Maelorom — SA | Beyond | Chevalier | Aodh

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Ever so slowly re-working Beyond's bio, hopefully soon she'll also get a rank change to champion c:

{My bones ache with anger centuries old} 

Name: Beyond 

Meaning: the unknown, especially in references to life after death.

Pronunciation: bee-yond

Nickname(s): Bea

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation: Heterosexual

Age: 28

D.O.B: 5/11/1674

Zodiac: The Peryton // Sign of Cunning

Kirin Zodiac: The Faerie // Sign of unity

Breed: Common horse 

Conformation:  Warmblood x Thoroughbred x Akhal teke 

Height: 17.0 hh

Scars/birthmarks: N/A

Phenotype: Blue roan tobiano

Eye colour: Crimson red

Teke colour: Crimson red

Herd affiliation: Aodh

Rank: Chevalier

Past ranks: Squire

Talent #1: TBA

Talent #2: TBA

Patron God(s): Ignacio, Argus, (She has also begun considering Alya in secret) 

Blessing #1: Pain Infliction

Blessing #2: TBA

Religious views: 



-Gilded bridle



-Shoulder pauldrons 

-Neck armour



-Double-handed weapon (Undecided, maybe Ninjatō)

-Throwing knives (x6)



Dam: Ayelet 

Age: 50 (At death)

Breed: Pegasus

Rank: Commoner (Ex vagabond)

Sire: Solstice 

Age: 29 (At death)

Breed: Common horse

Rank: Noble 




Partner: Open

Crush: N/A  




Familiar #1: Ignatius (Named in honour of Ignacio)

Species: Puma

Sex: Male

Age: Unknown (maybe two)

Personality: Incredibly grumpy, has a soft spot for music and may even purr to particularly melodic tunes

Physical: Melanistic

Familiar #2: N/A



Determined: [positive]

determination is her greatest strength, she will never give up.

The misery and hardships Beyond has faced has turned what was once a cold emptiness into a powerful determination that drives her in everything she does. When she takes on a task she will always finish it, no matter what. Her determination pulled her through in her hardest times and drove her to complete the hardest tasks she has faced.

Cunning: [neutral]

Growing up in a ruined family her wit was the only thing that kept her above water, in times when she was forced to resort to thievery and petty crimes in order to live her cunning was what made her survival possible. Even as a bully she used her wit to harm others as much as she could and get away with it. Now her cunning is useful as a chevalier, while most prefer a bloody battle to the death she prefers to outsmart her foes, many dislike her for this but she does not care for their opinion,

Devoted/loyal: [positive]

Through all her hardships her loyalty holds firm in all situations, her determination ensures that. Her devotion, surprisingly, was born from her lack of trust if others, those she trusted she knew would never betray her, her trust became loyalty and devotion. Her loyalty is hard earnt but stronger than king Solaris’ heart, few have been able to earn it, and even less realise just how strong it is. Her devotion to the young king is the best example, she has unexplainable faith in him, and in turn an unbreakable loyalty, she is also incredibly devoted to Ignacio,

Independent: [neutral]

when there is no one to depend on you can only stop depending.

Beyond had no one to depend on, only for the first few years of her life did she depend on her mother, after that she was forced to be independent. She had no father to turn to, no friends, no other family apart from her mother who was cold and bitter. In the end she decided the only horse she could depend on for everything was herself, she became independent, she now has trouble being dependant on anyone, she finds it hard to rely on others and prefers to do things herself.

Lonely: [negative]

she only had her mother.

Growing up Beyond had no one, her mother was cold and strict, sparing no time for love and affection, her father was never there and eventually he died anyway, she had trouble making friends and became a bully, pushing others away, others learnt to avoid her, and she them, even now when she is warmer and kinder very few decide to grace her with friendship and kindness,

Mean-spirited: [negative]

Even Beyond doesn't truly understand how she became so mean, a lot of the time her defensiveness and independence is mistaken by others and labeled as Mean-spiritedness. Eventually she convinced even herself that it was just that and began to act cruelly toward others, driving them away unconsciously. She treats everyone with distrust and often disrespect at first, her trust is hard earnt, but worth it, if you hurt her though, it is quite a different story. While her meanness is now quite diminished it still lurks, waiting for hurt and pain to come again so that it may strike against those who inflict it,

