Maelorom — SA | Taura | Rogue Campaigner | Talori

Published: 2019-09-23 08:17:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1724; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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{Flick the switch and watch it all erupt}

Name: Taura

Meaning: Like a bull 

Pronunciation: tawr-ah

Nickname(s): Tor, Tory

Sex: Female

Gender: Feminine non-binary

Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them

Orientation: Indecisive and doesn't much care for labels

-Taura has had a few partners of a variety of genders and sexualities but never takes it seriously, she'll never admit it but she believes in finding ‘The one’ and that's when she'll take it seriously. 

Age: 32

D.O.B: 4th/October/1669

-Taura only knows her birthday because it was embroidered along with her name in a blanket that was tied around her neck when she arrived on the Isles of the Dead.

Zodiac: The Nekomata // Sign of Wisdom

Kirin Zodiac: The Faerie // Sign of Unity

-Taura does not believe in star-signs and is not at all superstitious 

Breed: Hippocampus (Sailfish)

Conformation: Taura is a real bitzer, she's got a little bit of everything. She's relatively stocky and definitely well-muscled, while a little short she can kick more of punch than most 17hh stallions. There's a bit of zebra in her somewhere and she has a draft beard (which she loves so don't even try to tell her it's not womanly) as well as tuft-like fetlocks but her hooves are rather petite and much unlike a draft horse. 

Height: 15.3hh 

Scars/birthmarks: Small scars are littered over her body, these are generally not visible unless examined closely.

Phenotype: Palamino x ??? chimera


Eye colour: Pink

Teke colour: Changes depending on mood, it varies over a series of pink and green hues that become more translucent as her emotions calm.

Herd affiliation: Talori

Rank: Rogue Campaigner (Aodh)

Past Rank(s): 

Talent #1: TBA

Talent #2: TBA

Moral views:


A bit on the fence, she feels that this is a good punishment for criminals that allows them to be useful rather than fill up prisons but is thoroughly against children being born into slavery and the breeding of slaves.


The sacrifices were never something particularly close to home for Taura but she does and always has believed that they were wrong. To be honest she can't understand why they ever existed and believes it's just another way the Talorian Crown has exercised power over their people.

The Flight:

Taura understands their motivations but isn't sure about their methods. She does support their cause but they are a tad too radical at times for her liking. She's happy enough to be in alliance with them but holds concerns about their stability as a faction. She is also worried that some members of the Flight may not differentiate between the Talorian Crown and the Rogue Alliance.

Alliance with Aodh:

She is thoroughly supportive of their alliance with Aodh. Aodh after all has a fully fledged army capable of a making a horrific blow to the Talorian Crown. She strives to maintain and strengthen this alliance with her every action.

Empress Thalassa:

To say Taura is not particularly fond of Empress Thalassa is to say the least. Taura believes the story about Cascade choosing Thalassa is complete bullshit and was made up by someone to protect the naive usurper’s claim to the throne. In her opinion such an ignorant and easily swayed character should not be allowed any power let alone power over a whole nation.

Patron God: Cascade 

Blessing #1: TBA

Blessing #2: TBA

Religious views:

While not hugely religious, Taura certainly believes not just in the existence of the Gods but also of their regular physical interaction with mortals. She thinks of her relationship with Cascade as a garden that must be well-maintained and attended to in order to produce any fruit.


Naturally Taura is relatively close to Cascade, she prays to the Goddess regularly and keeps a prayer idol on her at all times. She also tosses a coin into the ocean before every voyage, a tradition taught to her by Baba.


Unlike the mainlanders, Taura has a more fond perception of Ignacio. She does view him as a trickster, but he is more related to sturdy weapons and tools in her mind than destruction. She always asks for his blessing over her sword before a fight asking that the fire that forged it make it strong.


Taura feels a tiny bit of resentment toward Alya. In her view the Goddess is fickle like the wind and often cruel and antagonistic, after all it was her storm that killed Taura’s mother. She sees prayer to Alya as a necessity for good wind in the sails but nothing more.


