Duckyworth — Student Teams

Published: 2012-04-22 18:54:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 8903; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description EDIT: Finally finished all of the bios!

Here are some new teams - the main student characters studying at the Castelia University!

From left to right, we have the teams of Graham, Kenny and Sasha!

I will be typing out descriptions for the teams later, but here are the character names:

Graham's ( a camera expert, who is the head editor of the Castelia Chronicle, and a video creator) team - Blobby the Female Reuniclus, Arid the Male Cacturne, Flit the Male Yanmega, Thermidor the Female Crawduant and Jumbo the Male Donphan.

Kenny's (a bodybuilding tough boy who thinks he's the toughest guy in the world) team - Schnozz the Male Probopass, Knockout the Male Primeape, Odonata the Male Flygon, Methane the Male Weezing, Chill the Male Glalie and Ribby the Male Toxicroak.

Sasha's (a hitchhiking tomboy who is also a gardener and botanist) team - Mushy the Female Breloom, Sediment the Male Hippowdon, Rose the Female Roserade, Ellie the Female Mamoswine, Pompom the Female Sudowoodo and Kīlauea the Male Camerupt.

Here are some descriptions for these new characters.

Graham: The head editor of the Castelia Chronicle, the tabloid newspaper released by the Castelia University, Graham, being lively, easygoing and quirky, is always seen running around with a video camera trying to find juicy stories to write about. However, he often has a habit for shoving his camera directly in his interviewee's face, as he tries to make stories about anything and everything. His Pokemon are his main staff, and they help him out with all of his stories and newspaper writing. Most of his friends do find it weird that he makes so many videos, but he has a good cause - he's training to work in his father's media company. His father used to work for the infamous Grings Kodai, but he resigned when he realised Kodai's evil scheme, and he and his son helped supply the two journalists Karl and Rowene with info, while keeping clear of Kodai and Goone. While he mainly tries to focus on running his newspaper, he is also quite a capable trainer, and has won a fair amount of contests that the University runs. While he may not be the luckiest student, as he is studying Pokemon Archaeology, but often finds things like rusty cans, he can be quite an intelligent student.

Blobby the Female Reuniclus: Graham's strongest Pokemon and the smartest in his team, Blobby has been keeping close by her trainer ever since she was a Solosis, and has also taken to wearing a tie that resembles the one worn by her trainer. She is often holding a pen and piece of paper, using her psychic powers to sense strange activity nearby. She can easily adapt her strength and intelligence to any situation, be it finding interesting stories for her owner's newspaper, or while taking part in combat. Her attacks are Psychic, Future Sight, Hidden Power, Dizzy Punch and Hidden Power.

Arid the Male Cacturne: Arid may appear to be laid-back, haggard and lazy during the day, but he is a nocturnal Pokemon, after all, and carries out most of his work after dark. As well as supplying water stored in his spines, he helps Graham discover what goes on after hours, and he is able to sneak up on evil organisations and criminals, such as Team Rocket, and uncover their evil schemes, leading Graham to create exploitation stories about their schemes, helping out police officers like Officer Simon. When he was a Cacnea, his friends realised that he was easily bullied by Murkrows, but now that he's evolved, he is eager to beat up ANY Murkrow he comes across, even if they do belong to the students of the University.... Graham often has to pull him away, and some of the stories of the newspapers actually involve Arid and his antics involving beating up Murkrows. His attacks are Pin Missile, Leech Seed, Faint Attack, Needle Arm and Absorb.

Flit the Male Yanmega: Flit's main job is being like an aerial helicopter to find stories for Graham, and has his own handheld camera and headphones, allowing him to keep close contact with his friends. His camera is such a high-spec model that ensures that his videos are never blurry. Much like the videos that he produces, Flit is a fast speaker, a lively personality and full of action. Often, he is seen rubbing his 'arms' together, making observations in, quite literally, wide eyed interest. Also being the quickest Pokemon in Graham's tea, Flit is quite an opponent in a fight. His attacks are Bug Buzz, U-Turn, Wing Attack, Night Slash and Air Slash.