Reclusive: [neutral]

Beyonds reputation as a bastard has always set her apart from others, her cruelness and meanness did not help. She drove others away in an attempt to drive everything else that caused pain and misery away with them, of course that is not how it works, but she was too young to understand at the time. As she has grown she has found that being far away from others is sometimes where she feels happiest, despite her loneliness. She keeps her distance from others and isolates herself. While this has never been good for her she sometimes feels that it is best,

Compassionate: [neutral]

Her compassion is a direct side effect of her determination. When she finds something that she truly loves or believes in her compassion becomes obvious straight away, she is compassionate about everything she does, even those things that seem utterly pointless. She is compassionate about many things, but does her best to cover it up, her compassion is like a fire that keeps her would warm and content,

Wise: [positive]

Due to her families lack of money (her fathers bribe barely keeping them aloft at the best of times) Beyond was forced to take to more dangerous ways of making money. She spent time thieving, trading illegally and being caught doing so, although this was rare as her skill grew and the punishments were minor. All this made her wise and knowledgable, her experiences have taught her much, many say she is wise beyond her years, some even joking she a returned spirit with a lifetime of knowledge at her disposal, whether that is true she cannot say, although some times she fears it may be truth.

Quarrelsome: [negative]

Even after Beyond had turned from her ways of bullying she retained her quarrelsome attitude, haggling viciously over even the least important item. She is constantly the ignition of many fights and adds fuel to others, many say it is in her nature as her mother was just the same. Her compassion and determination tends to encourage it, making her want to win a fight all the more and pushing her to do so,

Violent: [negative]

Beyonds first instinct when a quarrel breaks out is to turn violent, she is a skilled combatant due to her Chevalier status with a taste for violence, she tries to stay reserved and use her cunning and wit as her only weapon, but when enraged her violence is released. She is somewhat short tempered and proud and resorts to violence if it even looks like she's about to loose a fight to preserve her pride, sometimes sacrificing her dignity in the process,


beyond needs someone to show her how to be kind again, 

Beyond has a small gentle and loving side she reserves for the king, close friends and her daughter who she adores beyond anyone else,

Although she is loyal to the other chevaliers she is often treated as lower ranking due to her reputation and bloodlines,

She adores singing, she has earned the nickname Siren from some of the sailers with which she trades for her cruel attitude and stunning voice,

She adored king Amadeus To the point where she would be happy to kill herself if it pleased him,

Beyond is very well-mannered and polite, she will always tell you off if you aren't polite but she won't hesitate to make a cold remark,

She is quite religious and treasures the gods above all else, Ignacio in particular,



Beyonds bloodlines lie outside Aodh on her mothers side. Her mother, Vanity, a peacock Pegasus with a blue roan coat and a majestic mane of bright blue feathers, was born a vagabond of cultist blood (descended from a rogue Seroran mare named Above), but it was always clear that the life of a vagabond, particularly as a cultist as she did not believe in Digend or support their cruel and bloodthirsty ways, was not for her. Knowing that if she was caught by the cultists she would be killed she fled the night after she had proved herself more than a nothing. She never found herself in the company of a small band of merchants who were happy to take the young mare into Aodh in return for work. So she turned to Aodh, using only her cunning and wisdom to slip into a strange, new world. She became a lowly commoner working at the Pearl doing repairs and odd jobs, but was never truly accepted. Vanity was treated roughly and shunned for her mysterious background, she became a cold and cruel mare living in the district of commoners in a small flat on the edge of a cliff, isolating herself from the rest of the populous except to keep herself safe and alive. 