Kaia has little relevance to Taura as she spends little time on land. If she prays to Kaia it's usually only so that the crops are good and there's plenty of ale to go around.


Usually Taura doesn't pray to Argus, but she does keep a small token with his image etched into it to safeguard her diplomatic work. The only time she'll pray to him is to ask him to weaken the minds of her opponents and strengthen her own. And often she doesn't believe she needs help in this anyway.


Taura has heard of this new God, and some of the stories about them are very entertaining. But to her there is little more to this God than stories. Although she is a tad curious about where these stories came from.

Accessories: Fullbody with accessories





-Breast plate





Dam: Unknown

Age: 27 at death

Breed: Unicorn

Rank: Servile slave

Sire: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Breed: Hippocampus

Rank: Rogue (his exact rank is unknown)

-Taura still holds a small hope that she might someday find her father, but since he abandoned her mother she's not sure if it would make her happy or if she'd break his nose instead.

Step-Sire: Baba (Donkor)

Age: 82 at death

Breed: Hippocampus (Mako shark)

Rank: Rogue Laic (Blessed with healing regeneration)




Partner: N/A

Crush: N/A  

Offspring: N/A



-A bit wild

-Sense of humour



-Too flowery



Familiar #1: N/A






Familiar #2: N/A







{Send you up the river like you're looking for Kurtz}

Personality type: ENTJ-A // The Commander

Alignment: Chaotic good

Outer drive: The fall of the Talorian Crown

Inner drive: Freedom (For everyone, and guaranteed for herself as long as she lives)

{Don't slam the door way down deep in hell}

Positive: +




Negative: -


Despite being an intimidating figure to many, Taura outwardly appears as something of free-spirit, wild and charismatic. Yet she also projects authority, and is highly disciplined. These conflicting natures create the effect that it always seems she knows exactly what she's doing. And indeed she is blessed with great charisma and confidence, rarely doubting herself. She is a natural-born leader with a touch of a superiority complex. She easily takes command of a situation, her dominant personality often overwhelming more sensitive equine.

And indeed, Taura doesn't care much what other people think of her. She also doesn't care much for other people’s opinions. Taura is entirely intolerant of opposing views, she is driven by her cause and willing to trample anyone, from peasants to kings, to have her way. She happily calls out others’ on their failures with a horrifying degree of insensitivity and maintains a ruthless level of rationality. Usually she is near completely unempathetic and insensitive but is incredibly tactful when she wants to be.

At the negotiating table she is relentless, rational and unforgiving. She thoroughly enjoys a good challenge and is truly masterful when it comes to a battle of the wits. Highly pragmatic, Taura does not understand emotional motivations particularly well. She prefers to only take into account rational and logical reasons for an action. Despite this she is a proud and determined advocate for the downfall of the Talorian crown. While she personally has no qualms with the crown, she's seen plenty of wrongdoings towards those around her. When advocating her cause she can become brash and impatient, whether she realises it or not the cause is close to her heart.

Despite her brashness at times, Taura is well self-controlled. She has a fiery determination and bitter stubbornness that has plagued her since birth. She is ruthless and decisive when it comes to taking action. Steeped in self-confidence she could convince almost anybody to follow her into battle when she gets in the right mood. This same confidence lends itself to an innate arrogance. Often disguised by her charisma, this arrogance can lead her to all kinds of interesting places, and plenty of fights. Usually she can keep herself under control though and is yet to start a fight with anyone too important.

Taura is deeply loyal, to a point. Taura knows where she comes from, and her freedom is something she will gladly die for. If the interests of others conflicts with her freedom she will not make things easy. Although she values more than just her freedom. Taura is highly materialistic, she loves things that glitter and are worth a pretty penny. That being said she does not at all take kindly to bribes, she'll get her own baubles thanks. Her mildly hedonistic nature and dominant personality makes her well-suited to Aodhian life.


