant. There were over 200 guests, all of which came adorned in gold and red, with the bride and groom- and ring bearer and flower girl- dressed in silver and blue. It was a day and night to remember, and Kanu could not have been happier with how everything unfolded. 

The birth of their first son arrived shortly after, named Beau and beautiful in every way. They were obsessed with him, Kanu especially since it was his first child actually born out of marriage. Kanu had already begun planning how Beau would become a Noble, all the while making sure his other children didn't feel excluded, since he knew it was common for new borns to some times steal the spotlight. It was a lot to take on, but Kanu had Amblyn and his other slaves, and had also hired a slave to be just a nanny, so Amblyn could get a break from her children. 


Quirks- Whistles when happy, is a bit of an alcoholic, sex addict, approves of slavery but tends to treat his slaves a little better than most.
Favorites- Rum, bourbon, toffee apples, celery, cheesecake, guitar instrumentals.
Voice Actor- Matthew McConaughey 
 -Creep (c) Radiohead
- Sorry (c) The Moth and the Flame
- Losing my Religion (c) R.e.m 
- Deathbeds (c) Bring me the Horizon
- Roxanne (c) Sting
- Beat the Devil's tattoo (c) Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Art (c) Me


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Comments: 149

DrunkPelican In reply to ??? [2017-08-30 00:09:48 +0000 UTC]

Thats good! Only thing is I'm not actually in SA anymore :c

Kanu will still be an NPC in the group so if you still wanted to organise something with me about it thats possible! Hell just be an unplayable character at this time.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

wardhighlands In reply to DrunkPelican [2017-08-30 00:36:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh i'm so sorry! I just read the journal, I should've checked first

Thank you for letting me know though <3 But alrighty! I was hoping to flesh some stuff out about their child since she never got picked up by the person who was going to play her. I was hoping to make an NPC of her but not sure yet!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to wardhighlands [2017-11-06 03:47:50 +0000 UTC]

Sorry for taking so long to reply!

But yeah thats fine! If you need to know absolutely anything, just ask c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Vivid-Myth [2017-05-27 11:07:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Vivid-Myth [2017-05-28 12:39:08 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

blackmetalvalkyrie [2017-05-26 20:02:57 +0000 UTC]

Daddy has returned 8)

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

DrunkPelican In reply to blackmetalvalkyrie [2017-05-27 01:28:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShifterPrincessmoved In reply to blackmetalvalkyrie [2017-05-26 22:10:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Astrumnauta [2016-05-31 14:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Kanu was a favorite on mine in CW, nice to see him here I don't know how I missed him! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Astrumnauta [2016-06-01 06:55:00 +0000 UTC]

That's so nice to hear! He really is just a sack of potatoes though pfft

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Astrumnauta In reply to DrunkPelican [2016-06-01 08:00:58 +0000 UTC]

The best looking sack of potatoes i've ever seen. I just want to cuddle him :')

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Astrumnauta [2016-06-02 04:37:38 +0000 UTC]

Well he could use a few cuddles right now, so go right ahead!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShifterPrincessmoved [2016-05-24 10:41:43 +0000 UTC]


keep up your stunning work hun XDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to ShifterPrincessmoved [2016-05-26 10:02:29 +0000 UTC]

Well, a little less handsome, but a potato none the less.

Thankyou haha

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

databull [2016-05-23 14:42:50 +0000 UTC]

Though his mane and tail remain glorious as fuck. 
yes, yes they are

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to databull [2016-05-26 10:03:02 +0000 UTC]

i think only because they're kinda naturally glorious
he doesnt really care much about it 
its just a bonus LOL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

databull In reply to DrunkPelican [2016-05-27 16:48:36 +0000 UTC]

xD he's naturally blessed, I'm jelly

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Superior-Caesar [2015-12-14 14:32:45 +0000 UTC]

Would you want to rp with my stallion sometime? He's in War-Forged.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Superior-Caesar [2015-12-17 09:20:39 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, Kanu has never been to War-Forged, and probably never will!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Superior-Caesar In reply to DrunkPelican [2015-12-17 14:35:56 +0000 UTC]