Beyond was born by accident on the winter solstice night, she was the result of a wild night where Vanity met Beyonds father, Solstice, who, surprisingly, was a noble lord, albeit a young and wild one. Solstice was a large, lithe, faded steel grey warmblood with a love of fun during the night but an air of dutifulness and cold attitude during the day. On the fateful night of his visit to the Pearl, Vanity was working to repair a broken banister, he was enchanted by her beauty and highly enjoyed taunting her for her snide and sarcastic remarks. Unfortunately he had come from an evening of drinking with his friends and was not in his right mind when he seduced her. Solstice and Vanity parted ways as the sun rose, intending to never cross paths again. As soon as Vanity discovered she was with foal, things began to slide sharply downhill, she didn't want her daughter labeled a bastard, and the damage it did to her already shaky reputation was immeasurable, not to mention the time and money it would take up to raise a child, time and money which she did not have. She sought out Solstice in the most discreet manner she could and begged him for help, but he refused, fearing for his position as a noble. Eventually he gave her enough money to support their foal in return for her silence on the matter. As a result Beyond grew up in a cold and hostile world, she never met her father and only found out his name when he died of a strange disease both she and her mother later contracted as well. Her birth was normal but dangerous, it being situated in a flat with little to no insulation on a cliff at night in the middle of winter, the midwife feared that Vanity would loose the foal to the cold, luckily enough blankets and a fire managed to keep them warm until spring came, Vanity would always thank Ignacio for the warmth and safety his fire brought. Beyond loved her mother, following her where she could and imitating her in the hope of gaining attention, Vanity being at first reluctant to love the being who had brought her so much misery, but spent most of her time alone. Various accidents occurred as Beyond was left unattended for prolonged periods of time, one day she would smash an important water jug as she tried out her speed, the next she would set herself on fire, this time she would deliberately hurl herself off the balcony and into the ocean below to escape the biting orange tongues. These accidents ranged from minor, such as treading on the neighbours cat familiar and receiving nasty scratches to major, such as the day she managed to accidentally set a nearby marquee on fire, and along with it it's short tempered owner, receiving quite a beating and more than enough scolding and angry remarks. All these taught her vital lessons, contributing to her cunning and wisdom, they would later help her in tricky situations.

Vanity was determined that Beyond would make a real life for herself in Aodh unlike herself, forcing Beyond to prepare for the career path of a Chevalier and pushing her to succeed in everything she did, making for a miserable but good upbringing. Vanity was strict but not unkind and taught her beloved daughter all she knew, she was a wise mare and despite her coldness she treasured her daughter more than words could express. Her mother (Beyonds grandmother) had taught her the name of every star and constellation, Vanity determinedly passed this knowledge on to Beyond, unconsciously installing in her young daughter a fascination with the sky and all it held, along side a belief that all the Stars were the fiery gifts of Ignacio. Despite her mothers attempts to show her just how much she was loved, Beyond felt estranged and unwanted most of the time, she took out her anger and misery on those around her by bullying and taunting, treating other kindlings with scorn and hate, calling them names and preying on their every weaknesses for a small satisfaction that lasted only a few moments to momentarily dispel her sense of estrangement, earning a bad reputation and causing others to avoid her and in turn push her away, leaving her friendless and truly isolated. She would sneak to the Crucible to gamble on occasion, as her mother disliked the idea of forcing slaves to fight, trying to drown her unfounded anger in the excitement and thrill of the matches. Despite being far too young young to gamble, she would manage to convince older horses to place the money for her, and found she had a talent for picking winners, although the meagre amount she earned from this barely bought her a treat. At the crucible she met her only friend, a slave Kindling Morgan unicorn called Pyre, who questioned her and pestered her until Beyond tried to drown her to the great displeasure of her owner. After that she gave up her gambling in exchange for spending time with Pyre and simply watching and discussing the fights, usually in secret hidden beneath a bench where they could view the matches without being caught by Pyres owner.

Despite her reputation, Beyond managed to keep pushing toward becoming a squire, she always felt she owed it to her mother for a reason she never understood but always felt despite her feeling of abandonment. She grew incredibly loyal to queen Solaris, despite never having met her, and became determined to serve her and prove herself worthy of being part of Aodh. She became a little warmer due to her determination, her determination became her greatest trait and kindled a fire within her. She found that she had incredible speed and agility, and with the help of her mothers wise teachings she turned this to her advantage and used it in small, friendly competitions to earn a little extra coin that went a long way.

Squire (5-18)

For a small while when she was three, Beyond fell gravely ill with the same disease that had taken her father, sickness was rife in the area in which she lived and hard to protect ones self from. For almost a year her mother abandoned her work to care for her, resulting in a great loss of earnings, Vanity turned to underground trading for things like food, occasionally bringing back something she had found for a very low price and later selling it for more than it was worth to help replace the lost earnings. Beyond eventually recovered with no side effects or extra illnesses to show for it and, realising what her illness had done to their income, found a job singing for nobles as entertainment.