-Probably has a bit of a superiority complex



{A seven nation army couldn't hold me back}


Colour: Gold (Obviously)

Season: Autumn (The waters not too cold and you don't get sunburnt)

Celebration: Any good party

Food: Peaches

Drink: Booze (The good stuff, not the crappy stuff)

Hobby: Secretly enjoys birdwatching (Also loves stargazing)

Flower: Anything made of solid gold

Place: Anywhere you can't see land

Time of day: The middle of the night (So you can see all the stars)


-Shiny things


-Singing old songs loudly (and badly)

-Cool tattoos




-Snooty posh people


-People who give up too easily

-The cold

-People who don't introduce themselves

-Tiny dogs


-Living without purpose

-Eating strange food (Seriously, she won't eat anything unless she knows what it is or someone else tries it first)


-To destroy the Talorian Crown

-To be remembered 

-To get a really nice tattoo

{I want to see you fight}


Warning: Mentions of death and mild gore

Donkor had wrapped himself up in old blankets by the coals, old fishing nets were strewn across the floor before him waiting to be mended. It was just as he settled down that he heard the sound. The storm had been raging for almost two days now. Luckily Donkor was the doomsday prepper type and could hole up in his shack for months if he so wished. Storms made plenty of strange noises, especially this close to the water. But there was an undeniable difference between the crash of thunder and the sound of a ship tearing herself to pieces on the reef. 

In minutes Donkor had strapped on his bracers and bound a cloak around himself. He rushed out, the door crashing closed behind him in the wind. The storm had whipped up the sand into a fervour and heaved waves far up beyond the beach. What was left of the small ship was being quickly dragged into the roiling depths. But movement caught his eye. Someone had made it through the reef, against the currents, to shore. He fought the gale to their side. It was a young mare, horribly bloodied and coughing up blood, sand and water.

Her words were choked and barely audible, but she told him her story. The brand that hideously emblazoned her flank was proof of her words. “We were seperated… I know he didn't mean to leave us behind” Donkor couldn't tell if it was just water or if it was tears that clung to the young mare’s face. She had come seeking the father of her child who had abandoned her when she fell pregnant. A large cloth bound to her side concealed a precious cargo he could only guess was the child. Instinctively he gripped her with his teke and fought the howling winds to drag her out of reach of the ocean. She cried out until she was in too much pain to move any further. The rain had washed her wounds clean, they were too deep and in the worst places.

Desperately Donkor tried to apply pressure to her wounds but the blood continued to leak past his teke. “Please…” she gasped “save my baby” her head came to rest slowly on the ground, her nose resting against the bundle at her side. When Donkor finally released the mare’s body, realising the life had long since left her, he turned fearfully to the child her corpse was curled about. The child would surely have been dead if it wasn't for the fins and floppy tail hanging from the swaddle that gave away her heritage. A child of any other breed would never have had a hope. But that was not to say the filly’s survival was guaranteed, as he peeled back the sodden cloth he saw gashes littered her fragile body from the reef and the wreckage. With a pained heart he picked up the bundle from the dead mare’s side and began his way back to his shack.


Donkor tended to the filly, and even after he'd cleaned her wounds and buried her mother she remained unconscious for days. Bedridden with some sickness from the water. He had been planning on finding her a home with good parents who could take on a child. But in the time that he tended to her he began to feel a sense of responsibility for her. The filly’s mother’s words echoed in his head, he had to ensure her dying wish was protected. Donkor had lost his partner years ago, he had had his throat slit in front of Donkor during a raid on their ship. Donkor had always wanted children, but had never remarried. So he took in the child, he gave her the name embroidered on the blanket she was wrapped in, Taura. And she would indeed grow bull-like.

As Taura grew she became a headstrong young filly. She butted heads with all the other children on the island and had a fierce spirit. Donkor called it the spirit of the sea. “Why do you say I have the spirit of the sea baba? What do you mean?” She would query. “Well,” he would reply in a soft voice, “The sea often looks calm, but she is full of currents and undertows that will do as they please no matter how we try to manipulate them. You make your own choices and let no one change you”. Taura took up work at the docks when she was seven and met quite a variety of equine. She also learnt quickly how to defend herself and keep an eye out for shifty folk. 