Thermidor the Female Crawdaunt: Thermidor is quite literally a bubbly personality, and is the youngest member in Graham's team. Found by Graham as a Corphish, trapped in an abandoned fishing net, she took a liking to Graham, and is often seen around the large fountain outside the Student Union Building. Graham says that she is often looking around that area for any students to interview, but she has taken a liking to the fountain, and often lounges in it, calling it a 'mini hot tub.. without bubbles.' However, she has delivered a few stories to her trainer, and she has actually donated facts about lost ships and underwater wrecks. While being teased by other Pokemon by many Pokemon that she comes across because of her name, she often replies 'well, if I'm a lobster dish, I've got much better taste then YOU... ', and Graham actually named her Thermidor in honour of a yaucht that his millionaire media mogul father owns. Her attacks are Bubblebeam, Crabhammer, Night Slash, Crunch and Swift.

Jumbo the Male Donphan: While he might not specifically be in charge of finding stories and information, and his lack of fingers may get rid of any possibility of finding videos, but Jumbo does have his uses. When Graham has to move around into the desert, mountains or ruins to take videos, or when he needs his huge high resolution tripod camera, Jumbo carries around the equipment that Flit can't carry. He can also roll around at high speed to not only repel any hardy attackers, but to remove anything that is blocking him or his team from proceeding on expeditions, be it for tabloid stories or for University explorations. Often trying to keep his tusks sharp and impressive and more than happy to carry equipment around, he has the best memory of all of Graham's team. While he may not say much, as he is more brawn than brain, when he does, he always remembers small details that most forget. His attacks are Bulldoze, Heavy Slam, Flail, Take Down and Horn Attack.

Kenny (he and Schnozz made their first appearance in the classic Pokemon Tales picture 'Lost By A Nose' - [link] ) : Kenny is a boy who thinks that he and his Pokemon are the toughest in the world. Always spending some of his free time in the University Gym, Kenny acts like a cool guy, and is often a witty and comical speaker, and is considered the class clown of him and his group of friends.
Unfortunately, he is possibly the most laid-back too, and as such, he often ends up dozing off in lectures, and his friends fear that he does nothing but sleep in class. However, Kenny does pay SOME attention... especially in Xavier's battle strategy classes. In fact, in these lessons, he could be the star pupil, as he uses every single strategy taught to him, and uses them well. Another impressive Pokemon trainer at the college, Kenny proves that brawn can create brains as well.... But, that said, he is probably the slowest of his friends, but he can often be the lovable fool. But, he sometimes thinks that most girls are little more than pansies, and he often thinks of them as stereotypical old-fashioned girls. Many years ago, he and his first Pokemon Schnozz challenged Callum and Kerny to a match, and he called Kerny a 'girly-flower.' The match ended in a draw... but simply because Schnozz ended up sneezing on Kerny.

Schnozz the male Probopass: Kenny's first and strongest Pokemon, Schnozz the Probopass is probably the least rebellious of his Pokemon. Surprisingly intelligent and refined, Schnozz is the one who tries to keep his team organised. He has a slight problem with hayfever, and as such, Kenny has to carry around tissues for his Probopass. He can often be seen 'twitching his top lip' or at least twitching his moustachue. His mini-noses also share his hayfever, so his friends need to careful when there are high amounts of pollen nearby... for example, when he and his friends are fighting Grass Pokemon. His attacks are Magnet Rise, Magnet Bomb, Rock Slide, Power Gem and Discharge. (And yes, his character and voice would be like Nigel Thornberry. )

