Maelorom — SA | Beretta | Briem | Major

Published: 2020-05-05 11:33:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 820; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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{I've got a dream that's worth more than my sleep}

Name: Beretta 

Meaning: A brand of firearm

Pronunciation: Buh-ret-uh

Nickname(s): Blitzkrieg

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation: Bisexual (Femme presenting preference) / Demisexual 

Age: 29

D.O.B: 12/7/1663

Zodiac: The Zesla // Sign of Resilience

Kirin Zodiac: The Dragon //Sign of Ambition 

Breed: Unicorn

Conformation: Arabian pony x donkey

Height: 14.2 hh

Scars/birthmarks: Broken left horn, metal cap holds splits together and protects from further damage.

Phenotype: God knows 

Eye colour: Soft green

Teke colour: Gold

Herd affiliation: Briem

Rank: Major

Past ranks: Citizen

Talent #1: TBA

Talent #2: TBA

Patron God(s): Argus and Kaia 

Blessing #1: TBA

Blessing #2: TBA

Religious views: Very religious, believes the gods have a hoof in everything and that prayer is very important. Doesn't subscribe to the belief in the goddess, her father taught her mother about each of the goddesses and her mother then taught her.


-Scrap metal

-Piercing pack

-Hair doo-dads (herd item)




{I was young not dumb}


Dam: Delilah

Age: 46

Breed: Common horse

Rank: Citizen

Sire: Gunner (Presumed dead)

Age: 45 

Breed: Unicorn

Rank: Citizen (Doctor) 

Step-sire: Oliver

Age: 52

Breed: Hippocampus 

Rank: Citizen



Age: 12

Breed: Common horse

Rank: Citizen

Gender: Female


Age: 11

Breed: Common horse 

Rank: Citizen

Gender: Male


Partner: Open

Crush: N/A  




Familiar #1: N/A






Familiar #2: N/A



{Paint my face and bang my drum}

Personality type: ENTJ-A / ISFJ-A (Commander / Defender)

Alignment: Chaotic good

Outer drive: The betterment of the Kawaru.

Inner drive: Her resentment toward the Umare.

Positive: +




Negative: -


Beretta is a commanding leader and a strong decision maker, traits she has gained through years of experience and hardship. Naturally she is firmly devout to the Kawaru along with their beliefs and ideologies. She is driven to better her people in any way she can, although partially in a vindictive sense towards the Umare. Unfortunately she can easily slip into a moral grey when it comes to her ideas about the Umare and can allow her hatred to affect her decision making negatively at times.

That being said Beretta usually adheres to a pragmatic sense of morality. She has a strong set of ideas about what is wrong and what is right and is unlikely to see things any other way. While not exactly close-minded she is certainly determined. It's her way or the high way, although due to her cunning and years of experience as a bounty hunter her way is usually the better option. After years of hunting criminals Beretta is well equipped to judge them. In her mind she still tallies their crimes to a total cost, but now the money is replaced by punishment of equal weight. She can be relied on to make a fair decision in every case.

Beretta prides herself on her reliability and down-to-earth honesty. She expects this honesty to be mirrored in those around too, and does not tolerate lying and dishonesty. While she understands that her honesty makes her seem insensitive and critical she deems this a necessary evil for her to function as best she can as a major. And while she now spends more time organising, doing admin work and training recruits than actually doing field work Beretta can still kick ass when she wants to.

She firmly believes all Umare to be compulsive liars and is utterly intolerant of any of their beliefs. Beretta will not even speak to Umare members unless it is absolutely required. She believes that their opportunity for dialogue is over and that it is time for the Kawaru to take their own measures to separate themselves permanently from the Umare. While she can not prove it she thoroughly believes they took her father and is determined to make them pay, not only for her own suffering but for that of the entire Kawaru.

-Tail is permanently flipped over and kept long.

-Firmly anti-communism/socialism, but believes her people’s leaders could be doing better and that there should be laws implemented to curb corruption.

-Strongly subscribes to the ‘you can make something of yourself if you work for it’ ideology of her people.

-Believes that the reason such poverty exists among the Kawaru is not because of the system the Kawaru run on, but the fact that the Umare steals most of the Kawaru’s inventions, that they have very scarce supplies and that they have very few trade partners, essentially there simply isn't enough to go around.

-Believes schooling should be compulsory and that all equine have the right to a basic education.

-Still runs self-defence classes for Kawaru citizens once a week (Twice a week in the past).

-Reads a lot in her spare time, and secretly writes some of her own stories.

-Not a huge fan of kids besides her own siblings.

-Loves learning things.

{Your voices will be heard}


Beretta was raised by a single mother. Her childhood wasn't easy, the pair lived day-to-day on whatever her mother could make doing odd jobs. She was born into the poorest echelon of Kawaru society and it would be years before she knew what it was to have a roof over her head. 