Donkor was determined to educate his daughter as best he could. When he had taught her all he knew he scrounged some money and hired a tutor for a few hours a week. Taura never quite took to books or developed that scholarly attitude Donkor had hoped for. But she certainly made use of the knowledge he had provided her with. She was a smart filly and when the time came she quickly found herself an apprenticeship and began to learn navigation and the basics of sailing. She was seeing less and less of Donkor but every trip she went on she'd come back back with a gift for him.

Eventually she took on a place as an official ship's navigator. Her ambition and confidence served her well here. The ship did runs between Aodh and the Isles of the Dead. She quickly became accustomed to handling business with Aodhians. In fact she became so good at handling Aodhian customers she was given the additional job of managing clients as well as navigation. This work proved highly lucrative, she split her money three ways. Between day-to-day expenses, savings for her own ship and Donkor. At this point Donkor was finding himself beginning to show symptoms of age and it was harder to work. So Taura substituted the drop in his income with a portion of her own.

Eventually she had saved up enough to purchase her own small ship which she fondly named ‘The Holey Bucket’ or Bucket for short. While her old employers were frustrated to see her go she made a pretty penny on her own. Now a captain she took on a small crew and began building her own client base in Aodh and the Mainland. She ferried luxury goods between the two nations and became successful enough to purchase some for herself and crew. Unfortunately the good-life came to a halt when one day she returned home to find Donkor on his last legs. She stayed by his side until his last breath. For such a poor old stallion his funeral was grand. The community had been deeply thankful for Donkor’s services as a laic over the years and they all put in toward celebrating his life. Taura commissioned a beautiful headstone, he had always wanted to be buried next to Taura’s mother and his lost partner.

It took Taura quite some time to return to normal after Donkor’s death. She had been very close to him despite the distance that was often between them. For some time she was overcome with depression, letting clients slip away and failing to turn a profit. She lost a few crew members too, but with the support of her most loyal members she pulled through. It took some time to regain all that she had lost, but she got there. She continued in this vein for some time, eventually accruing a second ship by the name of “Sea Spirit”, in honour of Donkor. She moved to the Sea Spirit, handing over the command of Bucket to her first mate. Unfortunately only a few years later Bucket was wrecked on a reef off the Aodhian coast when a storm drove her off course. But Taura took the loss in her stride.

Taura first met Admiral Ursilla as business partners. They did a little trade and Taura grew quite fond of Ursilla, finding her like minded and admirable. Although she would not have gone so far as to call them friends, she certainly felt a sense of comradery toward the passionate mare. She maintained contact with the Admiral for years and was one of the first to congratulate her on her ascension to the rank of Admiral. When Admiral Ursilla approached her with an offer to take up a new position serving the Rogue Alliance, where she could further realise her potential and push her cause, she was hardly going to say no. 

Side notes:

-Taura’s first-mate takes care of her business for her while she manages things from a distance, but her focus now is her work for the Alliance.

-Taura’s mother turned into a local ghost story and is known as the ‘Grey Lady’. There have been quite a few claimed sightings of the apparition who supposedly wonders the shore waiting for her lost love to come back to her and her daughter. Taura has never seen her mother’s ghost and honestly doesn't believe in that nonsense anyway.

{It feels better when you do what you want}


Theme song: Django Django ~ WOR


-Fatboy Slim ~ Weapon of Choice

-Imagine Dragons ~ Friction

-Portugal The Man ~ Feel it Still

-Sweet ~ Ballroom Blitz

-The Presets ~ Do What You Want

-The Runaways ~ Cherry Bomb

Mood board: pin.it/xssfbewodzymlu

Voice actor: 

Face claim: 

AP Tracker:  www.deviantart.com/maelorom/ar…

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Comments: 3

Kajeayn [2019-09-23 20:04:01 +0000 UTC]

congrats!!! I love this babe omg maybe someday I'll be able to get connections gliughgh

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Maelorom In reply to Kajeayn [2019-09-24 23:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! I'm so excited, I've never won a group adoptable before I can't wait to start RPing her. She needs so many connections too, I'm sure I can fit literally anyone you throw my way into her life <3 <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kajeayn In reply to Maelorom [2019-09-25 19:58:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0