Chill the Male Glalie: A cool customer indeed, Chill is always seen as the most relaxed of Kenny's team. To try and impress some of the ladies that he and his teammates come across, he carves ice sculptures using his Ice Moves. On hot days, he enjoys creating cold air for his teammates by freezing the moisture in the air around them. Probably the calmest talker out of Kenny's team, other than Schnozz, he also cools down the air whenever any of his teammates are feeling tense. Unfortunately, his teammate Knockout is nearly always losing his temper, so he has to cope with HIS temper tantrums. As a Snorunt, he always used to lie cooped up in Kenny's huge hairdo for warmth, but now, it's quite obvious that he won't fit. XD Chill also has quite the dream - to defeat Lamia the Garchomp in a fight. Despite the fact that he has a type advantage over her, Lamia is always able to make sure that Chill's moves don't lay a SCRATCH on her... Chill has been training to ensure that one day... he may be able to work enough speed to actually be quick enough to attack her.... But unfortunately, his teammates Odonata and Knockout are often hitting on Lamia, making his chances of fulfilling his dream slim.... His attacks are Ice Fang, Ice Beam, Crunch, Body Slam and Headbutt.

Odonata the Male Flygon: Another one of the many tough guys in Kenny's team, Odonata is often seen showing off to his friends by performing high flying stunts, and like many of Kenny's other Pokemon, often showing off in front of one of the most well-known Pokemon in the University, Lamia the Garchomp. He is often boasting that he has the best chance of winning her over seen as he is a Dragon too, but unlike everyone else, he forgets that Lamia is a widow, and often ends up with a black eye whenever he tries to hit first base... Despite this constant set back, he is extremely zealous with his goals. Whenever he sets himself a challenge, he has every intention of carrying it out... But unfortunately, he has set himself so many goals in the past, that he's forgotten about most of them! Fortunately, his main goal, 'Try my best', is one he will NEVER forget, and his teammates have noticed that he ALWAYS achieves this goal in particular. His attacks are Sand Tomb, Earth Power, Dragon Claw, Crunch and Sandstorm.

Knockout the Male Primeape: Quite obviously the most short-tempered of Kenny's team, Knockout has the most pet peeves of all of his team. He is nearly always seen losing his temper - be it over losing battles, not being able to eat the last slice of pizza, or even after discovering one of his boxing gloves needs replacing. He also gets attracted to a lot of female Pokemon around the University, much like his teammates, and when one of them rejects him, he makes it even worse by losing his temper - often in a comedic manner. Very finicky, easily riled and even obnoxious at times, Knockout is a bit of a mixed bag of a personality - when he's calm, he's a very nice Pokemon, but the other 90% of the time, when he's angry, he can be very difficult to calm down. Fortunately, as a Mankey, Knockout's anger used to be MUCH worse, and Kenny discovered that he could be calmed down by using Knockout's favourite food - Payapa Berries. When he is calm, Knockout can also be a good sport, a great supporter and an excellent friend. He is also a brilliant fighter, and always makes sure that his boxing gloves are in top condition, as he claims that they will surely 'Give more shiners than my opponent has eyes!' All of his friends agree that coping with his anger is possible - as long as he learns that one day that everyone has the capability to WAKE UP at 7:00am to get ready for University without waking everyone up by screaming in a comedic way! His attacks are Seismic Toss, Cross Chop, Fury Swipes, ThunderPunch and Focus Punch.

Methane the Male Weezing: The youngest of Kenny's Pokemon, Methane was discovered by Kenny when doing a science project. Short of ideas for what to do a project on, Kenny decided to turn to an obscure idea - studying the decomposition of rubbish. When, rather foolishly, stepping inside a rubbish compactor machine, he came across a bunch of rubbish that was more disgusting than usual... inside this pile, he found a young, wounded Koffing. Kenny helped him out, but rubbish compactor was turned on, and they were both shoved inside the largest rubbish cube ever. While losing his dignity, Kenny did not only discover that the rubbish was more 'icky' when Methane had been around it, but he also found a new friend. Not only that - he did manage to get a 'B' on his project, higher than what he was expecting. Methane may be the stinkiest of Kenny's Pokemon, but he is also quite a charismatic Weezing, if a little eccentric.... he tries to impress his friends with mounds of rubbish that he piles up in their forms. While many Pokemon might be put off by him, and in fact, many of Katar's Pokemon have actually BULLIED him for his eccentricities, he does mean well, and he can be an excellent friend if you just get to know him.... and cope with his constant smells. His attacks are Smog, Sludge, Double Hit, Gyro Ball and Venoshock.

