Everything-Nikon — Coronavirus, Featured Deviation and EN Issues
Published: 2020-04-01 11:41:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 3611; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Submission Rules!!!


Firstly, Everything-Nikon would like to reiterate the message sent to all deviants by DeviantArt and asks all members of this group to be safe during these unprecedented times if any of you do venture out with camera in hand ... or pocket ...

This was the message all deviants received:

In light of the global impact caused by the coronavirus, the team at DeviantArt encourages you to stay safe and follow all health and safety guidelines put forward by your local government. Remember to take care of yourself, and do your part to safely support those around you.

For general interest, here's a handful of links to Nikon and Nikon-related web locations, in case the boredom kicks in ...

Nikon - Global Network | Choose Region >>> The Americas | Europe | Asia | Oceania | Middle East | Africa
Nikon Blog > For the latest news from Nikon.

Top 10 Nikon Blogs & Websites To Follow in 2020
Nikonians  -  Worldwide Home for Nikon Photographers

Featured Deviation - April 2020

This photograph, by IGhengisKhanI , submitted a couple days ago and originally captured at a time and in a place unconnected to the present days of the coronavirus outbreak, strangely relates to the times we all find ourselves in.  The quiet, stark coldness bares a resemblance to the world, currently, where people have retreated into their homes ... leaving the outside world quieter, stark and colder without the usual hustle and bustle of normal human activity.  It's a very simple photograph, but can show how the smaller, simpler things are or can be interconnected with the larger and wider real world.

Interesting interpretation?
What do you, our members, think?

Drop a comment here at EN - and then, post a link in the comments for our member, IGhengisKhanI to see here: The White Frost

Everything-Nikon Issues

We, the volunteers, would like to apologise to our members for the reduced amount of activity here at Everything-Nikon.  Unfortunately, over the past 12 months or so, staff members lives have changed at a personal/professional level, whether it be moving home, changing jobs, getting married or having children ... the normal things in life ...

Due to these usual sort of occurrences over time, some staff have had to change their priorities which has resulted in a reduced amount of their time being free/available to help keep this group going or ... have simply had to leave dA altogether!!

The remaining staff members have simply been doing their very best at keeping a basic level of administrarion behind the scenes to ensure the group can continue to function, albiet, at a very basic level.  The simply means the remaining admins have only been managing the submissions to this group, for our past, present and any future members to enjoy the growing collection of photography by Nikon users.

We hope our members understand that we do want Everything-Nikon to continue for as long as possible ...
Thank you and your support is muchly appreciated ...


Here are all of our tutorials conveniently categorised for easy browsing.

We aim to add more tutorials periodically as well as update the ones we have with the latest information to keep you bang up to date.
If you don't find what you are looking for then hit us with a message and we will see what we can do to best advise you on your photography query.

Think . Most photographs can be improved by just stopping and thinking.

Kit cleaning
Focussing techniques
Using strobes this starts easy and gets advanced fast for all users interest.
Built in flash
Speed lights

Shooting Techniques Basic
Black and white
Getting it sharp
understanding light metering

Special photography techniques
Shooting Hi/Low key
Shooting to the right
Making best use of liveview
Light painting
Shaped bokeh

Specific Shooting styles and situations
Making the most of what you have Dont let a limiting kit stop you doing what you want to do.
holiday photography
Capturing Christmas
Autumn colour
Portraiture basics
Shooting in the rain
Shooting in the dark
Sports and action

Photography science
Lens distortion
Using and avoiding blur
Things light does in your camea
RAW vs Jpeg

Nikon specific
Lens tutorial series
Lens tutorial pt I
Lens tutorial pt II
Lens tutorial pt III
Lens tutorial pt IV
Buttons series
Power and Shutter
EV button
Metering control
Thumbnail/playback and zoom buttons
Lock and OK buttons
DOF preview and fn buttons
Quality button
shooting in RAW a continuation from Quality button
Mode wheel

Shooting menu
Custom settings
Picture control

Nikon kit explained

What is af-P?
How to use your camera Advice from Nikon USA
Using WMU app

Post processing

Dev meets attending or making your own one. Get involved!
moving pictures and video
movie making basics

DeviantArt specific
Our rules well worth knowing
How to stop getting declined Advice for submitting to Everything-Nikon
Daily Deviation How to get one and how to help pick them
Dev meets attending or making your own one. Get involved!


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Comments: 2

IGhengisKhanI [2020-04-01 13:54:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the feuture of my photography

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CroWelsh In reply to IGhengisKhanI [2020-04-10 20:16:22 +0000 UTC]

No problem ...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0