Her father had been an Umare defector, but had vanished shortly before her birth. Her mother blamed the Umare for taking him, and from the stories her mother told her about him Beretta never doubted it. He was painted as a brave stallion, a medic turned doctor in the hopes of doing good in the world. He worked with those who were hungry, sick, and in need. But, most of all he loved his wife, to whom he was completely devoted.  He loved them both, he had been overjoyed when they learnt Delilah was with child. But he would never see his daughter.

Beretta’s first years were spent sheltering in a different alleyway, cavern, abandoned house, each night. Her mother never left her unattended, and she often followed her mother around while she worked. Delilah did housework and odd jobs, anything from washing clothes to painting walls. Sometimes she would sneak a scrap of two from her clients' food stock for her daughter if she thought they wouldn't miss it. Her main focus above all else was to buy a home, somewhere safe for her daughter. By the time Beretta was six she begun working beside her mother. She was a sweet child with a heart of gold. Often so charming that her mother’s clients even gave her gifts, usually hand-me-down clothes and toys. Something Beretta remembers clearly from this time was walking past the local schools every day. She would peer through the playground fence and jealously watch the other children before her mother scolded her for lagging behind.

Beretta struggled to make friends as a child. But while peering through a schoolyard fence once day a young filly approached her. The filly’s name was Taya, and she was one of Beretta’s first actual friends. They would catch up after Taya had finished school and Beretta had finished work. Beretta was thankful for this friendship, her life wasn't easy but the comfort of playing with her friend made things a little better. Unfortunately Beretta would learn that some things were too good to be true. One evening while playing hide and seek at Taya’s house with another one of Taya’s friends, Blythe, the sound of shattering echoed from another room. Beretta ran from her hiding spot to find Blythe and Taya standing over a broken vase. When Taya’s mum arrived and demanded answers, Taya unflinchingly pointed the hoof at the scruffy street-girl. It was little comfort that Delilah believed her daughter’s account of events, knowing her daughter's honesty. From that day forward she would develop a cynical, critical attitude towards others and a deep disgust for dishonesty. Her loyalty would become harder to earn, but also stronger when it was earned.

Around the time she turned ten her mother finally scraped together the money to buy a small, run-down townhouse. When Delilah wasn't working she was cleaning and renovating the house. It became her pride and joy despite her not having the money to sink into proper renovations. Unfortunately during some of her cleaning she fell ill from the mould that infested the house. When her mother grew sick Beretta took time out of her work to look after her. There was a short while where it seemed like Delilah would not make it, but with Beretta’s determined care she pulled through. They lost a lot of money during this time. But the neighbourhood their townhouse was situated in was a fair bit nicer than the places they'd previously lived, and as such when they returned to work they managed to make the lost income back. Despite now having a home Beretta still harboured a deep jealousy toward the wealthy children who got to go to school every day. So in order to save up and buy a book to teach herself to read she took on some extra work. 

There were a couple of local bounty hunters who offered coin for information and extra muscle when needed (provided you were older than thirteen). So she traded gossip for information while she worked and sold it to the bounty hunters. When she turned thirteen she also asked around to help out the bounty hunters where needed. There was something refreshing about the work, even if she wasn't doing the hard part. She started out tagging along with larger groups for take-downs in case extra muscle was needed and in time she graduated to helping track down criminals and even taking on small bounties of her own. By the time she was twenty she had made her way up the ranks and made something of a name for herself. Much of the money she had made over the years had been sunk into the house, which was now far from its original state. She had even collected a library of books and helped her mother find reliable work as a baker. Her mother had also taken up painting as a hobby which had led her to meet an art-dealer named Oliver. whom she had fallen in love with and eventually married. The pair would go on to have two children who, despite the age gap, Beretta loves dearly.

In time Beretta came to have her own crew of bounty hunters, and ran her own small business. She focused less on earning money, only needing enough to keep her family fed, and more on protecting the people of Kawaru. She even gave free defence classes twice a week for the poorer members of society. As she matured she had become more aware of her people’s struggles, and had become determined to do what she could to help. Years of bringing in criminals had given her a new understanding of the dark side of Sterling.

When whispers of a Kawaru military emerged Beretta took little interest at first. She was too focused on cleaning up Sterling and training new bounty hunters to think much of it. It was in fact Delilah who saw her daughter's potential, her drive for a better world, and petitioned the Arcanist to consider Beretta as a major. Delilah’s only hope in doing this was that she could contribute in some small way to a better Kawaru. Beretta was shocked and humbled to be chosen by the Arcanist for the role. And she swore to devote herself to it with every fibre of her being.

{I wanted to be the melody above the noise}


Theme song: The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone) ~ U2

Mood board: pin.it/3i8qKu4

Voice actor: 

Face claim: 

AP Tracker:  www.deviantart.com/maelorom/ar…

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notfromthisgalaxy [2020-06-03 17:00:33 +0000 UTC]

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