Ribby the Male Toxicroak: Sago the Seismitoad's older brother, Ribby has always been a sly, collected and laid-back Pokemon. The second Pokemon that Kenny caught, Kenny met Ribby while he was exploring the Icirrus Moor. He and Schnozz found a strange trail of poisonous sludge near a large tree, and in the tree, they found a young Croagunk using his long tongue to lick all of the juice out of a large Oran Berry. Trying to catch him, however, was a different story, as the Croagunk suddenly used his tongue to wrap around Kenny and try to knock him out. Schnozz, fortunately, was able to exploit one of Ribby's only weaknesses - squishing his extended tongue to render him unable to fight - thus allowing Kenny to catch him. Ribby has a respectable, well-renounced and deep voice that always seems to get everyone's attention, and while he may not be the smartest of Kenny's Pokemon, he is definately one of the most refined, if also a bit of a loud-mouth and a bit of a show-off with his strength. In fights with Water Pokemon, his Dry Skin ability seems him come off unharmed. He always uses his tongue to grab things out of reach, not just objects that will help in a fight, but everyday things, such as opening the fridge to get a drink and adjusting workout equipment while his hands are occupied. He considers his tongue as a 'third hand', and is also ambidextrous, limber, muscular and robust. He has a very strong tough-guy image, but he has TWO exploitable weaknesses - often, the poison in his throat is too strong for him to contain, and when he sneezes, coughs or spits, he often ends up burning holes in floors and walls alike. His other, obvious weakness, is his long tongue. Not only can it be trod on easily, but it is strangely... ticklish. Sago often enjoys pestering her older brother when they meet by holding out his tongue and torturing him by tickling it. Seen as she has the Poison Touch ability, neither one of the siblings are affected by it, but it is quite an amusing sight - a tough guy brought down by tickling his tongue. Otherwise, he is a well respected Pokemon in the University, and is considered the main brawn of Kenny's team - while Schnozz is considered the main brain. Ribby's attacks are Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, Mud Bomb, Low Sweep and Brick Break.

Sasha: (she and Mushy made their first appearance in Creatures Of The Night Part 2 - [link] )The nature rambler of this group of friends, Sasha and her Pokemon are always seen volunteering to look after the University gardens. A tomboyish girl, Sasha is also a fan of hiking, and spends a lot of her time exploring the great outdoors, come wind, rain or snow... and strangely enough, she often requests to have most of her lectures spent outside. Also a skilled trainer, she has earned permission from many of the teachers of the University to create her own outdoor stadium in the University grounds, which is not only open-air, but has a garden worked into it as well. She is an extremely good sport, and doesn't think badly of anyone who beats her in a fight. Often, Xavier's Ferrothorn Acacia praises her for her skills as a botanist, and Sasha often helps her out with the pain that she has in her tentacles by creating natural medicines. She used to own a Sandshrew and Meditite, but she traded them to two of her relatives - her Sandshrew was traded to her sister Kendra, who lives in Sasha's hometown Fortree City in the Hoenn region, for a Budew, and her Meditite was traded to her father for his Swinub. While she is often a good sport, there is one fight that still plagues her mind - a battle with a certain Crobat that left her Breloom wounded in her throat.... While she has taken time to research vampires and their origins, she would like to meet Dracula again to see if he's changed over the years....

Mushy the Female Breloom: Sasha's first, strongest Pokemon, Mushy, like her trainer, is a tomboyish hiker who is just as capable, if not more so, as her male friends in times of crisis. She is also a fan of planting berries, and always keeps a large supply of berries in her belt bags. Her nickname is not only given to her because she is a walking mushroom, but also because she enjoys her berries mushy. While she has suffered a deep bite to her neck after a fight with Callum's Crobat Dracula many years ago, it has since healed, but she fears that she will be bullied if she takes the plaster off, so she keeps it covered up. Because of her wound, many of the boys that she is friends with show her sympathy, and more in the case of Kenny's Pokemon, they often hit on her. In a fight, she proves that she is more than a pretty face, and she is one of the only Pokemon in the University that has been able to wound Lamia the Garchomp, but she is still no match for her. Like her trainer, she is a good sport, and if she should lose, she takes the loss well... No matter how horrid her opponent may be.... Her attacks are Sky Uppercut, Giga Drain, Force Palm, Seed Bomb and Headbutt.