From her sixth birthday things began to change for Beyond. Her determination filled the hole left in her heart by her father and miserable upbringing. Things began to look up as she was accepted as a squire to a mare named Swiftlet and began training to become a chevalier. However, her training distracted her from the fact that her mother was growing ill, Vanity became very sickly and her condition slowly worsened. Vanity tried to hide it from her daughter, carrying on as usual, saying she was simply tired from a long day of work at the Pearl, she would not allow her daughter to be distracted from her training. Beyond eventually realised that her mother was dieing, she wanted to give up her career to look after her mother, but Vanity refused, telling her the only thing she truly wanted was her daughter to become a chevalier and live a good life. The same week her mother died she became a chevalier. Her mother died a painful death but Beyond was with her until her last breath. Beyond was broken hearted but not defeated, she carried on in her mothers memory, determined to make her proud even in her death, she managed to earn the respect of the other Chevaliers despite her blood and became a strong and loyal comrade, with the other chevaliers she always felt she belonged, even when she witnessed the horrors of a cultist vagabond attack and painful memories of her mothers death returned, the other chevaliers were there to help. 

Chevalier (19-present)

Then Alduin and Marcellus died in the assassination. Beyond was wracked with grief and sorrow as she adored the prince and his sister, this terrible assassination opening old wounds and bringing back memories of her mothers untimely death. When Solaris, the king Beyond was so fiercely faithful in, was pronounced dead Beyond could no longer bare it, she abandoned everything in her mourning and simply lay in bed most days, occasionally attending to vital work. In this time she seemed to loose faith in all she believed and her determination withered, she came close to death at one point as she was so lost in her sorrow she forgot to even eat. Her best, and only, friend, Pyre, had become a pit fighter and was killed in the coronation fights to deepen her misery. She neared loosing her position as a chevalier, except for Swiftlet, who had also suffered much grief and understood Beyonds suffering, who managed to Aquire time for Beyond to recover. And as Aodh rose from the ashes under the command of king Amadeus, so did she. 

She took up a place guarding the palace and found solace in singing. Beyond sold her mothers old house which had become hers when her mother died, with the profits from the sale and some well saved money she bought a small but lovely house in the valiant district, the house leans off a cliff where it is precariously balanced, despite her lack of need for a house. She visits her mothers grave with wild flowers from Drakefire wood every week and spends time at the temple in her free time. She found new faith in the young king and devoted herself to protecting him with every inch of her soul. As she regained her determination she built her new life apon the young king, laying all her faith and devotion with him, even sometimes singing for his entertainment and her comfort. Just the sight of him, a symbol of purity and the glorious days to come, seemed to fill her with hope and joy. 

Although she pulled through, Beyond became harder and colder on the outside, she built herself a protective shell. Protecting herself from emotional harm again, but she could not help but open up whenever the king was near, she now believes that he is the king that Aodh does not want, but needs, and that he will usher in a new and greater age for Aodh. Beyond finds comfort and solace in the young king Amadeus and in exchange will be forever loyal and guard him with her life. She resigns herself to guarding the king as best she can. Although she has always wished for a daughter, every day she goes to Ignacios shrine and asks him that she may be blessed with a daughter, she has faith that he will one day answer her


The birth of Beyonds precious daughter, Ulyssa, has made life much harder for her but at the same time all the better, Ulyssa being born without a father making her a bastard like her mother but a symbol that Ignacio is with them. She currently keeps Ulyssa a secret from all but her closest and most trusted friends. And due to her hard-work and effort, Beyond has found herself scaling the hierarchy of her rank with surprising speed, earning the respect of her peers and higher-ups alike and even become a prospect for the captain position. In the meantime she may have finally found someone to love and teach her to love too... But war is on the horizon, and she is called to serve her king and country, although it pains her to leave behind her daughter even for even the shortest time.


Beyond marched to war against Serora beside the War-forged allies, but an unfortunate wound sent her home again. For now she bides her time until she can return to the battlefield..

AP Tracker: maelorom.deviantart.com/art/SA…

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Comments: 2

NovelNoctuary [2017-12-08 16:20:56 +0000 UTC]

Oooh that shiny shiny armor tho' *touches*


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Maelorom In reply to NovelNoctuary [2017-12-09 11:25:35 +0000 UTC]

Aaah you are too kind! <33

I can not draw material tho, so tysm ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0