Oh, but I meant Icabod could travel to Aodh. He's done it a few times before.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BrindleTail [2015-09-10 01:52:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to BrindleTail [2015-09-10 04:57:25 +0000 UTC]

And his horn digs you. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CrystalUniicorn [2015-09-07 17:45:42 +0000 UTC]

what a stud ;D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to CrystalUniicorn [2015-09-07 20:58:59 +0000 UTC]

Hide yo wives, hide yo children

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IAmTheGinger [2015-08-30 23:25:34 +0000 UTC]

OOHHh I like him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to IAmTheGinger [2015-08-31 05:40:26 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou! Glad you do.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RusticLass [2015-08-30 22:22:02 +0000 UTC]

homg that horn
Kanu you're as handsome as ever!!
Loving the redesign Jodi!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to RusticLass [2015-08-31 05:41:45 +0000 UTC]

His horn is my pride and joy :') 

Thankyou Rusty! I'm pretty pleased with
it too, took long enough to decide on hahahah

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RusticLass In reply to DrunkPelican [2015-09-09 01:21:44 +0000 UTC]

It's glorious!!

You're most welcome! 8D

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kittenchubs [2015-08-30 21:24:03 +0000 UTC]

swoons he is so handsome <33 i love him so much!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to kittenchubs [2015-08-31 05:40:53 +0000 UTC]

aAHH thankyou <3

Kanu loves you too B)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

farquaadstarquad [2015-08-30 19:11:47 +0000 UTC]

ooooh, Kanu looks so goooooooooooood!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to farquaadstarquad [2015-08-30 20:40:18 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou so much Songs! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CATAC0RNY [2015-08-30 17:27:27 +0000 UTC]

le gasp! He looks so handsome

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to CATAC0RNY [2015-08-30 20:40:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GoopyG0ldfish [2015-08-30 16:11:02 +0000 UTC]

//fondles his beard

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to GoopyG0ldfish [2015-08-30 20:40:44 +0000 UTC]

Kanu: *snorts but secretly enjoys*

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Astrumnauta [2015-08-30 14:25:31 +0000 UTC]

KANU YOU SEXY SON OF A GUN hot dayumnn i really like what you did dude! <3


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to Astrumnauta [2015-08-30 20:41:14 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou Urchin! <3 

Kanu: *accepts the smooches*

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tsukki-ren [2015-08-30 12:17:32 +0000 UTC]


omg this looks gorgeous Jodi! <33
he's as handsome as ever

i really love the slight change in his colors *o*
his fluffy beeard tho omg

i'd really love for Io to meet him in SA oAo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to tsukki-ren [2015-08-30 12:36:58 +0000 UTC]

Thankyou so much lovely! <3 

I just HAD to add a beard C;

Omfg yes that would be amazing ;^;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hypnocampus [2015-08-30 11:12:18 +0000 UTC]

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... gorgeous |:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to hypnocampus [2015-08-30 11:13:58 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DistractedGoldfish [2015-06-30 13:38:41 +0000 UTC]

What is Kanu's phenotype?? *flails* he's a tobiano right!? ;;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to DistractedGoldfish [2015-06-30 22:24:47 +0000 UTC]

I'll have to get back to you on that ^^" I know I decided it but I just can't remember

I think it's bay champagne splash... It's a champagne of sorts I'm pretty sure. I'll note it to you when I remember!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DistractedGoldfish In reply to DrunkPelican [2015-07-01 03:31:27 +0000 UTC]

Awesome thankyou!! ^^ I need to know if he's tobiano or not before I design His and Riva's son *u* Tobiano is dominant over appaloosa so yeah x3 if he isn't tobiano then appy will be the dominant one!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

savannauni [2015-05-30 14:06:14 +0000 UTC]

Hot damn. Dat human form doe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to savannauni [2015-05-31 03:43:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DistractedGoldfish [2015-05-30 10:17:45 +0000 UTC]

Sexy hooman Kanu

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DrunkPelican In reply to DistractedGoldfish [2015-05-30 10:33:39 +0000 UTC]

Yes sir. Huehue. 

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