Sediment the Male Hippowdon: One of the three 'tanks' of Sasha's team, Sediment is not only a very hardy Hippowdon, but he is also one of her stronger Pokemon. As a Hippopotas, Sediment had a love for the sandy rock garden in the University grounds, and spent a lot of his time rolling around in the sand.. Much to the anger of Katar Klism, whose Drapion, Eilert, spent a lot of time tending to. Threatening to force Sediment out of the University, Sasha promised that she would put together money to fund a new sand-pit for all of the Ground type Pokemon of the University, not just Sediment... and she did. When walking inside, Sediment can be seen sniffing everything, as his large nostrils often poke nearly everything they come across. Unfortunately, when he exhales, sand was, and still is, blown everywhere, leading to more complaints. As he grew up, Sediment learned to literally 'clean up his mess', by eating up the sand that he strews everywhere, often by sucking it up with his nostrils. After he evolved, Sediment now excels even more sand, and in the worst cases, is told to stay outside during indoor lectures. This is in a minority of cases though, and Sediment spends this time playing in the sandpit, often enjoying naps in the afternoon sun, with the other Ground Pokemon napping on top of him. When Sasha takes part in explorations, Sediment can also easily bite his way through obstacles such as large boulders and sand mounds, and carries Sasha's emergency supplies in a sand proof bag. Sediment is usually a calm Pokemon, but like other Hippowdon, if angered, he loses his temper horribly, but unlike Knockout, who just attacks first and asks questions later, Sediment first opens his huge mouth to try and scare away any attackers, and if that doesn't work, THEN he does well to attack them. His friends thank him for this, but whenever he eats or yawns, he is forced to open his mouth wide, and many are quite intimidated by this, only to realise that he meant no harm. His main attacks are Crunch, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Dig and Take Down.

Pompom the Female Sudowoodo: Discovered by Sasha while having a picnic by a Bonsly, Pompom was seen by Mushy, mistaking Pompom's nature of leaking water for actual tears. Seeing this, Mushy asked Pompom what was wrong, and Pompom replied with 'Hunh? Nothing's wrong, this is how we Bonslys ALWAYS act!' Just then, it started to rain, and Pompom, fearing the rain, really DID start to cry. Sasha, noticing this, took Pompom in to her team, and started caring for her. Since her childhood, Pompom has always had a fear of rain, always running to shelter whenever the slightest rainfall begins. Other times, Pompom is a bit of a prankster, always tricking her friends into believing she is an actual tree while standing still, and being an expert at hide and seek. While in fights, she also enjoys mimicing her teammates and opponents, but some actions, like copying her Flying opponents ability to... well, fly... are too difficult for her to carry out, and she ends up flailing around on the floor. A light-hearted funny girl, Pompom is also one of the cheerleaders for the University, and this has not only reinforced the reason for her nickname, but also makes her an excellent supporter. Her attacks are Mimic, Wood Hammer, Flail, Rock Throw and Hammer Arm.

Rose the Female Roserade: Traded to Sasha as a Budew, Rose is the main herboligist and healer of Sasha'a team. Ever since she was a Budew, she has had a large appetite for... water. Like the polar opposite of Pompom, Rose always loves rainy days, and even pleads for her trainer to buy all kinds of flavoured water, be it spring, fruity or in one case sea water. She enjoys the University's lake and the University fountain the most though, and has spent the years enjoying those areas in particular. Although she does end up competing for space in the fountain with Graham's Crawduant, Thermidor, she does get her peace often. Also the most fragrant of Sasha's Pokemon, Rose creates beautiful blooms that smell divine. She uses this in two ways - the first is to provide perfumes for her trainer and herself, and the second is in battle situations - luring an opponent into a dazed state, and then knocking their lights out! Rose is also very limber, often doing moves similar to a well choreographed dancer, often catching her foes off guard. Because of her skilled dancing, she often joins Pompom in the University's cheerleading squad and supports her teammates. She just needs to be careful not to HIT anyone with her flowers, or she'll need to perform her duties as a medic! The mother of Cerise the Cherrim, Rose is also quite innocent, and sees the best in the world around her... no matter how cruel or scary it may be. Her attacks are Weather Ball, Aromatherapy, Magical Leaf, Poison Jab and Petal Dance.

Ellie the Female Mamoswine: Despite any assumptions made, Ellie is actually the YOUNGEST member of Sasha's team, and was traded to Sasha by her father, a surveyor, who caught her while exploring the Ice Path. In her childhood, she had always been sniffing around for food wherever she went, her pink soft nose poking around everything, and her fur tickling anyone she touched. While she was a nuisance to some, Sasha and her friends found her unbelievably cute. Her super sense of smell has helped her to sniff out food, Pokemon and even hot springs, always useful when she or her friends are exploring frozen tundras.... After evolving, her sense of smelling got even better, to compensate for her blindness. After spending a lot of time as a Piloswine, she used to think that she would never be able to see... Fortunately, she soon evolved into a Mamoswine, and for the first time in her life, she could see. Adjusting to her new sight, she was able to keep her amazing sense of smell in check, and still uses it to smell out anything suspicious.... If she does need to smell something out though, she lies her nose on the floor, and sniffs around like a dog..... Like a big child at heart, she knows that she may not be very bright, but she does mean well, and is one of the many powerhouses of Sasha's team, often keeping everyone warm in cold climates, and carrying supplies, while using her tusks (now covered in gold plates) to carve away snow and debris blocking their way. Unfortunately, in hot weather, she needs the help of her friends, often Kenny's Glalie, Chill, to keep herself cool. These days, all of her senses seem to be heightened, but her smell in particular.. and the main thing she smells out is food. She eats so much that she could rival a Snorlax in an eating contest! She's a Mamoswine, in her defense... and she isn't greedy in the least, she just has a large appetite to sate her heightened sense of taste. Sasha is completely caring towards her, and has even requested that some of the doorways are made larger if she wants to get inside, as like all of her Pokemon, she deserves to learn more, and she is learning well, and teaches just as much. Her attacks are AncientPower, Ice Fang, Earthquake, Mud Bomb and Powder Snow.

Kīlauea the Male Camerupt: The second Pokemon that Sasha caught, Kīlauea is a particularly steaming Camerupt with more lava than your average Camerupt. As a Numel, Kīlauea was even warmer than normal Numels, and small amounts of magma was often seen seeping out of his volcanic back. Found in Fiery Path, Kīlauea was found in some kind of shrine, where an ancient tribe had apparantly praised all fire Pokemon, and left offerings to them. Unfortunately, the evil Team Magma were trying to destroy the shrine, and capture Kīlauea. Sasha, with her quick thinking, was able to outwit Team Magma by reporting them to Officer Jenny, and befriended Kīlauea, who had also taken a liking to the tribal wear in the shrine. Ever since he has joined the team, Kīlauea has been seen wearing new pieces of tribal garments every single day, and has even been helping Dalores and her Pokemon find new pieces of tribal jewellery, in the hopes that he may be able to find more about the ancient tribe that used to honour all fire Pokemon. As a Camerupt, Kīlauea has been seen oozing even more magma from the volcanoes on his back, but fortunately, it all cools before it touches the ground, by soaking into his fur as it touches it. Due to his nickname, Kīlauea is often spewing... not only lava, but also facts about the tribe who he's researching about. Kīlauea is most likely the most talkative of Sasha's Pokemon, and while his facts can be very interesting most of the time, his eagerness to let everyone know what he knows can get a little annoying. But, despite how often he may talk about this, out of kindness and politeness, they let him continue. Also being yet another one of the powerhouses of Sasha's team, Kīlauea is happy to join his trainer and friends while trudging through desert, forest, or tundra alike... as long as he doesn't need to go through any water.... His attacks are Magnitude, Lava Plume, Stone Edge, Rock Slide and Earth Power.

At long last, I've been able to type all of these out!
These characters will be making their main appearance in the upcoming story, Friend Or Foe (a large special comic with Katar Klism also making his debut), but I will definately be drawing them and doing RPs with them before then.
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Comments: 27

Almiras [2012-04-28 14:38:51 +0000 UTC]

Great work I love that you can create intricate back stories for your characters; where do you get your inspiration? ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to Almiras [2012-04-28 16:24:34 +0000 UTC]

Aww... thank you so much!

Inspiration, hmm? I don't know.. usually I keep ideas for characters in my head for MONTHS, and only get to draw them when I have spare time. Usually, I rely on some cliches to make characters, but I try to add some unique characteristics to make sure they're not TOO generic. Some character ideas just come to me (Like Leviathan the Hydreigon) and others are characters that are the product of inspiration (For example, Schnozz the Probopass is partly based on the mannerisms of Nigel Thornberry. )

Thank you for saying that about my inspiration. I usually think my ideas for characters aren't as interesting as they should be, but you saying this means a lot to me. Thankies!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Almiras In reply to Duckyworth [2012-04-30 11:27:56 +0000 UTC]

thats awesome, and a great way to mould characters with interesting back stories and personalities.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to Almiras [2012-04-30 16:16:41 +0000 UTC]

That's a really nice thing to say.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cocoafox895 [2012-04-24 01:52:49 +0000 UTC]

Yeah the Roserade is named after mine

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to Cocoafox895 [2012-04-24 07:30:58 +0000 UTC]

Small world..

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

pokelover897 [2012-04-23 03:09:54 +0000 UTC]

Oh they all look great!
Great job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to pokelover897 [2012-04-23 09:42:11 +0000 UTC]

There'll be more descriptions on the way.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pokelover897 In reply to Duckyworth [2012-04-23 11:38:01 +0000 UTC]

Oh that's great!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to pokelover897 [2012-04-23 18:40:51 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shaprite91 [2012-04-22 21:14:11 +0000 UTC]

How does Blobby wearing a tie inside is bloobly skin?

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Duckyworth In reply to Shaprite91 [2012-04-22 21:15:40 +0000 UTC]

It can go inside the jelly.

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Shaprite91 In reply to Duckyworth [2012-04-22 21:46:25 +0000 UTC]


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vindurza [2012-04-22 20:46:23 +0000 UTC]

they should be an interesting group

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to vindurza [2012-04-22 20:55:59 +0000 UTC]

Yep! More human heroes is a nice change too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

vindurza In reply to Duckyworth [2012-04-22 20:56:49 +0000 UTC]


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Duckyworth In reply to vindurza [2012-04-22 21:02:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheBigMan0706 [2012-04-22 19:10:37 +0000 UTC]

I think Chuggaaconroy named his weezing Methane... also i like how you draw Reuniclus

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to TheBigMan0706 [2012-04-22 19:19:18 +0000 UTC]

Small world...
Thank you, by the way.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheBigMan0706 In reply to Duckyworth [2012-04-22 19:21:58 +0000 UTC]


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Kaozima [2012-04-22 19:07:07 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Duckyworth In reply to Kaozima [2012-04-22 19:08:45 +0000 UTC]

My internet went weird when I was typing out the descriptions, so I'll try to type them out again.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kaozima In reply to Duckyworth [2012-04-22 19:14:01 +0000 UTC]


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Duckyworth In reply to Kaozima [2012-04-22 19:21:11 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shaprite91 [2012-04-22 18:58:06 +0000 UTC]


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Duckyworth In reply to Shaprite91 [2012-04-22 19:00:14 +0000 UTC]

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Shaprite91 In reply to Duckyworth [2012-04-22 19:03:25 +0000 UTC]


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